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The Glass House

Who said that you throw the first stone?

All that stood between Michael and the creation of
Dubrovnik Dubrovnik Plaza was the stubborn owner of the
Glass House, a building that was clamoring for demolition.
Michael and had to contend with the best society of
Manhattan, but Laura Kelsey Winston was new to him.
Laura had fire in his veins. Had character. And courage to
challenge the most powerful man in New York.
Michael loved the challenges and gladly accepted
this battle of wills. It was a battle that would excite.

Chapter One
Kelsey Laura Winston entered the elevator, his back
against the wall and closed his eyes waiting to get to the
twelfth floor of the Glass House, the famous building built
by his grandfather, Clair de Kelsey, early in the century.
The building retained only two of its three original
elevators. The third was now in the Museum of Modern
Art, donated by the grandmother of Laura, and instead had
a silent Otis pale gray. Laura never climbed in it, though
they were in a hurry and damaged two others. She would
rise or fall twelve stories before yielding to a modern
elevator that had invaded their building, their heritage, the
only thing in this world that mattered. The Glass House
was the only thing that had not changed;

Solid Laura

Kelsey test had been loved, if only by his grandmother. It

was proof that she was worth something.

One day the old elevator worked well and led to

Laura away from the oppressive heat of the pavement,
away from the noise and bustle of the elegant 66 East New
York Street. When he felt the familiar peace enveloped
her, a smile spread across his face painted bright. It was
not the dangerous smile that his assistant, Susan Richards,
and half of the people who worked with her feared. It was
the smile of a woman who managed all the pleasure he
could in a world that had changed completely.
The doors opened to the lobby of Crystal Faces,
small modeling agency directed by Laura. Through the
thick glass doors he could see Susan conversing with
Emelia Millhouse. The portly figure of Susan was a great
contrast compared to lean Emelia. Emelia gestured with
his thin hands as Susan just shook his head and looked
Susan was good for that, thought Laura. Good to
calm overexcited old models, good to reassure advertising
executives who did not know what the hell they wanted,
good to convince Laura that things were not as bad as they
Susan would need to be in top form, thought Laura.
Things were certainly difficult.
Do not go into the office like a whipped dog. No
need to check his hair, he had paid a fortune to Gregory to
be sure her black hair had been cut with a military precision
and that as much as moving the head, always return to its
correct position. If yielded to pressure, should never worry
about how I was going to pay their haircuts and whims, like
red leather miniskirt that had been done to bring Kamali.

But he would not do that. It would not be defeated.

And of course I was not going to let Emelia Millhouse
notice his fatigue. Emelia was reaching the end of the race

At thirty, wrinkles starting to show, despair

overshadowed the famous violet eyes and sensual mouth

that had
lipsticks sold more than any other mouth of the
Western Hemisphere, was beginning to tense panic.
Although Susan warm brown eyes showed relief
when Laura passed the door, his face was, as usual,
unmoved. Laura hugged Emelia. As often happened, he
was unable to shake the feeling that it was a girl hugging
her mother. It was hell measure one sixty five models in a
world of six feet tall.
--What such, Emelia? Laura --salud the model with
vibrant voice of an enthusiasm that only she could creer--.
He hoped still be here. Sorry I'm late. How are acting
If Susan could soothe Emelia, Laura could
--Bastante Well.

Gene Frankel says I have an

unusual quality.
--Cualquiera Can see, dear. What about the test with
Spielberg? Any news?
--all The world in New York will try that test. That's
why I'm here. You know everybody. Can you move your
'I've called all known.
Whereunto shall all?
--this Does not mean you can not call again. Go
home, or better shopping, and do not give laps in the lead.

You know it's all a matter of time. You've had to wait

'But before it was not making me old.
--Emelia, I'm two years older than you.
'But in your case does not matter Emelia groaned.
I suppose not, but the more regret you, the more you
will notice on your face --sentenci Laura.
The desperate expression of Emelia disappeared
from his face. Only his eyes showed some famous horror
that still gripped.
--Llama Someone, Laura!

For God's sake, do

I --Har everything you can, dear. All you can.
--Necesitas One said Susan coffee.
Laura --contest --Necesito a drink.
-Nor even noon.
--It Seems like midnight. The Witching Hour.
Q: What do you mean? said as he poured a cup of
coffee to Laura and one for her.
Susan was the worst coffee in the world.
'My family finally said Laura Winston.
'That is not new. What have you done now?
--Not Have done anything this time. Has anyone
done something.
--Alguien? he asked Susan intrigued.
--Michael Dubrovnik.
IPS: Whirlwind? Oh my God! Susan exclaimed.
--Ese Man has not failed in any of his goals in the
last fifteen years. And his new goal is the Glass House said

--Cielos! Why? Susan-- cried. It is not public

domain, but you and I know that despite being gorgeous, is
on the brink of ruin. It would cost a fortune to renew,
repair, a fortune that even you have. Why Dubrovnik want
to get into something?
--why? Questions why? This is a prime area of the
city, Susan --aclar Laura.
--I Guess so. And he has enough money to renovate
half dozen houses Cristal.
--Ests Suggesting that band? Laura asked irritably.
Susan was the only person able to deal with his
--In All. No forego the Glass House even if you
were ruined --admiti Susan--. I just think it's funny that
he wants to fix this place.

I have not heard who is

interested in historical buildings.

--Not Is what Laura said, sitting on the leather sofa

She bought all solar around us.

Wants to

demolish it and build here its ugly mall, something like the
Trump Tower. And damn if I let him do it!
--Not See why you care so much Susan-- said. Other
people have wanted buy the Glass House in recent years
and you will have always denied.
--Other People have not had my mother at his side.
Others were not known as the Maelstrom. He destroys
everything that gets in your way.
--Yup. But has not yet been encountered you. I
would back against a dozen whirlpools, including your
Laura lay face down on the couch thinking of the last
report architects, thinking long and scary face your

financial advisor, thinking about a million things I was not

ready to face.
--only Hope you're right.
Michael Dubrovnik, Michael for their wives, "The
Whirlwind" to its competitors, Mischa for a few, faced the
New York skyline towards the Glass House. I could not
see it, of course; twelve floors were hidden by skyscrapers
around. But he knew it was there.
Michael sighed, dropping his pen on the table and
leaned back in the leather chair unique design. The whole
thing had gone too far and for the first time in his life was
being thwarted by a stubborn woman. Every time I thought
Laura Kelsey Winston him want to kill.
He was not used to thinking of women as enemies.
He had been in the business long enough to know better
than to underestimate anyone, but Laura Winston had done
what no one had been able to do in a dozen years, stopping
the Maelstrom.
He considered calling his secretary and dictate a
letter for Miss Winston, but thought better. Its intelligent
and ambitious secretary had made the mistake of falling for
him, and he would not meet her eyes more than necessary.
ambitious were always the worst, he thought.
Sooner or later became more annoying that the most
brainless debutante, most vapid model. Why women could
not keep a cool head while having an affair was a mystery
to him. He had never lost control of his emotions, his
ambition, let alone intelligence.
Women who chose knew exactly what to expect
from him; loyalty and monogamy for the duration of the


Generosity during and also at the end

A voracious sexuality combined with the

experience of a man close to forty. And any emotional

commitment. No broken co-reasons, no broken promises,
no broken lives.
Occasionally he wondered if he would be able to fall
in love again. He had been in love when she was twenty,
so intense young love, he thought he would die for him. It
was love that died, not Michael. She married a much richer
than him, and now almost could not remember how it was.
She fell again at thirty, or at least I had assumed that
this was love. Why else had not been married to Ilsa, with
her perfect body, gorgeous face, his wicked smile and
personality wonderfully imaginative? The fact of being
called "the face of the eighties', had not been essential,
though he had liked the feeling of owning the most
beautiful woman in the world. But when she left, when he
finally got bored of it as much as he with her, he felt
nothing more than a faint remorse and considerable relief.
I should have learned my lesson. He knew perfectly
well that kind of painful love and teenage thing was taken.
I also knew I wanted to have children.

The more he

approached forty felt the need for them in a way that had
never imagined. For the first time he could understand his
father's insistence on the importance of family above all
else. He had always dismissed as pass did not belong to
the country they had emigrated Feodor Dubrovnik. Now he
knew his father always right.
He wondered if men could feel her biological clock
reach the end, as do women. Of course, men can have
children at seventy or more. However, the need to feel

fatherhood became increasingly irresistible.

What he

needed, he thought, was "the face of the nineties". An

ornament to decorate your life and give children and do not
stand in her career to immortality. He had already won and
lost several fortunes, and had no doubt that win and lose
some more.

