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NUR IZZAH SOFIAH BINTI IBRAHIM (b011010437@student.utem.edu.my)
PROF MADYA DR HANIPAH HUSSIN (hanipah@utem.edu.my)
The question of the construction of a nation is the most important issue that continues to be the
main agenda in the nation implementation education system in the country. Education is very
important for civilization perceived as part of a strategy to foster self-esteem and feelings of
goodwill and understanding among university students. It is also a continuation of the various
problems plaguing our students in university alleged lack of integration between the people and
the growing sense of suspicion and the seeds of disunity in the university. Therefore, the
government has made it mandatory subjects of Islamic civilization and Asian Civilization
(known as subjects TITAS I and II TITAS) introduced in all universities in Malaysia. The
question is, are those subjects helps to building efforts Malaysian people as planned? This paper
studies how far civilization Islam and Asia could become the basis for the creation of identity,
values, equality, tolerance, understanding and success among university students. Cultivation of
confidence and awareness of identity will be truly successful if students are exposed in an
intellectual discussion mature civilization that is demanded by the wisdom of the lecturers who
control it. Dialogue of civilizations wisely can be a catalyst for nation building efforts. When the
students have to understand and realize the power of civilization they have with themselves, they
will try to build a high civilization Malaysia with sincerity and conviction.
Keyword: Civilization, Student University


NUR IZZAH SOFIAH BINTI IBRAHIM (b011010437@student.utem.edu.my)
PROF MADYA DR HANIPAH HUSSIN (hanipah@utem.edu.my)


There are two subjects with the value of ethnic relations in Malaysia's university exists;
Islamic Civilization and Civilization Studies Asia (TITAS). There are hints of ethnic relations
established subject in all public universities in Malaysia which are the subject of Islamic
Civilization and Civilization Studies Asia (TITAS). A major objective of this subject is to create
a better understanding and respect for each other irrespective of race, religion and culture.
Moreover, the existence of these subjects help to further strengthen Malaysia's philosophy and
way of life that can be achieved through consultation. This goal is also part of efforts to
strengthen the identity of Malaysia as a country that practices plural high tolerance. With the
availability of these subjects, it is able to produce graduates who are broadminded and global
view in line with the nation's global role and influence on the present and the future. Such
subjects are also able to cultivate moral values and strengthen these values among Malaysians.
This subject is not subject to any nation because it is to produce highly civilized nation who are
willing to fight for the values of universal civilization that great and pure. The aim of this part of
the package producing graduates who advance the science civilization for the progress of science


History proves how important a subject closely related to the values and needs to be
applied among students. Tolerance, understanding each other's race, religion and culture are very
important to ensure national harmony guaranteed. May 13, 1969 tragedy is a tragedy that should
be a lesson to all Malaysians, where lack of understanding, the pure, uncompromising contest
between each other to become one of the causes of this tragedy happened. This tragedy could
happen again if less integration between people and polarization increasingly spreading among
the students. The thickened racism among them if the problem is not in the weir and if this
situation continues feared prejudices will increase. Subjects involved can hopefully enhance
students' awareness of the position and identity in a situation where globalization process more
challenging. This subject is also expected to build mutual respect, mutual understanding among
cultures and religions.
Healthy elements in local pundits wondering about their advantages as people who
represent several Asian nations and civilizations should be nurtured through the subjects
involved in public universities. Our country has its own advantages which we can promote
national harmony with the diversity of the population through the tourism industry. With the
promotion of this kind, it is able to use the power of the Malay civilization, China and India to
become a powerful catalyst.
According to Samuel P.Huntington, 1997, The Clash of Civilizations and The Remaking of World
Order, London: Simon & Schuster they state that,

Kekeliruan yang paling besar misalnya telah dikemukakan oleh

Huntington (1997) yang mengandaikan dunia pasca perang dingin akan
dipenuhi oleh pertembungan atau clash sama ada dalam bentuk konflik
atau peperangan yang diakibatkan oleh perbezaan budaya dan agama
pelbagai ras dan suku bangsa di dunia. Selain itu clash juga akan lebih
cenderung berlaku antara dunia barat dengan dunia bukan barat
terutama dunia barat yang kaya berbanding dunia Asia yang miskin.
Dalam percaturan atau pertembungan itu dunia barat akan mengetuai
proses pensejagatan dan menjadi model kepada ketamadunan
dunia(page 3)


