Nand Kishore

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Astrology report
Name : Nandkishore
Date of Birth : 31st-August -1972
Time of Birth : 09:44 am
Place of Birth : Karwar, Karnataka.
Nakshatra : Kratika
Manglik : No
Gand Mool : No
Kal sarp Dosh : No
Dasha :Jupiter -> Jupiter

Navamsha dasha --


1. Ruchak Yog- If mars is present in 1, 8 or 10 and is present in kendra (center) it is called Ruchak
yog. If the person is having ruchak yog, then you can predict the good points of mars could be seen in

him. Person could be be brave, person who will always defeat his enemy, He could become officer in
armed forces and could raise to higher levels.

2. Bhadra Yog- If Mercury is present in 3 or 6 and is present in Kendra it is called Bhadra yog. If the
person is having Bhadra yog, person would be sharp, intelligent, good in mathematics, studies, and
good speech power.

3. Hans Yog- If Jupiter is present in 4,9,or 12 an is present in Kendar (center) then it is called Hans
Yog. If the person is having hans yog, he would be considered respectable, sincere and well cultured

4. Malvya Yog- If Venus is present in 2, 7, or 12 and is present in center it is called Malvya yog. If the
person is having malvya yog, he would be having all good points from venus. He would have good
food, comforts from children and women. He would live happily and possess many cars.
5 Shahs Yog - if saturn is present in 7,10, or 11 and is present in center it is called shash yog. If the
person is having shash yog they are highly powerful. This yog is present in Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee
kundli in Ascendant (Lagan). Person having shash yog they rule one community, village, city, or
6. Anfa Yog - If there is any planet in 12th house from moon and no planet in second house from
moon it is called anfa yog. This Yog is considered good for prosperity.
7. Sunfa Yog- If there is any planet in 2nd house from moon and no planet in 12th house from moon it
is called sunfa yog. Like above this yog is also considered good for prosperity.
8. Gaj Kesari Yog- If moon is in the centre from Jupiter or we can say if moon is in 1,4,7 or 10th
place from Jupiter it is called Gaj kesari Yog.


9. Parvat Yog- The Ascendant Lord- the lord of that house is lying in centre or trikon and is in its own
house or top house, it is called Parvat yog.
Various other raj yogs.


10. If lord of ninth and lord of tenth are sitting together in good house, it is called raj yog. [ 1, 4, 7 and
10 are considered as Good houses ] then [ 5,9 and 2nd are considered Good houses ] then [ 3 house is
considered Good ] [ 6, 8 and 12 houses are considered as bad houses ]

Now lets start from very beginning .

Prediction of first house First House The first house/Ascendant/Lagan represents Start, Sunrise, Face, Soul,
Birth, Personality, and Mind. This is the first house and it is the most powerful important
house of the entire horoscope. If any great yog is being formed in first house, gives
immense power the entire horoscope. if lagan is having good planets or is seen by good
planets and lord of that is sitting in his own house or his top planet (uch grah) then
person having such horoscope will have lot of wealth, rising graph in monetary term,
long age and will be good leader.
Lagan lord of the ascendant is placed in ninth house and its friend house. Lagan here is
representing Venus. Venus is placed in ninth house. So this is excellent positioning of
lagan lord. This is making the personality strong, attractive. Mr. Nand Kishore must be
good looking and handsome. Because personality lord is venues and is well placed in
ninth house. For leading a good life, it is extremely beneficial that lagan lord should be
strong. Here lagan lord is well placed. And there is no bad planet which is affecting lagan.
Prediction of second house -

