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after the deluge… Report - 2007

Working for the empowerment of Dalits and Landless
As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night,
will never cease
A moment of silence and prayers for
the victims of the deluge after the deluge…
Monologue from the President
Dear Friends,

As you all know, the flood in our area has our aid agencies who reached in time to
been unprecedented. Out of 12 districts offer immediate relief to stranded and
in our diocese, eight have been almost displaced people due to this
submerged. In the beginning we did not unprecedented flood and to offer long
know how to go about it. Thanks to our term plan for rehabilitation and
Aid Agencies, Caritas and CRS (Catholic development.
Relief Services), they came in time with
their concern, expertise, personnel and I thank all our Priests, Religious and Lay
finance to plan with us how to reach the collaborators, Christians, Hindus and
deserving people caught in flooded Muslims, who whole- heartedly and
areas. generously cooperating in this massive
relief work.
Together with Fr. Varghese Mattamana,
Director of Caritas India, Ms. Jennifer Dear Friends, this massive operation to
George Poidatz, Country Representative reach out to the needy would not have
of CRS, Fr. Saji Augustine, Director of been possible without your wholehearted
Socio- Economic Development Centre, cooperation on the local level. We are
with his team Fr. Henry D’ Souza and Fr. grateful to you and we are sure your
Jayakumar planned to locate the unstinted cooperation will continue.
affected areas, assess their immediate
needs, prepare logistics as how to reach I appreciate the efforts of the aid
them, draw administrative strategies and agencies in drafting a new plan to
recruit helpers of different categories to prepare the community in facing
work things out. Officers from Caritas disasters and leading them towards
India and CRS, volunteers and paid the path of development.
workers were busy round the clock to I know you all have been
reach the needy people in remote and generous and joyfully cooperative
inaccessible areas. The recipients are because all of you in the depth of
happy and grateful. your hearts have heard the
Lord telling you,
Caritas India supported villagers of “Whatever you have done to any of my
Begusarai, Darbhanga, Khagaria and needy ones, you have done it to me.”
Sitamarhi districts. Catholic Relief
Services moved to extend help to Thanks again and God bless you all.
villagers of Madhubani, Muzaffarpur and
Samastipur districts. Aid agencies like, + J.B. Thakur, S. J.
ECHO, Caritas Germany, Caritas Swiss, Bishop of Muzaffarpur
DEUCHMANN joined soon and responded
to various situations. I would like to
place on record my sincere thanks to all


From the Director’s Desk
For years the people of Bihar was We started without any specific plan but Diocese of Muzaffarpur under the
striving to initiate path of prosperity stick on to a strategy of disaster patronship of Bishop Rt. Rev. J.B.Thakur
through various programmes and response as soon as aid agencies came to S. J. initiated and facilitated Bihar flood
policies. However we couldn’t see the field. Mobilization of resources both response programme. The entire
significant changes in the society, we internal and external was a matter of diocesan fraternity of priests, nuns and
were in the track. Impediments like concern in the early days. But Lord laity deserves heartfelt thanks for the
flood, epidemics etc… were a bane to almighty had a plan and we were able to spectacular works carried out. I wish to
the development process. Disasters respond to the situation with timely place on record appreciation and thanks
always followed our population silently. support from Catholic Relief Services, to all those who worked for the flood
Black days were once again back to the Caritas India, ECHO, Deuchmann, Caritas response programme 2007. I thank God
history. Swiss etc… Our donors bypassed all for His inspiration, which made us work
procedures to give timely assistance and and the people who kept their hopes
For lakhs of people living in the villages we remain committed for the valuable alive. A word of gratitude for the local
of Bihar the deluge of 2007 will long be support. partners, who provided timely support to
remembered as the year they saw the the people’s. Finally my sincere thanks
ugly side of rain. A torrential rain started Round the clock the office of MDSSS to the staff of MDSSS, who worked
in the month of July continued for worked with Priests, Sisters and reached selflessly against all adversities. We
months and drowned villages of Bihar even to the interior villages. Youth, would like to reiterate our commitment
and caused death to hundreds and Panchayat Representatives, Village to continue the work in support of the
unprecedented destruction to thousands. Committees, Politicians etc… stood with deluge affected villagers of Bihar.
In Bihar almost 3 Million people us and helped to identify the place and
affected, over 750 dead and thousands victims in need. Our faith based partners Towards divine harmony of creation,
of peoples left homeless, the truth could rose to the expectations of the villagers
be still scaring. in all our diocesan areas. Networking Fr. Saji Augustine
with the Government has added Director, MDSSS
Response to this disaster was advantage to the relief works, as we are
overwhelming as individuals, now a major partner of government in
organisations and government worked all relief operations.
day and night toiling their resources for
the affected. We started from the day Was this an eye opener for the
one itself and our support ranged from development approach to be carried out?
rescue, relief by providing food, shelter, I hope it is time for us to adopt a
clothing, safe drinking water and strategy of development through disaster
rehabilitation. A big applause for the resilience. So awake, arise and work till
kind hearts who in no time reached for the achievement of Sustainable
our help. We were for the first time Development. Creation of resilient
responding to a massive flood, and our villages is one of the primary targets. A
people were scared. But our improved concrete plan is being drafted for the
professionalism in relief efforts wiped ongoing process of rehabilitation and
the tears of the marooned villagers. resettlement.