The lecturer plays an important role in conveying the meaning of civilization clearly and
creatively to their students. The lecturer should encourage students to use higher level thinking
(high order thinking) on the issue within the framework of the builders of civilization deep
understanding of student self in various matters. Among the understanding that should be applied
is an understanding of the realities of self and nation, understanding of the strengths of each
culture and each civilization heritage, and use the power of this understanding to meet the
challenges of globalization and the construction of the country into a developed nation by 2020.
There are various ways to ensure that students have a high level of thinking through
creativity where lecturers are able to attract the attention of students by discussing open and
constructive during lecture sessions. There are many topics that can be discussed among the
discussions that enables a comparison between civilization mainly involved such as the Malay
civilization, China and India. Discussion topics like this could shelled by the success of scientific
and technological achievements that civilization. The discussion can be continued with the
causes of the failure of civilization is to continue achieving their success.
Civilization excellence Asia in ancient times has helped many Western civilization to
develop their country. Excellence is proven through scientific discoveries in fields like
mathematics, astronomy, medical science, biology, physics, chemistry and zoology. While their
achievements in the field of technology evident in engineering, urban planning, art, architecture,
art crafts including sculpture, sculptures, art fashion, art and the art of weaving looms. The Asian
civilizations include Arab-Islamic civilization (Malay), India, China, and Japan.
According to Seyyed Hossein Nasr, 1968, Science and Civilization in Islam, New York: New
American Library,

Al-Khawarizmi (780-850 M), merupakan antara tokoh utama matematik

Arab Islam. Karya beliau tentang sistem nombor telah diterjemahkan kepada
bahasa-bahasa asing di antaranya bahasa latin. Karya beliau yang
menerangkan tentang aritmetik dan algebra dipanggil oleh para pangkaji
Latin sebagai sistem nombor Arab. Ia juga dikenali sebagai guarismo atau
digit dalam bahasa Sepanyol, manakala perkataan algoritma masih digunakan
dalam bahasa Inggeris... (page159)
Indian civilization has extensive knowledge of astronomy which stars and solar systems.
M. Brahmagupta was successful estimate the distance between the earth and the sun as far as
5,000 yojanas where one yojanas along 7.2 km. He estimated to equal the actual distance of
36,000km. He also noted that all bodies are falling towards the earth because the earth naturally
has its own gravitational field. In addition, Aryabhatta have introduced this theory heliocentric
theory which describes the sun as a light source. Nalanda University is the first university that
exists in India and this university has attracted many scholars from all over the world to study
According to Mounir Farah dan Andrea Barens Karls, 1994, World History The Human
Experience, New York: Macmillan, they state that,


Tamadun dunia sangat terhutang budi dengan Tamadun India terutama

dalam bidang matematik kerana angka sifar atau kosong telah dijumpai dalam
tamadun ini. Semasa zaman Gupta ahli matematiknya memperkenalkan konsep
sifar atau kosong(page 182)


mathematical works of the oldest in the world, namely Chou Pei Suan King where he explains
the calendar, counting time shadows and contains records of mathematics. While Chui Chang
Suan Shu also explains more about, size and some mathematical theory. Both the book is a book
of mathematics oldest and most influential civilizations in China. Moreover, the Chinese
civilization has its own algebraic figure of Chin Chiu Shao book where he discusses the high
numerical equations, indeterminate equations in algebra and trigonometry use. There are a series
of mathematics known as pascal triangle which mathematical series is produced by Ssu-Yuan YuChieu. He also published a book on the pascal triangle.
In Malay-Islamic civilization, most knowledge is shared with the Arab-Islamic
civilization of the Malay Archipelago which has become a major trading center in the world that

allows the exchange of knowledge and the prevailing culture. When the Malay archipelago
became a major trading center in the world, this allows people to wilt at the time of the study
involving business-weighing scales, measuring (meyukat), exchange, currency, taxes and the like
that require a systematic calculation. Therefore, the Malays famous adaptation of business
concepts in Malay culture. Achievement of the Malays in many areas of mathematics pioneered
by religious figures religious figures where they get this mathematical knowledge through their
studies in Central Asia.
There are a variety of ways and can be tabled proposals to improve the syllabus of subject
matters in moral values among students. Among them is to add more descriptions carefully about
the people of various races, religions and nationalities. In addition, the application of the spirit of
mutual respect, help and trust between students is important to maintain harmony in the country.
Students also need to be made aware of the position and identity are challenged by western
civilization. Students also need to be emphasized on the existing relationship through trade,
political or social integration that trains degrees of tolerance and mutual understanding among
Malaysians. Finally, students should be aware of their rights and their identity as citizens of this
country unique and successful.


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