How To Collar A Submissive

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How to Collar a Submissive

gladucame, vkdemon
Now that Sebastian's new pet submissive is healed he can finally claim him for his
own. All he needs is a collar. (Missing scene from the fic "Training a Dominant".)

Warnings: D/s, talk of choke collars, bondage, slavery, heavy religious themes (not
real world religions)
This is set in the Training a Dominant world but is not canon. Consider this a deleted
scene between chapters 4 and 5. This was not included because the boys decided to
hijack the story in their own direction. So while not canon to the story we'd like to
share it.
Also, look! A TaD fanmix!

Work Text:
Sebastian didnt get to spend much time with his newest, most prized possession.
Not that he was eager to made chances in his schedule. David was hurt and pretty
much useless to him. Sebastian tutted over stack of papers he carried. He really should
have ask the houses medic about the subs state.
The door to his private bedroom opened with a sudden whoosh of air and Sebastian
strutted in before dumping all the files on a small bedside table. David was in the
room, as always waiting on his Dominant. He was currently on the floor doing sit-ups
to keep his body fit. Sebastian's eyes slid over the broad man's back, enjoying the
view. The tensing muscles stopped putting on their show when the sub noticed him.
Dave was quick to find his way to Sebastian's feet. His recovery from the center's
treatment was slow-going, but finally he was feeling back to health. His body was
plumping with the rich food from Sebastian's table and he wanted to at least attempt
to be pleasing to the eye. Dave waited for Sebastian to acknowledge him.
Sebastian searched through the files, making sure he took from his office everything
he needed to check. Once sure, he looked down at the other man, satisfied with the
display of submission. He combed a hand through the dark curls and gripped a
handful of them, enjoying the little shiver detected in his subs posture. What do you
say when you meet your Dom, pet?
Dave frowned, keeping his face down at the floor despite the pets. What did he say?
How the hell was he supposed to know? He'd been laid up and Sebastian had hardly
came near. Not that Dave expected different, he was no use to a Dom when injured.
What to say... "How was your day, Sir?"

Sebastian snorted. Very house-wifey for someone so invidious. His hand tightened
and tugged at the head to exposed Daves throat.
Dave sneered at the comment. "It's the first thing I could think of... Sir."
Im touched you care about my personal life, pet, Sebastian murmured distractedly,
tracing the cheap looking leather band wrapped around Daves neck. It was the
government issued DC101 model with a buckle in the back and a gaudy O-ring in the
front, for adding leashes. Must have came with the off the shelf package from Holding
House and David apparently wore it since then. Are you feeling well enough to
"The doctor said I should start exercising and continue normal activities." Dave
perked up at the chance to leave the house. Dave had been hiding in Sebastian's room
or resting from injuries for almost a week. "Where are we going, Sir?"
I guess its high time to get you a real collar. The young Dom released Daves hair.
And collar you properly, he added as an afterthought.
The sound of Sebastian's voice pulled a spike of fear and longing for Dave.
Collaring... Sebastian was going to claim him fully as a sub and keep him. "Thank
you, Sir."
Sebastian raised an eyebrow. Dont expect a ceremony or anything silly and timeconsuming like that. Its just a new collar. No sub of Smythe should be seen with his
atrocity youre wearing right now. Sebastian regretted opening his mouth. The sub
looked as if someone put a ice cube down his shirt. Maybe the 'collaring' was of
significance to him. Sebastian shrugged. Ready to go?
"I'll dress if you want, Sir." Dave was shirtless from the workout. He didn't figure it
really mattered anyway. Like Sebastian said, there wasn't to be anything special about
it. Just a collar to replace the shoddy government issue on his neck now. No tender
words or deeper connection was worth giving a kennel sub like Dave. He kept his
head down and his knees on the floor as he waited a response.
Sebastian looked over the bandaged back and winced. Even under the cover of gauze
and dressings it still looked terrible. Yeah. Better put something on. Not very
pleasing sight, he murmured to himself. He wasnt very enthusiastic about people
misinterpreting the source of Davids wounds and gossiping about his sadistic
tendencies. Again, that is. He walked to the bed and flopped on it, stretching after the
long tiring day.
Dave forced away the tears that came with the insult. He should have been eating less
while he was laid up. He was hairy and pudgy. He took the permission to include
standing so he could get to the small shelf inside of Sebastian's closet that constituted
his clothing. It was a set of about 4 button up shirts, two pairs of pants, and a pair
swimming trunks. He'd never been taken to Sebastian's pool, but the idea that he had
trunks was encouraging. He pulled the first shirt in the stank on and let it fall loose
around his belly to hide some of his weight. "Ready, Sir."

