Index: Ad Hoc Analysis 121

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analytical laboratories 11213,
11415, 11618, 123
HACCP 1078
ISO 9000 series 95
organic 2002
accreditation agencies 123, 201
accuracy 130
action phase (benchmarking) 149, 1623
ad hoc analysis 121
Additional Measures Concerning the
Food Control of Foodstuffs
(AMFC) Directive 11213
adherence to principles 209
adverse media reports 267
agricultural production 1878
allocation 1856
American Productivity and Quality
Center 171
American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME) process flow
charts 65, 66
analysis (benchmarking) 149, 1612
analyte concentration, range of 120
analytical laboratories 11144
accreditation 11213, 11415, 11618,
FSA surveillance requirements 11516,
future direction for methods of analysis

internal quality control 11821, 1412

legislative requirements 11215
methods of analysis 12731
proficiency testing 1216, 141
standardised methods for contaminants
assessment and scoring 98, 1023
assigned value, estimating 1245
attitude 2089
audit questionnaires 101
audit trail 203, 2067
elements 97103
assessment and scoring 98, 1023
follow-up 98, 103
format 98, 1001
frequency 98, 103
preparation 98, 99100
scope 98
standards 989
an EMS 17781
regulatory verification vs 3942
comparison with regulatory inspector 41
role 1067
baby milk, dried 634
balanced scorecard 155, 156
benchmarking 14773
analysis and improvement 149, 1613
benefits of 1489



future trends in 1689

history of 1478
identifying potential partners 1579
managing the process 1659
pitfalls 149
preparation for a benchmarking visit
process 14950, 151
review 150, 1645
stages of development 1678
types of 1503
understanding the organisation and its
processes 1537
Benchmarking Centre Ltd 171
best practice, detailing 162
best practice benchmarking 1523
Best Practice Club 168, 172
bias 126
biotoxins 1323
brainstorming 155
briefings 85
British Quality Foundation (BQF) 170
British Retail Consortium (BRC) standard
56, 734
BS 8800 73
Canada 2930
regulatory verification 4751
current inspection environment 48
integrated inspection system 4951
traditional inspection vs systems
approach 489
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
(CFIA) 478, 49
capacity 22
cause-and-effect diagram 1567
CEN (European Committee for
Standardization) 129
methods of analysis for contaminants
certification see accreditation
check sheets 1001, 1778
chief executive commitment 83
cleaning 26, 207
cleaning agents 189
cluster analysis 5960
Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC)
analytical laboratories 11415
analytical methods 1278
Food Hygiene Committee 12
Codex Committee on Food Import and
Export Inspection and
Certification (CCFICS) 56

collaborative trials 131

collusion 126
commercial certification companies
commitment 83
Communicable Disease Surveillance
Centre (CDSC) 601, 63
communication 163
competence 2089
competitive benchmarking 152
complaints, customer 25, 5960, 88
compliance, determination of 8
compliance audit 40
compliance verification 446
conformance to specification 46, 88
consumers 39
and organic foods 196
contamination, malicious 657
continuous monitoring 119
contracts with suppliers 78
control materials 11819
control measures 323
control systems
integrated HACCP control systems
see also safety and quality control
control verification 34
co-operation 7
co-ordinating laboratory 1234
corrective action 33, 37
cost 47
cost-benefit analysis 181
cost-effectiveness 89
Cranfield School of Management 168,
criminal malicious product contamination
critical control points (CCPs) 37, 80
monitoring 81
critical limits 37
customer audits 108
customer complaints 25, 5960, 88
customer requirements 77
data quality 186
dedicated organic processors 2045
defect action limits (DALs) 9
defective products 278
delivery 82
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
168, 169
design weaknesses 601
desk audit 40

distribution 76, 82
LCA 1912
documentation 203
TQM 77, 856
dried baby milk 634
due diligence audits 18, 23
due diligence defence 13
energy use 1879
enforcement, legal 8, 39
environmental audits 17494
case studies 190
environmental assessment methods
environmental legislation 1756
environmental management 1767
food life cycle 1879
LCA see life cycle assessment
Environmental Management System
(EMS) 1767
auditing 17781
environmental risk assessment (ERA) 178
European Committee for Standardization
see CEN
European Co-operation for Accreditation
of Laboratories (EA) 113, 116
European Environment Agency (EEA) 175
European Food Safety Inspection Service
(EFSIS) 108
European Foundation for Quality
Management (EFQM) 172
Excellence Model 1089, 154
European Union (EU) analytical
laboratories 111, 11213
analytical methods 1289
environmental legislation 1756
review of food safety regulations 78
standards 1213
evidence, objective 46
experience-based audits 100
external audits 99
HACCP plans 105
TQM systems 878
facility tours 106, 160
falsification of results 125
fatty foods 132
feedback on performance 79
follow-up 98, 103
food continuum 51
Food and Drinks Industry Benchmarking
Club 169, 171
food life cycle 1879


