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1. In a capitalist economic system the price and distribution of goods and services are determined by what?


2. What is the correct term describing an economic system characterized by the presence of lords, vassals, and


3. Before capitalism in Europe, the dominant economic system was feudalism. Which of the following was NOT
a member of feudal society?


4. In the feudal system, vassals were responsible for granting land to serfs. What was this land called?


5. Serfs were the lowest class in the feudal system and were bound to the land they worked, yet they were not
slaves. How were they different?


6. Race is not a fixed biological or natural reality; rather, it is:


7. Americas first naturalization law, passed in 1790, granted citizenship to:


8. What term refers to the belief that members of separate races possess different and unequal traits?


9. Racist thinking is characterized by the belief that:

____ 10. Hippocrates believed that physical markers such as skin color were the result of:
____ 11. Rousseau believed that the source of all social ills was:
____ 12. What is the term that refers to a form of wealth that can be stored for the future?
____ 13. Thomas Malthus believed that the human population grows ____________, but the ability to produce food
increases ____________.
____ 14. From Malthuss perspective, ____________ keeps the population in check.
____ 15. According to the German philosopher Hegel, the master-slave relationship is one of mutual:
____ 16. What term refers to the notion that everyone is created equal in the eyes of God?

____ 17. The modern capitalist society is an example of which type of society?
____ 18. Which standard of equality is most concerned with the distribution of resources?
____ 19. The process in India whereby an entire caste can leapfrog over another and obtain a higher position in the
hierarchy is called:
____ 20. Under what system is your societal position related to your position in the economic market?
____ 21. Which profession has the least number of practitioners in the United States?
____ 22. Doctors earn power and prestige because they can offer something that everyone wants. What can they offer?
____ 23. Society believes that a doctor driving by the scene of an accident has:
____ 24. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways doctors establish their power?
____ 25. Fee-for-service means:
____ 26. Which of the following is not an obligation of the sick role?
____ 27. Under HMOs, the medical provider receives a fee per person. This is referred to as:
____ 28. A government program that provides health insurance for the poor is:
____ 29. The researchers in the Whitehall Study examined what occupational sector?
____ 30. The Whitehall study found all of the following factors important in determining health outcomes EXCEPT:
____ 31. Sociologists of science are interested in the ____________ of scientific discoveries.
____ 32. Thomas Kuhn believed that normal scientific discovery:
____ 33. What is the factor responsible for important scientific advancements?
____ 34. According to the normative view of science, what should scientists leave at the laboratory door?
____ 35. Which of the following is NOT a reason your text mentions that causes researchers to choose their area of
____ 36. According to your text, the decision to pursue nuclear technologies during World War II was influenced:
____ 37. Researchers in different fields may study the same issue but have different outcomes because:
____ 38. A sociologist, biologist, and psychologist are studying Olympic athletes. Their results:
____ 39. Ethnographic research:
____ 40. It is argued that ____________ are not made, but rather preexist in objective reality waiting to be discovered.
____ 41. Convergence theory doesnt necessarily require:
____ 42. There were pro-Obama demonstrations in Denver during the Democratic National Convention in August
2008. Which collective action theory describes these?
____ 43. Participating in the wave at a baseball game is in example of:
____ 44. Affiliation with multiple group identities:

____ 45. Presbyterian, Green Bay Packers fan, Republican, and Italian are all group associations that help define you
as a(n):
____ 46. You have identified yourself as single all of your life, but at age 35 you get married. Being single is the
____________ aspect of your identity, and being married is the ____________ aspect of your identity.

____ 47. What is one reason that motivates social movements?

____ 48. Social movements attempt to achieve their aim through:

____ 49. A homeless shelter for battered women, where they can learn how to care for themselves and their children,
would be an example of a(n) ____________ social movement.

____ 50. When sociologists talk about social change, they are referring to transformations in all of the following

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