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* Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India.
*** Dean, Finance & Planning and Professor, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India.

In the present work, the feasibility studies for drilling of metals through microwave irradiation have been carried out. The
trial experiments for drilling on aluminium, copper and stainless steel specimens of thickness 1 mm were carried out in
domestic microwave oven of frequency 2.45 GHz at power 900 W. The bulk metallic materials reflect microwave
radiations owing to low skin depth (few microns) at room temperature which makes it extremely difficult to achieve
heating in bulk metals using microwaves. The heating of selective area of targeted metallic materials have been
achieved by microwave hybrid heating technique by using suitable susceptor material. The susceptor readily couples
with microwave and gets heated up rapidly which, in turn, elevates the temperature of target area of the bulk metallic
sheet. At elevated temperature, the metallic sheet is deformed plastically by a drill bit of tungsten material through
spring action. Consequently, the force required to create deformation has been reduced. Results of the initial trials have
been discussed in the paper.
Keywords: Microwave Heating, Metals, Drilling.

materials it was not used for processing of metallic

Microwaves lie in the electromagnetic spectrum with

material. After 1990 some studies were reported of using

wavelengths ranges from 1mm to 1m and corresponding

microwave in processing of metallic powders as metals will

frequency between 300 MHz and 300 GHz. The

absorb microwave in powder form but processing of bulk

microwaves which are being used in communication

metals was still difficult. Later microwaves were used for

purpose earlier are also used for medical and engineering

processing of bulk metals by hybrid heating techniques.

applications due to its special characteristics. Microwaves

Some studies were reported on applying microwave

interact with materials depending on its dielectric property

energy for machining of non metallic materials. Due to

and energy is transferred to the material at the molecular

reflection it was not used in machining of metals.

level by dipole rotation and ionic conduction. Some

1. Microwave Processing of Metals

materials readily absorb microwave energy and generate

Usually two different methods of microwave heating are in

heat while metallic materials will reflect microwave due to

practice: direct microwave heating (DMH), and

presence of electron cloud. Low dielectric loss materials

microwave hybrid heating (MHH). DMH is used for materials

like glass, air, ceramics etc allow microwave to pass

which are good absorbers of microwave at all

through with negligible losses. Advantages of microwave

temperature. In DMH the samples were placed in a

heating are penetrating radiation, rapid heating,

microwave cavity and exposed to microwave directly and

controllable field distributions, selective heating of

energy is absorbed into the bulk of the material. MHH is

materials and self-limiting reactions. These characteristics

used for materials which are not absorbers of microwave

of the microwave inspire the researchers to develop more

energy at room temperature, but once critical

applications of microwave heating [1-3].

temperature is reached they will start absorbing

Microwave energy was initially used in processing of non

microwave. In MHH a susceptor is used which will be a high

metals and due to reflection of microwave by metallic

absorber of microwave. The absorber heats quickly,

i-managers Journal on Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 2 l

No. 2 l
February - April 2012

radiating heat to the sample with conventional mode of

localized application of microwave energy was

heat transfer and at high temperature the sample will also

introduced by Jerby et al. [13-16]. Highlights of these initial

start absorbing microwave. In bulk metal processing MHH

attempts are briefly discussed in the following sections.

heating is used commonly as bulk metals reflect

2.1 Microwave Discharge Machining

microwave at low temperature. Metals in powder form and

in form of thin foils absorb microwave as the skin depth of
microwave penetration matches with the size of the

Combined action of microwave electric field and focused

laser radiation on dielectrics was studied by Kozyrev et al.
[12] to develop discharge technique for machining of
certain kind of dielectrics. The concept was based on the

Microwave processing of metals begin with sintering of

process of local absorption of microwave power by

metallic powders in which MHH technique was employed

dielectrics followed by its damage due to intensive heating

for sintering of metals and metal matrix composites. The

and discharge operation is not necessarily required in

sintered samples shown better properties with less

every case. Localization of microwave absorption was

processing time, energy and temperature required than

made by heating a small area using thermal pulse such as

conventional sintering [4, 5].

