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Days On


Synopsis: We were lost in a wilderness where you have chosen to capture

me from myself.
Author: Yam Couto


Other Works: Sensations Season (Thirty Seconds To Mars) & Days Of Mine
Notes: Any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental.
In this story contain real people adapted to a fiction.



I used to go out and lose my head in other thoughts.

I tried to go out and find real reasons to lose me.
So I walked and looked into his eyes.
Actually were blue and in that instant I saw nothing behind him.
But I was fooling myself.
There was much more to be seen.
Today I realize that those blue eyes were simply used to indicate the color of
Tattooed in the sea of your world
Right in your back.
Shannon... I could see that your freedom is not mine, but I will always be the
place where you want to go back.

I love you...

I love you.


I woke up earlier that day. It was common to wake up early, but this morning
there was something different for me.
The first rays of light said the reflection of a new destination and a story that
I just had left behind.
I was not a girl. The ax sheet of blood was pointing that. As I got up, I
noticed his breathing echoing through the room perfectly. There was nothing
more to give rise to any other sound.
His features outlining the face of a man tired and fatigued by the storms of
life and I loved every issue you would cause me from our first foray.
Got out of bed, I made my first daily cleaning and returned to collect my
-Ahn... I saw you grope the bed.
I reached down to pick up my pieces.
-Bru? - He looked at me with the views practically closed. -What R u doing?
-I need to work out.
-Wont we... Have a breakfast? Do you come back? -Sat.
I avoided a smile.
-I cant today, Shannon. I arranged some things with my friends. We mark
when we can.
-When I will see you again?
I started packing my bag
-... I'll call you. Look, I'll leave you a card. If you dont find me by phone, you
know where to call me.
-Oh... Ok.
-So... See you.


-May I give you a kiss?

I wasnt up to it and realized that I wouldnt make some effort into it.
He took me by the arms and touched his lips to mine. At first didnt have
much urgency, but as held me, could say that I would be delivered if once
again he led me to lie down.
-Are you sure that you cant miss work today? - Kissed my neck.
The phrase awakened me. I slightly pushed him and made an expression of
"no way!"
-I see you around. -And I left.

Oddly, it was a cold day in Los Angeles. The sky pointed to a possible cloudy
day, but the weather didnt interest me in that second, but his look of doubt
that I had left behind.
My heart ached to think that our morning could be wonderful and
unforgettable, but at the same time the fear of losing him for making things
easier made me step back and fight even more to have him to my knees.
And how I waited for this time!
Love a person who you already know so many years have these things. And
I wouldnt let him escape from my fingers in a way not calculated.
My time had only just begun.


Nothing more interesting to be in the world of my own.

I felt it when I met you.
We are two, but parts of a
Perfect to search
The key of
A dream.


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