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M ANISH M ANEKAR educat i ng t he t eam in i m pl em ent i ng best

pract i ces whil e adopt i ng Agi l e/S crum .

Dear Em pl oyer, The ITIL C ert i fi cat i on has gi ven m e the

perspect i ve of S ervi ce li fe cycl e. The
I woul d li ke to i nt roduce m ysel f for new engi neeri ng & m anagem ent educat i on hel ps m e
opport uni t i es... underst and cust om er busi ness bet t er.

B E MB A - 17 yrs i n IT/ S oft ware - P roduct To nam e m y top t hree qual i t i es, I l i st
Devel opm ent / Del i very Manager – C ert i fi ed di sci pl i ne, i nnovat i on and opt im i sm . P eopl e
S crum Mast er, ITIL C ert i fi ed, and C ert i fi ed descri be m e as a good li st ener, fai r and l ead
S upport P rofessi onal . Exposed t o B usi ness by exam pl e. I successful l y ret ai ned m y
S ervi ce Managem ent , S ervi ce Aut om at i on, em pl oyees duri ng m y t enure at B MC S oft ware
C apaci t y Managem ent , Vi rt ual i zat i on, and t hey have vot ed m e as “l i ke t o work wit h
Insuranc e, R et ai l ; Ent erpri se P roduct s, Web agai n”. Som e of m y val uabl e i ni ti at i ves t o
Appl i cat i ons, Web S ervi ces, Mi crosoft , hi ghl i ght here are: Knowl edge t ransfer &
Java/ J2EE. knowl edge shari ng, Em phasi s on const ant
i m provem ent , Qual i t y as devel opm ent
In m y l ast corporat e j ob, I worked for 4½ funct i on, Focus on com m uni cat i on & servi ce.
years wi t h B MC S oft ware – t he l eadi ng
ent erpri se soft ware product devel opm ent I am open for new opport uni ti es and l ook
MNC , as a P roduct Devel opm ent Manager, i n forward t o work wi t h you.
t he capa ci t y of S eni or P roj ect Manager
responsi bl e for P roduct Del i very, P eopl e &
P erform anc e Managem ent . The product
del i very responsi bi l it i es i ncl uded pri ori ti zi ng  Mani sh Manekar
product backl og, engagi ng resources in 09822577094 | |

product devel opm ent , t est i ng, enhanc em ent ,

m ai nt enance, cust om i zat i on as wel l as
cust om er support . Managed 5 rel eases and up
t o 20 em pl oyees in 3 t eam s. This i nvol ved
col l aborat i on am ong cross- funct i onal t eam s of
product m anagem ent , devel opm ent , usabi l i t y,
QA/ t est i ng, int er- op, cust om er support and
fi el d (consul t ant s on si t e & pre- sal es) from
Am eri cas, Europe & Indi a.

Worked cl osel y wit h product m anagem ent on

product st rat egy, backl og & roadm ap; and wi t h
seni or m anagem ent on pl anni ng &
i m pl em ent i ng ini t i at i ves such as Agil e/ S crum ,
Tool s St andardi zat i on, CMMI & IS O
C ert i fi cat i ons. Al so act i vel y cont ri but ed t o
act i on pl ans to im prove qual it y of product as
wel l as qual it y of support . As a C ert i fi ed
S crum Mast er, I pl ayed t he key rol e in

+91-9822577094 Pune - India
Software Delivery & Support

Software Delivery * People Management * Technical Support * Performance Management

ITIL * Agile/Scrum * Virtualization
Planning * Scheduling * Delegating * Coaching * Innovating * Motivating

17 years of progressive IT/Software career in Object Oriented, RDBMS, Web/Web Service, and Distributed Computing.
After programming (coding, design, analysis & in lead role) for 10 years, strategically taken responsibility of a newly set
software development center as Manager. Also managed (Project/People/Performance Management, Scrum Master, Mentor)
team of developers & QA engineers at a Product MNC. The domain expertise lies in Capacity Management, Virtualization,
Insurance and Retail. Today poised to assume a greater responsibility in a broader spectrum.

MBA (1995 & 2008), BE - Computer Science (1992)
ITIL Certified (Foundation), Certified Scrum Master, Certified Support Professional

Product Dev Manager since 2004 Pune – 2004 to date BMC Software
Project Manager since 2001 Nagpur – 2001 to 2004 Pratham Technology
Project Leader since 1996 New York – 1997 to 2001 Systems Task Group Ltd.
Analyst/Developer since 1992 London – 1995 to 1997 Tata Consultancy Services
Mumbai – 1993 to 1995