laser. The basis of the process is dependance of

Siores et al. [6] reported joining of metal strip of thickness 0.1

microwave absorption coefficient by dielectrics on its

mm by directly exposing to microwave radiation. The spark

temperature. Some experiments were performed and it

produced was sufficient to melt the metal at the end and

was proved that application of microwave field increased

joint was achieved by applying pressure. This technique

the volume of removed material at least 8 times at 1 min

was not able to apply in bulk metals due to reflection.

exposure [12]. However, the profile was not good and the

Srinath et al. [7, 8] successfully joined bulk metal pieces by

complexity of set up was the hindrance in conducting

microwave hybrid heating in which the bulk metal was

more studies in that.

selectively heated at the joint by charcoal susceptor and

2.2 Microwave Drilling of Non Conducting Materials with

covering the remaining portion of metal by refractory

a Near Field Concentrator


The concentration of the microwave energy into a small

Cladding of NiTi plate to stainless was reported by Chiu et

spot is the key principle underlying the microwave-drill

al. [9] by using microwave brazing technique in which heat

invention [13-16]. The near field microwave radiator

is generated from microwave induced plasma. Later

illustrated in Figure1, is constructed as a coaxial waveguide

cladding of metal powders to bulk metals was performed

by Gupta and Sharma [10] using microwave hybrid heating
with charcoal susceptor. Also microwave was used to melt
metals in a graphite crucible by hybrid heating in
microwave oven [11] in which SiC was used as the
susceptor. Metal was melted in less time and required less
energy compared to conventional heating with muffle
2. Background of Microwave Drilling
Mechanical drills satisfy most of the needs, but their
operation causes loud noise, vibrations, dust, and is not
always effective. A method for drilling/cutting using
microwave discharge was suggested by Kozyrev et al. [12]
but the detailed studies were done much later. A novel
method for drilling hard non-conductive materials by

Figure 1. Scheme illustrating the Principle of Microwave Drilling [13]

i-managers Journal on Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 2 l

No. 2 l
February - April 2012

ended with an extendable monopole antenna, which
functions also as the drill bit with a movable centre
conductor sustaining high temperatures.
Initially, the microwave energy deposition rate is highest at
the material near the antenna. The subsurface tends to
increase to a slightly higher temperature than the
spontaneously cooled surface. A hot spot is created, and
the material becomes soft or molten. The coaxial centre
electrode is then inserted into this molten hot spot and
shapes its boundaries. Finally, the electrode is pulled out
from the hole, while the material cools down in its new
shape. The hole can be shaped other than circular.

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the setup used

for initial trials of microwave drilling

This microwave drill was effective for drilling and cutting in a

variety of hard non-conductive dielectric materials, but not

balanced by dead weights from sides.

in metals due to reflection of microwaves [14-16]. Materials

3.2 Experimental Procedure

like concrete, alumina, glass-ceramics, silicon, glass,

The design was made in such a way that only a small

basalt and softer materials such as wood and plastic

portion of the Al strip of thickness 1mm was exposed to

penetrated successfully by this microwave drill. It was also

outside which was covered by charcoal. When exposing to

useful to insert and join metallic or ceramic nails into these

microwave the charcoal gets heated due to microwave


absorption and subsequently, it transfers heat to the metal

3. Microwave-Drilling of Metals

below it. The heat will be concentrated mainly at the

Some initial trials were conducted to study the possibilities

portion above which charcoal is placed, due to this high

for drilling of metallic material through MHH. It is known fact

temperature the metal piece also gets heated up and

that bulk metals reflect microwave at room temperature.

raise to elevated temperature in which microwaves starts

The heating of metals has been achieved by using MHH

coupling with bulk metallic material. As a result the metal

technique by using a suitable susceptor.

