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About Us
company, registered to do business in Nigeria, as a limited
liability company (RC956928). Our industry focus includes the
Telecommunications, Information and Communications
Technology, Petroleum, Financial and Manufacturing sectors.
Our growth plan is organic, with scalable milestones, and
involves expansion into various industries and countries.

Agunla PB is the Energy (Oil & Gas) trading and brokerage

department of Aura Mata Investments Limited. we facilitate
transactions in commodities and products within the
petroleum industry. To achieve this, we partner with
stakeholders to deliver Bonny Light Crude Oil (BLCO) and other
petroleum products to the global and local markets.

Closing contracts and deals, is never a problem, finding real

capable people who STAND behind their product is.
In a business where the meeting of two genuine parties does
not guarantee a good transaction, the product is a necessity,
and anyone who hears a thing or two about the deal dreams
about jumping on the band-wagon to see what can be gleaned
off a trade, we actually do our groundwork of locating and
verifying genuine sellers (and/or seller mandates), and sourcing
buyers, thereby saving the buyer and seller the trouble.
We do not deal with daisy chains of brokers and intermediaries,
or people who are not aware of the difference between a

How We Operate
Step 1: We find and get direct access to a seller/allotted supplier/seller
mandate, and make certain of principals genuineness, and existence of
product (POP and past deals done).
Step 2: We obtain commitment from seller/allotted supplier/seller
mandate to honour purchase requests introduced by us, and open
negotiation with buyers side.
Step 3: With assurance of verified POP, we contact refineries, major
traders that can provide LOI from an end-user, or their mandates. We
introduce our business and agree with prospective buyer on terms of
Step 4: We ensure conclusion of contract between buyer and seller.

Why Buyers Prefer Us





We save you the trouble of searching

for genuine suppliers, in a business
full of chains and layers of hangerson with no real ability to deliver on
promise or product.
Even where off-takers get supply
through their trading subsidiaries,
departments, or agents, these
hardship in sourcing directly from
real suppliers. We fill in this gap.
We are transparent. There are no
surprises, or un-discussed dealbreakers. We will gain and maintain
your trust for the long run.
We will not waste your time. We
already know the sellers market and




will match the terms with yours in

the shortest timeline.
We are direct to supply source. We
have already done our homework, so
you do not need to worry about
long-winded correspondence.
We protect your interest with utmost
responsibility, while providing flexible
options for you, or your mandate, to
decide how to use us in your best
interest, without compromising trade
terms or sellers conditions.
We respect and value your trust and
confidence in our integrity and
capabilities. We will not take your
business for granted.

Why Sellers Rely on Us

1. We bring genuine purchase requests. No long chain of distractions, just direct link to
2. Unlike others that wait for the next deal to come by, we go all out to promote
commodity trades, by helping supplier find buyer, and leading buyer to supplier.
3. Unlike other intermediaries that pose as stop-gap between buyer and seller in order
to secure their interest, we provide open negotiation between parties and step aside
for trade to take place. We would have agreed our interest coverage with both parties
ab initio.
4. We do our background checks on buyers, and do not belabour the supplier with loads
of unrealistic requests.

Who Needs Us

Crude oil refineries

Supply and Trading Departments of refineries
Supply and Trading Subsidiaries of refinery companies
Supply and Trading Companies mandated by refineries
Mandates and direct representatives of refineries

What We Deliver
Bonny Light Crude Oil (BLCO)
We are presently working on expanding product offerings to include Tema Crude
(Ghana), Angolan Crude, and Venezuelan Crude.
We also facilitate trade and distribution of petroleum products, both locally and

What We Offer
We will facilitate contact and trade in Crude oil, between buyer and seller. We do this by
first sourcing and securing the commitment of seller/supplier to deliver on request, and
then we establish relations with the buyer/off-taker/buyers mandate. You may call us the
man-in-the-middle, but what we actually do is cut off all risks and tardiness caused by
intermediaries, middle-men, traders or agents-to-agents-to-agents-who-know-mandateto-buyer!!!

Why This Business

It takes some level of relationship and local intelligence to get to genuine supply sources
for Crude oil. Refineries set up whole departments or subsidiaries for this purpose. Most
buyer mandates have horrid experiences getting genuine suppliers. In the middle of this
(to worsen matters) are the arm-chair traders, agents, facilitators, referrers and
introducers, who complicate things further. We take on the job of all of them(!) and
deliver quality deals to buyers in record time.
Sometimes, to get to our sources, we form alliance with sellers agents, whose role is to
ultimately introduce us directly to the supplier, and step aside from deal.

3 Easy Ways To Use Us

You can authorise us to introduce a deal from

a supplier, OR
You can make us your trading representatives,
You (when you trust us) can make us your

Authorised Dealer Terms

1. We will agree with you on business terms, and mutual protection of each others
interests, in writing.
2. You will authorise us by letter issued on your official letterhead, and signed by at
least 2 authorised signatories, to get desired deals. Dealership agreement is fixed
term, and will stipulate in strict terms the timeframe, quantity and deal-structure
you want us to operate by. E.g. You may sign us on for a single deal of 2 million (or
more) barrels per month, 12-month (or more) contract, or a one-time TTO.
3. You will provide us with an LOI on your official letterhead upon request, addressed
to the supplier we provide.
4. We will introduce your trading team to the supplier to commence negotiations. We
will not be authorised to represent you or deal on your behalf.
5. Our interest in the deal will be noted in the IMFPA section of the SPA, once deal is
agreed between you and seller.

Trading Representative Terms

1. We will agree with you on business terms, and mutual protection of each others
interests, in writing.
2. You will authorise us by letter or certificate issued on your official
letterhead/stamp, and signed by at least 2 authorised signatories, to represent you
in procurement of Crude oil.
3. We will be directly responsible to you OR your Supply and Trading team on
contractual basis, specifically for the delivery of Crude oil deals.
4. We will introduce the supplier, and work with you (if you wish) to finalise
5. Our interest in the deal will be noted in the IMFPA section of the SPA, once deal is
agreed between you and seller.

Buyers Mandate Terms

1. You will provide us with specific instructions, guidelines and terms under which we
will represent you. Where corporate synergy is required, you will provide relevant
instructions. We will exhibit adequate understanding of requirements to your
2. We will agree with you on business terms, and mutual protection of each others
interests, in writing.
3. You will issue us a Mandate Letter or Certificate on your official letterhead/stamp,
and signed by at least 2 authorised signatories, to represent you in negotiations for
purchase of Crude oil.
4. You will provide us with all relevant information and/or documents to facilitate
Crude oil deals, as required.
5. We will be directly responsible to you OR your Supply and Trading team, specifically
for the negotiation and procurement of Crude oil.
6. We will negotiate the terms of deal with supplier according to your directives.
7. Our interest in the deal will be noted in the IMFPA section of the SPA, once deal is
agreed between you and seller.

Contact Us
We welcome further enquiries and business from you:
Aura Mata Investments Limited
63 Oduduwa Crescent, GRA Ikeja,
Phone: +234 805 505 7455
Skype: aura.mata1

Emrys O Ijaola (CEO)

How may we serve You?

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