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Course : Bahasa Inggris Ekonomi (1503BIE05)
Bachelor in Economics (S.E): Manajemen

UWIN eLearning Program

Session Topic : Food and Entertaining

Course: Bahasa Inggris Ekonomi
By Wrin B. Djamaludin, SE, MBA, M.Ak


Part 1


Part 2


Part 3


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Hal 3

Part1: Food


Eating Out
Dining Etiquette
Language Focus 1

Case Study
Which restaurant?

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Hal 5

Food: Starting Up

1. What kind of food do you like? Make adjectives.

2. China; Japan; Thailand; India; Turkey; Greece;
France; Germany; Russia; Sweden; the UK;
I like Chinese food and I love Japanese food.
I like Swedish food and I love Thai food.

For the adjective, you can open this link:

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Hal 6

Food: Exercise

Match the typical dishes (1-8) to the adjectives (a-h).

Then make sentences.Curry is an Indian dish
1. Curry
a) American
2. Snails
b) Italian
3. Sushi
c) Indian
4. Spaghetti
d) French
5. Goulash
e) Hungarian
6. Hamburger
f) Chinese
7. Paella
g) Japanese
8. Sweet & sour chicken
h) Spanish
What other typical dishes do you know?
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Hal 7

Food: Discuss

Discuss with your classmates

In your country, do business people usually

1. Have business breakfasts?

Entertain business people at...,
2. home?
3. the weekend?
Please give a sample or illustration for each .
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Hal 8

Food: Vocabulary

Vocabulary: Eating Out

Are eating out all week-ends? With whom?
Choose the odd one out in each group of food words below and
explain your answer.
1. Salmon
2. Beef
3. Carrots
4. Veal
5. Cabbage eel
Onion - its a kind of vegetable
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Hal 9

Food: Exercise

Look at these words for parts of a menu

Then write the following dishes under the headings on the

Main course


Soup, apple pie, steak, salad, ice cream

Grilled fish, fruit, chocolate mousse, pasta
spring rolls, cheesecake, roast duck, tiramisu
prawn cocktail, beef stew, stuffed mushrooms
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Hal 10

Food: Exercise (cont.)

Underline the correct word to complete each of these

sentences !
When you ask for the following action?
You ask for...,
1. the receipt
2. the check
3. the menu
4. tip

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Menu at the start of a meal

Bill at the end of a meal in UK
Tip before leaving the rest
Receipt after you pay

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Hal 11

Part2: Reading

Reading: Dining Etiquette

Discuss these questions

1. Do foreigners eat your national food in the same
way as you do?
2. What changes do people in your country make to
foreign dishes?

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Hal 13

Reading: Learning Chopsticks

Learning Chopsticks
By Gwen Robinson
In the west, as well as in Asia. Tastes and dining etiquette are changing. There is
more understanding of different cuisines and cultures, says Alan Yau, the
innovative and successful founder of the Wagamama chain of Asian Noodle
restaurants in the UK.
But people still dont understand etiquette very well. For example, in one of my
Thai restaurants, western diners insist on using Chopsticks. They dont want to eat
the Thai way, just with pork and spoon says Yau. So we give them Chopsticks.
Then Thai people say we are not a real Thai restaurant because we provide
Chopsticks .
Hugues Jaquier, general manager of Londons exclusive Hotel Sofitel St. James
and Brasserie Roux, believes people are only beginning to understand other
cultures. He is shocked when customers put ketchup on a traditional French dish
or when US guests insist on drinking coffee with their meals.
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Hal 14

Reading: Learning Chopsticks (cont.)

The Japanese are leading other Asian cultures in adapting their own
traditions. When Noboyuki Matsuhisa launched the Nobu restaurants in
the USA, he quickly learned what American like, says Laura Holland,
translator of the successful Nobu cookbook. For example, at the
beginning, Nobu disliked seeing diners pour a lot of sauce on their rice
and sushi, but then he accepted it and he even develop a special mix
for customers to pour.

On the other hand, in Japan, the more sophisticated, restaurant-going

crowd are very open to different styles and trends, says Holland. The
Japanisation of western food and etiquette began many years ago. In
Tokyos chic Ginza District, for example, an Italia-Japanese restaurant
called Chop Stick serves innovative Italian food that people can eat
with Chopsticks.
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Hal 15

Reading: Exercise

Look through the article of Learning Chopsticks and complete this fact file

Name of restaurant


Type of food served

Alan Yau





Brasserie Roux



Noboyuki Matsuhisa



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.(9). (10).

