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Telecollaborative eNotebook
Jennifer Delsescaux
Azusa Pacific University
April 2014 / March 2015




Table of Contents

Highway to the Heart

Student Work
Student Reactions
Web Captured URL

Student Reactions
Web Captured URL


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Highway to the Heart

Electronic Publishing
Implementation: Summer 2014


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Implementation Plan
The global learning project I have chosen to do focuses on the arts and having students
research and become aware of global issues that others are facing around the world. Highway to the
Heart uses photographs that have impacted others deeply and encourages students to create
powerful imagery that will not only provide them a voice in the world but impact others as well. I
would like to have my participants in my GLP taken part in this project. When working in the
creative arts industry and especially in a ministry a story is majorly important. Understanding the
structure of a story and how and why its so pivotal to everything people experience about the world
is key to what they will be doing throughout their time involved in the ministry.
To implement this project I plan to have students choose an issue they want to call
awareness to. They may choose an issue either in their community, school or on a global level.
Once they have selected issue their challenge will be to take photographs that they feel will capture
the issue visually and speak to an audience. They are not to use words to help others identify what is
taking place in their photographs but must find a creative way that displays their issue they have
chosen. The students will then submit their photographs via email and they will be displayed online
through the website. They will also submit information regarding the research they did about their
issue they chose. Students must look at the images and give their best guess as to what was being
depicted and then peer review the photographs. They will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of
the imagery and provide feedback as to how it could have been improved. The top 5 photographs
will be placed on the website along with information about their issue and how people can provide
help for those causes.


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At the time that I wrote my Telecollaborative eNotebook I had plans of being in a classroom
or at least working with children in some capacity. I found myself in a much different place than I
had expected to be and was leading a young adult ministry at my church. I had the chance to work
with high school to early college aged students in the young adult ministry. In my original
Telecollaborative eNotebook I had set out to use the forms of electronic publishing and telementoring. I had planned to structure the projects around my global learning project which was an
online young adult ministry and I modified the group I was working with to try and fit the needs of
this original plan.
While I wasnt able to fulfil the exact plans as outlined in my original telecollaborative
eNotebook I feel the modifications got us off to a great start. For the area of electronic publishing I
had set out to get the young adults to care about a cause and use imagery and art to convey the
message of that cause or group. Since the young adult ministry was brand new I set out to have
them create artwork that they felt portrayed the ministry and our name, which was Relentless. There
were many submissions and ultimately one was voted to be the winner. This project not only
allowed me to get the participants involved actively but also to help them think about how art can
effect a persons perception or feelings towards a cause or group. By creating these pieces of art
they were setting the identity and feel of our young adult group for the church and future
participants. We discussed how the name and overall imagery tied together and would speak to
those who saw it even when we werent present.


Student Work

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Student Reactions

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At the start of this project I had concerns as to whether the participants would actually want
to create art that spoke to them and their group or cause. I was surprised to discover that it didnt
require a lot of push to get the participants excited about creating their designs. Right after
announcing the project I was getting emails with art ideas and they were eager to find out what I
thought and what they might be able to improve upon. I was able to encourage them and inspire
them to continue creating.
After the initial project they were eager to dive into the next project and to continue moving
forward with creating graphics and later videos that would speak to our ministry and the church. It
was exciting for me to be given a chance to share my knowledge and experience with art and
ministry to the participants and see their excitement and passion for art come alive. The best part
was when we voted on the final art design to represent our ministry and they got to see if on the big
screen at church and on the church website. There was a great sense of pride and excitement that
their artwork was reaching so many people.


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Web Captured URL


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Implementation: Summer 2014


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Implementation Plan
Focusing on my Global learning project I decided that it would be great if my students/
participants could take on a mentoring role. The young adult community is the focus of the global
learning project and I would love to have them tele-mentor high school students within the nation or
around the world. This would provide the participants a way to give back to others what they have
been given talent wise. iCouldBe is a great program in that is helps teens find their path in life and
discover what they would like to do for a future. Having the participants of my global learning
project tele-mentor students would help encourage them to go for their dreams because that is
exactly what my participants will be doing as well. They can share their challenges and success, as
well as, their basic skill sets in their given creative fields which will help them grow as Christians
and as artists.
The way I would implement this program would be to get in touch with iCouldBe and see if
they would allow my participants to partner with their schools or classrooms. If that is not an option
I would like to partner with other educators I know to have my participants mentor their students for
a time. The participants in my program would meet weekly with their student via email or chat
(both text and video) to discuss a pre-determined topic. For example, the mentor would determine
ahead of time what will be discussed in their meeting, such as, how to create a graphic for a
website. The student they are mentoring may also ask for specific topics throughout the duration of
this program. The mentor will be responsible for emailing weekly a summary of what they
accomplished, what they could improve upon next time and the challenges they faced in this weekly
meeting. Mentors will meet weekly after their student meeting to discuss these issues as well and be
assessed on what they have learned, the meaning they are associating with the assignment and to be
encouraged so that they may encourage the students they are mentoring.


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When it came to the concept of tele-mentoring I had a vision for students to mentor younger
students in their community and around the world. Relentless, the young adult group, was centred
around the notion of reaching out to the community and helping others. The church we were apart
of had a high school ministry at a public school in the area. Our group made an effort to reach out to
those students and play games with them, encourage them and talk to them about God and life. The
group also spent time together talking about matters of the heart, faith and life that effected each of
us. We spent time through digital media (ie: Facebook, text and Instagram) reaching out to each
other in an effort to inspire and encourage each other. We also used Facebook and Instagram as a
way to share hope and joy with the world and those who chose to follow our accounts.
I wasnt able to complete my original goal by connecting with iCouldBe, but we did find a
way to mentor others and share what we were learning. This definitely encouraged me to want to
continue to grow this project and see it move far beyond one church and into many churches and
youth groups. After seeing the impact mentoring has through social media and face-to-face
interactions I would love to work with classrooms and other ministries to help bring this notion to
life. Tele-mentoring is a powerful tool to reach many when your outreach ability seems small or
insignificant and the group definitely began to realise the global effect they could have right from
their own homes.

Student Reactions

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Overall the reactions from the participants in the young adult group were positive and
excited by how we were not only effecting each other but also the high school students as well.
There was a genuine passion and drive to do more and we spent a lot of time trying to think of ways
we could make an even bigger impact in our community and the world.
One of the best stories from this project that I have to share is about a young girl who had
just found out she was pregnant. She was brought to the church by a family friend and she was quiet
and scared. I was introduced to her originally and immediately invited her to join our young adult
ministry and let her know she would be with others who supported her and cared about her. I could
sense the hesitation within her as she shared how her boyfriend had left her and she recognised that
her whole life was about to change. I kept in touch with her via text message and she decided to join
us at our next young adult meeting. The group was overjoyed to welcome her and speak
encouraging words to her. They could wait to be there for her and we found people who had had
children at a young age she could talk to and relate with. Suddenly, this timid girl was now
becoming a strong and powerful voice for others and it was the most incredible moment I had ever
encountered. The lack of friendship she had felt originally had gone away and now she found
people who wanted to check in on her and be there for her any way they could. Sometimes they
communicated via text message or Facebook, but no matter where they were or if they had seen
each other in awhile they were reaching out and using the technology before them to make a
difference in this girls life.


Web Captured URL

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