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of Saint Johns in Pine Meadow

St. Johns mission is to nurture all people in their spiritual growth, in their Christian education,
and in their relationship with God.
Dear Friends,

April 2015

The Presiding Bishop's Easter Message 2015

Its still dark when Mary ventures out to find the tomb. The graveyards around Jerusalem dont have much greenery
today. The earth is mostly rock and stone, and it is far from easy to make a place to secure a body. Jesus body was
put in a cave-like space, with a stone rolled across the opening to close it up. Mary has made the journey from
wherever shes sheltered over the last day, through darkened streets, perhaps hearing cocks begin to crow and
townspeople start to stir.
She nears the place, but somehow it seems different than they left it this cant be it, can it? Who moved the
stone? A trip begun in tears and grief now has added burden confusion, anger, shock, chaos, abandonment. His
very body has been stolen.
She runs to tell the others. The three tear back to the tomb no, the body is not there, though some of the burial
cloths remain. Who has torn away the shroud and stolen him away? Why must the cruel torture continue, sacrilege
and insult even after death? Who has done this awful thing? The men run away again, leaving her to weep at even
greater loss.
She peers in once more who are these, so bold appearing? Fear not, woman... why do you weep? She turns
away and meets another, who says the same why do you weep, who are you looking for? This gardener has himself been planted and now springs up green and vibrant, still rising into greater life. He challenges her to go and
share that rising, great news of green and life, with those who have fled.
Still rising, still seeking union with Creator, making tender offering to beloved friends briefly I am with you, I am
on my way. Go and you will find me if you look.
The risen one still offers life to those who will look for evidence of his gardening hope, friendship, healing, reunion, restoration to all who have been uprooted, cut off, to those who are parched and withered, to those who lie
wasting in the desert. Why do we weep or run away when that promise abides?
We can find that green one, still rising, if we will go stand with the grieving Marys of this world, if we will draw out
the terrified who have retreated to their holes, if we will walk the Emmaus road with the lost and confused, if we
will search out the hungry in the neighborhood called Galilee. We will find him already there before us, bringing
new and verdant life. The only place we will not find him is in the tomb.
The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church

February 2015

Operating Income:
Operating Expenses:

$ 16,171
$ 14,690

February 2014

$ 11,061
$ 16,648


Operating Income:
Operating Expenses:

$ 27,939
$ 27,541


$ 22,133
$ 33,884

Larry Espinet, Treasurer

Next IngatheringMay 3rd

Church Office Hours Office hours are 8:30 a.m.

1:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday.
Prayer RequestsRequests are handled confidentially through the office or by speaking to the Rev.
Sandra L. Cosman. You may fill out a prayer request
form or contact the office. If you would like to be a
part of the prayer circle, please call the office.
Prayer is part of our concern for one another.
Altar Guild - The Altar Guild is looking for 2 people to join a team in June/October and July/
December. No experience is necessary as on the job
training is provided. If interested, please contact
Donna Colavecchio at (860) 379-4643.
Flower Chart Posted in NarthexSign up for the
Sunday of your choice. Cost is $60.00, or you may
bring flowers from your garden in the summer. The
office will contact you about memorials.

The total year to date is $61.13. Bring coins anytime. We will keep them safe.

Training for Liturgical Duties - Training for greeters, acolytes, torchbearers will be coming soon.
Please see Mother Cosman, if you are interested in
helping to lead our worship.

SCRIP A way to help Saint Johns and simplify

your life! The Scrip Program is a simple way for
Saint Johns to benefit from your regular purchases
at select retailers at no cost to you. Here is how it
works: If you purchase a scrip card (gift card) here
at Saint Johns in the amount of $50. You receive a
gift card for $50 for that store and our parish receives a percentage of your card purchase. The gift
card is the full value of your purchase and we receive a donation from the retailer. It is that simple.
Stop & Shop cards are available on Sundays for purchase and a listing of many other retailers is also
available. Easter gifts, birthday presents and everyday expenses can all benefit Saint Johns and you
can save a trip to the store!

(Broadly Defined)
Let the office know about happenings in your own life
and in the lives of other parishioners, especially hospitalizations, so Rev. Sandra L. Cosman can contact those
in need of comfort.

Eric Joshua Smith
(Grandson of Debbie & Wally Truss)
William John Connole
(Grandson of Donna & Gary Colavecchio)

Rhythms of Grace
First Sunday of Every Month
At 1:00 p.m.
Rhythms of Grace is designed to meet the needs of
families with children on the Autism Spectrum and
with other special needs. Those who help feel it is a
rewarding experience to work with children and
families who need the attention and who are new to
St. Johns. Contact Linda Snyder at for information.


Thanks to those who help.!

Once again it is time to plan for this ministry. We

take the fourth Saturday in all months, except November and December, because of Thanksgiving
and Christmas. The date of the next meal is April
25th which will be hosted by Candy Flaherty,
Laura & Bruce Wearne. Specials thanks to Anne
Radziewicz for hosting the February meal and Rose
& Bob Osborne for hosting the March meal. We
still have July 25 open for volunteers to assist.
Please contact Laura Wearne with a date that you
would like to volunteer for Peters Retreat. She can
be reached at (860)307-3031. Thank you!