Second house The second house depicts Wealth, Speech, family ,left eye, Throat. It is
also called dhan bhav. if the good stars are in second house or is seen by them then
person would be ultra rich, will gain good education, big family and would be good in
art of conversation.
As per horoscope, lord of second house is sitting in the eleventh house. It is
good. Then lord of eleventh house is sitting in eleventh house. This again is
good. No body is impacting second lord. Again good. But second house is being
seen by Saturn by seventh vision. This is negative. So little marks deduction
because Saturn is seeing second house. So this can be some what reason, for
not start of family life, accumulation of wealth. We will give 70% marks to second
Good Points - >
1. Mars (lord of second) is sitting with friend(sun) and in friend(sun) house.
2. Mars vision on second house is making second house strong.
Bad points
1. Bad vision of Saturn on second house.
2. Bad vision of Ketu on second house.
So in totality we will give 50% marks to second house. The result would be
1. Delay in setting up of family
2. Problem in accumulation/management of wealth.
Prediction of Third house Third house Third house depicts bravery, courage, dynamism, extra activities, brothers
and sisters. If the house is strong, then person would be very brave, having good
relations with brothers and sisters.
Prediction of third house
Lord of third house is Jupiter and Jupiter is sitting in its own house. So the Jupiter
is giving positive results here. This will make Mr Nand Kishore brave and
courageous. He can also gain from his brothers and sisters.
Prediction of Fourth House
Fourth House Fourth house depicts mother, Home, comforts in house, Movable
Wealth, clothes, big cars, comfortable life. If the fourth house is strong, then person
would be having all the mentioned comforts. He would be having nice big house, good

friends, good wife, clothes and a happy man. This thing also give good cars and
attachment with mother.
Lord of fourth house Is Saturn and Saturn is situated in eight house. This is
not good and then in fourth house rahu is present. Rahu is also in fourth
house in Navamsha kundli. So this has made rahu extremely strong. Mr Nand
Kishore has spent 18 years of his life in Rahu dasha.
Basic nature of Rahu is Fluctuation, instability.
Rahu present in fourth house would have given or will give
1. Delay in starting Family life
1. Problems in Family life.
2. Problems to mother health.
3. Away from mother or away from home town.

Prediction of fifth house

Fifth house Fifth house depicts Brain, Astrology, Child, Stomach and studies. Good
fifth house represents good children, financially well, famous, intelligent & good speaker.
Lord of fifth house is Saturn and Saturn is placed in eight house. Saturn is giving
its vision on fifth house its own house... So this combination is making fifth house
relatively strong. Mars and Saturn is also affecting fifth house. Mars here would
make some difficulty in having education. Vision of Mars + Sun has all inclined
Mr. Nand Kishore towards technical education.
So the conclusion of fifth house.
1. Good education.
2. Inclination towards technical education or medical would be more.
Prediction of sixth House
Sixth house Sixth house represents disease, war, sin, insult, court cases, Enemies,
Servants. Usually 6, 8 and 12th houses are considered as bad houses and if bad planets
are sitting in these houses, it is considered as bad planets destroying bad effects given by
these houses. if the sixth house lord is sitting in sixth house only it is called astra yog.
This also diminishes the effect given by sixth house.

Positioning of lord of sixth house in third house. Jupiter is placed in its own
house. Sixth house is being seen by Ketu and mars. So nothing bad in this
Prediction of seventh house
Seventh house Seventh house depicts Sexual relations, Business Partner, importexport, Business Partner, Marriage life, In-laws, Private Organs, Wife-husband. If lord of
seventh house is effected by favorable planets, that person gets good wife, good marriage
life. This Yog differ from person to person. If person is born in conservative country and
second marriage is illegal, then he may end up in having good wife and good family. If
the person is born in western culture, then person would be philanderer
1. As per lagan kundli, there is no negative effect on seventh house. Here we
are trying to ascertain, why Mr. Nand Kishore has not been married till
now. In lagan chart, lord of seventh house represents marriage life or
marriage partner. Lord of seventh house is mars. Mars is sitting in
eleventh house with sun.
Positive effect Mars is friend of sun. Both are sitting together.
Negative effect Degree of mars and sun is quite close. So this leads to ast of
Other factors which lead to not getting married till now.
In lagan kundli,
1. Rahu sitting in fourth house. Rahu is strong, He has lived in rahu dasha till
2007. Rahu sitting in fourth has lead to this situation.
2. Venus is sitting in ninth house, it is excellent position. But Jupiter full vision
on Venus has lead to problems in getting married.
In Moon kundli.
1. Saturn, Mars and Ketu all three negative planets are having influence on
seventh house. This causes delay in marriage.
2. Rahu impact on Mars. (Mars is representing marriage) through his ninth
In Navamsha kundli

1. In Navamsha kundli, rahu is sitting in fourth house, and lord of that is

sitting in enemy house. Rahu in fourth and lord of that is Saturn which is
sitting in eleventh house in the house of Sun.
2. Lord of seventh house ( Mars ) is sitting in twelfth house in the house of
Mercury and mercury is sitting in its neech rashi in sixth house.

