Alchemy Books Catalogue

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Alchemy Books catalogue --------Five treatises of the philosophers stone - Alfonso V King of Portugal

A Revelation of the Secret Spirit - Giovan Battista Agnello

Centrum Naturae Concentratum, or the Salt of Nature Regenerated - Ali Puli
Annus Sophiae Jubilaeus, The Sophic Constitution - Anon.
Chymical, Medicinal and Chyrurgical Addresses - Anon.
The Excellent virtues and uses of the Great Antidote of Van Helmont - Anon.
The Cure of Old Age and Preservation of Youth - Roger Bacon
A little treatise of Astronomy - Anthony Askham
Frier Bacon, his Discovery of the Miracles of Art, Nature and Magick - Roger Bacon
The Mirror of Alchemy - Roger Bacon
Magnalia Naturae, or the philosophers stone - Johann Joachim Becher
Blagraves Astrological practice of Physick - Joseph Blagraves
Sanguis Naturae - Christoph Brummet
Philosophia Maturata - Lancelot Coelson
The Philosophical Epitaph of William Cooper - William Cooper
Mr Culpepper's Treatise of Aurum potabile - Nicholas Culpeper
Fasciculus Chemicus, or Chymical Collections - Arthur Dee
Choice and experimented receipts in Physick and Chirurgery - Sir Kenelm Digby
A Choice Collection of Rare Secrets - Sir Kenelm Digby
A brief answer of Josephus Quercetanus - Joseph Du Chesne
The practice of Chymical and Hermetical Physick, for the preservation of health Joseph Du Chesne
The Curious Distillatory - Johann Sigismund Elsholtz
An Exact Collection of the choicest and most rare experiments and secrets in Physick
and Chirurgery - Leonardo Fioravanti
A Discourse upon Chyrurgery - Leonardo Fioravanti
A Joyfull Jewell - Leonardo Fioravanti
Three Exact Pieces - Leonardo Fioravanti
Nicholas Flamel, his Exposition of the Heiroglyphical Figures- Nicholas Flamel
A Chymical Dictionary - J.F.
The Art of Distillation - John French
Aurifontina Chymica - John Frederick Houpreght
The Philosophical Furnaces - Johann Rudolf Glauber
The Works of Glauber - Johann Rudolf Glauber
The Family Physician and the House Apothecary - Gideon Harvey
Arcana Philosophia, or Chymical Secrets - John Headrich
One hundred fifty three chymical aphorisms - Franciscus Mercurius Helmont
The Golden Calf, which the world adores and desires - Johann Helvetius
A New Method of Rosie Crucian Physick - John Heydon

The Golden Age, or the Reign of Saturn reviewed - Hortolanus junior

The works of Geber - Jabir ibn Hayyan
A Hermetical Banquet, dressed by a Spagyrical Cook- James Howell
Elhavareuna, or the English Physician's Tutor - John Heydon
The Wiseman's Crown, or the Glory of the Rosie Cross - John Heydon
The Tomb of Semiramis, hermetically sealed - HVD
An Appendix to the unlearned Alchemist - George Kendall
Fundamenta Chymica - L.C.
The book of secrets of Albertus Magnus - Saint Albertus Magnus
Hermetical Physick - Heinrich Nolle
An Excellent Treatise showing such perilous and contagious infirmities, as shall ensue
1559 and 1566 - Nostradamus
Sal, Lumen & Spiritus Mundi Philosophici - Clovis Hesteau Nuisement
A Hundred and fourteen experiments and cures - Paracelsus, Hollandus, Quercetanus
An Excellent Treatise teaching how to cure the French Pocks - Paracelsus
Of the Nature of Things - Paracelsus
Paracelsus, his Archidoxis; or chief teachings, in Ten books - Paracelsus
Paracelsus, his Aurora & Treasure of the Philosophers - Paracelsus
Paracelsus, his Dispensatory and Chirurgery - Paracelsus
Paracelsus of the Chymical Transmutation of Metals and Minerals - Paracelsus
The First part of the Key of Philosophy - Paracelsus
A Tractate of the Universal Panacea - William Park
A New Method of Physick - Simeon Partlicius
Penotus' Palimeis, or The Alchymist's Enchiridion - Bernard Georges Penotus
An Exposition upon Sir George Ripley's Epistle to King Edward IV - Eirenaeus
A Breviary of Alchemy - Eirenaeus Philalethes
Collectanea Chymica - Eirenaeus Philalethes
The Marrow of Alchemy - Eirenaeus Philalethes
The Secret of the Immortal Liquor called Alkahest, or Ignis-Aqua - Eirenaeus
Three Tracts of the Great Medicine of Philosophers - Eirenaeus Philalethes
Philadelphia, or Brotherly Love to the Studious in the Hermetic Art - Eyreneus
Two books of Physick- Jean Prevost
The Compound of Alchemy - George Ripley
The Tillage of Light, or a True Discovery of the Philosphical Elixir - Patrick Scot
A New Light of Alchemy - Michael Sendivogius
George Starkey's pill - George Starkey
Liquor Alchahest, or a Discourse of that Immortal Dissolvent of Paracelsus and
Helmont - George Starkey

