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Multiphase induction motors have a lot of advantages over the conventional

Three-phase induction motors. But when a motor is supplied with non sinusoidal
Voltage source inverter (VSI), it will be found that unwanted harmonic currents
substantially exist in stator windings. Focusing on the drawback, a strategy for filtering
These kinds of current based on electromagnetic principle are proposed. Actually, the
filter is a specially designed inductance that is connected between the multiphase motor
and VSI.
In this paper, research is carried out on a six-phase induction motor, the Most
typical multiphase motor being studied at present. Accordingly, the fifth and the
seventh harmonic currents in stator should be reduced as the substantial harmonics.
Different from the filtering inductances presented earlier, the novel one is of symmetrically
round shape. Thus, it is possible to design the construction to be extremely compact.
Principle of filter is expounded and considerations are taken for filter design. A prototype
of the proposed filter is tested on a multiphase induction motor supplied with a six-step VSI.
The experimental results show the validity of the filter as expected.

Index TermsFilter, harmonic currents, induction motor, inverter,


Three phase induction motors are normally used, since the standard power supply is
three phase. However, when fed by an inverter, there is no need of fixed number of
phases. Multi-phase induction motors have more advantages over conventional
three phase drives, such as reduced torque pulsations, reduced harmonic current
and reduced current per phase [1]. They are applicable in areas where high power
and reliability is demanded such as electric/hybrid vehicles, aerospace application,
warship, and submarine propulsion and circulation pumps in nuclear power plant
[2]. Due to identifiable merits and application it is necessary and prudent to
investigate the performance of multiphase drives. Vector control techniques have
made the induction motors for high performance applications where traditionally
only DC drives were applied. There are essentially two methods of vector control
direct or feedback method and indirect or feed forward method. Indirect fieldoriented control is the most popular method of obtaining high performance in
induction motor drives. IFO

During my IES prep I read and re-read this brave

Guy's account many times.
To me, it was (and still is) an eternal source of
inspiration. I found this on orkut (yes! it still
Even if you're not preparing for IES, you can
appreciate his perseverance.
I am pasting it as it is.
hi all ...!!! my name is sai kiran jagarlamudi.i did
my btech from bapatla engineering college andhra
pradesh. in btech noramally we haven't given
importance to studies ,i too followed the same
finally i got 1280 rank in gate(final year 2009 ece
passed out) with out any coaching(general cateogary) . up to that in my mind i have only one goal "
with that gate rank i will get admission in NIT's and after 2 years i will get a god job in a private
companies with hand
some salary".
In 2009 june i entered steel city ROURKELA orissa
and i got admission in NIT Rourkela(it changed my

destiny totally) and it made me a steel man later.

there i met my beloved friend surya kant tiwari
who belongs to my the month of october
2009 one day a discussion was going on between pvt jobs and govt jobs in my class. i stood by the
side off pvt
companies and surya kant tiwari stood by the
side off govt companies and a long discussion
happened among the students of our class.finally
he washed my mind...!!! now i got tuned my
mind that in pvt companies there is no life .... in
psu's there will be a lot of enjoyment and
handsome salary...!!!:-)more over we had an opportunity to serve our country mother india my NIT
library timings are from 8am to 10pm.daily evening
from 6pm onwards my preparation got started till
9pm (in the library and in my room some times.)i have concentrated in my research work ,2nd year i
did project on smart antennas from morning 9am to evening 5am
after that only i do preparation for P.S.U's...!!!
difficult to do but i followed.with that research
work i published six IEEE conference papers
nationally and internationally !before coming to
the end of my mtech course work...!!! :-)with the
help of my guide D.r. k.r.subhashini madam...!!my
guide also helped me a lot in clearing my basic
doubts and who made my fundamentals strong....!!!
with that i attempted B.H.E.L in electronics
stream in koalkata 2009 November(my first P.S.U
written exam),but i haven't cleared that exam.after
a couple of days i came to know that barc exam
recruits students through gate so i attempted gate 2010
with normal preparation and i got 3000
A.I.R ,though i haven't got a good rank but this
preparation helped me to clear one P.S.U i.e
YES i cleared isro 2010 written test and my
interview happened in koalkata ,rumors were
spreaded in my hostel that i got finally selected in