Business Company Duration
Coaching/Consultancy - Agile Freelancer/Entrepreneur Apr 09 – To Date
Product Development BMC Software Oct 04 – Mar 09
Business Service Management, Service
Automation, Capacity Management, C++, .Net, Java, XML
Virtualization Business Objects, Rally
Project Management Pratham Technology Oct 01 – Aug 04
Web Applications / Components Retail,E-
Commerce,Community Sites ASP,PHP,SQL Server,MySQL,
Internet/Intranet Applications, PDA, ASP.Net,C#, XML, XMLHTTP,
Handheld, Mobile J2ME, MIDP, Symbian
Retail ConAgra Foods Inc., NE Mar 01 – Sep 01
Server, Oracle C++

Dot Com Startup INSGreencard Inc., NY Apr 00 – Feb 01

SQL PowerBuilder,

Insurance Superior Insurance Co., NY Mar 99 – Apr 00

Retail Avon Products Inc., NY Oct 97 – Mar 99
Retail General Electric Co., London Jan 96 – Sep 97
Insurance PMS Creative, London Jan 95 – Dec 95

Credit Rating Credit Analysis & Research Sep 93 – Dec 94

Knowledge Based System NEERI Aug 92 – Aug 93

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Detailed Resume of Manish Manekar Page 1 of 6
TOTAL RELEASES 5 (1 new product, 2 major & 2 minor releases)
TOTAL DEVELOPERS Managed team of up to 20 developers & QA engineers

ROLES Product Development Manager

Project Manager
People Manager
Scrum Master
Product Line Representative to Senior Management

RESPONSIBILITY Product Development, Delivery, Collaboration

Plan, Requirements, Estimate, Schedule, Track, Measure, Escalate
Resource Planning, Hiring, Develop, Lead, Appraise
Facilitate Release Planning, Iteration Planning, Scrum Practices
Mentor, Develop, Guide
Present Metrics, Accomplishments, Roadmaps to Senior Management

ACCOMPLISHMENTS Rebuilt & Maintained the morale of the team out of difficult situations
Prevented productivity from going down due to distractions
Resolved issues with the customer support team
Improved the quality standard of the team by coaching
Employee Development through mentoring
Removed disparity in remuneration of employees

INITIATIVES Knowledge transfer & knowledge sharing

Emphasis on constant improvement
Quality as development function
Focus on communication

PROCESSES Agile/Scrum, Scrum practices

Metrics & reports with statistical analysis
Escalation process
Team improvement plan
Quality improvement plan

INNOVATION Increased efficiency through automation

Template aligning Performance Objectives with Organizational Goals

AWARD/RECOGNITION I received appreciation from management for team’s valuable quality

contribution to new innovative product offering Capacity Management
Essentials. One of the leads received Above & Beyond award.

DOMAIN Service Automation | Capacity Management

Server Utilization | Server Consolidation | Virtualization | Capacity Planning
Performance Measurement | Performance Modeling

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PROPOSALS 150/200 short proposals
(Maximum 4/5 projects in parallel,
Average 4/5 developers on a project of 2 month on average,
Maximum 35/36 man-month project)
PRODUCTIVITY 2000 man-hour per month (billable) at peak

RESPONSIBILITY Proposals & Client Interaction

(Study RFP, Analyze Requirement, Propose, Estimate, Communicate)
Project Management
(Plan, Schedule, Design, Document, Delegate, Develop, Monitor)
Process Management
(Quality, Documentation, Testing, Version & Change Management)
People Management
(Team/Expertise Building, Moral Boost)

ACCOMPLISHMENTS Process Enforcement INITIATIVES Knowledge Base Library

Enhanced Efficiency Pair Programming
High Quality Throughput Process Enhancements
Increased Productivity QA & Testing
Timely Delivery Daily Informal Meetings
High Team Moral Individual Participation
Extreme Programming Accountability & Statistics

Web Services/Components
Metadata (ASP/XML), DataSync (ASP/VB), PDF Conversion(C++), News Flash(C++)

Shopping Carts
Jewelry, Apparel, Gifts, etc. (ASP, PHP, SQL Server, MySQL, Access)
Community Sites
Matrimonial, Indian Community Abroad, Yellow Pages, Dating sites, etc.
(ASP, PHP, SQL Server, MySQL, Access)
Forum, Chat, Newsletter, Online Payment, RSS Feed

Internet/Intranet Applications
Data Driven/Template Based Portals
Management Institute, HR Database, Intranet Access Gateway
(ASP, PHP, SQL Server, MySQL, Access)
Applications for…
Handheld Devices – Hospital Management (ASP.Net)
PDA - Restaurant Management (VB)
Kiosk - AD Placement (VB)
POS - Transport Displays/Timetable (ASP.Net)
Mobile - Games, Answering machine, etc. (J2ME, MIDP, Symbian, C++)
ISP - Independent Service Provider to US Client (XML, ASP, ASP.Net)

Microsoft .Net, ASP, VB, SQL Server, IIS
Web ASP, PHP, SQL Server, MySQL, Access
ASP.Net, VB.Net, XML, XMLHTTP, IIS, Apache
Mobile J2ME, MIDP, Symbian, C++

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Freelancer/Entrepreneur, Pune, India Apr’09 to Present
While brushing up the entrepreneurial characteristics, working as a coach for Agile & ITIL.