Otto Tachenius, his Clavis to the Ancient Hippocratical Physick or Medicine - Otto
Otto Tachenius, his Hippocrates Chymicus - Otto Tachenius
An easie Introduction to the Philosopher's Magickal Gold - George Thor
Aphorismi Urbigerani, or Certain, Infallible ways of preparing the Grand Elixir - Baro
Basilius Valentinus, his Last Will and Testament - Basil Valentine
Basil Valentine his Triumphant Chariot of Antimony - Basil Valentine
Of Natural & Supernatural Things - Basil Valentine
Of the Secrets of Antimony - Alexander van Suchten
Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum - Robert Vaughan
Metallographia, or An History of Metals - John Webster
Four books of Johannes Segerus Weidenfeld, concerning the Secrets of the Adepts Johannes Segerus Weidenfeld

--------- Magick Books catalogue --------Occult Philosophy in Three Books - Agrippa von Nettesheim
The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy - Agrippa von Nettesheim
The Book of Secrets of Albertus Magnus - Saint Albertus Magnus
Friar Bacon, his Discovery of the Miracles of Art, Nature and Magick - Roger Bacon
Medicina Magica Tamen Physica - Samuel Boulton
The Geomancie of Maister Christopher - Christofor Cattan
Art and Nature joyn hand in hand - John Durant
Unheard of Curiosites, Talismanical sculpture of the Persians - Jacques Gaffarel
The Divine Pymander of Hermes - Hermes Trismegistus
Asclepius - Hermes Trismegistus
The English Physitian's Holy Guide - John Heydon
Theomagia, or the Temple of Wisdom in Three books - John Heydon
The Book of Palmistry and Physiognomy - Johannes Indagine
Daemonologie, in form of a dialogue - King James I
The Magick of Kirani, King of Persia - Kiranus and Harpocration
Medicina Diastatica, or Sympatheticall Mumie - Paracelsus
Of the Supreme Mysteries of Nature - Paracelsus
Natural Magick, in two parts - John Baptista Porta
A Theatre of the Planetary Houres - George Simotta
Ars Notoria, the notary Art of Solomon - Robert Turner
Anima Magica Abscondita - Philalethes (Thomas Vaughan)
Anthroposophia Theomagica - Philalethes
Magia Adamica, the Antiquity of Magic - Philalethes

Occult Physick, or the Three Principles in Nature - W.W.

Magick and Astrology Vindicated - Hardick Warren

--------- Astrology Books catalogue --------Jack Adams his perpetual almanack - Jack Adams
The astrological physitian - William Andrews
A little treatise of Astronomy - Anthony Askham
An apology or, defence of the divine art of natural astrology - George Atwell
An astrolo-physical compendium, or, A brief introduction to astrology - Richard Ball
Astrolabium uranicum generale - John Blagrave
Blagrave's Introduction to astrology in three parts - Joseph Blagrave
Blagraves astrological practice of physick - Joseph Blagrave
The geomancie of Maister Christopher Cattan - Cristoforo Cattan
Indago astrologica: or, a brief and modest enquiry into some principal points of
astrology - Joshua Childrey
Clavis astrologiae - Henry Coley
Cometomantia, A discourse of comets - John Edwards
Animal cornutum, or The horn'd beast - John Gadbury
Astrologia reformata - Robert Godson
An astrological judgement touching theft - Anthony Griffin
An astrological discourse - Sir Christopher Heydon
Demonstration of astrology - William Hunt
The book of palmestry and physiognomy - Johannes Indagine
Hagiastrologia, or, The most sacred and divine science of astrology - Joseph B.
Christian astrology, modestly treated of in three books - William Lilly
An explication of the diall set up in the Kings garden - Francis Line
The five books of Mr. Manilius containing a system of the ancient astronomy and
astrology - Marcus Manilius
Defectio geniturarum - John Partridge
Country astrology in three books - John Poole
Astrologia restaurata, or, Astrology restored - William Ramesey
The astrological judgment and practice of physick - Richard Saunders
A theater of the planetary houres for all dayes of the yeare - George Simotta
A book of knowledge in three parts - Samuel Strangehopes
Astrological institutions - Robert Turner
Magick & Astrology vindicated - Hardick Warren

The Phoenix Library - 3 Volume Alchemy, Magick &

Astrology collection
Downloadable Digital Edition now available!