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Hal 16

Reading: Exercise (cont.)

Match these words (1-6) to their meanings (a-f).

Use a good dictionary to help you.
1. Etiquette
2. Innovative
3. Insist
(on doing something)
4. Adapt
5. Sophisticated
6. Trend

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a. Change something to make it

suitable for a new situation
b. The way a situation is developing or
c. Knowing a lot about fashion and
d. New, original
e. The rules of polite behaviour
f. Keep doing something that other
people dont like

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Hal 17

Reading: Exercise (cont.)

From the article, decide whether each statement is true or false !

1. Alan Yau says that tastes in food are changing in Asia only?
2. Thai people dont understand etiquette very well, according to Yau.
3. Hugues Jaquier finds it strange that some people drink coffee with
their meals.
4. Nobu adapts his dishes for American customers.
5. In Japan, adapting western food and etiquette is not something new.

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Hal 18

Reading: Discussion

Discussion: Work in pairs

a. Discuss how business people can learn about foreign
Make a list of three practical ideas.

b. Imagine some foreign business people ask you about the

main rules of dining etiquette in your country.
What do you tell them?
Make a list of three points.

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Hal 19

Reading: Some/any

Language Focus 1: some/any

1. ...use some in positive statements.
There are some very good restaurants in the city centre.
2. ...also use some when we offer things and ask for things.
Would you like some more coffee ?
Can I have some tea, please?
3. ...use any in most questions.
Do you have any beef?
4. ...also use any in negative statements.
We havent got any beef today.
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Hal 20

Reading: Exercise

Tick () the correct sentences. Correct the mistakes in

the other sentences.
1. Id like any water
Id like some water.
2. Could I have any more coffee, please?
3. Are there any restaurants near here?
4. There isnt some wine left.
5. Id like some cheese, please .
6. Do you have any soft drinks?

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Hal 21

Reading: Dialogue

Read this dialogue about choosing a restaurant. Underline the

correct words to complete it.
Mina: There are some/any (1) good restaurants in the centre.
Ivan: Yes, but there isnt some/any (2) parking.
We could go to the Texas steakhouse near the airport.
Mina: Do they serve some/any (3) vegetarian
Ivan: I dont think so. How about the Marina?
They do some/any (4) great fish dishes, and
They have some/any ( 5) vegetarian starter too.
Mina: Good idea. Ill see if theyve got a table for 9 oclock

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Hal 22

Reading: Exercise

Arranging dialogue into the correct order


You should try the roast duck. Its delicious.

No. thanks. Im full
Would you like a starter ?
Right. Ill get the bill.
Id like the soup, please
Would you like a dessert ?
What do you recommend for the main course ?
Thanks very much. That was a lovely meal. I really
enjoyed it.

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Hal 23

Reading: Language Focus 2

Language focus 2 - Countable and Uncountable Nouns.

1. Most nouns in English are countable.
We can put a/an before them.
And they have a plural form
tables, meals, restaurants, women.
2. Some nouns are usually uncountable and so are usually singular
water, tea, sugar, milk
3. A lot of, many and much mean a large quantity or number of something.
We use,
4. ...a lot of in all types of sentences.
They arent a lot of flights at the weekend.
5. ...many with countable nouns.
How many people are coming to the conference ?
6. ...much with uncountable nouns.
Can you pay ? I havent got much money.
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Hal 24

Reading: Exercise

Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

Use a lot of, many or much.
1. They dont have much vegetarian dishes here.
a lot of / many
2. How many does it cost ?
3. The restaurant hasnt got much table left.
4. I dont have many time at the moment.
5. I drink much coffee.
6. There arent much hotels in the city centre.
7. It costs much money.
8. I dont want many spaghetti. Theres ice cream for dessert.

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Hal 25

Reading: Exercise (cont.)