Sebastian sat up with a sigh and rubbed a hand over his face. Good. Lets get this
over with. He walked out of the room trusting that the sub would follow.
At 6 pm a customer walked in. Mr. Shuester always checked the times of the clients.
He would clock how long they looked, what price range they saw, how long until they
chose and finally what item and price was purchased. He ran a good business this
way, selling collars for all occasions to the rich and wealthy Dominants of the region.
The Dominant in question was new to his shop. Obviously aristocratic from his
bearing, but a rough cut submissive trailed behind like a lost dog with a hideous
government collar. He smiled, must be one of the nouveau riche. Or perhaps a
wholesale lot where he would need to buy collars for a lot of the wide submissive
"Welcome, Sir, to Perfect Possession. If I can assist you in any manner I would be
pleased. Could I start you with a measurement to help your decision?"
Sebastian tipped his hat politely. That would be the most kind of you. David? He
turned to his submissive. Go with the gentleman. Ill look around. Are the models on
display the only available or do you customize? He said back to the salesman.
"Everything is customizable. Depending on how many you need."
Mr Shuester took Dave to a platform with mirrors in a semi circle around it. Dave
grimaced at the image of a submissive he made. The shop owner clasped a cuff
around his right ankle. Dave jolted at the new restriction. He tried hard not to snarl.
He was a submissive, every shop that even allowed submissives inside had a restraint
system. He was just property now after all, there was nothing odd about being chained
up until his Dominant came back. He wondered how many were forgotten at shopping
malls by uncaring Dominants. The wrap of a measuring tape tightening around his
throat brought his thoughts to the present.
"Do you prefer a loose collar, moderate or tight, Sir?"
Sebastian looked up from the glass case holding thin and jeweled collars that could
easily pass as necklaces. He stepped to his sub, eyes fixed on his throat. He wanted
the collar thick and possessive, but it raised questions about his pets anxiety. How
does a moderate look like? He asked the seller.
"Moderate presses against the sub's skin, I'd suggest getting one of the fur lined collar
because it does tend to chafe and this one looks like he's a strainer." Mr. Shuester
demonstrated the tightness with the measuring tape.
It was too tight. Dave's eyes were wide as fear jolted through him. He didn't want to
imagine what the other size felt like. This was pressing into him and, while it wasn't in
any danger of limiting airflow, he would constantly be reminded of the threat. He
dared to connect his eyes with Sebastian to plead.

