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1) EI and leadership

Transformational leadership Self Actualization Leaders Influencing others to

take initiative Leadership crisis in country (in Bcy too) Standard setters
only then ethics in administration Can give many examples of successful civil
2) EI and administrative culture
Bcy Culture Status Quo, Red Tapist, Empire Building, Prismatic Salacratic
Tendencies (especially Formalism), Elitist, Non-Responsive, File Dealing, Not time
How to change Culture Complete change in Attitude of Civil Servants EI has
important role Empathy required Have to shed elitism Have to work in rural
areas so need to understand their culture, values and accordingly communicate
Every CS has responsibility to motivate and bring positive attitude out of subordinates Esperit De Corps. Service towards nation Conflict management
across various departments only then can infra projects can be cleared at fast
3) EI and Motivation
Need Hierarchy Hezberg Dual Uni Polar analysis, McCleland, Argyris, Bernard and
Weber (contribution satisfaction How to design non-material inducements)
In allotting (jobs, works) among CS Need to know their disposition about
particular work If they are interested only then allocate that work to them
otherwise demotivation
4) EI and NPM (client orientation, citizen centric administration)
Citizen Charter, Polite, rendering apology, behavior training of employees to
implement charter, IFC and their EI training, May I help you desks,
5) EI and Public Grievance Redressal
Most of the complaints due to bad behavior of CS Effective Redressal requires
empathy, otherwise people will lose confidence in GRM,
6) EI and Executive-Administration relationship
Minister Civil Servant Relationship Each others perspective Coordination
between two Special reference to the role of cabinet secretary, chief secretary
Special reference role of SP, Collector (District Adminstration) and importance of EI
Admnrs have now to interact and deal with PRI leaders (local elite) Big difference
in cultural background

7) EI and lower Bureaucracy (cutting edge level)

They deal with public directly Image of Government in common mans eyes
Corrupt, Narrow Minded, No self respect left Need to rebuild their confidence and
attitude EI role
8) EI and Police, Security Forces Special focus Communalism
AFSPA, Trust deficit, change in attitude of our police. From colonial force to service
oriented Training to be emotionally intelligent while dealing with sensitive issues
communalism specially training needed for SHOs and constables
9) EI and Recruitment, Training
To hire more EI people Bring this in recruitment system Taylor Regular InService training

EI and Media

How to interact with media dealing with media one needs to be very EI
otherwise sensationalism can harm diplomatic relations National Interest CS
should exercise great restraint should resist temptation of public glamour

EI and Gender dimension

Police dealing with sexual crimes, victims Govt to be more gender sensitive and
representative Inclusive administration Hire more females at lower bcy
Gender sensitization training to all employees so that they know how to deal with
female clients

EI and Weaker Section

Special care needed (so they have feeling of belongingness) Empathy

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