Work in pairs.
Complete these questions with many or much.
Then ask and answer the questions with a partner.
1. A. How much cash do you have in your wallet ?
B. about 20 euros.
2. How Keys do you have in your bag /pocket ?
3. How People are there in your company ?
4. How Time do you have for lunch ?
5. How Days holiday a year do you have ?
6. How Language do you speak ?
7. How Do you usually tip in a restaurant ?
8. How fast-food restaurants are there where you live ?
9. How do you eat for breakfast?
10. How .Water do you drink a day ?
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Hal 26

Part3: Entertaining

Entertaining: Exercise

Skills: Entertaining
Two managers are discussing how to entertain a group of important
foreign visitors.
Complete the dialogue below with the following words:
(right, recommended, book, entertain, invite, call , about)


: How can we .entertain(1) our visitors next week ?

: Why dont we .....(2)..... them for dinner ?
: Good idea. Which restaurant do you .....(3).....?
: The food is always good at Pierres.
: Thats .....(4)....., but its usually very busy.
: How .....(5)..... a restaurant by the river ?
: Yes, theres a good Italian restaurant there.
Shall I .....(6)..... a table for Wednesday night ?
Carry : Yes, please. Can you .....(7)..... the restaurant as soon as
possible, please ?
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Hal 28

Entertaining: Exercise (cont.)

You are in a restaurant.

Match what you think (1-7) to what you should say (a-g).
You think:
1. I want a steak
2. The fish is good
3. What is the best dish?
4. I need to pay
5. I dont eat meat
6. I want to choose some wine.
7. Im not ready to order yet

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You say:
a. Can I have the bill please?
b. Are there any vegetarian dishes?
c. Id like the steak, please.
. few more minutes.
d. I need a
e. Can I have the wine list, please?
f. What do you recommend?
g. I recommend the fish.

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Hal 29

Entertaining: Useful Language

Useful language - in restaurant

1. Why dont we .......?
2. Shall I .......?
3. How about .......?
Giving Opinions
1. I think ....... Is the best restaurant. The food is delicious
2. We need to go to ....... restaurant. Its close to the office.

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Hal 30

Entertaining: Useful Language (cont.)

1. Yes, because .......
2. I agree, because ......
3. Thats right.

1. I see what you mean, but .......
2. I dont know about that. I Think .......
3. Thats right, but .......

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Hal 31

Entertaining: Case Study

Which Restaurant?
You work for a computer software company in San Francisco. You and your colleagues
want to entertain 3 very important customers at a good restaurant. Each of customer
prefers a different type of food. You have 3 restaurants to choose from.

1. The Bamboo garden (Chinese Food)

A very popular place. The food is always high quality and good value. You sometimes
have to wait for a table.
: Downtown: close to offices and many hotels
: by public transportation or car. No parking.
: usually noisy. With a lot of people.
Average cost
: $35 per person.
On the Menu
1. A variety of good Chinese soups (hot and sour, wonton)
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Hal 32

Entertaining: Case Study (cont.)


Typical main courses such as sweet-and-sour chicken, beef with chili, vegetables
and friend rice.
Not many fish or vegetable dishes.

2. Lesprit de Mer (seafood)

First-class food. The fist is always excellent. It isnt near downtown and is quite
expensive, but its worth a visit !
Average cost

: In Sausalito, across the Golden Gate Bridge.

: About half an hour by ferry or an hour by car. Parking
: Quiet and calm
: $50 per person

On the menu
1. High-quality French cuisine
2. The best fish from the local market
3. A few meat dishes, but no vegetarian
4. Very good choice of dessert and cheese
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Hal 33

Entertaining: Case Study (cont.)

3. The place in the Park (vegetarian dishes)

This is the place to bring visitors. The vegetarian dishes are wonderful. Price are high
but the food and service are always excellent.
: In Golden Gate Park, 2 miles from downtown
: By car. Parking
: Relaxing. Live jazz music
Average cost
: $75 per person
On the menu
1. A wide variety of international vegetarian dishes
2. No meat is served

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Hal 34

Entertaining: Task

Work in groups of three

1. Discuss your ideas with your colleagues.

Say why you prefer your restaurant.
2. As a group, decide which restaurant is best for your
3. Write an email to your customer
Invite him or her to dinner and give details of the restaurant.
Include the date and time and the name, location and type
of restaurant.
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Hal 35

Course : Bahasa Inggris Ekonomi (1503BIE05)
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Hal 36

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