"Of course you could go with an adjustable model, that way if it gets out of hand you
can tighten it up to where only the smallest of breaths can be taken."
The salesmans knuckles whitened on the binding, demonstrating the punishing press
of band. Dave whimpered in fear.
Enough! Sebastian heard himself yelling. The tape slid from Daves throat, hanging
over his chest. He could see the confused look he was being given but it didn't matter.
Dave was scared. His Dave. Something gnawed in Sebastians insides, angry and
primal. He sucked in a tattered breath, not understanding what was happening to him.
I-Ill take a loose one, he threw at the salesman even though his eyes stayed on
Daves face. He must have looked ridiculous. Getting all worked up about a stupid
collar size? Who did that? It didnt matter. Not until Daves breathing came back to
The man with the tape moved away finally. Dave blinked rapidly, trying to keep in the
tears. It was stupid, so fucking stupid. It wasn't anything important, just a strip of
metal or leather to make sure everyone knew he was Sebastian's possession. It wasn't
like they were even going to go through the motions of reciting the vow of
submission. It wasn't like he meant anything. The harsh clank of the chain on his leg
stopped his attempt to get away from the salesman and toward his Dom. Dave felt the
sniffle rise without bidding.
Sebastian stood frozen in place. The back of his head pulsed, threatening with
upcoming headache like that day he bought Dave and left him at Hummels. He
should go find a collar. Thats what he came here for after all. It would be indecent to
wrap himself around his sub and soothe the tension away. Excuses run through his
head and all Sebastian could do was to stay like an idiot in the middle of a shop,
feeling the owners judgmental stare boring into his back. Sebastian cleared his throat.
I want something leather. Not very thick. And it should look the part, he mumbled
directions at the seller, ready to follow him to the right shelf. The headache
"A very popular choice. Ready mades are in this row. These are made specifically for
your heavy-labor submissives. They are all sturdy, thick and have an added bonus of
being thin to allow standard motion of the neck, an important reminder for subs
expected to carry heavy loads."
Heavy-labor submis...? Sebastian came to a halt, cheeks flaming red from
embarrassment. Davids my personal sub! His shot the man an angry glare,
annoyance finally distracting him from the headache. Did I tell you otherwise? He
snapped, well-aware the salesman couldnt really be blamed for making that
assumption. Nevertheless, the thought that he presented like some steward with an
errand-boy at his feet was stinging his pride harsher than any declined marriage ever
"Oh!" The clerk was all smiles as he attempted to bow his way out of the situation. "I
am so sorry, Sir. My mistake entirely. This case to your right has our more decorative
collars. Many of them come with a delightful gag feature for the Dominant away from

home." The man directed him swiftly to a collar in dark green with a ball hanging
from it by a silver chain.
No gags... Sebastian sighed tiredly. Go away to fetch papers and release my sub.
Youre useless. Ill find something myself. Gone was the polite respect he came in
with to the shop. Sebastian couldnt care less about pleasantries at the moment. He
was exhausted (why was he getting so worn-out recently?), angry and embarrassed.
The young Dom walked up to a wall that displayed subtle male collars and looked it
over without much focus. His eyes caught a sight of a simple black collar, braided
from three bands and with a small ring in the front. There hang a golden disk, waiting
to be filled with engraved initials. The collar was plain, spartan even compared to the
gaudy bands on display, but the leather was of the best quality. Sebastian turned the
ring around to see a high standard of gold. He smiled. Simple but precious. Somehow
it fit David.
A warm weight leaned into Sebastian's leg. Dave had been released and the
bothersome clerk had stepped into the backroom. Dave prayed... to whom did he
pray? The God of his youth was one for athletes and Dominant warriors, no one that a
sub should call on. His mind searched for the name of any God that would listen to his
lowly request. His mind found only one, the same that gave humankind the oath of
submission. Dave mouthed the wish that his Dom should gift Dave with a touch
before the salesman came back. He didn't care about the collar or if he was allowed
the oath of submission; his throat was filled with a fantom tightness that only
Sebastian's reassurance could take away.
Do you like this one? The Dom asked, smiling at Dave. The ache in the back of his
head faded away before Sebastian took notice of when. He squatted before his sub
without thinking and laid the band against Daves collarbones. It looked nice. He
clasped the magnetic buckle at the back, tightening the collar around Daves neck.
Two of his fingers moved alongside the rim proving the sub shouldnt feel threatened.
If he would, Sebastian didnt know. His hands stayed on Daves shoulders; caught in
the moment, he stopped thinking about clerks and prices and paperwork he had to go
back to. Daves eyes anchored him with their golden gleam. I think it suits you,
Sebastian whispered.
Dave watched wide eyed as Sebastian came to his level. The urge to lean into his
chest trembled in his arms. He couldn't embarrass Sebastian by becoming an out of
control attention-slut. He risked speaking instead. "Thank you, Sir. I like it very
Sebastian smiled again. Good. His hand cupped Daves cheek and petted it briefly
as he stood up to his feet. His subs eyes followed him and suddenly Sebastian
realized he didnt really have to hurry back home. You know... Stay here. Ill go pay
for this and then we can go. We have another stop to hit on the road home.
He straightened his posture, convincing himself that the sudden change of plans was
nothing weird, and strutted back to the salesmans office.