He was among the fifty richest men in

America. For his fortieth birthday planned to be among the

top ten.
But first things first. The Dubrovnik Plaza was the
next target on his agenda. His model of the architect in his
office, a steel and glass, replace half of the apple. Half of
66th Street East, he thought. As soon as he could snatch
that architectural anachronism of his stubborn owner and
begin their demolition could begin to think about the future.
But now was to spend a few minutes of his very busy time
to beat a stubborn woman who had ignored their tenders for
two years, but did not know if she knew that bids came
from him.
It was enough. Everything was ready to go, if not for
the obstacle of the Glass House. Once you have finished
with that small detail, the Dubrovnik Square could start to
become a reality. He had already waited long enough.
He pressed a button on his modern phone.
The warm voice of Zach replied.
--Haz A final offer to Laura Winston said Michael
Dubrovnik--. Hzsela very generous. I want to end this
--And When rejecting what?
--Tan Sure you? --inquiri Michael.
, Thou has not spoken to her, Mischa said Zach.
--When Say no, start blasting the solar Rinkman.

--for What? We can not build anything until the rest

--We recalled Zach is demolished.
Orders, Thou only starting. So close to the Glass
House as you can. Tell the contractor to be a bug or two.
He knows that we will cover the backs --sentenci Michael.
--Eres A rat, Mischa. Did you know?
--Yes I know. By the way, Zach, bring me a new
secretary. This is in love with me, do it soon.
'I know gone.
Michael Dubrovnik looked through the window at
the vast horizon of New York. He had two apartments in
the Trump Tower, and the view was spectacular.


promised himself that this view would be hampered by the

towers of Dubrovnik Plaza.

And no one in this world

would stop him.

--No Think you're overreacting? Susan-- asked. So
that man has made you an offer. He is also flirting with
your mother. Maybe pretend to be interested in the Glass
House as a way to reach Jilly.
--Jilly Is twelve years older than he said Laura.
'And what?
--Dubrovnik Bought everything around us.


buildings, Susan. Has the site of Rinkman, numbers 139

and 145, and the two buildings on the East 67. take no for
an answer.
'Then, leave. Sell this place, pay your bills and get
out Susan said.
I'd rather die than said Laura.
'Then do not sleep, be prepared to fight.
--Eres The only one who sees me as I am. You know
I'm not Superwoman said Laura.

--Sorpresa, Surprise. But I'm not the only one who

can see you.

Someone out right now --avis Susan

Laura's answer was short, succinct and obscene.
He stood up, straightened hair, her leather mini hip
adjusted and mouth showed a cheeky smile.
--That Bring the lions. I'm ready to let the games
--Of Lions anything. Bring to Christians. And, by
God, show some leniency Susan said, watching her.
--Clemencia? What's that?
Looking up saw Zach Armstrong crossed the glass
Mary Ellen Murphy got off the bus at the Port
Authority building in the heart of New York. He looked
amazed all around. He had traveled nonstop for the past
fourteen hours, and was surprised that her long, slender
legs mantuviesen still standing.
The lobby smelled gas-oil and sweat, and no one
asked her forgiveness when pushed. That was the New
York had ever heard of, but still was surprised. Mary Ellen
Murphy was not used to being ignored. He stood six feet
two, had curly blond hair, and as large and blue as the sky
of Montana eyes. She was used to the traffic stop in its
path, but for once, no one seemed to notice. Her mother
had warned against criminals who crowded bus stops in
New York. If your mother was right, dozens of thugs and
white slavers would be there to kidnap Mary Ellen Murphy.
His mother was a fool.

And Jeff was not much

better. I was really glad abandoning them. Of course call

them by phone. Call to tell them that everything was fine,

say it was afflicted by have borrowed all the money in the

savings account that his mother had opened a nom-ber two,
and I would return as encontrase work. Put the right tone
of voice and her mother enternecera.
He still had the card in her purse photographer, who
had photographed wearing nothing but an old curtain. He
had told her that if she ever went to New York could find
work as a model. Mary Ellen had read many things about
people who earned over a thousand dollars an hour by
simply being there, looking beautiful. That Mary Ellen did
have experience.
No need to check the card; remember the address.
East Street 66, she was in the 40, could walk. It was only
noon on Friday, and had been sitting for fourteen hours.
Chapter Two
With regard to women, Michael Dubrovnik was a
cautious, but not scary man. He had been betrayed too
many times to deliver your trust easily, and when I thought
about it, which he did often, he realized that at that time did
not trust any woman. And very few men.
One of those henchmen stood before him with an
impassive face. Zach Armstrong had been with Michael
over the past eighteen years, and was the opposite Michael.
Twenty years older than his boss, Zach was devoted to his
family, with a wife and two daughters, he thought more
important than business. It was the South, an atmosphere
of knights, while Michael had struggled to get out of the
suburbs of New York crude.

Zach was patient and

compassionate with Michael and formed a good team. He

was able to smooth things while Michael was about to kill.

And if ever Michael is propasaba, then Zach cleared the

mess, leaving everything in place.
I was not having much success so far.
--Te Warned very amistosamente-- Zach said. The
Miss Winston is stubborn as a mule. I could have bid five
times and would not even fazed. Also the limit.
--Me Said you commented that you can flirt with her
mother and marry her, who did not care. But do not put
your hands dirty in the Glass House.
Oh really? Michael asked wryly.
Zach smiled. He knew what would the reaction of
his old friend to that challenge and I was willing to try.
--Ella Told me that before he would give it to the
Humane so that become a refuge for cats, which let you
touch her.
--Me Seems as if he needed a good lesson Miss
Michael said softly.
--Not Know, Mischa. In this case, you could be the
one to end up with their tails between their legs.
Michael's eyes they froze for a moment.
--Sugieres I could not get what I want, Zach? Five
hundred successful companies have collapsed with a word
from me. There has never been anything he wanted and
that he could not get. Think of truth that will let gentry of
Park Avenue beat me?
Zach smiled.
--Not've Seen yet Laura Winston said carefully.
'I've known her mother. A useless and too refined
parasite. Is that your daughter too?
--Ya'll See.

Michael leaned back in his chair with a weary sigh

and smile a little
Sad was reflected in his mouth.
I suppose I'll have to. If you can not get me what I
want, nothing remains but a face to face negotiation.
--Saba You'd see that. But do not count on the
immediate surrender. Laura Winston will make you sweat.
'You think I will not win?

he asked Michael

--Claro To win.

For something they call the

Maelstrom. But it will not be easy Zach said.

--Not I like how easy.
--I Know.

And in that case, you'll like Laura

--Lo Doubt said Michael said. This delay is costing
me tens of thousands of dollars. I sincerely doubt going to
like this woman. Ask the car.
--Ahora? Are the six passes. You have to be with
the mayor within forty-five minutes.
Michael shrugged.
--The Mayor will have to wait. Make my secretary
asked the Bentley.
--Your Secretary has gone through tears and
lamentations, I'm afraid.
'Thank you God --a Michael that came out of the

He had already forgotten.

Is there anyone to

replace it?
--Te've Already given to Mrs. Anthony. Do not fall
in love with you, please. It's too good to lose.
--Not My fault.

Being charming part of my

--Not Think you know how to be charming.


addition, Ms. Anthony is a grandmother. She may be able

to resist you.
Michael stood up and stretched, took up since four
o'clock and go to bed after giving a brief look a second
time around.
--Not Tell me you think seduce Miss Winston to get
the Glass House will --protest Zach--. I've already said
that you have no charm.
Michael smiled.
--Voy To limit myself to be sweetly reasonable. I
have read reports Laura Kelsey Winston. She lives very
well. This modeling agency she heads is very fashionable,
but not what you would call a valuable investment. I think
I can make reasoning.
Zach did not think so.
--Estoy Forward to seeing it said.
--Susan Dear when you're taking me for another TV
ad? --the admired Frank Buckley face seemed to indicate
some insatisfaccin--. I think we agree that no stay good in
print, and keep coming with designs for magazines. Need
animation and mobility.
, Thou are too busy, Frank said Susan, eliminating
the unconscious desire he felt every time he looked
bewitching eyes Turquoise Frank.
"A man should not have eyes that color," thought
Susan vaguely.
"I should not have a sensuous mouth that captivates
any woman. A man should not have a body, though not
perfect, is as a man of thirty-three years is desired. And
neither should entertain a man flirting with someone like

you when you have an extraordinarily beautiful woman

waiting at home. "
--Me'm Running out white, Susan Frank said,
throwing a pink leather chair with a look of distaste. Do
you know what it costs to rent a penthouse today? Not to
mention taxis, meals, theater ...
Unlike Emelia, Frank gave no importance to
wrinkles. He knew every wrinkle that appeared on his face,
just brought out their beauty almost over-natural. And I
knew, like Susan, who made no worry either.
--always Can take the metro and eat at McDonald's
instead of Lutce.

