BUS748 - CRH Case Study (Extension Approved by Management) - Sample 2 - 50%

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CRH Case Study (extension

approved by management)


SIT EDAT A_T EMP_T URNIT INT OOL_2088386423._1768_1385548874_

8483.PDF (440.24K)


27-NOV-2013 10:41AM






CRH Case Study (extension approved by management)







Comment 1
Good introduction.

Comment 2
Very clear identif ication of strategies. Student could also explain the competitive position of
CRH as a result of these strategies.

Comment 3
Value adding activities are clearly identif ied. However, a classif ication based on a theoretical
f ramework was expected.

Comment 4
Some of the CRH management activities are mentioned. However, CRH management style
(question 3) has not been discussed.

Comment 5
T his is not a social f actor. It is an internal f actor.


Comment 6
Challenges, opportunities and recommendations are explained. It was also expected that
recommendations are evaluated against internal and external f actors.


Q.1 (30%)

50 / 10 0

60 / 100

What strategies does CRH pursue? Describe the main elements of the successf ul strategic approach
employed by CRH in a dif f icult industry environment.

No work has been submitted in the time allowed, or the work submitted
demonstrates little or no understanding of the task or the subject matter. T his may
be evident where the work is substantially incoherent, irrelevant or lacking in
f actual content, or where these shortcomings are present in combination such that
the work as a whole is unsound. Major errors of f act, or evidence of substantially
poor cognitive or other relevant skills will also lead to a f ail. No indication of case
study understanding.


No work has been submitted in the time allowed, or the work submitted
demonstrates little or no understanding of the task or the subject matter. T his may
be evident where the work is substantially incoherent, irrelevant or lacking in
f actual content, or where these shortcomings are present in combination such that
the work as a whole is unsound. Major errors of f act, or evidence of substantially
poor cognitive or other relevant skills will also lead to a f ail. Poor understanding of
the Case study.


No work has been submitted in the time allowed, or the work submitted
demonstrates little or no understanding of the task or the subject matter. T his may
be evident where the work is substantially incoherent, irrelevant or lacking in
f actual content, or where these shortcomings are present in combination such that
the work as a whole is unsound. Major errors of f act, or evidence of substantially
poor cognitive or other relevant skills will also lead to a f ail. Some knowledge
about the case study.


T he work shows some knowledge and required skills are present to a degree.
T here may be appreciable error or omission of f acts, poor structure, misdirection
to the task, or poor conceptualisation or illustration of the work. Evidence of
analysis and evaluation is weak. T here will be indications in the work that the
candidate is capable of improving it by f urther application to the task.


T he work contains suf f icient descriptive inf ormation. T here is some analysis and
explanation with appropriate illustration and example, and some attempt to
evaluate. T he work will generally be coherent and relevant, it will contain some
usef ul proposals or solutions related to f amiliar solutions and there will be some
attempt at originality. It will be communicated clearly.


T he work contains all the necessary contextual inf ormation. T here will be adequate
analysis, explanation and conceptualisation, with appropriate illustration and
example, and sound attempts to evaluate and judge. T he work will be substantially
coherent and will contain relevant and f easible proposals or solutions related to
f amiliar situations, some responses to uncertainty or ambiguity and some
acknowledgements of the implications of change.


T he work will contain complete explanations using most available inf ormation.
T here will be substantial analysis; the ability to recognise evidence, use ideas,
conceptualise, evaluate and judge in f amiliar situations will be clearly
demonstrated. Proposals or solutions will be contextually relevant and usef ul, with
substantial evidence of the skill necessary to operationalize them in a variety of

situations, including those in which uncertainty, ambiguity or change are present.

T he work will provide evidence of originality and of usef ul knowledge transf er to
novel situations. It will be coherent and convincing.

T he work will clearly demonstrate the ability to analyse accurately, reliably and f ully,
all relevant inf ormation; to use evidence; to conceptualise, evaluate and judge; to
propose and operationalise ef f ective solutions, and to show substantial originality
and creativity in a variety of f amiliar situations or in the f ace of ambiguity,
uncertainty or change. It will demonstrate valuable knowledge transf er and propose
f easible solutions f or a wide range of situations. Evidence of the ability to
innovate will be present.


T he work will clearly demonstrate the ability to analyse accurately, reliably and f ully,
all relevant inf ormation; to use evidence; to conceptualise, evaluate and judge; to
propose and operationalise ef f ective solutions, and to show substantial originality
and creativity in a variety of f amiliar situations or in the f ace of ambiguity,
uncertainty or change. It will demonstrate valuable knowledge transf er and propose
f easible solutions f or a wide range of situations. Evidence of the ability to
innovate will be present. Conceptualising beyond course work.