will soften at high temperature and the drill will penetrate

3.1 Experimental Setup

A schematic, representation of the experimental set up
used for the trials is shown in Figure 2. The specimen used in
this experiment is aluminium plate of thickness about 1mm
and was covered from direct exposure to microwave by
placing it in between two concrete plates having a
provision for exposing a small portion of metal for MHH. A
hole of 12mm diameter was made on the upper side of
cement plate so that charcoal can be filled in that hole
which is acting as susceptor as shown in Figure 2. This
charcoal prevents the metal from direct exposure and also
acts as the heat source because it is a good absorber of
microwave energy. A 2mm diameter tungsten rod was

through the metallic plate due to the load placed on to it

and the hole will be formed. The load must be sufficient to
make a shear deformation in the metal which is in plastic
Load needed for deformation and piercing the sheet was
approximately calculated based on the available material
properties and known relations. The shear stress will reduce
as there is an increase in temperature; the approximate
values were assumed by referring various material
properties related to variation of elastic constants with
respect to temperature [17-19]. The temperature
dependence of shear stress was mainly studied for copper
and aluminium.

used as the drill bit which was applied along with a load

As per the references given above by heating a metal to

approximately 1kg through the hole in which charcoal

40% of its melting point temperature, Young's modulus is

powder is filled as shown in Figure 2. The load was

reduced by 15-20%. Heating to 50% of its melting point

i-managers Journal on Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 2 l

No. 2 l
February - April 2012

could cause 20-25% decrease in Young's modulus.

A diagram of the modified set up developed later is shown

Heating above 60% of melting point reduces its Young's

in Figure 4. In this set up, drilling was carried out from upper

modulus by more than 40% and it cannot bear sufficient

side of the plate. The spring and the drill bit were covered by

loads. Variation in Young's modulus is similar to variation in

microwave friendly materials to avoid reflection of

shear modulus and in most cases, the shear modulus at

microwave by metallic materials. Also, the strength of the

elevated temperature is one third of the Young's modulus

beam which is holding the spring should be sufficient to

[17-19]. A 60-70% reduction in shear strength was assumed

withstand the spring force.

if the material is heated to 75% of melting point.

4.2 Experimental Procedure

Melting point of Al and Cu are 659 C and 1083 C

The spring of required stiffness was fixed to the beam at the

respectively. Accordingly, a load of 7 kg for Al and 10 kg for

top of the set up. The tool was fixed at the bottom end of the

Cu at temperatures of 5000C and 8150C respectively were

spring as shown in Figure 4. The specimen was placed at

assumed for drilling a hole of 2mm diameter on a metal

the base of the set up and was covered at the top by a

plate of thickness 1mm. However, during MHH, there is a

concrete plate and with graphite sheets as required. The

possibility that the temperature might go up, and the load

force was applied by lifting the specimen above its position

needed may get reduced.

against the spring pressure on tungsten rod which, in turn,

3.3 Results and Discussion

will apply force on the workpiece. The susceptor was

After applying the load a small deformation was formed on

directly placed above the workpiece. Once the whole set

the Al plate which was due to the heating of metal plate.

up was put inside the microwave cavity, the exposure was

The deformed specimen is shown in Figure 3. The reasons

initiated as per the parameters described in Table 1.

for small deformation are insufficient temperature

The red hot susceptor supplies heat to the metal beneath it

obtained due to metallic reflection and less quantity of

by conventional mode of heat transfer, and at high

susceptor used, less load applied corresponding to that

temperature, metal starts absorbing microwave. Once the


metal gets softened, the tungsten rod is pushed

The trials indicate that the covering for metal plate should

downwards due to the force applied by the spring and the

be of proper strength and the set up should have the facility

hole is formed in the workpiece. The experiments were

to apply balanced load. The reflection of microwave by

metals should be completely avoided along with applying
load by the drill. The load should be variable so that
different metals of different thickness can be drilled.
4. Drilling of Metals with Modified Set Up
4.1 Modification in the Experimental Set up

Figure 4. Microwave drilling setup for drilling from top

Figure 3. Deformation on 1mm thick Al plate after

applying load following Microwave Heating.


