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In today's business world environmental issues plays an important role in marketing. All most all the
governments around the world have concerned about green marketing activities that they have attempted
to regulate them. There has been little attempt to academically examine environmental or green
marketing. It introduces the terms and concepts of green marketing, briefly discuss why going green is
important and also examine some of the reason that organizations are adopting a green marketing


Eliminate the concept of waste

Reinvent the concept of product
Make prices reflect actual and environmental costs
Make environmentalism profitable
Bringing out product modifications
Changing in production processes
Packaging changes
Modifying advertising.

>>Explore the various factors which influence the green purchasing behavior of the Indian consumer.
>>Will advertising attitude and ad usage of a person predict his green purchasing behavior?
>>Will his attitude towards private brands influence his green purchasing behavior?
>>To give a segmented opinion of the green purchasing behavior attitude based on their gender, family
type, education level etc.

The aim of this study is to investigate immense opportunities and associated challenges in Green
Marketing. Green marketing is still in its infancy and a lot of research is to be done on green marketing to
fully explore its potential. Marketing Green means having a vision and a plan and taking (cautious)
action. As more companies look to promote their environmentally savvy practices, it's a good idea to
pause for a moment and consider what companies are marketing when promoting organization as green or

Descriptive research design is used in this research. It includes survey and fact finding inquiries of
different kinds. The major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of the affairs, as it
exists at present.
There are two sources through which data is collected.
Primary Data: Primary data has been collected mainly through structured questionnaire.
The questions were designed in an easily understandable manner that the respondents may
not have any difficulty in answering them.
Secondary Data: Secondary data has been obtained through websites, books, and online magazines and


Many organizations want to turn green, as an increasing number of consumers' want to associate
themselves with environmental-friendly products. Alongside, one also witnesses confusion among the
consumers regarding the products. In particular, one often finds distrust regarding the credibility of green
products. There are numerous challenges in the field of green marketing.


Have you heard of any campaign related to Green Marketing?





2.If yes from which source of media?

a) television
b) newspaper
c) friends/family
d) magazines
e) internet

3.Have you been part of any such campaign?

a) yes
b) no

4. Do you consider the environmental aspect of product before buying them?

a) very often
b) often
c) sometimes
d) rarely
e) never

5. Do you think green marketing and its advertising are good sources of information about green products
and services?
a) highly agree
b) agree
c) neutral
d) disagree
e) highly disagree

6.Do you agree that green marketing activities are good at addressing environmental issues?
a) highly agree
b) agree
c) neutral
d) disagree
e) highly disagree

7. Do you think green marketing activities result in better products?

a) highly agree
b) agree
c) neutral
d) disagree
e) highly disagree

8.Why do companies opt for this strategy?

a) govt. Pressure
b) comp. Pressure
c) as a part of CSR
d) immense opportunity

9. Do you think that green marketing strengthen companys image in the mind of consumers?
a) highly agree
b) agree
c) neutral
d) disagree
e) highly disagree

10. Do you think that companies that focus on environmental concerns persuade consumers to buy
a) highly agree
b) agree
c) neutral
d) disagree
e) highly disagree

11. Do you think this strategy will help to grow healthy environment?
a) yes

b) no

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