You could even limit yourself to

watching movies instead of going to Phantom of the Opera.

I'd rather dig holes dignidad-- said. We all have our
own goals, Susan, my dear.

If you like traveling with

vagrants and eat fast food, not me.

What of Tracey? He made two covers last month;
should be earning enough to pay your debts.
Susan could not think of the incredibly beautiful
Tracey Michaels not imagine her in the arms of Frank,
resulting anguish that caused him.
--Lo Did. Unfortunately, she moved last month.
--Frank, I'm really sorry she said.
--S I never liked you.

But find someone who

deserves me, I promise. Right now I'm up to their eyeballs

in debt.
Yes, but they are so beautiful eyebrows said Susan.
'But I can not pay my debts if I go to jail.
Laura --Tengo working on it, Frank. Something will,
I promise. Meanwhile, if you intend to earn some serious
money, no work catalogs at your disposal ...

Frank just looked again and Susan marveled at the

fact that great and expressive face, not that arrogant beauty
had all the success in front of the cameras should.


person, Frank Buckley was smart, charming, very sexual.

But in the pictures, it was only passably attractive. Frank
needed physical presence to captivate people.
--Not Want catalogs. I'm not so desperate --se he
rose from his chair, walked to the glass table and putting
his strong, beautiful hands on it, dijo--: Find me something,
Susan. Please.
I --Intentar Laura pressure. It appears something.
--A Laura did not like.
--Claro Yes. She does not have any customer who
does not like Susan said, knowing exactly what he disliked
Laura Frank--. And although did not like you, she would
risk even yourself. Laura is.
--For God bless us all Frank said softly, and his
perfect mouth had a fleeting encounter with the she said.
Do what you can for me, honey. I'll be sitting by the
He was away and Susan, with impassive as ever,
--Quieres Say will be so kind as to check the
messages on your device to respond.

I'll get you

something, Frank, I promise.

He always kissed her. There were times when Susan
wondered if Frank knew deep and irrational passion that
stemmed from it, but then forgot about it. He never kissed
Laura. Probably because he knew she would give a slap if
he tried. And certainly he kissed all others. But the kiss
meant nothing to Frank and everything to Susan.

--Era That Frank? Laura said to enter through the

glass doors.
Yes, it was.
--Desesperado To make money, I guess. Thankfully
not take drugs. It would be more ruined.
Yes, it's true.

You do not hire models who are

immersed in the world of drugs, and no one else would be

able to find much work --afirm Susan--. Oh, I dunno.
Maybe it's my fault that Frank does not work hard. Maybe
not just discovered the ideal photographer for him.
--Ambas Know that is not so. And also Frank. I'll
say one thing for Frank.
clients together.

Has more talent than all my

Although not bother to use it while

watching Susan-- said. How is he loves?

Q: How would I know?
--Not Wasting my time, Susan.
Laura dropped into the leather chair Frank had
--Tracey Have moved. Guess be alone for a while.
--it Your big chance, Miss. Take it.
--No Be ridiculous! Frank sees me as his mother.
Or at least like a big sister. Someone who gives pats on the
back, listen to their problems and says it's wonderful Susan
said bitterly.
Q: Does a mother figure? Does the older sister?
You have five years younger than he said Laura protesting.
'But Frank is like a child.
'Then why are you wasting your time with him?
IPS: midlife crisis? --aventur Susan.

--Primero I'll have to pass. Well at least something

good has happened today. Do you remember what Davelli
told me that girl? Does Kansas?
It --Apareci today when you were out. And it is as
good as he said it was. Maybe better. I think we have
something here, Susan. Something really big.
--Llevamos Without throwing something big since
Emelia turned twenty.
--Espera Until you see it!

I have stayed at the

Helmsley Palace for now, until you get an apartment. Try

to find one cheap, at least until we see how it responds to
hard work. I think it is going to be dynamite.
--What's Her name?
--Mary Ellen Murphy. Let's change that. Something
exotic, I think. Only one name. What Marita?
Laura out her tongue at her assistant.
--A She likes. If I could just get her to win a good
amount, I could get a loan conditions.

This site is

'And you're not going to resign.
--No You can leave that topic?
--I Wish I could!

But not for me.


Dubrovnik will come to see you.

--Estars you kidding!
--The Mountain come to Mohammed. Are you going
to continue refusing? Susan asked.
--of Course.
--Quieres That will entertain for you to fix some?

Laura looked.

Her skirt was somewhat indecent,

black silk shirt was open and was barefoot. Heel shoes and
pads was placed.
I'm more prepared than ever.

This will be

Dubrovnik Michael left the classic Bentley, one of
the few quirks with which had given himself, and stood
staring at the Glass House. He had been there often, and
even had a color photo of the building on file for a long
time. He looked at her and noticed her decorative lines on
the bronze structure and smoked glass, in its beauty ... and
his reaction was a mixture of admiration and exasperation.
It would cost a fortune to demolish the building. "A further
delay," he thought a little tense. If he had foreseen the
problems it would create, would have opted for the second
location, on 80th Street East. But when for years he had
decided to launch the project had not been settled for the
next best location.

He was used to the challenges and

fought hard on them. If the fact that the current challenge

was nothing but a stubborn girl irritated him, that also gave
him a chance to unusual fun.
It was after six o'clock and the security guard was
embedded in the New York Post. He did not realize that
Michael was passing close to the bank of elevators. Never
would have thought they had an office building in New
York with only three lifts. Without hesitation, he walked
toward the gray Otis, more modern and reliable; but also
trusted the glass elevators. But he preferred the classic and
He knew that, despite being a dilapidated building,
the Glass House was fully occupied. He had reviewed the

file, and all appeared in his photographic memory. The two

floors above is the mistress reserved.

Laura Winston.

Directed his modeling agency from the attic to the twelfth

floor. And living in below. Everything else was in the
building were commercial, from the literary agency of the
second floor, the placement agency in the third, the
business of import and export to various retailers, vendors,
agents and buyers. He was particularly interested in nine
and ten plants which had been rented by the Winston
family since World War II.
In these plants was writing a small newspaper called
Swimming Pool News. Michael had no doubt they would
be happy to move to one of the buildings in the downtown
area of the city and already had Zach examine this
possibility, if Laura Winston proved to be as difficult as I
Not really expecting it came to that, Michael thought
while Otis carrying him up quickly and quietly. Zach was a
master of business, but no one could guide and manipulate,
intimidate or deceive the way Michael Dubrovnik did when
he was determined to something. He intended to show his
considerable talent with Laura Winston and if it failed,
would be a surprise.
There were two women sitting in the dimly lit hall
Glass Face. It took time to observe the attic. Mirrored walls
dotted with great photos of beautiful and delicate faces. A
thick gray carpet and kilim valuable in the hall, pink leather
armchairs Milan, and even a Picasso nude in a prominent
He glanced at the two women, trying to figure out
which of the two would be Laura. I had heard not very fond

of his mother Laura had been an ordinary girl and some

chubby appearance. None of the women agreed with that
description, although one of them, behind the table was
equipped with a generous breasts. He was about to greet
her by name to take advantage of it, but a sixth sense
warned him that.
The other woman was sitting on a pink leather
upholstered chair. It was small, almost tiny, with long,
slender legs generously showed through her miniskirt, a
thin and infant body and a haircut in the style of the
actresses in the twenties. He knew at once that the huge red
glasses were pure decoration. You could see by the way
that reflected light were no eyeglasses. His face was
decidedly pale, like a clown, her mouth painted a chilling
red and black pearls from her ears and around her slender
neck were authentic. She looked at him with the same
indifference that if a messenger, and he immediately
understood why Zach had returned empty handed. Only an
expert could tell Laura Kelsey was a worthy adversary
Winston care and Michael was the expert.
Laura stared.
I May I help you with something? he asked without
He knew exactly who he was and what was there and
he would not give an inch. It was the kind of woman that he
would never have an affair. With talent, ingenuity and
determination dangerous if could well be a challenge in any
boardroom, would become tedious in a bedroom. The Quiet
gesture of defiance and malice told her that she knew when
an enemy in front.

