National Park Volcan Isluga

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Fernanda Lagos
Tourism & Hospitality
Chilean heritage and destinations

Owner of the mysticism of the harmony between modernity and ancient practices, with a
Surface of 174744 hectares, the National Park Volcano Isluga, possesses an incredible relief of
heights and a fabulous flora and fauna, which spread between the precordillera and the Andean
Altiplane, sectors that the park includes, which are zone of protection and conservation of
natural resources.

I will recommend this place; in this case my client will be a foreign couple. They like to do
trekking, ride a bike, climbing, take pictures and observe the flora and local fauna, enjoy the
landscape, the adventure and connect with the nature. This park includes many natural
attractions for what it is more interesting to know and to prosper with Chile.


Is located in the Tarapac Region, created in 1967 as National Park of Tourism, in 1985 it was
re-measure and fix the current extension the one that is equal to 174.744 hectares. It covers
1,747 square kilometers, with elevations ranging between 2,100 and 5,550 meters. It is named
after Volcn Isluga, which at 5,550 m, is the tallest mountain in this park.
Zone of great biodiversity and predominance of the culture Aymara. Shepherds' culture of
auqunidos Andean that prevail in the fauna of the zone.
In the flora of this park they predominate over zones of shrubs altiplnicos, vegetable named
desert bushes as, cactus, bofedales, queoas, etc.
And in the fauna of this park they predominate over vicunas, gumps, alpacas, muds, fox culpeo,
vizcachas, lauchones Bolivian apricots, suris or nandus and birds like broke mattress, ravens of
the puna, eaglets, condors, taguas, flemish, etc.
The climate is Desert. Marked thermal oscillation between the day and the night. The maximum
average temperature is of 24,4 C and the minim of 12,5 C. the annual rainfalls in average go
from 50 mm to 250 mm, centering from December to March.

The principal attractions are:

The river Arabilla, which it is born in the south slope of the hills Quimsachatas and which is
changing name downstream; the gully of Aroma, which superficial waters are born of a series of
ephemeral tributaries; and the lagoons Parinacota and Arabilla, which possess great variety of
fauna as the Chilean Fleming and different birds that live in the place, scenic relevant

environments and observation of different ecological habitat and vegetable associations as,
Andean steppes, humid steppes and the so called one.
The geothermal field Puchuldiza, shaped by geysers and thermal baths, in which the water
reaches, even the 85 C. The fumaroles are estimated principally in the dawns of the altiplane
and, in winter, during the months more colds, the waters freeze forming magnificent blocks of
ice. Together with Puchuldiza's Thermal baths you can find the thermal baths Warm Water
waters that reach 30C. And other more rustic thermal baths continuing for the ways that
surround the sector, as for example Chumisa's Thermal baths with waters to 42C, swimming
pools, baths of steam and of mud.
Also walking for the zone, one will delight with the visit diverse pre-Hispanic villages where there
are commercialized different manufactures elaborated by the specimens that stay of these
former cultures as fabrics in alpaca, ceramics and crafts in carved stone.


The National Park Volcan Isluga was created for the protection of the flora and fauna that exists
in the place and the conservation of natural resources. The idea of this park is that they come
national as international tourists to estimate Chile, for the magnificent landscapes that it has and
the natural events that are incredible of seeing. This does that the park is a place to visit since it
includes a series of activities outdoor, also to acquaint and to be learned of the culture,
traditions and customs of Chile, to know and to learn of the different flora and fauna local.
Then all the characteristics that this park has provide a great contribution to the tourism in Chile
since the people want to know different cultures and to see different landscapes and natural
phenomena of the world.
Therefore this park is perfect to visit since this one opened all the year round. The National Park
Volcan Isluga in the North of Chile represents as one of the places mas incredible that exists.
The important thing is to enjoy what gives us the land and the nature this way to preserve it
many more years.

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