Social life of the people
of Bihar is always
conditioned by caste
arithmetic. Back ward
castes are the main
composition in the
demography of Bihar.
Agriculture is the main
occupation of people and
animal husbandry is
another source of income
for the people. High caste
landowners determine
the economic status of
the poor and majority of
the people live below the
poverty line.
Superstitions act as an
impediment in the
growth. MDSSS strives to
make them aware and to
organise people’s
movement to educate,
enlighten and empower
the marginalised,
backward and the poor
Issues and problems
Vicious circles of issues make people minimum wages. Migration exposes them common people are made bonded
poorer and poorer all through the year. to communicable diseases like T.B., HIV laborers. The poor have no voice in
Poverty is a threat to the development etc. Even the basic health programmes politics. Democracy is not for poor in
and the livelihood options are too low. like vaccination, immunization against Bihar but for the people with muscle
Basic needs of life such as food, drinking polio, vitamin supply are denied to the power. Panchayat bodies are controlled
water, shelter and clothing are always of poor especially in rainy seasons. by powerful high castes and they impose
great concern for the poor in Bihar. Low Malnutrition is a matter of concern social alienation of Dalit community.
economic status prevails in the society among the lower castes and belief in
and related migration, sickness and evil spirits aggravates the scene. Health Only 48% literacy prevails in Bihar and of
feeling of low self-esteem is high in the and hygiene of the population is not which only 5% are Dalits. Government
state. Illiteracy is a curse to the sound and in remote areas road, welfare programmes have not addressed
population and lack of skill development electricity and infrastructures is a not the woes of the people as most of the
training and unemployment aggravates even a dream. Even in cities basic welfare measures are unduly availed by
the situation. Social evils like child infrastructure for hospitals are lacking. the high castes. Voiceless people are
marriage, addiction to drugs and drinks often denied of their rights. Many of
remains same with out change. Lack of Most vulnerable people in the society are them don’t possess voter’s identity card,
awareness on hygiene, poor sanitation women and children. None of them BPL card, ration card, caste
facilities, health hazards like enjoys the decision making process in certificate, job cards, birth and death
communicable diseases – T.B., Leprosy, family or society. Educational levels of certificates and have no access to
Kala Azar, HIV etc. make people moor women are below standards. Girl welfare schemes for the poor. Middlemen
poor. Natural and man made disasters children are often unwanted in the make use of the illiteracy of the poor as
such as Flood, drought, fire, earthquake society. Female foeticide is alarmingly a tool to oppress them. An integrated
comes like a vulture through out the increasing. Usually girl children are not approach of awareness building through
year. fully fed or educated. Women don’t formal and non- formal education,
enjoy ownership of land, houses etc. empowerment of women through
Agricultural work in Bihar is seasonal and Child marriage and illiteracy among creation of self help groups, package of
so large chunk of population migrates to women make them more vulnerable. a sound health policy and services etc.
urban areas as rickshaw pullers, coolies, are the needs of the hour.
laborers at construction sites. Payment Indebtedness is a nightmare to the
of wages in agricultural field is usually people and due to continued borrowing
in kind and not even half of the from moneylenders and landlords; the