And they were enemies, no doubt about that. I could

not imagine a world where there were otherwise, even if an
anachronism as the Glass House did not exist. If they had
found in the normal course of life, surely they would have
found something to discuss.
--Not Are what I imagined he said hoarsely.
--De Really do not?
Your mother said you were fat, vulgar and shy.
To open hostilities would have been one hundred
percent effective, but she did not even blink.
Q: As you can see my mother does not know me very
well. Do not count on your support in this matter, sir
Dubrovnik, you lose time she said coldly calculated.
The woman at the table had risen, as if obeying an
order, and had gone to the pink door behind him. Her soft
mouth was an air of anger and tension contained. If Laura
Winston had not minded the offense, her friend yes it had
--I Never lose replied the time.
Laura had not offered her seat, but the truth was that
he did not mind standing while she settled with studied
carelessness in pink leather armchair. Be above it had its
--These Wasting time, I think she said sweetly.
I suppose it is useless to make a new offer ...
--Totalmente She said.
'And appeal to your noblest instincts? Or say that this
building is in a dilapidated state?
--Ahrrate Efforts.
--OK. That's all he said.
--Vas To resign? she asked innocently.

--Not Be ridiculous with sorna-- he said. I have never

given up anything in my life and I will not do it now by a
girl like you.
--Not Much else you can do she said.
--no You fool yourself, Laura. I have not gotten to
where I am for being a gentleman. I had to fight very dirty
battles. And you're about to com-try.
She then stood up and he realized he had been right in
his first assessment. It was small, he came up to her chin.
She trembled with rage and he noticed that despite her
slender body model had breasts. Breasts rose and fell with
--I Can also play dirty she said tensely.
--Estoy Forward to seeing him said, nodding his
gentlemanly gesture.
Chapter Three
It was eleven o'clock at night. At home in Kansas,
would be just over ten. Mary Ellen's mother was asleep
watching television, his mouth open, snoring. Jeff would
still awake. Will be in his small ranch, sitting in the kitchen
of the house he had bought to share with her. And I'd be
thinking about it.
But Mary Ellen Murphy, or better Marita, was in a
luxurious apartment in the Helmsley Palace. He had looked
around as the graceful and petite Miss Winston had led her
there. She hoped to personally meet Leona Helmsley but
Mary Ellen had promised he would not leave his room. The
Winston, Laura, Miss did not want anyone to see her before
the time came.
A Mary Ellen seemed fine. During his long walk
from the bus terminal had noticed that his clothes in Rigby,

Kansas, could pass for elegant, were unspeakably

inappropriate to carry around New York. Her hair, her long
blond hair falling down her back, was equally outmoded. In
this Laura Winston was right. The fewer people saw her
with her provincial appearance better.
He had spent the last two two hours walking around
the bedroom. He stopped and looked at his reflection in the
huge mirror that filled half bedroom wall. Perfection. His
face and body were a work of art, which she lovingly cared.
To do less would be sacrilege. God had endowed with this
unusual beauty. To ignore it would be ungrateful. He began
to practice your gestures. Haughty, docile, solemn, noble
one. The expression on his face changed from one emotion
to another, imperceptibly, perfectly, while she almost
convinced herself.
He picked up his thick blond hair over her neck and
dropped it, admiring the curve of her breasts, narrow waist,
perfect hips, slender and delicate figure. And there would
be decent and boring Jeff Carnaby which would get all that
perfection, but someone very rich and generous, someone
who wanted to go out there teaching it. Some very lucky
man. Mary Ellen Murphy looked at his beautiful smile in
the mirror, and his glittering blue eyes shone with smug.
Susan Richards was the nightgown over her head.
The soft flannel was the perfect defense against the icy air
of autumn and loneliness of an empty bed, then stopped to
look at her reflection. She forced herself to look resolutely,
valuing their few good and many bad points.
He guessed she was about six kilos more. Always
have. God knew she had tried everything in the world to get
rid of those

hateful kilos more. Fasts, walks, "jogging" weights,

hunger, slimming pills ... had even thought about
liposuction, but the doctor had informed lighthearted way
that did not have enough body fat to be suctioned. She had
more curved lines than other women, rather than the thin,
almost anorexic models with working day. She was strong,
healthy, well-trained muscles. And he had reluctantly
accepted the doctor's decision. But he had not accepted
herself so easily. He noticed her beautiful round face. He
thought people like Tracey Michaels, wandering the habitaciones rear Face Crystal, or Emelia Millhouse, or any of
the other women, women without an ounce of excess flesh
on their bodies, women with tiny breasts and nonexistent
hips with buttocks as smooth as those of a man and endless
He returned to his bed, away from his frustrating
reflection. Tracey had not abandoned hope Frank! I could
deal with it, if he was sufficiently out of reach, along with
some woman beauty impossible. Think of it, alone in his
bed just a few blocks away, was an unbearable torment.
She could only hope to join someone back as quickly as
possible. Only then she could take his fantasies to a safe
place and continue to be the older sister of him. Then
maybe would not have to die a little inside every time he
kissed her.
Laura took off his clothes and threw them to the
ground. By putting the silk nightgown with which he used
to sleep, stopped to look at her reflection in the mirror. She
knew she was not fat. There was more flesh around her
stomach, her breasts were small but well formed, narrow
hips, her shapely legs. Always took a few seconds to realize

it was not the chubby, self-conscious teenager, nice

indecently handsome mother and two brothers, the ugly
duckling of a family of swans. If entornase his eyes, I could
see that girl again uneven complexion, double chin, thick
glasses, weak and soft brown hair. He had gotten rid of all
that ruthlessly, starting the day realized that Jilly, her
distant mother, Jack Chambers had paid to accompany her
to the party of the Youth Assembly. He had even suggested
delicate and smooth so that the naive daughter would be
grateful for a little emotional contact of any boy. That
would help to take more interest in their appearance.
What Jack Chambers had given him in the desert his
parents' apartment on Fifth Avenue had little to do with
affection. He had not forced. Simply mocked and
tormented her, forcing her to something that was so
humiliating, so dirty, so degrading that not retested again.
And he swore to herself never do it again.
He quickly blinked to be reflected in the mirror. Now
wearing contact lenses that made his warm hazel eyes in a
somewhat perverse green. Gregorio had paid a fortune to
fix her hair and he alone knew the soft brown really
beneath the jet dyeing and
bold styling. Occasionally did gymnastics, not
because I wanted to have a sexy body, but because he
wanted to keep fit and energized, and because she knew,
though Jilly repugnant to him, it would always be younger
than her mother. And her body, no one had the right to
play, it would be always better.
Laura turned and stretched out on the huge bed that
had never received more than his little body. She liked

having all that space to herself. No one will ever invade:

was his, inviolable.
--Dios Me, I feel terribly well! --anunci Laura,
entering Faces of Cristal--. Suddenly everything seems
under control. I think we are saved.
--for Real?
Laura looked at his assistant and best friend, one of
the few people who really appreciated.
Q: What is the matter with you? Have not slept
--Pesadillas --contest Susan.
--Sobre Frank?
--Not Be nasty, Laura. Tell me about our savior.
--The Mysterious --comenz Marita Laura said. It's
even better than I thought. I took her to Gregorio this
weekend ...
IPS: You took Gregory? I thought you were going to
start cutting costs, while conforming to a budget.
Well, I think I can ask for some money to my brother
Tony. All you have to do is tell Jilly is trying to sink and
give me a blank check.
'Perhaps it --admiti Susan--. So Gregorio worked.
--Not Was difficult with such a wonderful creature.
Q: How was the shoot? Susan asked.
--Espectacularmente Well. I waited until they were
revealed the first reel. Wanted to make sure no one would
end up with Frank --esper Susan's reaction, but as always,
seemed serene.
I, Thus you what's our next step? he asked, ignoring
the comment of Laura.

--Esperaremos? --repiti Susan--. I thought the wolf

was lurking on our doorstep.
--The Wolf is trying to buy the door Laura said
coldly. But there is nothing he can do. I said no, and he just
has to accept it.
--Nunca Heard that Michael Dubrovnik accept "no"
response will --coment Susan.
'And what else can you do? He has tried to get me
through Jilly, a very big mistake on their part. I was offered
ridiculous sums of money for the Glass House, money
which of course I refused. All you have to do is admit
'Perhaps no convencimientos-- Susan said. By the
way why do not you tell me that in Swimming Pool News
is going to go?
Laura could feel his optimism began to weaken.
--Not Knew they were leaving. They have a lease for
twenty years. Are you planning to break it?
I --Llam your lawyers --We Susan-- reported.
Appears to have been rebooked.
--Pueden Do? asked Laura said. Where do they go?
--this Will not like it. A Dubrovnik Court said Susan
biting her lower lip.
--Damn! It --a sudden, horrible thought crossed his
mind of Laura said. Who would have rebooked?
--Not've Been able to find out, yet.
--Me I can imagine. Dubrovnik. Who do you think if
there is going to be installed in the ninth and tenth, Susan
floors? Specialists toxic waste?
--Pronto Learn of. The newspaper already gone. Luis
told me you started moving this morning at six.

