Interface Agents Interface Agents: Does Ubiquitous Computing Need Ubiquitous Computing Vs

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Does Ubiquitous Computing Need Ubiquitous Computing

Interface Agents? vs.

Interface Agents
Mark Weiser
Head of Computer Science Lab · something altogether different, even opposed, to
Xerox PARC interface agents: ubiquitous computing
(also known as embodied virtuality)
· outline of this talk:
what is ubiquitous computing
compare and contrast to interface agents

Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992 Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992

Context of work: Premise: Metaphors Matter

Xerox PARC
This is a talk about metaphors and world views
· A different kind of research in two ways · All people see and understand the world as filtered
Reverse technology transfer: PARC transfers through a world view
research ideas to universities to pursue. The world view itself is not seen
We deploy and use our discoveries. Because the world view filters everything, it is
· Over twenty years of pioneering basic research hugely influential on what we do

Individuals change, innovation continues Some metaphors become ingrained as world views

Steady Xerox committment to long-range research · Metaphors are extremely influential

Laboratories ranging from physics to Plato’s metaphors of ideal forms and knowledge
anthropology, all working together. as viewing shadows in a cave influencing 2,000
years of theories of knowing
· Connection to Xerox
Rousseau’s "Noble Savage" influence in the French
PARC technology in nearly every product revolution, morals, cruel experiments on
Research a vital part of The Document Company children
The metaphor of the "master molecule" delayed
biochemical understanding

Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992 Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992

Ubiquitous Computing: People are most effective and authentic
off the beaten track when they are fully engaged, mind and
mainframe body, in the world
workstation · Examples:
flow of the athlete in the groove
laptop effortless use of pencil, paper and languge when
PDA "feel for the organism" of the great biologist
effortless 65 MPH driving of the experienced driver
(while talking, reading roadsigns, ...)
Ubiquitous · This is a basic characteristic of humans, across all
Computing cultures
Polynesian navigation between islands depends
upon attunement with currents, wind, and
African tailor apprenticeships via peripheral
participation depend upon learning by
· Technologies should enhance this ability to engage,
to "flow" with life and work

Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992 Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992

The most powerful technologies are How to do invisible computing?

invisible: they get out of the way to let
· Integrated computer systems approach
the human be effective
invisible, everywhere, computing
named "ubiquitous computing" in April 1989.

· Invisible: tiny, embedded, attachable, . . .

· Electricity
· Everywhere: wireless, dynamically configurable,
Electric motors hidden everywhere (20-30 per car)
remote access, adapting, . . .
Electric sockets in every wall and portably
available through batteries Poverty of
Situated Science Existing
Integrated, invisible infrastructure philosophy Computer Systems
psychology heavy
anthropology GUI
· Literary Technology MIPS happy
Continuously surrounding us at many scales Ubiquitous virtual reality
Used trivially and profoundly Computing
Literally visible, effectively invisible

Technology Trends
low power

Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992 Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992

Goals of ubiquitous computing ubicomp phase 1
(ubicomp) Ubiquitous I/O devices
· Ultimate Goal · Post-it note-sized palmtop computers
invisible technology One hundred per person per office
integration of virtual and physical worlds Always have one on you, wirelessly connected
throughout desks, rooms, buildings, and life Small touch-sensitive display screen
take the data out of information, leaving behind Scatter around the office like postit notes
just an enhanced ability to act
· Notebook-sized computers
· Phase I
Ten per person per office
tabs, pads, and boards
Stylus-based input primary
hundreds of computers per person
Near megabit wireless comm bandwidth
wireless networks
Can support multi-media when "tethered"
location-based services
· Wall displays
shared meeting applications
Large ones used as shared display surfaces
(replaces whiteboards)
Using a computer should be as refreshing as a walk Replace physical bulletin boards, etc.
in the woods.
Lots of bandwidth available because they’re
plugged into the wall.

Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992 Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992

Ubicomp is Encouraging result:

Situated Computing new science from exploring Ubicomp
· Makes use of simple shared context · theoretical computer science: network security,
caching over slow networks, ...
- space
· operating systems: scalable to wristwatches, user-
- time
extensible O.S.’s, reliable without redundancy, low
- proximity power O.S.
- affordances (Norman) · user interfaces, hardware and software: gestures,
two-handed input, pie-menus, unistroke alphabets
· Participation in the context
· networking, hardware and software: radio, infrared,
- is physical mobile protocols, inbuilding wireless LANs,
- is out here with us multimedia protocols over varying bandwidth

- is in many small and large places, including trivial · computer architecture, hardware and software:
ones postit-note computers, low power O.S., multimedia
pad computers

Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992 Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992

Some Ubi-Examples Agent Premise?
Activity-based Information Retrieval · When is a program an agent?
- like filing assistant for physical documents · Many excellent talks in the morning stretched to
cover agents
- uses events, time, context, who
- Papert: syntonic and non-true/false schooled
- tracks things by badge, and video shape
- just indexing, no "agent"
- Dertouzos: EForms, G.S.S.s
Physical Retrieval
- Kay: handheld machines used everywhere
- book or document beeps with answer
- Negroponte: shared context
- screens (active, custom, signs) on walls direct you
· Is a human the right model for the ideal computer?
to right shelf, or right clothes, ...
- An appealing panacea, and so dangerous
Newman and Lamming, EuroPARC
- Better: make the computer more like things of
which we are unaware: eyeballs, hands, ...

Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992 Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992

What is the interface agent metaphor? Example of the different points of view:
Pilot’s Assistant
"I think of a personalized computer as something like a
well-trained, long-standing English butler -- someone The goal of the pilot’s assistant is to enhance the ability
intimately aware of your idiosyncrasies, your habits, of the pilot to fly the airplane
your friends, your goals, and who you deal with."
· Interface agent: like a co-pilot
· You talk to it
watching the planes systems and the situation
· It watches us and learns our needs
offering advice, answering questions
· It has "knowledge", is "aware", or has a personality
· Ubicomp: like a simpler, better airplane
· It is an assistant
the arrangement of controls, displays, windows,
seats, etc.
the ability to act is enhanced by the total system
no locus of expertise
· For example: being alerted of a potential collision
agent: "collision, collision, go right and down"
ubicomp: background presentation of airspace
information for continuous spatial awareness, as
in everyday life. You’ll no more run into another
airplane than you would try to walk through a

Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992 Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992

Four myths in the agent metaphor Four myths, continued
· Myth 1: voice recognition is important for · Myth 3: people interface with the world
human/computer interaction
Better: people dwell in the world, so they and the world
Better: voice may help a little, sometimes together are a functioning whole, neither alone.

voice recognition is to computer "User interface" embodies a type error: it names a

as boundary that is instead a union.
typewriter is to paper
Is marriage a spousal interface problem, improved by a
· Myth 2: people know what they want, and a smart better GUI? Is ecology a plant/animal interface
assistant could help them get it problem, improved by plants with more MIPS?

Better: people are opportunists, muddling through, · Myth 4: hierarchical organization is helpful
never doing exactly the same thing twice
Better: success in leading comes from understanding,
coaching and enabling, not commanding

"Master molecule" theories (slime mold, DNA) are not

true, instead more complex interaction theories, with
no locus of control, are biologically realistic

People at the top of hierarchies, e.g. presidents, have

little control over the bureacracy

Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992 Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992

What’s wrong with the interface agent Some limitations of the interface agent
metaphor? metaphor
· You talk to it · It does not go far enough
but what you can say is no different from what you it stops at the notion of an assistant
can type: i.e. you lisp at it
much better is the intuitive or anticipatory
Myths 1 and 3 computer, that needs no commands
· It watches us and learns our needs aim for an extension of our body, or integration of
but has no human context for needs
· It keeps the computer in the foreground
Myths 2 and 3
personal computer is the wrong idea, intimate
· It has "knowledge", is "aware", has a personality
computer even worse
must Artificial Intelligence be solved first?
invisible computer is best
Myths 2 and 3
· It stays within an old paradigm
· It is an assistant
breakthroughs less likely, because area well
it is underfoot studied

Myth 4 · It obsessively fascinates

the human-like machine to which we give life
the perfect, all-powerful, slave
be careful when appealing to ancient prejudice

Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992 Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992

Some different design principles Possible problems with ubiquitous
computing metaphor
Interface Agent Ubiquitous Computing
· A good butler is also invisible
single locus of information distributed, partial information by · Invisibility is more poorly focused than agents, less
about me place, time and situation amenable to PhD theses and point products
· People want a personal butler, not just a better life
command the computer what computer?
· Ubiquitous computing is harder, because it requires
complete new systems thinking
personal, intimate, computer personal, intimate people
· An intelligent agent is a better model for some
filtering breathing, living, strolling things, like information filtering and controlling
access to me

user interface no boundary between you and


do what I mean when I want your help I’ll ask for it

I interact with agent I interact with the world

Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992 Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992

Summary Two kinds of issues

· Ubiquitous computing avoids metaphors of · Desired end state
hierarchy, power, and control, and myths about
invisiblity vs. explicit interaction
what it is to be human
· Means for achieving either end state
· Ubiquitous computing emphasizes metaphors of life,
interaction with other people, invisibility, and is distributed affordances vs. focused expertise
leading to new discoveries in computer science

"Using a computer a computer should be as refreshing

as taking a walk in the woods."

Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992 Agents92.tioga October 6, 1992

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