Panspermia: A Theory of Survival of Life On Earth

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Panspermia: A theory of survival of life on earth

Earth is 4.5 billion year old as supported by radiometric dating, and

its history tells us some disturbing tales of survival of life on earth. For
first half of its lifetime large asteroids were bombarding the planet every
few million years, and then most violent impacts vaporized the oceans
and melted the surface rock. Each such impact would have sterilized the
planet for thousands of year. A few thousand years after such an impact,
vapours would condense and earth would again become habitable.
Surprisingly, if this is true then on the other side we know from the fossil
records that bacteria were evolving in the same period. Then the question
arises, how were bacteria evolving in the period if their kind became
extinct after every few million years? Whether it was some devils curse or
some self-fulfilling prophecy? However, answer lies in Panspermia.
So what is Panspermia? Panspermia is the speculation that life exists
all through the Universe; disseminated by meteoroids, space rocks,
comets, planetoids and furthermore by shuttle as unintended tainting by
microorganisms. Moreover, Panspermia is a theory suggesting that minute










as, extremophiles, get caught in debris that launches out into space after
crashes in the middle of planets and little solar system bodies that
harbour life. A few life forms may travel lethargic for an expanded
measure of time before impacting haphazardly with different planets or
blending with dust ring surrounding the new star. In the event that met
with perfect conditions on another planet's surface, the creatures get

dynamic and the procedure of evolution starts. Panspermia is not intended

to discuss how life started, rather it is simply the system that may cause
its dissemination in the Universe.
Interplanetary transfer of non-living material is well documented, as
shown by meteorites of Martian origin found on Earth. A Martian shooting
star is a meteorite that was structured on the planet Mars and was then
catapulted from Mars by the effect of a space rock or comet, and then
lastly arriving on the Earth. Of more than 61,000 shooting stars that have
been found on Earth, 132 were distinguished as Martian, which implies
their existence. These meteorites are thought to be from Mars in light of
the fact that they have natural and isotopic organizations which are like
rocks and environment gasses examined by space apparatus on Mars. On
October 17, 2013, NASA reported, in view of examination of argon in the
Martian climate by space craft on Mars, that certain meteorite discovered
on Earth thought to be from Mars were without a doubt from Mars.
Just like the ark of Noah the meteorites served as ark in case of a
catastrophic collision; life did not have to start over from the zero every
few millions years after a large asteroid struck earth as the survivors of
Earth aboard these meteorites were seeds for rehabilitation of planet. On
their return to planet evolution continued from where it left off. And
therefore bacteria and other beings continued to evolve.

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