Q: Why we can not afford a decent goalkeeper to

inform the owner of these things? --se lamented Laura.
--Te're Taking it too seriously, perhaps you have
rebooked to Septic Tank News, or someone like that.
--while Not put a modeling agency. Anyway Susan, I
think it's much of a coincidence to happen right after
coming to visit the Maelstrom. I fear the worst.
The phone rang, Susan grabbed her voice murmured
politely. By the time he hung up, his expression had
changed from serene to dreary.
You're right Susan-- said. The new tenant has arrived.
'And? asked Laura said. Who is it?
--The Michael himself Dubrovnik.
Michael wondered how long it would take to find out.
He hoped that a couple of days at least. He knew very well
that she was so concerned with a new model that does not
pay much attention to a new tenant in his building. Hoping
to have time to settle before she realized what had
He was wrong. It was the middle of huge desert tenth
floor of the Glass House, watching the workers tore down
the walls of in-interior when a small, fierce woman, dressed
this time with a monkey green leather high-heeled boots
came carefully to it.
'What the hell do you think you're doing? Laura asked
'I've rented these two stories --respondi Michael
'That told me. I want you out of here. Now.
--I'm Sorry. Michael --respondi I stay sharp.

--These Better established in New York that Donald

Trump himself. This is not your style ...
Laura was frightened when a wall fell heavily to the
'But this way I get to control my investments. Possess
all the properties around you ...
'That I know. And that's all you have. You can camp
at my door, you can ride wild parties to annoy me at night,
you can do everything you can think of, but do not do any -Laura could not restrain a cry when another wall collapsed
near them--. For this once!
I'm afraid I have every right to renew this site. Check
with your lawyer, if I think not --aconsej him.
Oh, yes, of course I believe you. But ... what about
building permits, and all those things? It takes weeks,
months ...
--Not When you contact Michael said softly.
--Vete To hell.
She breathed deeply, loudly, to control his anger, and
once again found himself admiring Michael Dubrovnik. It
was not his type of woman, he reminded himself, but was
attractive in a rather aggressive manner. Maybe once he
had accepted his defeat, he could find a place in your
organization. Bright people, educated fighter and was hard
to find.
Laura Winston would not accept for good their
imminent defeat, anyway. He knew he would not accept
anything from him once the battle.
--Espero That workers will not bother --minti him--.
They will finish tomorrow afternoon.

I --Acabado what, to destroy my building? Laura

said outside yes--. What the hell is going to put in these two
stories? You have more than enough space in the buildings
you have. No need to invade mine.
--The Proper word is rented, not invade him-- said.
And I'm going to move to live here.
Laura Winston looked at his opponent change of
horror and he wondered if she would be able to easily
assimilate his last words. She hoped not. Despite what it
cost the delay did not want to defeat it so quickly. He
wanted to use his considerable experience with such a
formidable enemy as one determined woman.
--Eres One rogue she finally said.
--Soy A scoundrel he --acept him sonriendo--. By
the way, after tomorrow I will give a small cocktail party to
celebrate the opening of my new quarters. I hope you come.
Once again he had underestimated. She took a deep
breath and in her mouth an icy smile.
'You think that your workers can fix this then?
--I Can get what you want, Laura. Only I have to put
the right price Michael said.
--The Glass House is priceless.
--Not Dollar, perhaps, but my last offer still stands -continu him--. Anyway, I'll find some other way to
pressure. By the way how are the foundation of this
building so old?
She looked at him angrily.
--Not Know whether withstand an earthquake. We'll
have to wait and see. Are you already planning the
'If you say so ... said Michael.

--Lo Will. I just hope that the building sink with you
inside, if one day ago. But'll never sell Laura said, turning
on his heels and heading toward the elevators.
I May I have your presence on Wednesday night?
asked him--. I thought you as guest of honor.
She stopped. He looked over his shoulder.
--It Seems more you thought having me intermission.
I'll come to your party, Dubrovnik. If you do not mind you
bring someone with me.
--Not Thought you were dating anyone Michael said
--Salgo With many people. You are not well
researched, Michael, I recommend a competent private
detective. I would bring my last model. I remember you
feel special predilection for models.
--Crees You are leaving the mess that you're stuck
with bribes huh?
Laura's smile flashed dangerously responding.
--Not Lose anything by trying it-- said. You have not
yet met Marita.
-Nor even sounds like he's such Marita said.
--Te Sound, Michael said she dulcemente--. You will
Chapter Four
Even the truck was preferable to fast again Otis.
Laura liked the way the old elevator jumped and waved as
he climbed up to the twelfth floor of the Glass House. His
companion did not seem very safe, and that amused Laura.
The spectacularly beautiful Mary Ellen Murphy had fully
established his newfound elegance. Nebraska or wherever
they came for her was already ancient history, and his

perfect nose wrinkled in disgust when observing the padded

walls and floor full of stains.
Laura felt sorry for her. He had already noticed that
Mary Ellen really did not like. It had been almost
constantly together the last five and a half days working in
the pleasant task of transforming Mary Ellen Marita.
During all those hours Laura had discovered that there was
really nothing he liked to Mary Ellen. We really had a great
facade. His wonderful mouth could smile persuasively, his
wide eyes were warm and expressive, his gratitude and
compliments were neither affected nor effusive. At all
times seemed perfect, but Laura could see the secret
coldness in those gorgeous eyes. The camera could also
capture it. And that, that slight anger bordering on cruelty,
was what would become Marita on the face of the nineties.
--Siento The trip so moved Laura murmured, running
eyes creation.
From the seemingly disheveled locks of blond hair to
the slim and beautiful body wrapped in one of the creations
of Bob Mackie, Marita was a vision that would stupefied
the partygoers Michael Dubrovnik. Laura had chosen the
dress on purpose, something deliberately simple to
highlight the perfect beauty of the girl. Laura was already
enjoying his close victory.
Oh, okay --contest Mary Ellen, with its low, sweet
voice almost sincera--. All other elevators were so full.
Yes, but I did not want anyone to see you soon. You
are about to make a splash, Mary Ellen. I do not want to
diminish the impact because someone sees you before --We
Laura said.
Mary Ellen stood proud.

--No Think is better start calling Marita? If you want

it --aadi timidly, calculating eyes.
--you Rightly Marita said.
Offices Crystal Faces on the twelfth floor were gently
lit, there were two figures who waited. Laura saw the
familiar expression of calm contained in Susan's face and
cursed inside. Susan just put that face when Frank was
--my God! Susan said, admiring the astonishing
elegance of Marita.
--No Told you I'd stay surprised? Laura said.
The first glow of real emotion appeared in the eyes of
Marita with a feline complacency. He whirled with their
high heels and admired his reflection in the mirrored walls.
--Estoy Wonderful right? Proud said.
--Seguro Said Frank.
He wore a stark black tuxedo and a diamond in his
ear; her long blond hair slicked back fell on his shoulders.
And I looked as surprised by the appearance of Marita as
Marita by his own reflection.
Laura looked at Susan, seeing the rapid change of
emotions that it was produced, from despair to anger, and
finally acceptance, all succeeding quickly in his face.
--Hacen A perfect match --coment Susan in a
carefully neutral tone.
'What are you doing here? he asked gruffly Laura.
--Laura, --protest Dear Frank, undaunted by the
irritation she said. You know that Susan can not hide any
secrets. He told me that the mysterious Marita would make
his public appearance tonight. And I could not miss it.
--De Tux?

--it I saw the invitation of the great Dubrovnik.

Putting you could take any of your favorite models. And
I'm one of your favorite models.
No, tonight you're not. I do not like being pushed to
do things, Frank.
My dear Laura, do not try to push yourself.
He looked sensual longing Marita, so typical look
that almost bordered on parody. Beautiful and Marita stony
eyes pierced his eyes, but without any interest, and Laura
struggled to suppress a smile.
--These Wasting time with Marita said she said.
Incidentally, this is Frank Buckley.
His presentation was abrupt and Marita regia answer
would hurt the pride of any man.
Frank just shrugged.
--Necesito Work. I'm spoiled. I thought I could kill
two birds with one stone. Escorting two lovely ladies party
Whirlwind and try to find work at the same time. You did
everything you could, but the wolf is no longer at the gates.
It seems you entered and sat at the table.
--We Corrected --Three lovely ladies Laura said,
Susan also comes.
No, I'm not going to complain ... it --empez Susan,
surprised by placing last minute, and even more surprised
by the look of satisfaction appeared on Frank's face.
--Claro Yes, dear Frank said, heading it--, are the one
who will be kind to me.
--This Right, Frank, you can come said Laura said,
but do not try to manipulate me again. If you try it I'll give
you such a kick in the butt ...
Frank smiled.

