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"Implement Pictorial Warning from 1 April 2015: Dr Anbumani Ramadoss MP to PM

Narendra Modi"
Shri Narendra Modi ji
Prime Minister of India
New Delhi
Respected Sir
I submit this urgent appeal on an important public health issue to expedite the mandate
for cigarette manufacturing companies to carry statutory warning from 1 April 2015 as
per the October 2014 notification.
Studies indicate that every year 10 lakh Indians die of tobacco related diseases and
each day 2500 Indians die of tobacco-related diseases. Nearly 5500 children initiate
using tobacco each day. Tobacco is the only consumer product that has no good use
whatsoever apart from killing every third consumer. Tobacco is the cause for 50 per cent
cancers in India which results in monitory loss to the exchequer and loss of innocent
The Union Health and Family Welfare Ministry had in October 2014 issued a notification
making it mandatory for cigarette manufacturing companies to carry statutory warning
against smoking on both sides of a cigarette pack and covering at least 85 per cent of
the packaging beginning April 1, 2015. Now it is learnt that the notification has been put
in abeyance as a Lok Sabha committee on subordinate legislations, looking into
amendments to the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act, has urged the
government to delay the date of implementation so that it could hold more discussions
with stakeholders and submit its final report.
I submit that there is no precedence, no provision in the framework of rules of procedure
which obligates the Ministry of Health to accept recommendations specifically on
technical matters of public health significance. As a matter of fact, the Ministry of Health
can very well reject the recommendations by giving reasons, considering it is an
important matter of public health.

I strongly feel that the concerned authorities are poorly informed about the facts
pertaining to harmful effects of tobacco. In addition to other health and economic issues,
tobacco use can contribute to lung disease, cardiovascular complications, and various
types of cancers leading to painful suffering and premature death. India has the highest
prevalence of oral cancer globally, with 75,000 to 80,000 new cases being reported
every year. Studies show that rampant use of chewing tobacco is associated with high
prevalence of oral cancer in India. Almost 90 per cent of these cases are linked to
Most people who smoke or chew tobacco aren't fully aware of the extent to which it can
harm. In the light of this fact it is very essential to ensure a large pictorial health warning
on tobacco product packages sold across the country, which would effectively inform
potential new users, especially children and youth from getting addicted and
succumbing to this deadly habit. Pictorial warnings can inform the numerous illiterate
Indians from falling prey to these cancerous products. More importantly this step is
crucial in the context of India a multi-lingual country.
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, under your Honourable
Prime Ministerial leadership had issued the notification to be implemented from 1st
April, 2015. It mandated that pictorial health warnings must cover 85% of both the front
and back sides of tobacco packages.
At present, our country ranks 136th in the Global Cigarette Package Health Warnings
ranking, but this move will elevate us to higher position in the global health protective
measures. Currently our neighboring country Nepal and Pakistan have announced to for
implementation of larger pictorial warnings than India, 90% and 85% health warnings
India has been one of the pioneers in implementing tobacco control measures. The
progress has been immense. Delaying or putting on hold the decision to implement 85%
pictographic and text warning on tobacco product packs will hamper this process.
I urge the Honourable Prime Minister that this is an important public health issue and I
humbly submit the Honourable Prime Minister to intervene on the urgency of the issue
and to expedite the mandate for cigarette manufacturing companies to carry statutory
warning from 1 April 2015 as per the October 2014 notification.

Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss

Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha)

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