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Human Development

Select the best answer.

1. What area in psychology is concerned with the study of the principles of
human development?
A. Neuropsychology
B. Development Psychology
C. Social Psychology
D. Forensic Psychology
2. This involves examining the developmental changes in relation to age..
A. Longitudinal design
B. Cross- sectional design
C. Experimental design
D. Correlational design
3. This involves observing different groups with different developmental
A. Longitudinal design
B. Cross- sectional design
C. Experimental design
D. Correlational design
4. This refers to the inherited physiological, emotional, intellectual, and social
characteristics that make up the individual
A. Environment
B. Genes
C. Attribute
D. Heredity
5. This refers to the external force that influences the individual
A. Environment
B. Genes
C. Attribute
D. Heredity
6. If you put something to the infants mouth, it would right away suck on it.
What kind of reflex is shown?
A. Rooting reflex
B. Sucking reflex
C. Moro reflex
D. Autonomic reflex
7. This development of motor skills is from inside (center of the body) to
A. Sensorimotor principle
B. Concrete principle
C. Proximodistal principle

D. Cephalocaudal principle
8. In this stage of cognitive development, children acquire object permanence
and symbolic thought.
A. Sensorimotor stage
B. Preoperational stage
C. Concrete operations
D. Formal operations
9. In this stage of cognitive development, children are capable of conservation.
A. Sensorimotor stage
B. Preoperational stage
C. Concrete operations
D. Formal operations
10. Sarah is an adult who thinks abstractly of different things around her. She is
believed to be at this stage of cognitive development
A. Sensorimotor stage
B. Preoperational stage
C. Concrete operations
D. Formal operations
11. This developmental theory mainly focuses on sexual themes
A. Piagets Cognitive Stages of Development
B. Ericksons Psychosocial Stages of Development
C. Kohlbergs Moral Stages of Development
D. Freuds Psychosocial Stages of Development
12. According to Freud, this is a condition where a child fails to resolve a conflict
of a particular stage
A. Libido
B. Fixation
C. Aggression
D. Regression
13. This developmental theory focuses on the examination of information
processing of an individual.
A. Piagets Cognitive Stages of Development
B. Ericksons Psychosocial Stages of Development
C. Kohlbergs Moral Stages of Development
D. Freuds Psychosocial Stages of Development
14. This is the psychosocial stage where adolescents know and understand who
they are
A. Identity vs. Role Confusion
B. Industry or Inferiority
C. Intimacy vs. Isolation
D. Integrity vs. Despair

15. Elderly people have a tendency to feel dissatisfied with their lives and will
perceive their lives as empty. This psychosocial stage refers to
A. Identity vs. Role Confusion
B. Industry or Inferiority
C. Intimacy vs. Isolation
D. Integrity vs. Despair
16. This is the conflict among elementary school age in Ericksons Psychosocial
Stages of Development
A. Identity vs. Role Confusion
B. Industry or Inferiority
C. Intimacy vs. Isolation
D. Integrity vs. Despair
17. This refer to the stage where the child can differentiate what is good from
bad and what is right from wrong, though the rules being implemented by the
parents or significant adults
A. Preconventional
B. Conventional
C. Postconventional
D. Formal
18. The moral development at this stage will be significantly re-shaped, remoulded, re-transformed
A. Preconventional
B. Conventional
C. Postconventional
D. Formal
19. What is this condition among women where cessation of menstruation and
ovulation happen?
A. Menopause
B. Andropuase
C. Regression
D. Progression
20. This developmental aspect is greatly influenced by social and cultural
A. Moral
B. Cognitive
C. Sexual
D. Social

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