BMC Software, Pune, India Oct’04 to Mar’09

As a Product Development Manager, managing a team of developers & QA engineers.

Responsibilities Products
 Project Management  BMC Capacity Management Essentials
 People & Process Management  BMC Performance Assurance
 Planning, Leading  BMC Performance Perceiver
 Scrum Master  Exception Detector

Initiatives Achievements
 Knowledge sharing  Morale & Trust
 Ongoing Improvement  Productivity & Quality
 Quality  Conflict Resolution
 Communication  Employee Development

Pratham Technology, Nagpur, India Oct’01 to Aug’04

As a Project Manager, managing this Offshore Development Company’s software development.

Responsibilities Projects
 Project Management  Web Services, Database Driven Sites
 Process Management  Shopping Cart, Community Site, Chat, Games
 Proposals  PDA Applications, Kiosk Applications
 Mentoring  .Net,ASP,PHP,Java,VB,Access,SQLServer,MySQL

Initiatives Achievements
 Resource Organization  Increased Productivity
 Better Work Culture  Improved Business Process
 Internal Communication  Boosted Team Spirit

ConAgra Foods Inc., Omaha NE, USA Mar’01 to Sep’01

PowerBuilder & DB migration, Performance Tuning and UI Enhancement. Responsibilities involved:
 Analyzing & documenting the existing client/server applications’ design
 Identifying the impact and Estimating the efforts required
 Database conversion and Performance Tuning
 Functional Enhancements and Development & Integration of new modules
Environment: Oracle 8i, Sybase 11, PowerBuilder 6.5, Windows NT 4.0

INSGreencard Inc., New York, USA Apr’00 to Feb’01

An Internet Startup – caters to the immigrant and non-immigrant needs through its knowledge based
intelligent application INSWizard representing an online immigration lawyer. The INSWizard determines the eligibility of
the applicant for a specific process. It guides qualifying applicants through the interview module and prepares appropriate
INS forms with gathered information.
 Building an Internet Start-Up Company from scratch and within limited resources
 Analysis and Object Oriented Design using UML
 Extended Web Application Framework featuring Rule Engine
 Java components as Tag & Process Handlers – Servlets
 Client Request Delegation and Load Balancing
 Remote Method Invocation - RMI
 XML Data Representation and Persistence
 CVS Version Control System and BugZilla Bug Tracking System
 Registration, Eligibility, Interview, PDF Forms, Payment, Ask Our Experts, Chat modules
Environment: Java Servlets, Tag Libraries, JDBC, Visual Cafe, UML, XML, HTML, JavaScript, Oracle 8i, Netscape
Enterprise Web Server, Windows NT 4.0, Linux, CVS, BugZilla

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Superior Insurance Co., New York, USA Mar’99 to Apr’00
This is a Web Application for Auto Insurance Companies and its Agents. It facilitates to accept an application for insurance
policy and generates quote, policy & billing information. It extracts relevant data from text file generated by the DMV and
also performs automatic cancellation & re-instates a policy.
 Responsible for writing, compiling & integrating Java Servlets
 Independently developed 3 web modules – DMV File Parse, MVR Search and PCL/PDF Printing
 Designed & implemented HTML user interfaces through Java Servlets
 Session manager to maintain security
 Database connectivity through JDBC; Writing SQL scripts, Packages & Procedures
Environment: Java Servlets, JBuilder 3.0, JavaScript, Oracle 8.0, Java Web Server, Windows NT 4.0

Avon Products Inc., New York, USA Oct’97 to Mar’99

Avon Products is a direct sales company with a range of products and cosmetics as its core business.
 Internet interface from within PowerBuilder Application
 Automated email reporting using DDE to Lotus Notes from PowerBuilder
 Writing & Tuning Stored Procedures in Transact SQL as well as PL/SQL
 Dynamic Reports generation using Transact SQL and PL/SQL
 Automated monitoring of loading procedures using Transact SQL
 Creating Triggers & Indexes through SQL Enterprise Manager
 Scheduling, monitoring & maintaining various tasks in SQL Task Manager
 Design, Creation of database in SQL Enterprise Manager
 Users/Permissions, Backup/Restore & Replication through SQL Enterprise Manager
Environment: MS SQL Server 6.5, Sybase 10, Oracle 7.3, PowerBuilder 6.5, Windows NT