Coffee Hour Hosts

10:00 a.m. Service
This is an important part of our ministry of hospitalityto visitors, to children, to one another. Coffee
supplies other than cream are available in the kitchen. Baked goods are terrific, whether home baked or
purchasedwhatever works for you.
A sign up sheet is posted in the parish hall. All parishioners who attend the 10 a.m. service are requested to host at least once this winter.

Special thanks to Ron Caine, Tom Chappell,

Bruce Wearne and Bob Osborne for cleaning the
Thank you to Pat Sepples for snow removal and
sanding the walks.
Thanks to Bruce Wearne for installing signs and all
the extra work he does for the church.
Thanks to our Soup Kitchen Crew for their hard
Thank you to the Altar Guild for polishing and preparing the church for Holy Week.
Thank you to Halyna and the Choir for the wonderful music on Palm Sunday.
Thanks to everyone who helps with the mission
and ministry of St. Johns.

Parish Directory Updates

Saint Johns Parish Directory is being updated! The
directory lists names and contact information for all
parishioners, save for those who prefer not to be
included in the listing. Please send updates to your
contact information, including name, address,
email, phone, and any birthdays or anniversaries
missing from our listing to Michelle at Thanks!

Discernment Day
On May 16, the Commission on Ministry will host a Discernment Day at The Commons from 9am to 3:30pm. This is an
opportunity for those feeling a pull to do something new and
different, discerning a new vocation, or wondering how to
deepen their participation in God's mission to join in a day of
reflection and learning about call and discernment. There will
be opportunities for worship, fellowship, learning and conversation around what it means to be a follower of Jesus, to be called
by God to serve God's mission in the world. Hebrew Bible
Scholar Carolyn Sharp will speak on the lessons offered to
through the Hebrew Bible stories of Call. Bishop Laura Ahrens
will reflect on how Episcopalians in Connecticut are called to
be apostles and disciples. There will also be a panel discussion
with a variety of lay and ordained ministers who live out their
calls as chaplains, business people, parish clergy, and mental
health professionals.

Pizza with the Priest and Saint Johns

First Annual Giant Jenga Tournament
The Young
Grades 5-8
April 26, 2015
Noon to 1:30pm
Saint Johns
RSVP - Parish

P. O. Box 27
Pine Meadow, CT 06061
Phone: 860 379-3062

Address Correction

The Episcopal Church

Were Here For You
Sunday Holy Eucharist
8:00 a.m. & 10 a.m.
Thursday Holy Eucharist
With Healing Prayers 6:30



Our children will be completing their Lenten stories called The Faces of Easter on Palm Sunday
and will begin our post Resurrection stories called,
Knowing Jesus in a New Way on Sunday April
12th. Our upper Godly Play class will continue
with their study of our worship but will also create
a gift for our Baptism family. All our children will
attend worship on the 19th so they can be a part of
the Baptism. We are planning some additional activities for different age groups for this spring so
check out the St. Johns Childrens website for
news and information about our programs;

Winsted Food Pantry

Needs Donations
Please, don't forget to bring in non-perishable food
items for the hungry that live among us. Donations
have been declining and the need is still great! The
Open Door Soup Kitchen, located at 160 Main St.,
St. James Place, Winsted, CT, is in need of donations. They can use everything. Donations can be
brought to the church and placed in the totes in the
narthex and are delivered to the kitchen. Please be
generous in donating to this important ministry.

April 2015
St. Johns ChurchCalendar of Events
Birthdays & Anniversaries





8:00 PM AA

Easter Sunday
Holy Eucharist
8 & 10 AM


8:00 PM AA

Maundy Thursday
6:00 PM Community Soup Supper

Holy Eucharist
8 & 10 AM




Holy Eucharist
8 & 10 AM





Holy Eucharist
6:30 PM


Holy Eucharist
6:30 PM

Holy Eucharist
8 & 10 AM




April Birthdays
Jill Healey
Kathy Jakubowski
Amanda Jakubowski
Jamie Hall
Anna Hester
Christopher Jones
Marrit Budny


10:00 AM Al-Anon



10:00 AM Al-Anon

Holy Eucharist
6:30 PM


Open Door Soup



Peters Retreat

10:00 AM Al-Anon
8:30 PM AA


8:00 PM AA

Pizza with the

Annual Jenga
Youth Grades 5-8


Holy Saturday

8:30 PM AA

8:30 PM AA

Rose & Bob



8:30 PM AA


8:00 PM AA

Good Friday
12:00 PM Service
7:00PM Service

Lenore & Kevin



10:00 AM Al-Anon


8:00 PM AA


Holy Eucharist7:00 PM
9:00 PM-Overnight
Vigil Begins

Cynthia & William




Holy Eucharist
6:30 PM
Vestry 7:00 PM


Susan Phillips
Eileen Bartram
Grayson Allyn
Mike Welch
Jaclyn Dougan
Patrick Hayes
Emily Hoskins


Shannyn Newman
Joan Caine
Addison Keefe
Jennifer Caine
Debbie Truss
Krista Warren
Sue Bremer


Jaqueline Riberdy
Calli Smith
Warren Hinman
Joseph Toro
Richard Carter
Beth Dee
Paul Pobuda

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