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1. Quality in construction works
The system of quality management in construction works is designed to lead to building and
service of constructions with appropriate quality, aiming to protect human lives, goods, society
and the environment. This is set as an absolute requirement by the Romanian Law 10/1995
concerning quality in construction works.
Adequate quality for construction works means to achieve and maintain, during the whole life
service of the building, the following essential requirements:
-structural strength and stability;
-fire protection;
-hygiene, health and environment care;
-service safety;
-noise insulation;
-low energy consumption and thermal insulation.
Thus, quality in construction works is the sum of all service and construction performances,
order so satisfy the requirements of the users and collectivities, for all service life of the building.
However, they establish mainly the minimal requirements for construction quality and the way to
control and establish Quality management is applied differently for various constructions,
depending on their complexity, destination, use, safety risk and economical considerations.
However, the essential requirements concerning strength and stability, fire protection, hygiene
and service safety, should be satisfied for all construction works.
2. The system of quality management in construction works
The system of quality management in construction works represents the overall of factors
contribute to the insurance of adequate quality of buildings: organizations, responsibilities,
regulations, means and technologies for all the stages of the construction life-span: conception,
elevation, service and post-service.

This system consists of:

- technical regulations for construction works;
- the quality of the products employed in the building process;
- technical certification for new products and technologies;
- the control/inspection of the projects and the construction, expertise;
-the authorization and accreditation of analysis and tests laboratories;
-service behavior and interventions during service,
- post-utilization of buildings;

3. Execution quality control

The builder must establish his own system of quality management and respect the following
-begin construction works only for authorized projects;
- ensure the adequate quality level by employing good management and certified personnel;
-convoke all the factors that take part in the construction process at determinant stages;
- employ only the materials, technologies and solutions specified by design.

Develop documentation required to achieve the investment objective economic of an OFFICE

BULIDING following the steps:
I. Study design, drawing up a list of activities
II. Calculate the amount of work BILL OF QUANTITIES of construction equipment;
III. Develop statements of resources, analytical estimate;
IV. Development (checking) economic documentation system with WINDEV;

PHASE I - Study design, drawing up a list of activities

Technical project summarize all documentation which includes the concept of realizing a
construction, can prepare and carry out the execution of construction works and controls the
quality. Execution details complete at the detail solutions defined in the technical design without
changing the building permit and the costs provided in the approved estimate by the owner
and/or beneficiary.
Technical project, with the execution details and assignment books (which give the conditions of
the technical execution of construction works) it helps at the realization of technical study
necessary for:

understanding of work performance to be achieved;

Setting execution solutions;
setting means and resources necessary for execution;
calculate the amount of work to be performed;
simplified cost estimates
PHASE II - Calculate the amount of work

Bill of quantities- written piece component of economic documentation that determines the

quantities of work of each necessary item to run for the development of construction works.
For elaboration of the bill of quantities proceed as follows:

analysis of technical project ,execution details and the assignment books which
accompanying the project.
Establishing the technological and organizational execution solutions identifying
processes and activities to be performed on site for realization of the works
For each construction process is identified an estimate norm.
Stage III - Develop extracts of resources, analytic estimate.

A. Develop extracts of resources

Calculate the amount of resources required for implementation of the quantities of items
specified in the measurements is achieved by means extract resources.
Extracts are prepared separately for those 3 categories of resources: material extract, labor
extract, equipment extract.
Material extract is economic documentation that identifies the materials of construction on
types and sizes and the afferent quantities, required for execution of construction works
under conditions specified by the estimative norm.
Labor extract is documentation that identifies the specialties and qualifications of workers
and the duration measured in hours consumed by them, necessary for execution of
construction work under the conditions specified by the estimative norm.
Equipement extract is the economic documentation the defines machines, tools, equipments ,
technologic installations and the necessary lifetime necessary for the execution of the
construction works.
B. Evaluation of analytical estimate
Calculating the cost of directly execution through the analytical estimate by categories of
works is based on the concept of unit price of the resource. The unit price means the unit
prices of resources related to items of work, representing the product of specific consumption of
resources and prices, rate for each resource category.
PHASE IV Elaboration of economic documentation using computer programs
Providing a quality management in construction firms cannot be done without analyzing a
significant amount of information to be processed and managed to make better decisions faster.

Critical Path Method

Any action, activity, process developed during a certain interval of time and involving a
bigger or a smaller volume of resources, cannot take place chaotically, without a certain order,
organization, orientation.

The obtaining of a product from the construction activity, beginning with the construction
element and finishing with Service Delivery in Constructions, supposes the performance of a
bigger or smaller number of simple and/or complex processes, of actions with technical,
organizational, administrative, legislative, technological character, each of them being
characterized by:
-proper technology;
-proper working method;
-a certain way of development in time and space.
The main task of the organization, by programming the execution of projects, is to
establish the actions necessary to the accomplishment of the project (work) and the correlations
between these actions, so that everybody, people and equipment intervene at the right time to
perform a certain action. This consists in establishing the beginning and the ending of actions,
this way obtaining what we call, schedule of terms.

Programming in constructions consists in projecting the performance in time and space

of the simple and/or complex processes, actions and activities which lead to the obtaining of a
product, using certain specific principles and methods, taking into account the technological and
organizational conditionings imposed by the situation where the accomplishment of a process is
conditioned by the ending of one or more processes, in its turn influencing the beginning of one
or more processes.

Definition and characterization of the Critical Path Method

Most generally, the Critical Path Method (CPM) is defined as an assembly of procedures
for the programming and the management of performance regarding complex projects, based on
the graph theory.
The Critical Path Method uses a special technique of representing the performance of the
projects execution in the shape of plane networks, called graphs or network graphics; that is why
a more complete name would be the method of project programming based on network

The characteristics of CPM:

-the network graph represent a chaining of the activities, which are placed in to a tehnological
execution sense.
-CPM can provide a scheduled bar chart of activities to meet imposed dead lines, using the
available resources.

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