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Fill in the blanks with with the correct personal pronoun or possessive adjective.

Alice lives with _________ parents in a little village. ____________ house has

got a lot of fruit trees.

I am a student and _____________ brother is a bus driver. ____________ live in
a small village near the sea. ___________ have a pet. Its a dog. ____________
name is Rambo and ____________ like ____________ very much and _________
also likes __________ very much. ___________always play together after lunch.

The President of the United States lives in a huge house. __________ house is
called The White House and _________ lives there with all __________ family.
________ wife is very tall and __________ children are very tall too.

Paul and Andrew are my best friends from school. I phone ___________ at the
weekend and _________ have dinner out and play cards . _________ enjoy
ourselves very much.

Pamela and ________ sister go out with George. __________ like ___________
very much because he always makes __________ laugh. _______ tells ________
fantastic jokes.

Pam, is this _________ mobile phone?

My neighbour Mark is 34 years old. I dont like __________ very much because
he makes a lot of noise at night. _____ plays the drums with his group.

________ also sing, drink and dance.

He lives alone but ________ has a
funny pet. ________ is a parrot. _____ has a strange green and brownish colour
. ________ is teaching _________ to say a few words in English?.

Sandra sits next to Paul and me at school. _______ . She never speaks to

________ because she says that ______ are very rude.


Fill in the blanks with with the correct personal pronoun or possessive adjective.

Alice lives with _________ parents in a little village. ____________ house has

got a lot of fruit trees.

I am a student and _____________ brother is a bus driver. ____________ live in
a small village near the sea. ___________ have a pet. Its a dog. ____________
name is Rambo and ____________ like ____________ very much and _________
also likes __________ very much. ___________always play together after lunch.

The President of the United States lives in a huge house. __________ house is
called The White House and _________ lives there with all __________ family.
________ wife is very tall and __________ children are very tall too.

Paul and Andrew are my best friends from school. I phone ___________ at the
weekend and _________ have dinner out and play cards . _________ enjoy
ourselves very much.

Pamela and ________ sister go out with George. __________ like ___________
very much because he always makes __________ laugh. _______ tells ________
fantastic jokes.

Pam, is this _________ mobile phone?

My neighbour Mark is 34 years old. I dont like __________ very much because
he makes a lot of noise at night. _____ plays the drums with his group.

________ also sing, drink and dance.

He lives alone but ________ has a
funny pet. ________ is a parrot. _____ has a strange green and brownish colour
. ________ is teaching _________ to say a few words in English?.

Sandra sits next to Paul and me at school. _______ . She never speaks to

________ because she says that ______ are very rude.

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