Organisational Profile &
Areas of Operation
Muzaffarpur Diocesan Vision Mission
Social Service Society Promotion of a Just and Humane To uphold the human dignity of the
Society based on the human values of marginalized, oppressed and displaced of
(MDSSS) is the official equality, love and peace. Bihar through a process of socio-cultural
value additions, economic and political Uttar
organization of the empowerment. Pradesh
diocese of Muzaffarpur
for promoting Social
Welfare and Development
in twelve civil districts of
Bihar. Since 1980, the
diocesan social work
department has been
striving towards the
integral development of
the marginalized and B I H A
underprivileged people of
Bihar, particularly of the
Dalits and landless.


Thematic areas
● Awareness Building among the poor and
reintegration of non-formal education and
animation of youth for enlightened career
● Women Empowerment through formation,
federating and linking of self help groups with
banks for increased status of living through
income generation programmes
● Skill trainings for youth and promotion of
Nepal Alternative Livelihood
● Promotion of Community Based Organisations
Sitamarhi through youth groups, libraries, health clubs
for social reformation
Sheohar ● Empowering local leadership to act as a
Madhubani change agent in the society
● Livelihood promotion through
Supaul entrepreneurship development programmes
Mazaffarpur and income generation programmes
● Awareness and promotion of hygienic lifestyles
Madhepura for sound health and eradication of
communicable diseases
Vaishali Samastipur ● Care and support to HIV infected and
prevention of spreading of AIDS
● Care and support to malnourished women and
Khagaria West Bengal children
Begusarai ● Education for all, with special attention to girl
children, to undertake various job
opportunities and leadership
● Support to Relief Camps and other Relief
R Jharkhand
activities during floods
● Resilience building among the villagers against
disasters and formation of task forces for
disaster risk reduction
● Conservation and management of available
natural resources
● Upholding the rights of the dalits through
animation and empowerment
● Animation of the people for involvement in
Local Self Governance development process
for a sustainable development
Seasonal floods are
common and natural to
the people of Bihar. But
year 2007 witnessed
massive displacement and
destruction as rainfall in
Bihar for three months
and release of water by
Nepal dams, flooded
Bihar and subsequently
water logging occurred in


