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Stuck in traffic for five hours straight!

The huge mountain dew had already

descended to Josh's bladder. Josh struggled to keep his mind off his super full
urinary bladder as he drove forward very slowly in the traffic jam. He tightened
his sweaty hands on the wheel and looked down. His penis had already gone into the
erect mode from the intense urge to pee and was bulging out at his zipper. He was
tempted to cross his legs, but couldn't take off his feet from the pedals. He
leaned forward to relieve the pressure building up, but it worsened. He quickly
leaned back and humped back and forth on the seat to control his intense need to
urinate. He squeezed his legs together and humped back and forth again.
"Is something wrong Josh?", asked Lisa. "You seem like you need to pee or
"my bladder's very full, I'm dying to go to the loo", muttered Josh.
"Hold it", said Lisa, "you'll make it"
"I've been holding for four hours now", said Josh, "I need to pass urine now".
"Try your best, you can hold your crotch tight, or just pinch the tip of your
cock, it'll help to control the need", said Lisa, "or you can hump back and forth
on your seat, or you can cross your legs, or you can squeeze your cock in between
your legs".
Josh tried them all one by one. He held his bulge. It was huger than before. His
penis had grown longer and harder from holding all the urine in his bladder.
He tried pinching the tip of his massive pee organ, it hardly helped.
He shifted into gear and slowly inched the car forward and stopped.
He humped back and forth on his seat for a few minutes. Then he held his cock, and
crossed his legs tight.
"I have to peeeeeeeeeeeee, pee pee pee pee", he hissed.
"Hold it", said Lisa.
Josh was dying to urinate. He was red and sweaty in the face from holding the
gallons of piss.
Lisa felt sorry. "I've got an idea"
Lisa held Josh's hands and moved it away from his tight bulge. She slowly kneaded
on the bulge. Josh humped as she kneaded. He really had to piss bad.
Then, Lisa slowly unzipped his pants, the zipper zipping noisily over the bulge.
There was a wet spot on his underwear. She pulled it down and took out his cock.
There was a large yellow drop of warm urine at the tip. His cock shivered from
holding pee.
She slowly slid down from the seat and bent over his lap. She slid his desperately
full pee organ into her mouth and sucked deeply.
Josh moaned "Don't Lisa, please, I'll piss myself"
Lisa sucked harder. Then she licked his entire penis. She caught hold of it with
both hands and milked it.
"Lisa, please Lisa. You know that I'm desperate for the bathroom, please don't do
it. "
She sucked for another few minutes, his penis grew larger to a full 9 inches.
It throbbed from pleasure and the intense need to pass urine.
Then, disappointing him, she put his cock back into his pants and zipped it up.
"Lisa, please don't stop, it was just getting better"
"I'm sorry, I cant', said Lisa.
"Please Lisa," begged Josh, "It was helping me to hold my bladder".
Then suddenly, Lisa shoved at Josh, right on his super full bladder. Josh moaned
and grabbed his bulge. She could hear a rushing sound as warm yellow foamy urine
gushed out of his long erect pee organ.
He quickly unzipped and pulled out his cock. Urine squirted out from his cock
splattering everywhere in the car
He pissed straight for 5 minutes until he was relieved.

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