"An excellent choice, Sir." Mr. Shuester smiled as if he had orchestrated the entire
sale with his charm. Once money changed hands he waved them off. "Please think of
us to your friends. Have a wonderful day."
As soon as they were in the car Dave spoke. "What a dickhead."
Sebastian snorted. Dont worry, I wasnt particularly nice either. Gotta keep my rep
up, he smirked at the man and lead the car on the road in a direction opposite to his
A sly grin passed briefly over Dave. The leather was smooth to the touch and it sat as
a gentle reminder of his place at Sebastian's feet rather than a noose of his slavery. He
couldn't help the bubbles of contentedness it brought. Still, he was not sworn before
the gods, he was... not yet worthy of that honor. He remembered his parents
submissive fondly speaking of her own admittance at the temple. She'd been almost
16 and worried she would be passed over. She knelt on the steps of the temple and felt
the smooth leather wrap around her throat. It was poor grade leather, but it was
important. Two hands rested on her collar as the oath was spoken and they were
blessed. She had said that opening her eyes to look up had been akin to seeing the face
of her Gods.
Dave sighed and tried to remember all the proper words of the oath. Maybe he could
say them tonight while Sebastian slept and he could feel the same joy.
"Sir, are we driving in the proper direction for home?"
Nope. Sebastian stared straight ahead at the road before them. The evening settled
while they were in the shop and now only reflector of his car and thinning out street
lamps were enabling vision. They shaded light on the road out of the city and the
waysides, getting more and more stacked with trees and bushes.
"I don't understand. I thought we were only going to the shop. You said no
ceremony.... Did I do something wrong, Sir?"
Nope. Sebastian repeated carelessly, trying hard to not let the mirth color his voice.
Dave stared out the car window, trying to figure out where they were. "It looks like
we're going into the country with all the trees."
Thats a correct deduction, Sebastian said in the same, dispassionate voice,
internally squirming in amusement over Daves confusion. Good. He wanted him
surprised. The car turned into a narrow path in a corridor of trees. The road was
bumpy and Sebastian had to slow down.
"And now we're off roading? Sir, please? Where are we going!" Dave had an idea, a
terrible wonderful idea. The Big Temple was out in these woods and though Dave
himself had never been to anything but the smaller place of worship in his hometown,
he still knew that the main temple was down this path. Was Sebastian taking him for
the ceremony?

