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Prepositions Story

Once upon a time there were two brothers named Joseph and Mary. Before dinner they
used to visit their grandmother at the black forest. One of these days they were coming
along the road that leads to the black forest. Down by the river they found a big wolf
outside their grandmothers cabana. They were astonished with that unexpected vision
that ran into their direction. They ran across the river trying to escape through the other
side. But the wolf unfortunately reached Mary from behind.
Mary cried out and Joseph stopped to see whats happening around. He saw Mary in
tears as the wolf took her back towards the cabana. But Joseph didnt waste time. As the
wolf was near the cabana, he fired out his riffle against the beast. The wolf fell down
onto the ground. Mary escaped and they finally got inside the cabana and released their
grandmother who was being kept prisoner.
About, above, across, after, against, along, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath
Beside, between, beyond, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, inside, into, like
Near, on, out, outside, over, past, round, since, through, to, towards, under, underneath
Until, up, upon, with, within, without
The History goes that a couple was walking into the desert towards the city of Nazareth.
Mary was pregnant and waiting a son. As long as they approached the village Marys
contractions started to be stronger. So Joseph decided to stop and made arrangements
for Mary to do the labor birth. They were lucky to find a cattles manger where Joseph
improvised minimal conditions for this anticipated birth. The boy was born and became
the Jews king.
Lets take a look on the signals that were seen nights before this famous birth. As was
described, three kings were traveling across the desert, some yards behind the couple.
Those kings followed a shine star located above the couples. They carry gifts for the
baby, who would be the Jews king. Talking about Mary, pregnant and also virgin, we
can suppose she had a special condition, beyond human imagination. And Jesus?
Watching all the cruelties the Romans had done in the supposed real story presented by
Mel Gibson in his movie Jesus of Nazareth you wander He must had been a kind of
superman to survive such agony. This kind of movie shocks the Christians around the
world, but also strength their faith in God.
Above all those critical questions, too many people throughout the world accept this
story and repeat it over and over through their generations. They congregate in churches
among friends to perpetuate St Peters legacy.

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