isro and i am also eagarly waiting fot ISRO

results.mean while i attempted ONGC written exam
in ranchi in the month of june 2010,and BEL exam
in july 2010..!!!for bel i went to koalkata
once again and that time we haven't got a single
vacancy room in the entire koalkata so i slept on
railway platform and i attempted that exam. i had a
hope that i will clear atleast any one of the above
theree mentioned exams. in the month of august isro final result came and i haven't selected and i
depressed ,after 2 days ongc result came this time
also same thing happened i haven't cleared ongc
written exam...!!! after a couple of days B.E.L result came i haven't cleared bel written test i felt very
depressed...!!!! in that times my beloved friend
venkateswarlu karnati (die hard fan of swami
vivekananda) pasted some swamijis quotations
against his walls...!! i found to read all of them
and one quote attracted all my attention towards
it i.e "all the power is with in you you can do every
thing never let you down". i got full recharge and at
that time gail sep 2011 notification came and i
applied for that and i attempted that , SAIL 2011
notification came and i applied for that ,after a coulpe of days with in 1 week duration written result
came for both sail and gail exams and i haven't selected in both of the
exams.again i felt depressed and i went to my
friends room venkateswarlu karnati room...!!!
this time i read a new quote....."you lost some
thing means a good big thing is waiting for you go
and identify for what ,why ,where you failed , put
your hardwork and get it done"..!!!
again i got recharge and this time i haven't started my preparation...!!!
i written some notes on my failures why i failed ....
i got final conclusion that i hailed from ece background..posts for P.SU 's are limited unlike
mechanical,electrical and civil got unlimited number of posts , that too
i had a good grip over technical background but
coming to G.K iam very poorrrrrrrr.......!!! yes in gk

i am very poor and that to competition is very high for ece so each and every single and simple
mistake makes me too pay a lot...!!!
started preparing gk also parallelly .this time
another nonfiction came i am not mentioning the name of that P.S.U. I applied for that and i
attempted that
exam after a couple of days i came to know that
posts were sold through back doors for 8 lacs...!!!
initially i haven't believed but after seeing the final result i
believed that yes posts were sold......!!!!!
i realized that corruption is going on in gen
category at least reservation people were on safe
side that no corruption exists in that quota.i belongs to general category so what can i do with my
knowledge,these people were solding some
seats i talked to my beloved friend surya kant tiwari
once again ,he told me about I.E.S. i don't know
about that exam first time i am hearing(earlier i saw I.E.S on some books but i neglected that)he told
that it is a clean exam where complete emphasis laid on talent for
selecting candidates more over it is conducted by
U.P.S.C(first time i am hearing) every year..!!all
this happened on december 1st 2010...!!!!he told me so many things regarding
that exam and he motivated me a lot and he only
set my goal....!!!
when i am in a dilemma where to go and what to
do...!!!!my beloved friend B.N.D.RAJESH provided
some valuable material for I.E.S
immediately i started analyzing the exam...!!!
I.E.S exam toppers views and got ton's of
information regarding I.E.S ,before starting my
preparation some people told that it needs
coaching and not possible to
crack it with out coaching and they misguided
me..!!!again surya kant tiwari once again motivated
me that it needs no coaching at all and he told
about some success stories...!!!this time i am fully
charged once again...!!! this time i studied some Vivekananda quotes and it had shown a lot of
impact on me.