Hush. Calm, David. Sebastian took a hand off the steering wheel to lay it on Daves
thigh. Its not going to be anything ostentatious. They probably dont even expect
visitors at this hour. But... He drifted off and looked at Dave. I wanted to collar you
in front of the gods as well.
Dave flushed all the way down to his collar. He brushed his fingers over the top of
Sebastian's hand in reverent delight. "I would very much like that, Sir."
Sebastian nodded, turning back to the road, but his hand stayed on Daves leg, thumb
brushing small circles into the material of Daves jeans to calm the sub down. He
wondered how such a small gesture could mean so much but somehow it did- he felt
as if he finally scratched the itch that bothered him in Perfect Possession.
The road finally opened to a wide glade before the white building in the middle.
Sebastian stopped his car. The place looked already asleep- no lights or fires to betray
presence of priestesses and acolytes. He sighed; it was nothing that his status wouldnt
fix. The Dom got out of the car and nodded at Dave.
Dave followed close to Sebastian, anticipation starting to well in him as they passed
the huge columns that supported the first overarch of the marble temple. "Do you
think they will make us come back tomorrow? It is late."
David. Sebastian smiled patronizing. Do you think theyd say no to me? Or rather,
my money? We could come in in the middle of the night, pet, theyd love us all the
He knocked on the enormous wooden door of the palace and waited until they opened
before them. The hall inside the temple was darkened and deadly silent. Sebastian
took in a breath, feeling the usual quiet respect for gods settling over his shoulders
like a heavy, stern hand of a father. All people were on Earth thanks to the Gods
whim after all. It was humbling, even for someone like him. He walked into the
temple not phased off by how deserted it seemed. Priestess and the servants must have
noticed them approaching from afar and were shimmering in shadows with
preparation for whatever celebration he was going to request. Sebastians boots
clicked on the marmur floor as he went going toward the large oval porch, the only
source of light in the long room, shining on the altar in the far corner.
Dave did not follow. Upon setting foot in the temple he went down on one knee. The
temple from his childhood was so much smaller, but Dave knew the customs. He
bowed his head and recited the prayer that begged grace from the God of the specific
temple to enter. His words were more of a chant than speech and as he rounded the
end he fell to both knees.
"Wrong.... prayer." Dave whispered the words, realizing what he had said was the
same as his father, a Dominant. It was reverence from one of high standing to a God.
Dave was no longer of any standing. He scrambled to think of what Carole would
have said... he could never remember them taking her to temple. She must have said
prayers. He couldn't remember ever noticing. He dug his fingernails into his palm in
punishment. He was such a bad submissive.

Sebastian came up the stairs leading to the high altar and lowered himself on one knee
in front of it before standing right up. His parents would probably took a moment to
say their thanks but he couldnt remember any substantial prayer so he let the gods
have his silent gratitude instead. Sebastians eyes slid over the numerous sculptures
taking the place behind the altar and representing all the local goddesses and
demigods as well as some major, big-deal ones that were worshipped in nearly every
temple but never had any devoted to them solely. Thats the ironic lesson gods had to
give: greed and thirst for power will bring you nothing more than responsibilities and
throngs of hungry crowd bugging you in their daily prayers.
Maybe that reminder was why all the 44 districts were living in such harmony and
none of them entertained any separatistic nonsense. From the Great War until today.
Sebastians gaze stopped at the figures of Angel and Devil, squished in a tight
embrace as they were usually portrayed, with one of Devils paws clasped around
Angels throat. The Angel's eyes were closed in peace-filled acceptance.
The thought made him turn around in search of David. The sub was hovering by the
entrance. Sebastian let out a frustrated groan. David. His voice was calm but in the
wide empty space it sounded like a thunder. Id like to come back home on
appropriate hour.
"I..." The voice was too small to echo in the hallowed hall. "I don't know the prayer."
Sebastian frowned, barely able to hear what the man was saying. Yes, praying. The
servants will surely be ready any moment, come up here. He took a step down from
the altar stairs but stopped himself. He really should stop following the sub around. It
was Davids duty to keep up with him not the other way around.
"Sir... I... would you..." Dave gulped and could barely bring himself to look toward
the altar. "I don't know the words. Would you ask entrance for one lowly as I?"
What? What words? Sebastian sighed and shook his head. He stepped down the
stairs and started back toward the entrance, ready to grab the man and drag him to the
altar if necessary.
A small hand laid gently on Daves shoulder and squeezed once to redirect the mans
attention. Hello, David. The woman was so frail she look nearly like a phantom in
her dark robes. The only thing contrasting with the darkened room was the glowing
pale skin and brightly red hair. Do you need my assistance?
Dave's eyes glanced over the coloring of the robes and he breathed out. She was an
acolyte, a submissive who is in the service of the Gods by caring for the temple,
ministers and the parishioners.
"Please. I have never learned the prayer so this unworthy submissive may enter the
house of the Gods. I don't mean to be blasphemous." He pleaded.
Shh, shh. She combed her hand through his hair trying to soothe the man. Thats
alright. Ill show you how to pray.