T he work will clearly demonstrate the ability to analyse accurately, reliably and f ully,
all relevant inf ormation; to use evidence; to conceptualise, evaluate and judge; to
propose and operationalise ef f ective solutions, and to show substantial originality
and creativity in a variety of f amiliar situations or in the f ace of ambiguity,
uncertainty or change. It will demonstrate valuable knowledge transf er and propose
f easible solutions f or a wide range of situations. Evidence of the ability to
innovate will be present. High level of innovation beyond course works.

Q.2 (20%)

50 / 100

Outline the nature of the parenting advantage provided by the centre in CRH and the extent of the
value created.

No work has been submitted in the time allowed, or the work submitted
demonstrates little or no understanding of the task or the subject matter. T his may
be evident where the work is substantially incoherent, irrelevant or lacking in
f actual content, or where these shortcomings are present in combination such that
the work as a whole is unsound. Major errors of f act, or evidence of substantially
poor cognitive or other relevant skills will also lead to a f ail. No indication of case
study understanding.


No work has been submitted in the time allowed, or the work submitted
demonstrates little or no understanding of the task or the subject matter. T his may
be evident where the work is substantially incoherent, irrelevant or lacking in
f actual content, or where these shortcomings are present in combination such that
the work as a whole is unsound. Major errors of f act, or evidence of substantially
poor cognitive or other relevant skills will also lead to a f ail. Poor understanding of
the Case study.


No work has been submitted in the time allowed, or the work submitted
demonstrates little or no understanding of the task or the subject matter. T his may
be evident where the work is substantially incoherent, irrelevant or lacking in
f actual content, or where these shortcomings are present in combination such that
the work as a whole is unsound. Major errors of f act, or evidence of substantially
poor cognitive or other relevant skills will also lead to a f ail. Some knowledge

about the case study.


T he work shows some knowledge and required skills are present to a degree.
T here may be appreciable error or omission of f acts, poor structure, misdirection
to the task, or poor conceptualisation or illustration of the work. Evidence of
analysis and evaluation is weak. T here will be indications in the work that the
candidate is capable of improving it by f urther application to the task.


T he work contains suf f icient descriptive inf ormation. T here is some analysis and
explanation with appropriate illustration and example, and some attempt to
evaluate. T he work will generally be coherent and relevant, it will contain some
usef ul proposals or solutions related to f amiliar solutions and there will be some
attempt at originality. It will be communicated clearly.


T he work contains all the necessary contextual inf ormation. T here will be adequate
analysis, explanation and conceptualisation, with appropriate illustration and
example, and sound attempts to evaluate and judge. T he work will be substantially
coherent and will contain relevant and f easible proposals or solutions related to
f amiliar situations, some responses to uncertainty or ambiguity and some
acknowledgements of the implications of change.


T he work will contain complete explanations using most available inf ormation.
T here will be substantial analysis; the ability to recognise evidence, use ideas,
conceptualise, evaluate and judge in f amiliar situations will be clearly
demonstrated. Proposals or solutions will be contextually relevant and usef ul, with
substantial evidence of the skill necessary to operationalize them in a variety of
situations, including those in which uncertainty, ambiguity or change are present.
T he work will provide evidence of originality and of usef ul knowledge transf er to
novel situations. It will be coherent and convincing.


T he work will clearly demonstrate the ability to analyse accurately, reliably and f ully,
all relevant inf ormation; to use evidence; to conceptualise, evaluate and judge; to
propose and operationalise ef f ective solutions, and to show substantial originality
and creativity in a variety of f amiliar situations or in the f ace of ambiguity,
uncertainty or change. It will demonstrate valuable knowledge transf er and propose
f easible solutions f or a wide range of situations. Evidence of the ability to
innovate will be present.


T he work will clearly demonstrate the ability to analyse accurately, reliably and f ully,
all relevant inf ormation; to use evidence; to conceptualise, evaluate and judge; to
propose and operationalise ef f ective solutions, and to show substantial originality
and creativity in a variety of f amiliar situations or in the f ace of ambiguity,
uncertainty or change. It will demonstrate valuable knowledge transf er and propose
f easible solutions f or a wide range of situations. Evidence of the ability to
innovate will be present. Conceptualising beyond course work.