with that in December 10th i started reading daily

from evening 5pm to 10 pm and morning 6 am to 7
am rest of the time i did my research work
,i love research kind of work so i did it.daily 6
hours constant study going through STANDARD
TEXT BOOKS only not even followed coaching
institute materials also...!!!5 months ,6 hours daily
with out feeling depression i carried my hard
work .when i feel bored i used to study
swami Vivekananda's biography and it had shown
a massive impact on me
practice practice practice....!!!!!!going on ...!!!!
i attempted NTPC and ISRO 2011 EXAMS also in
the month of April..!!!in may 2011 i attempted I.E.S
--in a full satisfactory manner..!!!and i have a
strong belief that i will clear at least written test
...!!!finally, but the sad thing is that the person who
motivated me a lot surya kant tiwari not appeared
in that exam due to some personal problems..!!!:-(
as part of my campus placement i got selected in a
software company headstrong India pvt ltd..!!!
Bangalore.i got my date of joining on July
17th 2011..!! isro result came i got cleared written
test ...!!same time i appeared coal India 2011
written test also..!! in august coal India written result came and
i got cleared it my interview of coal India happened
in new Delhi in the month of October and final
result came i haven't selected that.again felt
same quote full recharge..!!! after a couple of days i
attended isro interview and I am waiting for result
hurrayyyyyyy I.E.S written result came that i
cleared written test. my interview is on jan -18th
mean while i came to know that i haven't selected
in isro finally...!!! i had only one option in my hand

i.e IES
only..!!!in jan 4 th i got chickenpox ,suffered a
lot ,with that pain i moved to delhi and i stayed
with my beloved friend surya kant tiwari and prakash agarwal in bera sarai(they are taking coaching
in made easy for i.e.s -2012)they given me shelter and served
me at that time. all people who cleared written test
of ies started taking coaching for interview in delhi intead i readswami
Vivekananda biography book completely and my
friend told some interview tips how to exel in that
ies interview..!!!
my interview date came on jan 18th i entered board
room....!!! i answered almost all the questions with
clear cut voice and with confidence i answered all
the questoins which i know ..!!interview happened
for 25 mins and moved .!! after comparing my ies
experiance with isro2009 , isro-2011 and coal india
ltd -2011 one thing i observed that in this I.E.S
interview i gained lots of confidence...!!!
if i know the answer i will tell that with full
confidence , if i don't know i will tell on face that
sorry i don't know...!!!! all this happened because
of the inspiration given to me
by swami Vivekananda...!!! accidentally of
incidentally what ever it may be . i given send off
to my friend's and came back to my software
company..coming to my experience with that
company headstrong it is a
very good company , and i have good coding skills
also because of mat lab i attained it,i excelled in
that company...!!!
mean while via orkut i met another friend
kondareddy...!!!who cleared ies written test with
out coaching...!!! he is in touch with me...regularly!
!! finally result came on march 19th ,surya kant
saw my result and told that i got A.I.R 52 in

I.E.S.....!!! and kondareddy also called me and told

that he got all India 34 rank...!!!
we both got selected...!!!!
finallllllllyyyyyy sai kiran jagarlamudi(I.E.S)
though i belongs to general cateogary i am not a
rich person , i belongs to middle class family for
each and every exam i have to make a dd for
500 rupeess..!!! 1000 rupees for train tiks,my!
lodging and boarding expenses total i have to pay
roughly 1500 rupees for each and every P.S.U...!!!
some times i didn't have money for writing the
exam my friends saved me a lot at that time and i
am very much thankful to all
those who stood through thick and thin for
me...!!!i spend nearly 50000 rupees through out my
carrier for P.S.U'S...!!!
some of my friends are poor they are not capable
of spending that much money also...!!! though
they have talent...!!!
i came across so many hurdles...!!! i slept on
platform also...!!! some times i haven't taken
proper food while taking written test ...!!! i know
the pain .
i have only one thing in mind now i, like to expand
the knowledge which i gained...!!!for the freshers for
any quires do post here i will be in touch with all you guys..!!! i am an ordinary person achieved an
some extraordinary thing through hardwork.
so far i haven't taken any coaching....!!!! in my own
i prepared and got it..!!
finally i conclude that nothing is impossible every
thing is possible...!!! we can do every thing ...!!!
before going to do that plan properly collect the resources and execute it you will get the final o/p and
believe in god irrespective of cast or religion and do good the poor>>>serve the nation!!!!!!
one day you will be the I.E.S officer..!!!
jai hind...!!!

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