agricultural production 1878

LCA of industrial food processing 1889
packaging 189
transportation 189
food processing 1889
organic see organic food processing
Food Safety Act (UK) 1990 1314
Food Safety and Enhancement Program
(FSEP) 49
food safety and quality control systems
see safety and quality control systems
food standards see standards
Food Standards Agency (FSA) 90
surveillance requirements 11516,
format of audit 98, 1001
frequency of audit 98, 103
functional benchmarking 152
functional unit 1845
gap analysis 1612
GATT 11, 12
generic benchmarking 1523
genetically modified organisms 135
goal setting 163
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) 72
fish processors 10, 1617
government 389
government inspectors 41
Guidelines on Internal Quality Control
in Analytical Chemistry Laboratories
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical
Control Point) 1, 723
assessing supplier HACCP systems
auditing HACCP systems 1037
carrying out a HACCP analysis 801
certification 1078
Codex standards based on 1112
common weaknesses 604, 68
design weaknesses 601
failure to maintain the system 62
management neglect 624
as a food control system 368
future development 648
extending scope 657
improving analysis 65, 66
improving evaluation 67
integrated HACCP control systems
process control 7981
and quality systems 946



HACCP plan 20, 58, 73

external auditing 105
internal auditing 1045
handling 82
hazard analysis 36, 80
see also HACCP
hygiene 207
hygiene audit 26

Ishikawa diagram 1567

ISO 9000 series of standards 72, 76, 90,
945, 97
certification 95
comparison with HACCP 96, 1034
elements 92, 93
revised (ISO 9000:2000) 1078
ISO 14000 series 73, 1767

IFS International Ltd 1712

standards 7
TQM systems 837
in-house method validation 136
in-line analysis 119
Industrial Society 170
industry 389
industry control systems 31
industry guides 105
industry self-verification 423
infant food 601
infant formula 634
ingredients, organic 1945
verification 206
initial status assessment 84
Inside UK Enterprise 16970
inspection 39
Canada 2930, 4751
organic certification 2039
TQM systems 812
see also regulatory verification
inspectors, government 41
Institute of Quality Assurance 170
integrated HACCP control systems 678
integrated inspection system (IIS) 4951
external integration 51
internal integration 50
Integrated Product Policy (IIP) 901
internal audits 87, 99
HACCP plans 1045
internal benchmarking 150
internal quality control (IQC) 11721,
basic concepts 11819
recommendations 1201
scope of guidelines 11920
International Federation of Organic
Agricultural Movements (IFOAM)
1967, 201
International Harmonised Protocol for
Proficiency Testing of (Chemical)
Analytical Laboratories 1235
International Trade Centre (ITC) 67
Investors in People standard 73

knowledge of standards 208

labelling 207
land use 188
Leatherhead Food RA 1689, 171
legislation 89
analytical laboratories 11215
analytical methods 12731
environmental 1756
organic food production 1978, 207
life cycle assessment (LCA) 182
allocation 1856
benefits 1912
case studies 190
data collection and data quality 186
food life cycle 1879
functional unit 1845
future trends in 1923
industrial food processing 1889
system boundaries 1834
use of 1867
working procedure 183, 184, 185
life cycle stressor effects assessment
(LCSEA) 192
list of approved suppliers 789
maintenance see system maintenance
malicious product contamination 657
attitude and competency 2089
leadership of a benchmarking
programme 1667
neglect of HACCP system 624
responsibility and quality system 767
see also chief executive commitment
Management Today (Cranfield School of
Management) 168, 169
mandatory standards 9
marketing 89
mass balance audit 203, 2067
material flow analysis/substance flow
analysis (MFA/SFA) 181
material intensity analysis (MIA) 182
measurement uncertainty 136
media reports, adverse 267



objective evidence 46
Official Control of Foodstuffs (OFC)
Directive 111, 112
operators, talking to 107
organic food processing 195210
auditing process 2023
certification 2003
challenges for auditing 199200
dedicated and non-dedicated organic
processors 2045
future trends 20910
guiding principles and ethics 1967
process restrictions 199
product formulation 1989
regulation 1978, 207
what auditors look for 2039
organic ingredients 1989
verification 206
organic products 190, 1989
organic standards 1989, 2001, 208
organisation, understanding 1537

criteria for analytical laboratories 125
feedback on 79
measurement 879, 155, 156
managers see management/managers
regulatory 47
staff see staff
pest control 208
pesticides 1878
analytical methods 132
planning 149
TQM systems 84
see also HACCP plan
policies 85
quality policy 78, 85
positive gap 162
post-launch monitoring 67
pre-audit questionnaire 19
precision 130
premises 75
for audit 98, 99100
for inspection 205
principles, adherence to 209
PROBE Initiative 172
procedures 85, 1067
process control 678, 745, 7981
process flow diagrams 65, 66
process review 164
processes 1537
detailed analysis 1557, 158
identifying for benchmarking 1535
restrictions for organic processing 199
labelling 207
organic 190
formulation of 1989
scope of quality system 756
product contamination 657
product withdrawals 278
proficiency testing 1227, 141
accreditation agencies 123
analysis of results 1267
importance 1223
International Harmonised Protocol
progress review 164
Protocol on Collaborative Studies 131

