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Internet Service Provider
image file
text file

access (the Internet)
sound file

e-mail program
e-mail messages
e-mail address
image file

Now read the text below. Use the words from the box to fill in the gaps.
Cindy Lewis is a journalist. She works for Gender, a weekly magazine on the (a)

Cindy writes the problem page for the magazine. She has two young children so she doesnt work in
the magazine office every day, she works at home using her (b)
Every morning she checks her (c)

She switches on her computer and her

(d) She starts Outlook Express. This is the

(e) which Cindy uses.

She (f)
every day.

her e-mail messages.

She usually receives about 35 messages

Most of the messages come from the Gender office, but she also gets messages from

friends and colleagues around the world. They send messages to her
(g) .. Sometimes they just send messages with (h)
Some friends send longer pieces of writing in a (i) .., or photographs in an
(j), or even music in a (k)

Cindy can (l) these .and see the texts, pictures or listen to the
recordings. Cindys e-mail address is Demon is a company which Cindy uses










Look at the different parts of Cindys e-mail address. Can you name the different parts?



Read the text below. Then match the words or phrases to the definitions below:
Cindy used the Internet to find the information she needs. For example, last week she wanted
to find out about the history of an illness called polio. She switched on her computer and
modem. She opened the web browser called Internet Explorer. She clocked on the Favourites
menu and selected the search engine called Altavista. She typed the word polio into a box and
clocked the button marked search. In a few seconds her computer showed a list of websites
about polio. She clicked the first website URL and her computer showed the homepage of The
Polio Society. She looked through the list of contents. She clicked the button marked
History. The history page gave her the information she needed.


Something which you click on a website page which

takes you to another page.

Write you answers here :

1. ________________

2. A list of website addresses which you want to visit

regularly called Bookmarks by Netscape or

2. ________________

Favourites by Internet Explorer.

3. A place on the Internet that gives you information

3. ________________

about a particular subject.

4. ________________
4. A program which looks for particular words or
phrases in websites on the Internet.

5. A program which allows you to access and navigate

the Internet such as Netscape Navigator or
Internet Explorer.

6. The address which takes you to a website.

5. ________________

6. ________________


1. email

Internet Service Provider
image file
text file

access (the Internet)
sound file

e-mail program
e-mail messages
e-mail address

Now read the text below. Use the words from the box to fill in the gaps.
Cindy Lewis is a journalist. She works for Gender, a weekly magazine on the (a) Internet

Cindy writes the problem page for the magazine. She has two young children so she doesnt work in the
magazine office every day, she works at home using her (b) computer
Every morning she checks her (c) e-mail messages She switches on her computer and her
(d) modem She starts Outlook Express. This is the (e) e-mail program which Cindy uses.

She (f) downloads her e-mail messages. She usually receives about 35 messages every day. Most of
the messages come from the Gender office, but she also gets messages from friends and colleagues
around the world. They send messages to her
(g) e-mail address Sometimes they just send messages with (h) attachments Some friends send longer
pieces of writing in a (i) text file, or photographs in an (j) image file, or even music in a (k) sound file

Cindy can (l) open these attachments and see the texts, pictures or listen to the recordings. Cindys email address is Demon is a company which Cindy uses to (m) access her e-mail
and the Internet. Demon is an ISP, an (n) Internet Service Provider

Look at the different parts of Cindys e-mail address. Can you name the different parts?
cindylewis = the user; @ = at ; demon = domain or host name; co = this shows that Demon is a
commercial organisation; uk = Demon is in the United Kingdom (Britain)

Saying email addresses: Write these on the board and they say them

cindylewis (all one word) at demon dot co dot UK

cindy dash lewis at demon dot co dot UK
cindy underscore lewis at demon dot co dot UK
cindy dot lewis at demon dot co dot UK

What is your e-mail address? Tell someone in the class

Read the text below. Then match the words or phrases to the definitions below:
Cindy used the Internet to find the information she needs. For example, last week she wanted to find
out about the history of an illness called polio. She switched on her computer and modem. She opened
the web browser called Internet Explorer. She clocked on the Favourites menu and selected the search
engine called Altavista. She typed the word polio into a box and clocked the button marked search. In
a few seconds her computer showed a list of websites about polio. She clicked the first website URL
and her computer showed the homepage of The Polio Society. She looked through the list of contents.
She clicked the button marked History. The history page gave her the information she needed.


Something which you click on a website page which takes you to another page. Button

2. A list of website addresses which you want to visit regularly called Bookmarks by Netscape or
Favourites by Internet Explorer. Favourites

3. A place on the Internet that gives you information about a particular subject. Websites

4. A program which looks for particular words or phrases in websites on the Internet. Search

5. A software program which allows you to access and navigate the Internet such as Netscape
Navigator or Internet Explorer. Seb browser program

6. The address which takes you to a website. Website URL

Abbreviation of Uniform Resource Locator, the global address of documents and other
resources on the World Wide Web. The first part of the address indicates what protocol to use,
and the second part specifies the IP address or the domain name where the resource is located.
For example, the two URLs below point to two different files at the domain
The first specifies an executable file that should be fetched using the FTP protocol; the second
specifies a Web page that should be fetched using the HTTP protocol:

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