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Anstil A.

Rodrguez Ruiz
INGL 3104 L-03
March 24, 2015

Marriage Equality

Humans are all the same and, by all the same I mean that we have the same rights.
Throughout the decades there has been discrimination against people who want to share their life
together when they are from the same sex gender. There have been riots and, there have also
even been hate murders towards people who like or love their same gender. Homosexuals have
survived all this and have even been slowly accepted in the society. But does only acceptance
suffice to make a man and man or a woman and woman be happy? Not a lot of people believe
that gay marriage should be accepted. I believe that everybody has the right to be happily
married and enjoy a fulfilling life with the person they love.
Society sees a marriage of a woman and man as normal, because it has been thought to us
since we are kids, but is it so wrong that a man and a man share their life together as happily and
as successful as a normal marriage would? Being with someone from your same gender does
not prohibit you from working a full time job or having a car or even going to the beach on a
Sunday morning when the sun hits hard. Homosexuals are exactly like any heterosexual when it
comes to daily routines and their feelings. They have the right to be happy just like anyone
should with no prejudice. Being happy does not mean that you should share your life with the
opposite sex; it means to enjoy life with the person that makes you smile.

Some say that the reason that homosexuals should ever marry is because they cant
conceive a child of their own as an excuse. Even though homosexuals have tried endlessly to
adopt and in a way conceive a child they have been reluctantly denied this opportunity. Adopting
is one of the ways homosexuals can conceive a child since they have to raise the boy or girl
when they adopt. In some states and countries this isnt allowed and I believe that it should be
accepted everywhere, because not only are you making a couple happy but your giving a home
to a child.
Not only does happiness count when it comes to marring, but also the legal aspects as
well. The fact that they cant prove that same sex couples are in fact a couple could lead to legal
rights be denied. If they should marry they would have the same benefits normal marriages
would and access to all entitlements, protections and responsibilities. As a matter of fact a
marriage certificate could mean the life and death of a person when it comes to emergency
situations, such as it has happens in many hospitals.
Homosexuals and anyone should be alone to live their life as happy as they want.
Marriage should not be limited to a woman and a man but also same sex couple. We should live
in a place full of harmony that has evolved from our past prejudice. Discrimination against
anything or anyone is morally wrong; this is why we should just be happy and enjoy a fulfilling
life, with a family and with love.

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