--Me Love it when you talk bad. Do not you want a

little support to meet your
--For Why I took Susan.
Frank's sigh was mocking and resigned.
'Then think of me as a fashion accessory for Marita.
Marita shrugged.
--I Have no objections to it said boring.
You --Estis working wonders for my ego Frank said
shaking his head.
--Todava Said I love Susan and slightly soft.
'Thank you darling leaned --se besarla--. I know you
Laura thought Frank throw out the window. Did not
realize what he was doing to Susan?
Let us go said, controlndose--, I want to see what
happens when a whirlwind loses strength.
--These Risking a lot with Marita Susan said,
glancing anxiously at the new model.
--Saldr Well. We have it all planned right?
--Seguro --replic Ellen-- Mary, I have to dazzle
Michael Dubrovnik.
'And if he does not fall into the trap? Frank asked
with ironic voice.
Laura will --Lo said, heading for the ascensores--. He
has to. After all, she will be the face of the nineties.
He paused, letting Marita preceded it towards the
golden elevator, and then quietly Frank reached his ears.
'Then, it will be a cold and long decade whispered
And Susan, abandoning his usual tact, laughed.

Where the hell was she? Michael kept his cool smile
as the cream of the social, economic and artistic circles of
New York moved around. He was standing next to the
large windows smoked glass, with one eye on the elevators.
He had removed the walls of the hall, so that the elevators
opened directly to a large room. He hoped that produced a
furious reaction in Laura. He'd be angrier still seeing the
fine cracks that were in the famous smoked glass panels,
where he now lived one floor below from that noisy party.
He was not sure how I would make it down there; and
although the workers had failed to break a satisfactory
amount of damage to the building, did not care too much.
But if he knew Miss Laura Winston, the only way to get
what he wanted was to go over it, follow ator-mentndola.
--No I said you have no charm? --Zach Appeared at
his lado--. Stop smiling as well. Looks like someone go to
--A Laura Winston.
Q: So you keep looking toward the elevators?
She did not bother to deny it.
Do you think they will be presented?
--Sera A fool not appear. And Laura is not a fool. In
fact, I think Zach is here said calmly.
Michael was suddenly alert. He looked over the noisy
--it Too small to see among all these giants Zach-said. But there is a gorgeous girl who is causing a sensation
by the elevators, and I thought I saw a woman who works
for Winston with her. Laura guess not walk very far.

For the first time in the evening, Michael left his

place alongside the smoked glass windows. He ignored
grateful guests through the crowd while opened, with his
steely fixed on the tall woman with the hair color of the sun
look. When he came beside her, just looked at her.
Laura wore a demure black dress, a perfect contrast to
his striking partner. The dress was turtleneck with a wide
neckline on the back, and long skirt had two openings at the
top of both thighs. His black hair was cut to garon fell
around her face, and her mouth was painted a grin. He
would give her a spanking.
Instead of that, he smiled, a slow, provocative smile.
She did not even blink.
--Estoy Glad that you've decided to come murmured
he, with ronca-- voice. I thought you had cowed.
--Not I would have missed it for the world. Let me
introduce my companions. You know Susan Richards, my
assistant. This is Frank Buckley --hizo waved his hand--,
and this is Marita.
For the first time, Michael looked at Marita, Laura's
secret weapon Winston, in all its glory. His leonine mane
curled and down her tight and perfect back, his mouth was
wide and sensual, and daring his sleepy eyes, your skin and
your body simply magnificent. He stared at her confused,
searching without finding any imperfections. He looked
straight into his eyes, recognizing the challenge was there.
He was not a man who resisted the challenges.
--the --Marita Waved.
He knew he had to do something before the hordes
around them will jump on it. But he just turn to Laura.
--Te Like the changes I've made?

If she was upset because he did not seem to heed

Marita, hid admirably.
--Estoy Deciding whether to sue or not she said
pleasantly, gesturing to Marita.
The high model across the room, and the crowd
around them followed, leaving Laura and Michael alone.
Even Frank and his assistant were gone, but Michael could
see the blonde mane Frank among people.
'Is he your lover? he asked.
He had not wanted to ask that. He could not
understand why he had done, unless you just want to
surprise. The report mentioned private detective no
romantic or sexual relationship, but since she already had
above, the report lacked some important details.
--Frank? she asked divertida--. No. Why do you ask?
His first mistake, he told himself, without his
expression showed his displeasure. He had to recover.
'And Marita?
'I think both are without obligation --ella looked at
the multitud--. I doubt follow Marita so long. It seems to
have caused a sensation.
--Ya I noticed he said wryly.
--No Worth? I thought you liked beautiful women.
--Me Like. And Marita is certainly very beautiful. But
I do not think there fast.
--Do Not?
--Not Is to be presumed, Laura, but how many singles
there are billionaires who are under forty? And besides, I
considered passably attractive.
--We Can afford to wait 'Perhaps she conceded.

Q: In addition, right now I'm more interested in you.

--These More interested in my building corrected -We she said. Before I fly this building that let you have it.
She seemed really surprised, as if it had never
considered that question.
'I want to say, is it just me or against all builders in
general, or against anyone who is not a devotee of the holy
inheritance from your grandfather, or what?
--Contra All you mention.
Suddenly, he seemed very, very angry.
--Seorita Said acritud-- him, you're going down with
the whole team.
--Caballero She said in the same tono--, I'll drag me.
And without another word, he turned on his heels and
left. In a couple of seconds he had disappeared amid the
crowd as if by magic.
He stood thoughtfully. Then he realized that although
most of the people followed Marita, few had stayed around
and followed with great interest your conversation with
Miss Laura Winston.
If it had been a man less in control of himself, he
would have sent the horn at all curious. But he had not been
driven not by anger or their emotions in fifteen years, and
an arrogant girl like Laura would not change things.
There were many important people at the party. After
all, your guest list included the rich and powerful. But
among them there was no one with a sun-colored hair like
hers, nobody moved so mysterious grace. He looked at the
crowd around her. He would have preferred to punishing

Laura, but it was gone. So I had to make do with what they

had. And in the case of Marita, was not so hard to settle.
'Where you think you're going, honey? Frank --the
voice rang softly in her ear,
but the hand that grabbed his wrist was strong and
--Voy To find Laura --contest Susan, trying to free
his hand.
--Laura Is a big girl. You can take care of herself.
Relax and enjoy the party.
She looked at him in surprise.
You --Deberas be connecting with people right?
'I'm not in the mood --contest Frank.
--I Also --ella again pull your hand and this time he
solt--. I think you should go check how is Laura.
'And I think you should forget about work for a while
--he took her by the arm and headed for the ascensores--.
Let's get something to eat, and I will tell all my problems.
--Crea Said she had no money.
-before I would die. We'll go to a site that is close to
my apartment. A site of vegetarian food. Maybe even pay
me --contest Frank.
Susan looked at him with a gesture of mock
--Qu Generous!
She should not go with him, he knew. She was
worried about Laura, and spend two or three hours with
Frank talking about his love life and treating her like a
sister not going to sit well. Anyway, I could not resist. For
tonight Laura would have to take care of herself. He took a

last look of concern to the living room, to where the tall

figure of Marita was.
'I'm not quite sure Marita. She is not used to hard
New Yorkers ...
--Can Care of herself said Frank.
--Ella Is very young and is not ready for all this fuss
Susan-- said. Maybe we should watch her.
--If You think will come with us, forget it. Believe
me Mary Ellen Murphy can take care of herself perfectly.
She has an innate sense of survival that neither the hardest
of the people of New York can penetrate. I would worry
more for the rest of the people who are with her.
Susan could see Michael's head tilted Dubrovnik near
Marita, his face showed he was delighted.
--By Least, Laura is getting what she wanted
--Yup? Frank-- asked. Come Come on, honey. Need
to get my heart, and you're perfect as a listener.
Q: As one mother Susan said very quietly as they
entered the elevator.
Frank heard. The elevator was packed and pressed
against Susan Frank, thoughtfully in his deep blue eyes.
But he said nothing.
Chapter Five
Usually Laura slept until nine, he woke slowly. He
slowly took a black coffee roasted in the French style, and
it took over half an hour until he was fully awake. He rarely
wore before eleven. The next morning party woke Michael
is dead sleep. Alone in her big bed, had been restless and
turning all night, listening to traffic noise and voices