Torrential Rains Flood Boon/Bane
Downpour of July 2007 in Bihar was quite
Flood is an annual phenomenon in Bihar. The rain in Bihar starts from mid-June and
unexpected. Showers continued for continues till end of September putting the whole of North Bihar into threat of
three months. Bihar is a land devastating floods. Torrential rain in the upper catchments areas of rivers of Bihar
crisscrossed by about 250 rivers which and Nepal affects some 20 districts annually. But it takes devastating and terrifying
flood annually during the months of June mode when the courses of rivers are artificially trained or controlled. It has been the
and July following the south west experience for a long time. 2004 flood is an example to the same. The causes for the
monsoon. The situation worsened with flood in 2007 were the unusual continuous rain in Bihar region in the months of
July - August. Situation worsened in the third week of July with the release of
heavy rains in the catchments areas of water from Nepal. Bagmati, Kosi, Budhi Gandak and Adhwara Samooh, rivers over
several rivers including Ganga, Burhi flowed at several places and immersed thousands of villages and rendered more
Gandak, Bagmati, Kosi and Gandak. than a million people homeless. Man made bandhs (dams) and embankments
Water level in all these rivers kept on cause further fury of the river. The delta of floodwater is highly fertile and is very
rising and there was no sign of much good for the cultivation. It washes away the fecal materials and other
improvement in the following days. wastes. But it displaces poor people. As the land owners are the beneficiaries of
the relief programmes the poor never gets the relief as he/ she doesn’t hold any
The overall flood situation in Bihar Mud bandh
continued to remain grim, with major One of the main causes for the interlocking of water in villages was the breaking of
rivers maintaining a rising trend and mud bandhs. These constructions were made of mud for channeling the water to
flowing above the danger mark even as agricultural fields and to reroute the river water. But the speedy flood destroyed mud
the death toll in the current spell bandhs and deluged the agricultural fields and habitats drowning the entire
mounted up. The number of flood- population in misery.
related deaths rose to 754. In all,
maximum number of deaths has been Snake bites
reported from Darbhanga followed by People in Bihar worship snake and protect it. Flood affected these reptiles in search
East Champaran, Samastipur, of shelter come to temporary shelters and other habitats. Poisonous snakes attacked
Muzaffarpur, and Khagaria. Over 3 humans and hospitals were flooded with snakebite cases. Several deaths were
million people have been affected by the reported. Deuchmann foundation responded to the situation with making available
anti venoms, life saving equipments and treatments.
floods in 7, 972 villages spread over 210
blocks in 20 districts of the state. Crops
worth Rs 128684.51 million in 17.34 lakh State Disaster Management Committee (BIPARD)
hectares have been damaged by the For the first time we worked with the government administration. MDSSS was a
floods, while over 1.59 lakh houses have member of the disaster management committee and acted in tune with the
government administration. At first we were not prominent figures in the meetings
been damaged. but now we have emerged as a decision making authority because of our work
pattern. In district, block and panchayat levels we emerged as a model for flood


Flood Response 2007
Rescue & Relief

Following the devastating flood in the
summer of 2007 MDSSS started the
rescue and relief measures to assist the
flood affected population by removing
them to safe areas. In partnership with
local churches and other institutions
MDSSS reached even innermost villages
where government and other Relief materials distributed per family Search and Assessment
organisations kept away. Government Country boats were made available for
actions always proved imprudent for the PARTICULARS QUANTITY UNIT search and rescue. Displaced people
community. were taken to nearby relief camps. Even
Food Items though we responded with our full
strength there were villages where there
was no touch with main land for weeks.
The first response to relief was mainly OIL 2 LITRE Only support they got was the food kits
food supply and providing arrangements SALT 1 KILO dropped through aerial routes. Injured
for temporary shelter to the displaced Non Food Items people were taken to hospitals. A rapid
with the help of local church partners Tarpaulin each 15’ x 12’ 1 Unit assessment was carried out in the
and NGOs like Bihar Dalit Vikas Samiti Synthetic rope each 5 Meters 1 Unit affected areas and it brought forth dire
and Janshakti International. Aid 2 unit meter cotton cloth for women 1 Cloth need of food, water and shelter.
agencies like Caritas India, Catholic Water and Sanitation
Relief Services joined hands soon.
Caritas India extended their help to
Cleaning of bore wells
Washing Soap
Malnourished children
17,000 house holds in four flood It was a paining scene to see the
Bathing Soap 2 PIECE
affected districts namely Darbhanga, malnourished children. Government
Jerry cans 10 liters 1 Unit
Sitamarhi, Begusarai and Khagaria. always project reports of no
Plastic bucket with lid 1 Unit
Catholic Relief Services outstretched malnourished children. But our medical
Candles 2 Packet
their hands to support 17,000 camps had several cases of
Match box 2 Box
households in 3 districts namely malnourished children. This was really
Halogen Tablets (for 15 liters) 1
Muzaffarpur, Samastipur and an eye opener for international
Health Programme 50 Per family
Madhubani. European Commission for agencies like UN and a chance for the
ORS packet each 28.5 grams.
Humanitarian Aid (ECHO), Caritas SWISS, 5 such packet to be packed in one packet 4 PACKET poor to express their miseries. We
TROCAIRE Caritas Ireland (Irish Aid) and Support from Mobile Emergency clinics 128 Clinics distributed high calorie biscuits and
DEUCHMANN Foundation came to join Drug supply for permanent health centers 5 Health centers hygiene kits. Also facilities were made
our relief work with financial and available for the vaccination programme
human resources. of UNICEF.
Medical Camps & Shelter
Emergency Medical Camp Selection Criteria of Beneficiaries
Waterborne diseases played havoc in all
We had used certain criteria in the selection of the beneficiaries. The main criteria
affected areas and thousands of cases for the selection were:-
were reported. Diarrhea, Malaria etc.
added misery of the villagers. There · Communities who have been adversely affected following heavy rains and
was an increasing risk of rapid spread widespread destruction of paddy crops
of diarrhea, measles, malaria and · People who lost their shelter completely or partially
hypothermia in infants due to “open to · Widow having no other bread earner
· Physically challenged
sky” shelter and open defecation. People
· Land less and daily wage laborers
with poisonous snakebites were rushed · Agricultural laborers
to hospitals. Health programmes · Marginal farmers
operated with twin strategy of · People of schedule caste and backward community of society
conducting medical camps to arrest the
waterborne diseases and addressing the The local partners in seven districts, who worked on the selection of beneficiaries
felt needs of the communities and and relief distribution, were working in the villages for years so; it was easy for them
to identify the most deserving people in the respective community. However we
malnutrition problems sprang up
distributed relief materials not only to have nots but also to haves.
everywhere. So vaccination and
nutritional supplement was of highest
priority. ORS packets were distributed Hectic Transportation
among the villagers. Bleaching powder, Heavy rains literally left no road for transportation. It was of very much difficulty to
get trucks to interior parts. Again we had to use boats to transport food items to
water purification tablets were
innermost deluged areas. And some supporters swam across the flooded area and
distributed as the water subsided. delivered tokens/food items to people isolated in villages surrounded by water. On
Medical camps carried out nutritional highways the water level rose to 6 to 8 feet.
Street Plays
Creating awareness among the people is more important as well as providing
assistance. So realizing the importance of bringing awareness we have organized
street plays to create awareness among the flood affected communities. The
plays had given importance to the issues like precautionary measures to be taken
before, during and after flood. More over the importance of safe drinking water,
use of halogen tablets, proper use of ORS and need of maintenance of health and
hygiene. A lesson learnt is such activities should be imparted to self-help groups
where women act as the peer educators.

