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Tx phrasal verbs

vu C. OE x, --x
-*- -T Nu-n a-L. p J x -
C. Eo phrasal verbs
Srikar: Have you seen Jagannath
of late? I've (I have) something to tell
him. I have not been able to get at him
for the past two days (y u

o--i ? -E
N pL. V- Eo
Teju: I have not either. He is busy
banging away at the new book he is
writing, and does not want any disturbance ( - -. --

E h h - BJ
o, E - d
Srikar: What I want to talk to him
about bears upon the book he is busy

with. It's (it is) about a publisher I

know. He has come forward to publish Jagannath's book (-E p---

o N E h--E -C-*-.
C L- v---h -JE J*
- p--E. --a
- h v-J---E).
Teju: I have read a part of the
book. He has shown it to me. It
dwells upon at length with the current
trends in people's spending habits. He
has succeeded in making it quite
interesting ( h- Eo C-

. C -. v
a -x N-- J* C N, Ja-hC. C N-j
Eo -h-- -
Srikar: He is a good writer. The
books he has written so far bear this
out. So will this be, I am sure (

* -. -- h-Fo N-o V h. C
-E t).

He was banging away...

1. Of late = lately = recently = u
2. Get at = reach = -. C
Phrasal verb
3. Trends = -

Now look at the following sentences from the conversation above:
1. He is banging away at
-. --
the new book he is writing.
2. It dwells at length upon with the current trends
3. The books he has written so far bear it
1. Bang away = to work hard for a long
time on something = N-j

E" d- --. xx .
\- -- --).

C-*--Eo J* h-. N LT-h).

Shyam: So he is. For example the whole

of yesterday he was banging away at his
home work ( E. ---, Eo

b) Sekhar: It is quite difficult to sit in

Prof. Ram's class. He repeats the same
thing again and again, especially his experiences of his foreign tours (v-

\ --E h-o, O d-

The whole of
yesterday he was
banging away at
his home work

- C- - -A
*a-E. -A -E C J).
Nagaraj: He deserves it, doesn't he? He
banged away at the novel for nearly two
years, and has got a fitting reward for it

( E | ? -E -x --E % , j -A
b) Satyam: Nikil, Dasarathi's son is very
hard working. He is not like other boys. He
spends most of his time on studies (-

Natesh: Yea, that's true. If he gets a

chance he begins to dwell at length upon
the honours he received from foreign universities ( E. - h ,

NQ Ny-N-u--x C \-- J*
--E --).
3. Bear out = Support with enough
proof/ prove = V .
a)) Vinayak:
How can I believe what yyou
say? You have lied so often that I have to
think twice before I accept what you say

d-- vN.
a) Imran: You know Mukul has got a
cash prize of ten thousand rupees for his
novel? This is the second time he is getting
the award (F ? -

J x a- d C.
N-Eo Sx Sx --. u
NQ u- J*).

2. Dwell upon/ on = Think or talk about
the same subject for too long = N

J* --E -*-/ x-/ Ja

a) Hanuman: Of late Brahma has become
tiring. He always talks about his daughter's
achievements ( u vt N-T-h-

o. p x-t C-* N-
J x---).
Raghava: That's true. He often dwells
upon her achievements both in studies and
in sports and games. He bores us to death

(C E. p x-t -, vx

(y pC t? y
pC t--- -x -l p).
Surya: You need not have any such
doubt. Your own brother will bear out what
I have told you ( - F-\-x. F

t p--Eo E E v-h).
b) Karthik: Is it true that Anand is not at
fault at all? ( pO -C E-?)
Nilakanta: Why doubt it? I am sure he
has no role in what happened last week.
The later events bear that out (

? J-T--x E v
t. - J-T - EE V h).

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