packaging 22, 82, 189

parity gap 162
partners, benchmarking 1579
approaching 159

auditing a suppliers quality of service
vs safety 301

memorandums of understanding (MOUs) 6

analytical methods 1334
non-routine auditing 256
process standards 9
contamination of dried baby milk 634
ropey 62
CCPs 81
establishing monitoring procedures 37
post-launch 67
multivariate IQC 120
mutual recognition agreements (MRAs)
negative gap 161
new products, monitoring 67
non-conformances 46, 79, 88
non-dedicated organic processing 2045
non-fatty foods 132
non-routine auditing 19, 238
adverse media reports 267
adverse microbiological trends 256
after product withdrawals 278
customer complaints 25
quality audits 24



quality action initiatives 88

quality assurance measures 120
quality audits 24, 823
quality control 75
internal (IQC) 11721, 1412
quality costing 84
quality improvement 86
Quality Management Program (QMP) 49
Quality Management Program for
Importers (QMPI) 49
quality manual 86
quality policy 85
suppliers 78
quality systems 92110
analytical laboratories 13941
auditing HACCP systems 1035
see also HACCP
future trends 1079
ground rules for audit 97103
ISO 9000 see ISO 9000 series of
TQM see Total Quality Management
what auditor should look for 1067
see also safety and quality control
quality systems audit 40
questioning 154
questionnaires 19, 101
Rank Xerox 1478, 162
raw materials 22
TQM systems 74, 779
re-calibration 165
record keeping 345, 38, 82
recovery 136
regulation see legislation
regulatory verification 2951
vs audit 3942
Canadian approach 4751
common barriers to 47
compliance verification 446
industry self-verification 423
role of government and industry in
food safety and quality 389
system verification 434
repeatability 12930
reporting results 125
reproducibility 12930
assessing supplier HACCP systems
and development of supplier HACCP
systems 557
non-routine auditing 19, 238

routine auditing 18, 1923

review 150, 1645
revision of standards 78
ropey milk 62
routine auditing 18, 1923
existing suppliers 23
new suppliers 1922
runs, analytical 11819
safety and quality control systems 2951
auditing a suppliers system 1922
government and industry role 389
principles 308
effective food control system 325
industry control systems 31
safety vs quality 301
role 2930
see also regulatory verification
Sainsburys 55, 56
salami 623
Salmonella 601, 624
samples 124
distribution frequency 124
quality control of sampling 119
sanitary and phytosanitary measures
(SPS) agreement 12
scale of production 190
scope of audit 98
scoring 98, 1023
separation 2045
shelf-life 22
simplification 7
single administrative document (SAD) 13
site visits 1601
smoked salmon 61
snack salami 623
Soil Association Certification Ltd 197,
specifications 811
staff 75, 88
attitude and complacency 2089
talking to operators 107
training 83, 867
see also management/managers
standardised methods of analysis 1315
standards 517
auditing 989
Codex 1112
EU standards 1213
government and industry role 389
identification in system development
importance 56

knowledge of 208
need for audit 14
organic 1989, 2001, 208
principles in setting 78
and specifications 811
UK Food Safety Act 1314
statistical analysis 1267, 131
steering group 834
storage 82
strategic evaluation 154
structure of quality system 856
supermarkets 557
supplier HACCP systems 5569
assessing effectiveness 579
common weaknesses in HACCP
systems 604
customer complaint data analysis
future development of HACCP 648
retailers and development of 557
auditing 79
contracts with 78
list of approved suppliers 789
non-routine audits 19, 238
quality assurance 779
quality policy 78
routine audits 18, 1923
existing suppliers 23
new suppliers 1922
system boundaries 1834
system development 323
system maintenance 35
failure 62
system support 335
system validation 334
system verification 434
systems approach 315, 489
systems audits 97
HACCP systems 1035
teams, benchmarking 155, 15960, 166
technical audits 97
testing 812
see also analytical laboratories
third party audits 108
Total Quality Management (TQM)
7091, 96
benefits 89


defining quality 712

developing 7683
future trends 901
implementation 837
launch 87
performance measurement and auditing
scope 746
toxic compounds 1878
trace elements 135
traceability 20, 203, 2067
training 83, 867
transparency 910
transportation 189
trend analysis 59
true result 1245
unannounced visits 27
uncertainty, measurement 136
United Kingdom Accreditation Service
(UKAS) 113, 116
United Kingdom (UK) Food Safety Act
1990 1314
United Kingdom Register of Organic
Food Standards (UKROFS) 197,
198, 203
Uruguay round 12
analytical methods 129, 1301, 142
in-house validation 136
system validation 334
variance audit 203, 2067
control verification 34
procedures 37
system verification 434
voluntary standards 10
withdrawals, product 278
work instructions 856
workflow diagram 157, 158
World Trade Organisation (WTO) 11, 12
Xerox 1478, 162
z-scores 1267
combining 127
interpretation 126

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