Sattu - a real rejuvenating edible food

Roasted Gram Flour was a real rejuvenating for the flood affected. It is easy to use
and is highly nutritious. The flour remains good for more than three weeks also.
In all affected areas we delivered the same.


Shelter and Sanitation
To provide temporary shelter tarpaulins of highways, railway tracks, railway
and synthetic ropes were distributed platforms, embankments, schools and
among the most affected families. community buildings. These displaced
Minimum requirements for health and people really need shelter to live in.
hygiene was fulfilled by distributing 2 But the current priority is a space to
pieces of washing soap, 2 pieces of rest, so arrangement for temporary
bathing soap, 2 packets of candle, two shelter is the first demand. So there
meters of cotton cloth and 2 pieces of was a grave need for polythene sheets
match box. Water collecting containers for makeshift houses since 90%
and water purification materials were thatched houses have been marooned
distributed to the affected people. Most by the floodwater.
of the flood victims resided by the side

Damage Assessment in MDSSS Operational areas

Families given
Panchayats affected

Lives lost
Population affected shelter
Families affected
Villages affected

Animals affected

Houses damaged
Blocks affected

Relief camps



Darbhanga 18 329 1266 59854 3,212,000 402000 107087 203 639 259 225720
Sitamarhi 17 273 853 15220 2,859,000 820000 118903 71 82 20 500000
Khagaria 7 101 205 18211 902,000 201000 68500 27 63 44 109842
Begusarai 7 59 210 12344 330,000 85000 27257 9 8 20 23585
Madhubani 20 373 1087 27728 2,929,000 751000 122205 86 574 230 87933
Samastipur 13 173 658 82525 1,806,000 473000 42450 91 350 20 18513
Muzaffarpur 11 211 858 100000 1,53,1000 160000 31971 79 122 7 2000
Total 93 1519 5137 315882 13,569,000 2892000 518373 566 1838 600 967593