coming from downstairs. Finally, she had slept about three,

cursing Michael Dubrovnik and all its ancestors.
At half past seven eyes snapped open. He gripped the
edge of the bed with his heart beating strong. For a moment
he stood there, stunned, not knowing what it was that had
The sound was repeated, like thunder rumbling in the
bright morning sky, shaking his bed. He watched in horror
as a hair thin cracks appeared in the glass panels.
He sat up in bed, awake and angry. He got up, put on
a short mauve silk kimono and left infuriated her bedroom.
He opened the door shut, leaving it open wide, and
ran downstairs, so furious fuming. He slammed the door
with both fists on the ninth floor.
--Dubrovnik! It ronca-- shrieked with voice. Open
the damn door, scoundrel. Open it!
She kept pounding, making so much noise that did
not hear the footsteps coming from the other side of the
door. The door opened, and needed to work hard to control
his anger and not hit Michael Dubrovnik.
He smiled wryly. Wearing a towel around his waist
and nothing else.
Good morning he said with tranquila-- voice. Want
some coffee?
She slammed the door shut.
What the hell do you think you're doing?
--Estaba Taking a shower. And now I'll have a cup of
coffee. Do you?
Another loud thunder stressed his polite question and
Laura clenched his fists.
--Detenlos She said.

--Detener Whom?
--Not Play dumb with me. They are demolishing too
close to the Glass House. Do not you realize what you're
doing? Can not see the damage you are causing? said
gesturing to the cracked glass panels.
--I Am not causing it. The building is not safe, should
have been declared bankrupt years. But you've got with
your influences
does not happen does not mean it will continue
always. Most of this building is glass, and the glass is old
and dangerous.
--The Glass facade overlooking 66th Street has been
renovated --se she defended.
'That is not enough and you know it.
--Not Have enough to renew all facades --se she
defended money.
--Ya Know. You are agarrndote to this pure
stubbornness. Face it, Laura, there is no place for this
anachronism. Abandon.
--Vete To hell, Dubrovnik.
--Cuida Your words, Miss he said with a slightly
amenazante-- tone. I do not like being insulted.
The building shook again.
--Do Not? It --contest she said. Disgusting and
despicable snake heartless. You can take what you like and
what you do not like and shove it where you fit. Son of ...
He stopped in mid-sentence, grabbing her arms,
pulling her close and kissing.
She was too stunned to do anything, feeling his strong
hands clasped on his forearms, moisture of his chest against
hers, the warmth of his mouth on hers.

He released her and she just stood there, not knowing

what to say for the first time in many years.
'Why did you do that? she asked finally, anger gave
way to confusion.
He turned away from her and a cup of coffee is
served, also serving one for her.
--was The best way for you to shut up he said, giving
the cup.
She took almost without realizing what he was doing.
--Intenta That with my lawyer and sue you said it.
He smiled. It was the first time she saw him smile. It
made him look more human.
--Tengo Best tactics for lawyers.
For the first time, she noticed the look of it. Her skin
was smooth, with a slight tuft of hair on his chest and
disappeared beneath the towel that was wrapped in the hips.
His body was thin but strong, vibrating energy, and Laura
thought she understood why women found him so
attractive. Women who liked sex, of course.
She took a sip of coffee, but to think for a moment to
accept their hospitality. A slight murmur of pleasure
escaped her lips.
--Tostado The said French style.
His smile widened.
--Tengo A machine that is more like a computer than
a coffee. Roasted grain, grind and making coffee, all you
have to do is serve. Soon will draw another machine that
also serve.
She should give up coffee, drink knew, but there were
certain things that had a weakness. He took another sip,

trying not to show his pleasure. He gave her a speculative

look and Laura realized she wore only
plain silk kimono that hung to her thighs. Even
wearing high heels that helped catch up guys like Michael
The explosions had stopped, at least for now.
--If You destroy this building, maybe you said she
gets into great calm.
--Not I care to risk. I have my own architects working
on it. They know when to stop.
--Justo Before the building has to be evacuated.
Michael smiled. She was an attractive smile, but
Laura could see the wolf hiding behind her, ready to
pounce at the throat of the first innocent victim who got in
his way.
But she was not an innocent victim, and was
accustomed to dealing with wolves.
'My lawyer will get a suspension. When you discover
that you are endangering human lives ...
'Then discover that the building is unsafe, without
being sure takes many years, and he declared in ruin said
She drank coffee and set the cup.
--Crees You have defeated me.
I --S you have expired.
She shook her head.
--Not Going to be easy. You know that bureaucrats
take forever to check things out. It will take weeks to
declare ruined building if they do. Weeks of costly delay,
sir Dubrovnik. And I can be very creative in a few weeks.
--Rndete, Laura.

-before I die. If you are found in ruin, I'll sell to

anyone but you --contest Laura.
--Not No one who can sell what you are not going to
accept my offer.
There was no way to refute that. She looked around,
realizing that the apartment had an almost monastic
appearance. There was no personal object, only a leather
sofa, a large walnut desk cluttered with papers, and a
kitchenette. Through a door you could see a wide unmade
bed, and nothing more.
--Siempre You live in places with very little
furniture? he asked she said. Or is it you're just passing
through for a few days?
-A Bit of both.
--More Better get procures a few comforts, sir
Dubrovnik she said, heading for the door. You'll be here
longer than you think.
He reached the door before her and put a hand on the
knob. Again, she regretted not wearing heels.
--no Need you treat me so formally. Call me Michael.
--Ya I have called many informal names. Open the
Mischa --Llmame --sugiri him--. Dubrovnik is too
--Not Going to be friends said it.
Q: Some of my enemies also call me Mischa him-murmured. I will not open the door until you say it.
--Mischa --replic Rpidamente-- she opens the door.
He opened the door with an exaggerated gesture, and
Laura wanted to do away with that smug expression of his
face. She turned and was about to say something when the

elevator door opened. Zach Armstrong came out of him,

Susan Richards was inside. Both stared dumbfounded
Michael and Laura.
Laura cursed to herself.
--Espera, Susan said she, passing beside Michael and
his partner without looking back.
The elevator door closed, leaving his assistant
--Not Say a word said Laura as the elevator rose.
--Not Say a word --advirti Michael as he entered the
apartment with Zach and closed the door behind them--.
The coffee is ready. I'm going to wear.
'I think it's a good idea to Zach-- said. Do you really
know what you do?
--Not At all Michael said to himself.
He removed his wet towel and began to dress. Why
the hell had he kissed her? It was the stupidest thing he had
ever done.
Of course, it had worked. She had been so surprised
by the kiss, he had not realized he was just as amazed by
his action and his own reaction. If he went around kissing
all female competitors, would get into serious trouble.
Maybe he was really happening crisis midlife, he
thought, while a cotton shirt he got. If left is dominated by
someone like Laura Winston, would go badly if you have
to deal with the big boys, who would like to see him fall.
He had already decided he needed to marry again, she
needed children. I should have paid more attention to
Marita, he thought as his Armani jacket set. At first glance,
the model seemed perfect for your purposes. Beautiful,
quiet, mysterious enough to be entertaining, would be an

ideal wife. It had been a fool to send her home in the

Bentley without having tried anything.
Or maybe it was not. Marita knew what he wanted,
and he knew how. He had known from the moment he had
looked into his blue eyes soulless. She had dodged his
--Damn! said aloud, running his hand through his
He could not take his mind Laura. Zach appeared in
the doorway, leaning against the frame.
--Quieren Know if they dynamiting. They have
followed your instructions, explosions for seven minutes
and are waiting to see if they continue --Your expressure was situation-- know. Did you notice that
when ordering explosions Miss Winston would be furious?
--If You will use your eyes you'd realize, Zach, we
have not spent a night of wild sex. Our landlady heard
explosions and went to throw one of these cracked
--Pinsalo, Man. Laura Winston Is my type? Michael
asked irritably.
--Do Not. Marita is your type. But have you ever
stopped at nothing to get what you wanted. If you believed
that sleeping with Laura Winston were going to get faster
the Glass House, you would have enticed.
--Do Not.
I --No what? Do not tell me you're becoming a
gentleman. That woman is a threat both know it. She is
filing the largest real estate deal of a lifetime. I can not
believe that feelings and manners stop you.