Sebastian stood frozen couple feet from the scene unfolding in front of him. It was
clear from the color of her clothes of the woman that she was just a submissive, a low
servant most likely delegated to greet the visitors. And yet she was doing wonders for
his David, unknotting the tension from his shoulders and calming him down faster
than he ever could with his words.
"Come I now to your house, o Lords of all. As servant and devoted soul. By the grace
and blood of the Angel may I, on bent knee, enter the hallowed halls of your service.
May I forever be bound in your Dominance and take joy in submission rendered unto
She nodded affirmatively when Dave repeated the words in perfect order. You can
raise and join your Master, David.
"Thank you, honored servant." Dave breathed, standing from his knees. He finally
joined Sebastian a step below the altar and returned to his knees with head bowed.
Sebastian swallowed the unease, feeling out of control, and pushed aside by the tiny
submissive. He laid his hand on Daves head to remind him who should he look up to.
Ready to get this over with? He asked snottily when the head priestess entered
coming to the room from behind the altar.
"Our doors are always open, but Priestess have to sleep too." The head priestess was
robed in the ceremonial dark red robes of her station. Her face was sharp and age had
brought stern lines to her mouth and eyes. "Boy," she addressed Sebastian, "what do
you want with the gods at such a late hour? Speak quick before my gout kicks in."
Sebastian suppressed an eye roll at the nickname, knowing that offending Mother
Sylvester would get him nowhere. Except maybe, to the hospital. Id like to collar
my personal submissive, David Smythe, if you were so kind to assist the ritual.
"At least it's a short one. You have the sub, the collar, now you just need to get holy
oil on the smarmy mug of yours. The Tithing Box is to your right, I expect it to be
Sebastian smiled and nodded shortly in understanding, waiting for her to get the
oilment and bless them. He observed ceremonies like this several times although they
were usually much more... of a party than religious experience. He never really put
much weight into it.
Dave dared not look up, but he raised himself off his feet just enough to nudge into
Sebastian's dangling hand. The Head Priestess was terrifying, but it took a strong
person to guide and manage such a large temple. He was just happy to be given the
chance to come and be seen and initiated into his new life as Sebastian's submissive
somewhere so meaningful.
Sebastians hand stayed on Daves neck. The Dom felt the threads of Daves collar
under his fingers and played with the band reveling in the possession. The Priestess
turned to them with a traditionally cut branch of the sacred tree damped in the oil and

dripping with the substance. He closed his eyes respectfully, waiting for her to say the
blessing and apply the oil on his face.
Mother Sylvester's voice resonated off the walls of the temple as she spoke. Dave
could feel it surging through him like a lightening. Without a second thought, he
gripped the cuff of Sebastian's pants. The Dom looked down surprised but didnt say a
word. The priestess caught his eyes and he had to take the hand away from Daves
neck. Sebastian shifted his ankle so Dave's knuckles were against his skin, he could
not lose the connection
As the oil painted Sebastian's face and hand she spoke. The words were ancient, a
language from an older time. Their meaning was known to every Dominant. The Gods
changed him to care for and guide his submissive and to go with the Gods' blessings.
Dave came next. The big man bowed his forehead to the ground and the oil was
placed over the back of his neck and down his spine. His vow was to serve obey and
comfort his Dominant and ease his burden as the Gods command it so. Dave repeated
the words in his heart.
Mother Sylvester placed Sebastian's hand to the back of Dave's neck and the holy oil
connected. Sebastian's hand was sealed over the collar, truly linking them together
under the eyes of the Gods and the old traditions. Dave would swear he felt a burst of
Holy light rush through his body. Sebastian would have probably teased him if he
knew, but the touch and the ancient words brought an awe in him that he had not felt
since he was young and his faith in the Gods was absolute.
Sebastian took his land away after appropriate amount of time, squirming a little at
the feeling remains of sluggish liquid left on his skin. Now to remember to not touch
his clothes, how knows if the substance would wash off. The young Dom reached a
hand out to his submissive... now before the law and the gods. He looked up at the
priestess and nodded once in polite thanks. At least the show they put up for them was
quite sublime. The old woman knew hell have to pay a pretty penny for it. The look
on Daves face made him smile. It was worth it.

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