T he work will clearly demonstrate the ability to analyse accurately, reliably and f ully,
all relevant inf ormation; to use evidence; to conceptualise, evaluate and judge; to
propose and operationalise ef f ective solutions, and to show substantial originality
and creativity in a variety of f amiliar situations or in the f ace of ambiguity,
uncertainty or change. It will demonstrate valuable knowledge transf er and propose
f easible solutions f or a wide range of situations. Evidence of the ability to
innovate will be present. High level of innovation beyond course works.

Q.3 (30%)

40 / 100

Discuss the style of corporate-level management employed by CRH.


No work has been submitted in the time allowed, or the work submitted
demonstrates little or no understanding of the task or the subject matter. T his may
be evident where the work is substantially incoherent, irrelevant or lacking in
f actual content, or where these shortcomings are present in combination such that
the work as a whole is unsound. Major errors of f act, or evidence of substantially
poor cognitive or other relevant skills will also lead to a f ail. No indication of case
study understanding.


No work has been submitted in the time allowed, or the work submitted
demonstrates little or no understanding of the task or the subject matter. T his may
be evident where the work is substantially incoherent, irrelevant or lacking in
f actual content, or where these shortcomings are present in combination such that
the work as a whole is unsound. Major errors of f act, or evidence of substantially
poor cognitive or other relevant skills will also lead to a f ail. Poor understanding of
the Case study.


No work has been submitted in the time allowed, or the work submitted
demonstrates little or no understanding of the task or the subject matter. T his may
be evident where the work is substantially incoherent, irrelevant or lacking in
f actual content, or where these shortcomings are present in combination such that
the work as a whole is unsound. Major errors of f act, or evidence of substantially
poor cognitive or other relevant skills will also lead to a f ail. Some knowledge
about the case study.


T he work shows some knowledge and required skills are present to a degree.
T here may be appreciable error or omission of f acts, poor structure, misdirection
to the task, or poor conceptualisation or illustration of the work. Evidence of
analysis and evaluation is weak. T here will be indications in the work that the
candidate is capable of improving it by f urther application to the task.


T he work contains suf f icient descriptive inf ormation. T here is some analysis and
explanation with appropriate illustration and example, and some attempt to
evaluate. T he work will generally be coherent and relevant, it will contain some
usef ul proposals or solutions related to f amiliar solutions and there will be some
attempt at originality. It will be communicated clearly.


T he work contains all the necessary contextual inf ormation. T here will be adequate
analysis, explanation and conceptualisation, with appropriate illustration and
example, and sound attempts to evaluate and judge. T he work will be substantially
coherent and will contain relevant and f easible proposals or solutions related to
f amiliar situations, some responses to uncertainty or ambiguity and some
acknowledgements of the implications of change.


T he work will contain complete explanations using most available inf ormation.
T here will be substantial analysis; the ability to recognise evidence, use ideas,
conceptualise, evaluate and judge in f amiliar situations will be clearly
demonstrated. Proposals or solutions will be contextually relevant and usef ul, with
substantial evidence of the skill necessary to operationalize them in a variety of
situations, including those in which uncertainty, ambiguity or change are present.
T he work will provide evidence of originality and of usef ul knowledge transf er to
novel situations. It will be coherent and convincing.


T he work will clearly demonstrate the ability to analyse accurately, reliably and f ully,
all relevant inf ormation; to use evidence; to conceptualise, evaluate and judge; to
propose and operationalise ef f ective solutions, and to show substantial originality
and creativity in a variety of f amiliar situations or in the f ace of ambiguity,
uncertainty or change. It will demonstrate valuable knowledge transf er and propose
f easible solutions f or a wide range of situations. Evidence of the ability to
innovate will be present.


T he work will clearly demonstrate the ability to analyse accurately, reliably and f ully,
all relevant inf ormation; to use evidence; to conceptualise, evaluate and judge; to
propose and operationalise ef f ective solutions, and to show substantial originality
and creativity in a variety of f amiliar situations or in the f ace of ambiguity,
uncertainty or change. It will demonstrate valuable knowledge transf er and propose
f easible solutions f or a wide range of situations. Evidence of the ability to
innovate will be present. Conceptualising beyond course work.


T he work will clearly demonstrate the ability to analyse accurately, reliably and f ully,
all relevant inf ormation; to use evidence; to conceptualise, evaluate and judge; to
propose and operationalise ef f ective solutions, and to show substantial originality
and creativity in a variety of f amiliar situations or in the f ace of ambiguity,
uncertainty or change. It will demonstrate valuable knowledge transf er and propose
f easible solutions f or a wide range of situations. Evidence of the ability to
innovate will be present. High level of innovation beyond course works.