Output power of microwave

Time of exposure

Stainless steel

900 W
900 W
900 W

120 s
150 s
240 s

Table 1. Parameters used in the Microwave Drilling Trials

i-managers Journal on Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 2 l

No. 2 l
February - April 2012

performed with an Al sheet of 1mm thickness, Cu sheet of 1


mm thickness and stainless of thickness 1mm. The drill bit

In this paper the feasibility of drilling metals with MHH is

used was tungsten rod of 2mm diameter in all cases. All

proved. The process can be improved by concentrating

specimens were exposed to microwave of frequency 2.45

the microwave in a small area in a similar way to the near

GHz in a multimode applicator.

field radiator and by optimising the process parameters like

4.3 Results

diameter of the hole to be made, thickness of metal to be

The Al specimen was melted and burned partially due to

drilled, force applied by the spring on the workpiece and

overheating. But a hole was formed and is given in Figure 5

temperature rise during the process.

(a). The time was 2 minutes but the charcoal started

The microwave-drill concept is not expected to compete

complete coupling in 30s. The steel was not pierced

with laser-based drills in accurate industrial tasks at this

completely with 2mm diameter tool. Even after 4 minutes

stage of research; however, it should provide a low cost

of exposure, though it got red hot, yet the temperature rise

solution for a variety of needs for hole-making in the

was not sufficient to form a hole. It was partially drilled; the

millimetre-to-centimetre diameter range with high energy

photograph of the partially drilled specimen is given in

efficiency. The deformations resulted in trials shows the

Figure 5(b). The photograph of the drilled copper strip is

possibility of a potential area research in 'Microwave

given in Figure 6. The Al plate shows overheating on the

Assisted Metal Forming'. This process can be further

area near to hole. This is due to low melting temperature of

modified for gang drilling.

Al (about 600 C) and non uniformity in placing the

charcoal at the target area.

The financial assistance received for carrying out the works
presented in the paper vide BRNS Research Project No.DAE546-MID is thankfully acknowledged. Authors gratefully
acknowledge the inputs received from research students
Amit Bansal and Dheeraj Gupta.
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Titto John George is currently pursuing Master of Technology in Production and Industrial Systems Engg from Indian Institute of
technology Roorkee, India. He obtained his Bachelor's degree in Production Engineering from Government Engineering College
Thrissur, Kerala in 2009. His areas of interests include Microwave Material Processing, Micromachining and Advance
Manufacturing Process.

Apurbba Kumar Sharma, currently Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering at the Indian
Institute of Technology Roorkee, India. He obtained his B.E. in Mechanical Engineering from Jorhat Engineering College, Assam
and his Master's and Doctoral Degrees from Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai. He has 18 years of teaching
experience and currently supervising six Ph.D. theses apart from the two awarded. He has published more than 100 research
papers in reputed international and national journals and various conferences. He has one Indian Patent to his credit and filed
three more Indian patents recently. Currently, he has been the Principal Investigator for three externally funded projects. His
research areas include Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Microwave Processing of Materials and Surface Modifications.
Prof. Pradeep Kumar is presently working as Dean, Finance & Planning and Professor in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial
Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India. He obtained his B.E., M. E. and Ph.D. from the then University of Roorkee (Now IIT Roorkee). He has
more than twenty years of Teaching and Research experience and guided twenty two Ph.D theses (awarded) and seven Ph.D.
theses are in progress. He has worked as visiting Assistant Professor in West Virginia University, U.S.A.; Research Associate, Wayne
State University, U.S.A. and as Visiting Professor at AIT Bangkok. He has published more than 400 research papers in reputed
international and national journals and various conferences and filed two Indian patents. He has completed 33 consultancy
project and 14 sponsored research projects of various organizations in India and abroad. His research interests include Supply
Chain Management (SCM), Advanced Manufacturing Processes; Microwave Joining of Metals, Metal Casting; Industrial
Engineering; Quality Engineering: Robust Design Methodologies, Reliability Engineering; and Production & Operations

i-managers Journal on Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 2 l

No. 2 l
February - April 2012

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