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A Rainy Day
It was a rainy day. The children could not go
out to play. So Lucy, Zeny and Perla stayed in the
Let us cut out paper fruits for our store; said
So the girls got their papers, scissors and
crayons. Lucy cut 5 apples. She colored them red.
Zeny cut out 6 mangoes. She colored them yellow.
Perla cut out 4 guavas. She colored them green.
Then they counted their paper fruits.
Now we have many pretty paper fruits for
1. What kind of a day was it?
a) sunny
b) rainy

c) bright

2. How many girls are in our story?

a) two
b) three
c) four
3). Where did the girls stay?
a) in school b) in the yard c) in the house
4) What did Lucy cut out?
a) 5 apples b) 6 mangoes c) 4 guavas
5) What color were the apples?
a) green
b) yellow

c) red

6) What did Zeny cut out?

a) 5 apples b) 6 mangoes c) 4 guavas

A Gift from Uncle

7) What color were the mangoes?
a) green
b) yellow
c) red

Do you have an uncle living far away? Miriam

8) Who
the four
is Max.
Miriam calls him Uncle Max.
a) Lucy
b) Zeny
c) Perla
He lives in New York.
Last Christmas,
9) How many paper
fruits did they
have in
all?sent Miriam a
10 It came
b) 12in a big heavy
c) 15
box. Father helped
open the box.
10) Where will they put their paper fruits?
Then b)
something c)
a) in their school
in their
in the
had round blue eyes. It had small red mouth. It
had blue lace dress and curly black hair. Miriam
called it Curly. She loved to play with it. What
Miriam liked best was the way Curly walked.
Miriam would hold one of its hands and they would

1. Who is curly?
a) a dog

b) a doll

2. Who gave Curly to Miriam?

a) Father
b) Mother

c) a cat
c) Uncle Max

3). Where does Uncle Max live?

a) Manila
b) New York

c) Cebu

4) On what occasion was Curly given?

a) Christmas
b) birthday

c) graduation

5) Who helped Miriam open the box?

a) Mother b) Father
c) Uncle Max
6) What words tell about the box?
a) big and heavy b) big and lightc) small and light
7) What word tells about Curlys mouth?
a) pink
b) yellow
c) red
8) What was Curlys dress made of?
a) cotton
b) silk

c) lace

9) What word tells about her hair?

a) straight
curly Care ofc)Animals

10) What Victor
can Curly
do? on a farm. He lives with his
b) sing
c) walk
in a little
nipa house.
Victor has an elder
sister named Nora. Victor and Nora helped their
parents. They help take care of their animals. They
have a carabao, a horse, a goat and some
chickens. Father takes care of the horse. Victor
takes care of the chickens. Nora takes care of the
goat. Their animals are all fat and healthy. Each

1. Where does Victor live?

a) in the city
b) on a farm

c) near the sea

2. Which word tells about their house?

a) wooden
b) cement
c) nipa
3). Who is Victors sister?
a) Nina
b) Nora

c) Nida

4) Who is older, Victor or Nora?

a) Nora
b) Victor

c) The story does not tell

5) How many kinds of animals do they have?

a) 5
b) 4
c) 3
6) Which one do they not have?
a) carabao
b) horse

c) cow

7) Who takes care of the horse?

a) Victor
b) Father

c) Mother

8) Who takes care of the carabao?

a) Nora
b) Victor

c) Father

And Found
9) Who takes care of the Lost
a) Mother
b) Nora
c) Victor

Pedro and Jose came to school early. There

10) Which
does Nora
were no
in care
the of?
school yet.
a) chickens
b) goat
c) carabao
Look said
Pedro. There
is a handbag under
the stairs. It is a girls handbag.
Jose got the handbag. He opened it. There
was a red pencil, a pink handkerchief and fifty
centavos in it.
Lets look for the owner of this handbag,
said Pedro.
Just then the school principal arrived.
Good morning, Mrs. Cruz. We found this bag
under the stairs, said Jose.
Mr. Cruz smiled and said,thank you boys. I

1. What time of the day was it?

a) morning
b) afternoon

c) noon

2. Who are the boys in the story?

a)Pedro and Juan
b) cementJuan and Jose c) Pedro and Jose
3). What did the boys find?
a) a book

b) a handbag

c) a box

4) Where was the handbag found?

a) under the building
b) under the tree

c) under the

5) What kind of handbag was it?

a) a girls handbag
b)a mans handbag c) a teachers
6) Which word tells about the pencil?
a) red
7) Which word tells about the handkerchief?
a) red
white Peelings
The b)

c) pink
c) pink

was was
8) How much
in thebanana
handbag?one evening. He
b) fifteen
peelings out
of the
window. Inc)the

morning, Celso got ready for school. He did not

late for school. He walked fast.
9) Who
is to
a) theOuch!
teacher Celso b)
the school
c) the clerk
as heprincipal
stepped on some
banana peelings. Down he fell. His clothes became
10) What kind of boys are Jose and Pedro?
kindHis booksb)dropped.
c) polite
Are you hurt? Mother asked running to him.
No, Mother, Im not hurt, Celso said as he
got up. He looked at the banana peelings.
Somebody did not use the garbage can.
Mother said.
I threw these peelings, last night, Mother.
Next time, Ill use the garbage can, said Celso.

1. What did Celso eat?

a) mangoes

b) bananas

2. When did he eat the fruit?

a) one evening

b) one morning

c) oranges
c) one afternoon

3). Where did he throw the peelings?

a) into the basket
b) into the garbage can
4) Where was Celso going?
a) to church
b) to market

c) out of the

c) to school

5) Which sentence tells that Celso did not want to be late?

a) He walked fast
b) He walked slowly c) He played on the way
6) Who stepped on the banana peelings?
a) Father
b) Mother

c) Celso

7) Who saw Celso fall?

a) Father

c) Sister

b) Mother

8) Who did not use the garbage can?

a) Mother
b) Celso
9) Was Celso hurt?
a) Yes
not tell

b) No

10) Which word tells about Celso?

a) polite
b) kind

c) Sister
c) The story does

c) truthful

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