A valuable collection of original

manuscripts full of classics in the
field of Alchemy, Magick and
Astrology, from the 15th through
to18th Century. With an
interactive interface, finding,
reading and printing the books is
made easy.
The library of Alchemy books offer
all the wisdom and source material
an alchemist needs for successful
experimentiation in the Spagyric
and Alchemical realm. Most of the
content is focused on attaining the
Philosopher's Stone, the legendary
Elixir of Life. These books also
teach how to prepare alchemical
elixirs, tinctures and essences from
herbs, gems and metals.
The library of Magick books
instruct in the casting of spells,
invocations and magickal rites.
Diagrams of Talismans, Amulets
and Sigils are illustrated
throughout. A great reference
library of general occult
philosophy for magicians or
wiccans alike.
The library of Astrology books
reveal how medieval Astrology
was practiced according to the
ancient adepts and soothsayers.
Instructs in the casting of Square
Horoscopes, Natal charts,
Predictive Astrology and more. A
must for serious astrologers.
These e-books are scanned from
microfilm copies of the original
documents, therefore they are not
text-editable but are high
resolution images in PDF format
for easy reading. It's as if you had

the book right there, which reduces

the risk of translation errors that
may have occurred in the last few
centuries. All books are in English.
* Total of 21, 490 pages - *
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purchase (1.58 GB total size) *
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To order the Complete Phoenix
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The Phoenix Library of Alchemy Manuscripts- over

70 titles!

This valuable collection of Alchemy books

contains many classics from the 16th through
to18th Century, featuring famous authors
such as Paracelsus, Basil Valentine, Glauber,
Jabir, Sendivogius, Flamel, Philalethes,
Roger Bacon and many more.
The content of these books is primarily
concerned with the investigation of the
Philosopher's Stone, but also covers Hermetic
philosophy, Qabbala, Magick and Astrology,
and details many Spagyric experiments in
the Vegetable, Mineral and Animal Kingdom.
Powerful medicines lie dormant in these
books, which if rediscovered to the public,
would change the face of the world.
If you are new to the study of Alchemy this
library will give you all the knowledge you
need to experiment confidently, and for those
with large collections already, this addition
of manuscripts will be a trustworthy
touchstone of reference full of new gems.
There is enough wisdom presented in this
library to become a master alchemist,
provided one works as much they read.
These e-books are scanned from microfilm
copies of the original documents, therefore
they are not text-editable but are high
resolution images in PDF format for easy
reading. Its as if you had the book right
there, which reduces the risk of translation
errors that may have occurred in the last few
centuries. All books are in English.
* Total of 14,850 pages - * Installer
provided - * For a full list click here.



Click thumbnails for page examples.

The Phoenix Library of Magick Manuscripts - over

30 titles
Learn the art of Magick and take control of
the elements! Wield your hidden powers
under the instruction of the European
masters; Agrippa, Paracelsus, Albertus
Magnus, Philalethes, Roger Bacon and many
more. Whether you want to exorcise your
demons or cast a love spell, the keys of
knowledge are only a good read away. This
collection of magnificently illustrated
tomes is a valuable addition to any occult
The jewel of the collection is Agrippa's Occult
Philosophy in four books, full of tables and
symbols outlining the language and practice
of ancient Magick. Ars Notoria by Robert
Turner is another must have classic for
students of the magickal arts. The Medicina
Diastatica of Paracelsus gives instruction on
magnetical distance healing using the astral
body. The most ancient books here are the
Divine Pymander of Hermes and his
Asclepius from the Hermetica, two of the
most important books of Occult Philosophy
for several thousand years!
This collection unveils the deep connections

between Magick, Qabbala, Alchemy and

Astrology, and will help gain insight into all
of these realms. And remember... Success
follows intent!
WARNING: This is powerful information
which should however be used with caution,
being quite dark in contrast to modern day
spiritualism. Use at your own risk.
These e-books are scanned from microfilm
copies of the original documents, therefore
they are not text-editable but are high
resolution images in PDF format for easy
reading; it's as if you had the book right
there. All books are in English.
* Total of 7,000 pages - * Installer
provided - * For a full list click here.


Click thumbnails for page examples.

The Phoenix Library of Astrology Manuscripts - 30


Learn Medieval Astrology with this

comprehensive collection from the 16th to
17th Century period. Amateur and
professional Astrologers alike will benefit
from taking this trip back in time to the
European Renaissance. From casting
quadrate natal charts to diagnosing celestial
illnesses to predicting future events, these
masters of the Art explain how it was done
centuries ago. Whether you're picking herbs
or reading palms, it pays to place the planets
Griffin reveals the secrets of how to discover
thieves who robbed you or to find lost
animals; Blagrave gives a complete
introduction to horoscopes and how to
incorporate them with your medical
practice; Edwards examines the facts
regarding comets, what they signify and
whether they are evil or not; and Andrews
explains why you may feel great heat or pain
in your privy members whilst the Sun and
Mars are in Scorpio.
Covering a broad range of applications from
the ridiculous to the profound, these
Astrology books were destined to inspire the
romantically curious.
The e-books in this collection are scanned
from microfilm copies of the original
documents, therefore they are not texteditable but are high resolution images in
PDF format for easy reading; it's as if you
had the book right there with you. All books
are in English.
* Total of 6,200 pages - * Installer
provided - * For a full list click here.

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