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Mon National League for Solidarity
P.O.Box 4552, Akron, OH 44310, U.S.A. Phone: (330) 254-4442,

Statement of 63rd Anniversary of Mon National Day by

The Mon National League for Solidarity

This year, January 30, 2010, marks the 63rd anniversary of the Mon National Day
to commemorate the founding of early Mon kingdom, Hongsawatoi, which was
invaded by the Burmese King Alaungpaya (U Aung Zeya) in 1757. The Mon are
an indigenous people who have lived in Burma and Thailand for centuries
and whose sovereignty can be traced back to the early first millennium kingdom,
Suvannabhumi of Lower Burma, which was contemporary to the other early
Mon "kingdoms" located in Thailand. Hongsawatoi represents the last
Mon sovereign kingdom located in Pegu, Burma, and Mon National Day was
founded to celebrate the Mon's cultural heritage of this early kingdom.

Shortly after the Second World War, General Aung San, Aung San Su Kyi's
father, had agreed that political power should be shared among Burma's ethnic
nationalities, but the Burmese central military governments ignored Aung San's
Panglong agreement which was signed on February 12, 1947 to recognize the
rights of the ethnic nationalities. Since then the Mon have struggled to
regain their rights to voice their concerns as a free people which culminated in
a self-determination movement. Since the Burmese military took over Burma's
democratic government in 1962 in a bloodless coup, the Mon people, and the
other ethnic nationalities, including the Burmans, have suffered human rights
violations committed by the government of Burma.

Rather than addressing the root cause of the country's political situation, which
involves the full representation of all the ethnic nationalities, the Burmese
government continues to hold onto power while denying our humanity. The
Mon people have suffered under this brutal regime for a long time, but our spirit
is unbeaten. We will continue to fight for our equal rights and self-determination,
including the right to promote our own culture and the right to participate in the
Mon National Day festivities.

On this day, we also pay tribute to the many patriots who have sacrificed and
dedicated their lives in the past and to those who continue to do so for the Mon
national cause; mainly the present New Mon State Party (NMSP) and its military
wing Mon National Liberation Army (MNLA).
On this 63rd Anniversary of Mon National Day,

1. The MNLS urges all the Mons including the descendants of the Thai Mon
who fled the militant Burmese king U Aung Zeya over 250 years ago and
the overseas migrant communities to estiblish together for Monland.
2. We strongly believe that including Burmans and all other ethnic groups
will be fully understood the Mon's current lives and desire upon
Therefore, we urge including Burmans and all other ethnic groups to
eradicate the Burmese junta along with us.

“ A sovereign independent Monland must be established.”

Central Committee

Mon National League for Solidarity

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