Rehabilitation, Resettlement & Resilience
Rehabilitation of the
displaced is of top
priority and works are in
progress to attain the
complete resettlement in
few months. As floods are
not a new phenomenon
to Bihar, a new strategy
of resilience building is
being added to the
sustainable development
initiatives of the
organisation. The future
is not only a restoration
but also a resilient
community leading to a
developmental society.
Right choice is to turn
this disaster as a chance
to grow as a sustainable


Repairing of the partially damaged how to be more effective on disaster
houses and assistance for the repairing management policies. We are making
has been done before winter sets in. women as peer educators in the
Previous experiences from the flood community in usage of hygiene kits,
affected areas indicate, once the need for safe drinking water, why the
water retrieves there is a possibility of community should be organised and
spreading epidemics and water borne various awareness programmes of the
diseases. Some intensive medical camps society.
and health and hygiene measures have
to be carried out. Safe drinking water Cooperation of Village Committees
is another major challenge in these In all areas the village committees met with the affected villagers and prepared the beneficiary list. It was participatory so the
areas. Cleaning of wells and hand awry of the victims that some were not included in beneficiary list was not heard. MDSSS never went for a top to bottom
pumps is going on and creating approach and so our relief works were highly appreciated by the government and the victims.
awareness among the people regarding
importance of safe drinking water Rapport with international community
through nukkad natak (street plays) to MDSSS, Seva Sadan was successful in mobilising funds from international aid workers in no time. Earlier society had only paper
prevent people from the outbreak of relations with aid agencies but now established a deep relationship. Acceptance from international community was really a
diseases is also carried out. boost to the work and Caritas Germany called society as a visionary. European Commission for Humanitarian Aid remarked that
Introduction of disaster preparedness when all were planning to do, MDSSS, Seva Sadan completed distributions in the community. Deuchmann foundation entered in
and disaster mitigation in the disaster a new area where they treated the snakebite cases and anti venoms were made available. Caritas Swiss expressed their interest
to support our programmes with out any delay.
prone areas will help to a certain extent
in reducing the damages in the future
disasters. The life standard of the
Helping Hand from Irish Aid
In our endeavor to provide relief to victims of flood, TROCAIRE Caritas Ireland (Irish Aid) also joined hands. Through their
affected communities is another major
generous and concerned support relief material was distributed to 33 villages in 14 panchayats of 6 blocks in two districts of
concern and people are not aware of the Begusarai and Khagaria.
importance of educating their children. Food items were distributed to 1300 households, kitchen utensils to 150 households, livelihood items (goats) to 100 households,
Some long-term plans are needed for the house repair material to 566 households, tarpaulin for temporary shelter to 1000 households, blankets to 2200 households. 34
implementation of importance of roads were repaired under Cash for Work activity through which around 7000 persons were benefited.
education among the affected
communities. Rehabilitation phase has New area of intervention
started soon enough to tackle the awry · Social ministry of the diocese could venture into new areas where our works were awaited
of the marginalised people. A planning · A professional approach was introduced in all the approaches and works of the society
workshop on disaster management was · Utilization of maximum resources was achieved as we sourced out human potential and infrastructures available for flood
response programme
held in partnership with implementing
· Documents were not in sound form and after this response programme, documents and procedures of the organisation took
agencies and local level leaders. A face- shape
to-face interaction with the Self Help · Reached out far away places for flood response and even we went for interior villages 180 km away
Groups of the area in their meeting · No differences with haves and have-nots as we delivered relief to both
places was convened to grab ideas on