Q.4 (20%)

50 / 100

In light of the challenges and opportunities f acing CRH in 2010, develop a programme of action f or
Myles Lee and CRH senior management.

No work has been submitted in the time allowed, or the work submitted
demonstrates little or no understanding of the task or the subject matter. T his may
be evident where the work is substantially incoherent, irrelevant or lacking in
f actual content, or where these shortcomings are present in combination such that
the work as a whole is unsound. Major errors of f act, or evidence of substantially
poor cognitive or other relevant skills will also lead to a f ail. No indication of case
study understanding.


No work has been submitted in the time allowed, or the work submitted
demonstrates little or no understanding of the task or the subject matter. T his may
be evident where the work is substantially incoherent, irrelevant or lacking in
f actual content, or where these shortcomings are present in combination such that
the work as a whole is unsound. Major errors of f act, or evidence of substantially
poor cognitive or other relevant skills will also lead to a f ail. Poor understanding of
the Case study.


No work has been submitted in the time allowed, or the work submitted
demonstrates little or no understanding of the task or the subject matter. T his may
be evident where the work is substantially incoherent, irrelevant or lacking in
f actual content, or where these shortcomings are present in combination such that
the work as a whole is unsound. Major errors of f act, or evidence of substantially
poor cognitive or other relevant skills will also lead to a f ail. Some knowledge
about the case study.


T he work shows some knowledge and required skills are present to a degree.
T here may be appreciable error or omission of f acts, poor structure, misdirection

to the task, or poor conceptualisation or illustration of the work. Evidence of

analysis and evaluation is weak. T here will be indications in the work that the
candidate is capable of improving it by f urther application to the task.

T he work contains suf f icient descriptive inf ormation. T here is some analysis and
explanation with appropriate illustration and example, and some attempt to
evaluate. T he work will generally be coherent and relevant, it will contain some
usef ul proposals or solutions related to f amiliar solutions and there will be some
attempt at originality. It will be communicated clearly.


T he work contains all the necessary contextual inf ormation. T here will be adequate
analysis, explanation and conceptualisation, with appropriate illustration and
example, and sound attempts to evaluate and judge. T he work will be substantially
coherent and will contain relevant and f easible proposals or solutions related to
f amiliar situations, some responses to uncertainty or ambiguity and some
acknowledgements of the implications of change.


T he work will contain complete explanations using most available inf ormation.
T here will be substantial analysis; the ability to recognise evidence, use ideas,
conceptualise, evaluate and judge in f amiliar situations will be clearly
demonstrated. Proposals or solutions will be contextually relevant and usef ul, with
substantial evidence of the skill necessary to operationalize them in a variety of
situations, including those in which uncertainty, ambiguity or change are present.
T he work will provide evidence of originality and of usef ul knowledge transf er to
novel situations. It will be coherent and convincing.


T he work will clearly demonstrate the ability to analyse accurately, reliably and f ully,
all relevant inf ormation; to use evidence; to conceptualise, evaluate and judge; to
propose and operationalise ef f ective solutions, and to show substantial originality
and creativity in a variety of f amiliar situations or in the f ace of ambiguity,
uncertainty or change. It will demonstrate valuable knowledge transf er and propose
f easible solutions f or a wide range of situations. Evidence of the ability to
innovate will be present.


T he work will clearly demonstrate the ability to analyse accurately, reliably and f ully,
all relevant inf ormation; to use evidence; to conceptualise, evaluate and judge; to
propose and operationalise ef f ective solutions, and to show substantial originality
and creativity in a variety of f amiliar situations or in the f ace of ambiguity,
uncertainty or change. It will demonstrate valuable knowledge transf er and propose
f easible solutions f or a wide range of situations. Evidence of the ability to
innovate will be present. Conceptualising beyond course work.


T he work will clearly demonstrate the ability to analyse accurately, reliably and f ully,
all relevant inf ormation; to use evidence; to conceptualise, evaluate and judge; to
propose and operationalise ef f ective solutions, and to show substantial originality
and creativity in a variety of f amiliar situations or in the f ace of ambiguity,
uncertainty or change. It will demonstrate valuable knowledge transf er and propose
f easible solutions f or a wide range of situations. Evidence of the ability to
innovate will be present. High level of innovation beyond course works.

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