GE Information Services, London, UK Jan’96 to Sep’97

An Invoice Generator system aimed at fully automating the invoicing systems of all the GE group of companies in the US,
UK and Europe.
 Designed and Developed a comprehensive and modular client/server application with 6 modules
 Created the application framework and GUI in PowerBuilder using OOM
 Build the business logic of four different types of transactions in Transact SQL
 Build Multilingual & Mixed Currency capability
 Involved in the full life cycle of the project
 Also responsible for project management and SEI-CMM level 3 compliance
Environment: Sybase 10, 11, PowerBuilder 4.0.05, 5.0, Windows 95 / NT 3.51 

PMS Creative Ltd., London, UK Jan’95 to Dec’95

Involved in the development of ‘System for the Administration of Reinsurance’ for Union America.
 Large system with over 100 tables, 150 screen with over 100GB of database
 Involved in the actual design and development in MS SQL Server & PowerBuilder
 Added the functionality in GUI & business logic in Stored Procedures
 Wrote stored procedures using Transact SQL
 Involved in the development of the three level security within the application
 Involved in the migration of the system from PowerBuilder 4.0 to 5.0
Environment: Sybase 10, PowerBuilder 4.0, 5.0, Windows NT 3.51

Credit Analysis & Research (CARE) Ltd., India Sept’93 to Dec’94

CARE is a Mumbai based financial credit rating agency. Many premier companies in India use CARE’s services for
assessing credit ratings and viability of their financial instruments. These ratings are published periodically and are used by
domestic and foreign investors.
 Designed and created tables in Oracle 7.0
 Designed DDE and OLE interface in PowerBuilder 3.0a
 Wrote database triggers and procedures in Oracle 7.0 using PL/SQL
 Was responsible for unit testing and integration testing
 Conducted performance tuning for performance improvement and quality assurance
 Prepared user documentation and conducted user training
Environment: PowerBuilder 3.0a, Oracle 7.0, Windows for Workgroup 3.11, UNIX

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National Environmental Engg. Research Inst., India Aug’92 to Aug’93
Involved in the design and development of a ‘Knowledge Based System for Environmental Impact Assessment’. This system
was aimed at automating the process of assessing environmental impact.
 Client server system  Object Oriented Methodology
 Rule based engine  GUI developed in Kappa PC
 Mathematical algorithms wrote in C  Full life cycle of the project
 Knowledge Base build in the rule based engine built in Kappa PC
Environment: Kappa PC, C, Windows 3.1

Skill Latest Version Experience Year
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Rel 2 InfoView 4 Years 2009
Rally 2009.1 4 Years 2009
BMC Remedy 7.1 4 Years 2009
MS Project 2007 10 Years 2009
MS Windows XP,2000,ME,NT,98,95,3.11 17 Years 2009
Unix, Linux HP,IBM,Sun, RedHat,Oracle 5 Years 2009
Java – JSDK, JDK, JDBC, Servlets, Tag Libraries, JSP, J2ME 2+ Years 2001
IIS, Netscape Enterprise Web Server, Sun’s Java Web Server, Apache Web Server/Tomcat 2001
PowerBuilder 8.0, 7.0, 6.5 6 Years 2001
MS SQL Server 2000, 7.0, 6.5 6 Years 2001
Oracle 9,8i, 8.0, 7.3, 7.0 4 Years 2001
Sybase 11, 10 3 Years 2001
ASP.Net, PHP, Access, MySQL, UML, XML, JavaScript, CVS, Visual Basic, C++, Prolog, LISP 2001

Exam & Year of Passing Marks Institute & University
MBA (EPGDBM),2008 73.14% SIBM, Pune | Symbiosis International University
MBA (PGDBM), 1995 77.88% Management Studies Promotion Institute, New Delhi
BE (Computer), 1992 66.53% Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli | Shivaji Univ.
HSC (10+2), 1988 77.33% Willingdon College, Sangli | Maharashtra State Board
SSC (10), 1986 76.28% Vidya Mandir Prashala, Miraj | Maharashtra State Board


Managing Virtual Teams The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Managing Performance First Line Manager Development Program
Interviewing Skills Planning And Measuring For Success
Hire The Best ISO 9001:2000 Foundation Training Program
Employee Development Planning CMMI for Development - Overview
Coaching For Contribution Effective Use of Microsoft Project in Project Management
Managing Personal Growth Quantitative Techniques for Managerial Decision Making



Nitin Mahajan, Director – R&D, BMC Software (Ref. BMC 2004-09)
Sandeep Shouche, Senior Program Manager, BMC Software (Ref. BMC 2004-09)
Mangesh Pujari, AVP, Merill Lynch / Bank of America (Ref. TCS/STG 1993-2001)
Hetal Kothari, Senior Consultant, TechMahindra (Ref. TCS/STG 1993-2001)
Jayant Walvekar, AVP, Persistent Systems (a friend & classmate at engineering 1988-92)

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