Prediction of Eight house

Eight house Eight house indicates mystery, death, deep Sciences and Injuries If lord of
eight house is in favorable house or is in favorable position it is called asur yog. Such a
person is selfish, stubborn, conspirator. And in the process hurts him.
Saturn and moon are sitting in Combination of Saturn and Moon give depression
Prediction of Ninth house
Ninth House Ninth house depicts religion, foreign travel, luck and holy place. If ninth
house is effected by good planets, then it is very good yog. Ninth house is considered as
very auspicious house. Person having such yog is highly respectable, lucky, always rich,
and is respected by intelligent people. This yog gives special power to total horoscope
Lord of ninth house is situated in tenth house. In ninth house, Venus is there. Vision of
Jupiter on ninth house is extremely beneficial, but Jupiter vision on Venus is not at all
good. This will create little bit problems in luck factor.
Prediction of Tenth house
Tenth House Tenth house indicates father, work place, energy to work, success in
business or professional life, nature of work and job. Tenth house is considered to be
most important, because it is related to work. If the lord of tenth house is situated in good
house or lord of tenth house is effected by favorable planets. It makes the person hard
worker and successful in his work. The effect becomes negative if the lord of tenth is
effected by Paap Grah
Presence of Ketu and Mercury is giving blend of Management (Mer) and Ketu
(Technical) fields to Mr. Nand Kishore. But lord of that going to eight house is not much

Prediction of Eleventh house

Eleventh house Eleventh house indicates gain, incomes, speculation and right ear.
Strong Eleventh house gives the person enormous earnings and weak eleventh house
deprives of him good earnings.
Sun is good in horoscope, sun is representing income house, sun is equally
strong in Navamsha chart. But rahu is having vision on sun and similarly rahu is
having vision on Sun in Navamsha chart. So this situation is making earning
good or less, and satisfaction from earning house will be less
Jupiter vision on eleventh house is extremely, this is making the earning good.
Prediction of Twelfth house
Twelfth house Twelfth house indicates losses, foreign house, bed comforts, friends,
Lord of twelfth house is mercury and is present in tenth house with Ketu. So we
would 75% marks to this house.
Coming to your question
I am currently without job for the last 8 months. I am not sure when I will get another
job. Actually every 2 1/2 years I got to rebuild everything again. This must be the 7th
time in last 20 years of this kind of setback. Could you tell me when I would get a job? ?
How is my career?
Regarding job, time is going comparatively fine. You can get job. Reason for your
fluctuation was rahu. As you have lived in dasha of rahu for eighteen years. And rahu is
strong in your horoscope. But after 2007, time is favorable.
I have started preparing for GMAT (admission test for selection into MBA schools) but
have not been able to nail it. I am severely getting drawn into reading on astrology, self
help and spiritual subjects in the last 4 - 5 months. Predictions indicate no full time MBA
( higher education of more than a year), however I plan to go for an MBA for a year or
less. When is the good time for this to be fruitful? (I.e. Take GMAT and get a good score,
get admission into MBA and complete the course)
Regarding education time is extremely favorable. Time is good till 2012.

I want to move to management side. Currently I am into IT, partly technical and part
management. What is best suited for me? Technical, Management, General
Administration, Finance, Business Development?
You can go both of Management and technical side.
Another major prediction came about my marriage. As I am not employed, I am not
looking at any marriage proposals right now. But it seems, according to the prediction
that I will not have a happy married life and marriage would surely end up in a divorce if
it ever happens. It is only in the recent past that I was looking at marriage positively, but
now I am again unsure given what I was told.
I totally disagree with what you have been told. I admit there are situations arising in
your horoscope that says problems in marriage life. But then you have to look for such
girl who is having extremely good horoscope and possibility of divorce in her kundli is
absolutely nil

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