Highlights of


● Twenty five literacy centers were opened for the Santhali children and 25 women’s groups were formed
● Non Formal Education Programme and Community Mobilization project continued in 3 blocks of Madhubani, where 30 NFE
centers run in villages and at some areas formal schools came up
● Women empowerment programme funded by Swiss League continued in Darbhanga and formed 25 health groups in villages
and a health fund was mobilised
● Women group formation, organisation of groups and training programmes were conducted in Begusarai with support from
Caritas India
● In Muriaro community development programme through organisation of women groups, trainings continued with support from
Caritas India
● Community development programme and income generation programme continued in Saharsa and Madhepura with support
from Kfb Austria. Non-formal education programmes were boosted up and goat rearing was promoted as IGPs. Hundreds of
families benefited from this project
● Health education and community development programmes were initiated in Darbhanga with support from Caritas India
● Manos Unidas supported the Non-formal Education in 20 villages of Kanti as a part of the community development activities
● Non-formal education in 3 blocks was organised by women organisations of Madhubani and people were able to mobilise land
for schools. A people’s school was initiated
● Stop Migration programme supported by STEP Foundation provided vocational training to 25 bonded child labors
● Animation programme of women conducted by Bijhan forum in Muzaffarpur
● Manos Unidas supported the Non-formal education program in Darbhanga, Begusarai and Khagadia and 50 Siksha Samithi
were formed in 50 Non formal literacy centers
● Economic development of women group members of Darbhanga, Muriaro, Kanti were initiated through Income generation
programmes supported by Caritas India
● Integrated Development through Empowerment and Action programme initiated and core development committees got
functional. Forty SHG’s were formed and were strongly involved in flood response programme in Mushahari Block



Women Self Help groups stand as a ● Enable the women to avail the
pillar in the process of creating a new services of local administration,
phase to the development arena for banks, hospitals and schools for
poverty stricken Bihar. Strengthening of their growth
women groups through motivational
● Capacity building of SHGs through
trainings and organising of Mahila
providing legal aid courses,
Mandals, awareness programmes on
leadership training, information on
leadership building are the stepping
health issues, social analysis and
processes. Some of the operational
survey on women’s status
strategies in the process are;
● Enabling women to deal with local
issues of exploitation and atrocities
● Enabling women leaders to
against women or the community
participate in community
itself like wife beating, alcoholism,
development activities like
gambling, child marriage, neglect of
monitoring the functioning of
girl child’s health and education
government schools, cleanliness of
streets, tube wells and its ● Enabling the women to provide
surroundings, settling internal information on the cause and
disputes through Mahila Mandals symptoms of diseases to the
meeting and ensuring vaccination villagers to remove superstitious
etc… beliefs and lessen the practice of
● To reduce poverty and
unemployment by assisting the ● Animating the women to educate
people to take up income the girl children
generation activities such as goat
● Impart health, hygiene and
rearing, bee keeping, vegetable
immunization program
cultivation, small shops, vegetable
selling etc…


Health Projects
An integral part of the actions of the
society is the health projects mainly
aimed to create a healthy environment
in the family. Epidemics and
communicable diseases are increasing
the mortality rates and still now the
government programmes couldn’t
achieve any significant differences. In all
major areas we are associating with
health centers run by diocesan partners
and nuns. Some of the activities are…
Nukkad Natak – Street plays are
Health camps are often conducted in performed on different topics. As
villages and remote areas where people village friendly and easy to understand
couldn’t access these facilities. Special they have created a remarkable
camps are introduced to curb issues of difference in the society. Live demos
spread of epidemics and communicable are more influential to the community.
diseases Touring street theater teams of the
society have made the people aware of
Society promotes the usage of herbal the spread of diseases at times of
medicines through various awareness disasters were successful in controlling
programmes and distribution of the same in the flood response program
Exposure programmes to successful
health models are offered

Dhais Training is another area we are

concentrating. As majority of the
villagers never goes for hospital at times
of delivery the role of expert Dhais are
increasing. But they should be taught of
the safe measures and our training is in
this regard

Adolescent girl children’s health and

hygiene training is another component of
our health program.


Children who are not going to school are
collected from villages and are
motivated to read and write. Animators
from the same village are selected and
offered trainers’ training and will be
equipped to send to these villages.
Slate and study materials are given free.
Animator does have to collect at least 30
children to start an informal school.
After three years most of them will be
enrolled in government schools. Some of
the specialities of our non- formal
education are…

● Adult children linking to National

Open School
● Support as Village education
committee formed
● Continued school education has to
find the resources from community
and so community itself will come
with resources
● Encouraged to make their own
● Mid- day meals for the school going
children are ensured by the village


Creation of a sustainable development
model is in making the community self
reliant. In this regard IGPs are a major
factor. Third world countries are steadily
moving through a platform of
participatory model of development and
we are also making use of the same
model. Some of our programmes are:
● Formation of Self Help Groups
● Animation for Regular meetings
● Credit Programmes are offered to
these groups
● Based on the two to three years of
existence revolving funds are made
available from the society
● Continuous capacity enhancement
trainings are offered to the groups on
topics related to their work
● Entrepreneurship Development
Programmes are offered on suitable
trades for the village groups
● Exposure visits to successful models
are offered to the women groups
Marketing feasibilities are assessed
and based on the research output
plan is prepared for modality of
● Agriculture and Animal Husbandry are
major areas of intervention of the
groups and similar groups are
networked for more credit linkages
Peep into the
● On march 28, 1980, Muzaffarpur aspects of the reference
Diocese was created population. Also a need assessment
● The first bishop Most. Rev. John was initiated
Baptist Thakur S J sought the help ● Mr. L. J. David was appointed as
of Sr. Maria Theresa of Medical Executive Director in 1983
Mission and Sr. Grace SND for ● Mr. James Seraphim took charge of
serving the social ministry of the the informal society in 1985
● On 1988 August 4th new diocese at
● In 80’s ministry started working in Bettiah was formed with districts
17 districts north to the river bifurcated from Muzaffarpur
Ganges namely Begusarai, diocese viz, East Champaran, West
Darbhanga, East Champaran, Champaran, Gopalganj, Siwan and
Gopalganj, Khagaria, Madhepura, Saran
Madhubani, Muzaffarpur, Saharsa,
● In 2001 society got registration and
Saran, Samastipur, Sheohar,
started working as Socio Economic
Sitamarhi, Siwan, Supaul, Vaishali
Development Office
and West Champaran
● In June 2003 the Socio Pastoral
● Society mostly concentrated on
Renewal Centre, at Muzaffarpur was
charity, relief and non- formal
constructed. The social wing started
education in its first phase
development activities with the
● A group of people in the diocese appointment of Rev. Fr. Joseph
met monthly to plan and review the Oreya
developmental works of the society
● In January 2005 Rev. Fr. Julius
● In 1981 with the support of Indo Lazarus was appointed as the
German Social Service Society and Executive Director of the society
Caritas India a three day planning
● Fr. Saji Augustine Thengumpallil was
workshop was conducted at Khrist
appointed as the Executive Director
Raja School Bettiah. The workshop
in June 2006
came forth with a decision to
conduct a baseline data collection ● Fr. Henry D’Souza and Fr. Jaya
to gather informations on Social, Kumar joined MDSSS as Co-
Political, Educational and Cultural Directors


Donors and Supporters

Diocese of Muzaffarpur CHAI/CHABIJ DKE CIC Sisters

Caritas India Manos Unidas Church in Need Mata Sahayika Sisters
Catholic Relief Services DK Austria MIVA DMI Sisters
ECHO NEG-FIRE Church partners in all Sacred Heart Sisters
Caritas Germany Kfb Austria districts Medical Mission Sisters
Misereor IGSSS Prabhat Madhubani Fransiscan Sisters {FMM}
Missio Swiss League of Catholic BDVS SMA Sisters
Irish Aid Women Janshakti International Holy Cross Sisters
FVTF Stop Migration Step Sitamarhi SCN Sisters
DEUCHMANN Foundation Foundation IMS Missionaries


Compiled by

printed at Printers Castle, Kochi

Seva Sadan, Bibi Ganj,
Bhagwanpur Chowk P. O.,
Muzaffarpur - 842001
Bihar, India
Ph: 0621 2260788, +91 9334116332,
Fax: 0621 2260788

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