--A Thee stop.

Yes, but we already know that I'm a Southern
gentleman with old-fashioned manners. You're the pirate.
You do the dirty work, and I clean afterwards.
Michael stopped while black silk tie knotted.
You --Planeas clean Laura Winston?
--When You're done with it, I doubt if much later.
That if you are fit.
--Claro I'm as he said, looking at his reflection in the
The man who saw seemed cold and cruel, his blue
eyes lacked soul just like Marita. They would make a good
couple, she thought with delight.
--only Estate prepared with the shovel and broom.
--always I am, Mischa.
Michael frowned at the name. Nobody called Mischa
except his closest friends. No woman had, apart from his
mother and siblings. Why Laura Winston had suggested me
to use?
Well said he. It will not last long.
--Seguro According --estuvo not Zach.
And only his closest friend would recognize
skepticism was in their words.
--no Mess with me --avis Laura Susan as they
entered his apartment.
--No You've slept with him? Susan asked, ignoring
the words of Laura.
--Claro Not! How could I sleep with that nasty
'Have you left the door open all night? Susan said,
closing the door.

--Ya I told you. I have not been out all night. I have
not slept with him. The brute has done it has started to blow
shortly after dawn ... --se
stopped observing cracks cristal-- panels. Damn!
--Te Promised to stop it?
--Claro No. Call Phil Dobbins as I seen you? If my
lawyer can not get a hold not know what I can do.
--Phil Can stop it. At least for a while. Maybe this
time we have difficulties, Laura. Michael Dubrovnik is a
big shot. How long do you think we can resist?
--always Said fiercely as she removed his clothes and
headed to the shower--. Or until he loses interest.
--Esas Two things might be the same murmured
Susan--. Would you like a cup of coffee?
--Do Not. Unless you want to go back to his
apartment and steal some He paused at the door of bao--.
The only good thing about this man is that makes great
--Habindole Seen only a towel, I'd say it has more
good things Susan said slowly.






bruscamente-- said. Call Phil, before Dubrovnik fly the

Yes, Mrs. Susan --contest militarily.
Susan Damn, why I should have mentioned the
towel? During their confrontation with Dubrovnik had just
realized how poorly vesti-two were. He could not think of
anything else. Especially after seeing the look that Zach
and Susan had thrown them.
Susan was right, of course. He had a good body.
After all, both were in the business of bodies and should

have been blind not to recognize a good one when I see it.
Perhaps, if fate would change the situation in their favor,
could offer some work. Ads underwear catalogs would be
fine. If that revenge was within reach.
She would not give her knees. The most he could
hope for was enough to resist he lost interest in the matter.
She was not going to surrender; I was not going to sell their
heritage and see it disappear in a cloud of dust. He was
going to fight to the end.
When Laura boarded the twelfth floor, Susan had
already gotten things started to work. The lawyer was
preparing the suspension, the coffee was full, had found
work for many of the teen models agency and Maxheimer
had called with his usual requirement Frank.
'Perhaps, after all, will not be such a horrible day
Laura said, tasting coffee.
'Perhaps. I left a message on the answering voice of
Frank --the Susan was carefully neutral--. I imagine that
sooner or later they heard.
Laura forgot your concerns and focused on Susan.
'What happened last night at the party? Got a job?
No, simply walk me home.
--Not Is what you think. We had dinner at a
vegetarian restaurant near his
home. He kindly let me invite him as he told me his
love life.
Oh, Susan said Laura with simpata--. They would
have to castrate the man.

--Pero That loss for women! Susan exclaimed wryly.

He was also very interesting. I had no idea that he had been
involved with Emelia.
--Frank Is not exactly promiscuous women simply
--Ya See Susan-- sighed. We talked until midnight,
gave me a peck on the cheek and sent me home in a taxi.
All very chaste and very sweet.
I --Lo can overcome? Laura he asked softly.
--Lo've Been trying for four years Susan said, looking
out the window.
The phone rang and they both looked.
--Phil? Laura asked.
--Frank Said Susan, supporting the receiver against
his shoulder. I'll tell you of Maxheimer. So at least will be
in a good mood.
Laura continued slowly drinking coffee. He went to
the window and looked down. He could see workers
moving around the sun. The explosions should have been
postponed for now, otherwise they would not be moving as
quietly. Dynamite made people moved quickly, he thought,
leaning his forehead against the cool glass.
--Llama Marita. We have to bid more on our bet.
--Crea You'd be wise.
Q: How will I be careful with that monster
dynamiting the foundation under us? --contest Laura,
An elegant figure emerged from the elevator.
Oh, no murmured Laura said. As if it was not all bad

Susan followed his gaze toward the hall. The woman

ran to where they were had once been as beautiful as
Marita time, maybe more. The years had treated well, and
also plastic surgeons. Her beautiful face did not look the
fifty-two years had, his thick black hair shone. His body
was molded by years of gymnastics, his gait reflected their
money and power. Laura made her feel small, vulgar. As
Hullo, beautiful woman said with his voice
delightfully musical.
Hullo, mother Laura said without entusiasmo--. By
visiting the slums?
Chapter Six
Jillian Kelsey Margot von Winston Petrovini
McAllister Kempel, ignored the gesture of scorn of his
daughter and entered the offices of Crystal Faces like the
most important client of the agency.
Susan smiled politely, and his eyes met those of
Laura for a moment.
--Encantada To see her again, he murmured baroness.
Been a long time since I was here.
Jilly's expression showed only a slight regret.
I'm afraid that my daughter thinks I'm a little fart.
Laura frowned. Nobody in their right mind would call
carcamal Kempel von Jilly, and she knew it.
Well, her mother said educadamente--. What I can do
for you?
The magnificent black eyes Jilly froze for a moment,
but her warm smile remained.

'I'd like a word alone with you. I'm sure Susan excuse
--no Need ... --protest Laura, but Susan was already
I --Tengo to make some calls Susan murmured,
disappearing into another room.
--Me Realize that Susan is very good friend of yours,
Laura. But since you bring a modeling agency do not you
think you should have a more modern look?
I suppose that no've come to tell me about Susan, so
go to the grain --contest Laura.
It did not take control, she was accustomed to endure
the barbs of his mother.
--Odio This place. You knew that right? Jilly said
repente--. I wish mom had sold it years ago! I remember
everything he wanted to forget.
--it A beautiful building --protest Laura said. It was
the most beautiful grandfather work.
--Provoc his death he said Jilly--. No need to remind
you the sordid details of the matter right? I do not think a
single person in New York you've forgotten.
--Not Is necessary that you remember me.
'Then surely understand why I want this building
disappears, which dinamiten what Jilly said almost angrily.
--Do Not.
--Laura, A madman named Henry Johnston Q. shot
and killed my father in the lobby of this building.
'That I knew Laura --contest pacientemente--. I also
know that Grandpa was having an affair with the wife of
Johnston, and that the jury saw it as mitigating.

--Ese Man only spent eighteen months in a luxurious

prison farm Jilly said with a tragic tone.
--And Died a hero in World War II. You were only
two years old when he killed the grandfather and not even
remember him. So do not tell me that the loss of your father
you traumatized for life. I do not think so.
I --What are hard and heartless young Jilly muttered
--The Grandmother left me the Glass House to me
because he knew I loved and remain intact as long as
possible. You would have sold for the first time that have
needed a little extra spending money. Also, since you had
so many husbands, at least you could pick them richer than
These words made Jilly tragically lost his gestures
--since Bring it up the sordid money, honey, I want
you to realize that I do not win anything with you sell the
Glass House. It is entirely yours, so I have no more reason
than that.
Yes, but I have no doubt that the snake downstairs
has offered you a bribe if you get it sold. Sorry, mom, but it
will work. You say you hate this building. Let me assure
myself I dinamitar before Michael Dubrovnik kick some
benefit from it.
Q: Are you he here? On the floor below? Jilly
whispered, momentarily forgetting the object of his visit.
Ah do not you heard? He than Swimming Pool News
they moved and he has taken his place.
Laura knew him well enough to recognize his
mother's doubtfully at Jillian's beautiful face, and felt some

curiosity. Michael Dubrovnik was not much younger than

the next ex-husband Jilly, and she liked getting younger.
Laura had not known any man to resist the considerable
charms of Jilly Kelsey.
I suppose you've been sullen with him, as always
speramente-- Jilly said. Really, honey, I think you will get
better results showing more charm. A smile instead of a
frown, a better compliment than an insult.
I'm sorry, Mother. I never learned the fine art of
manipulating people. Even with such wonderful as yours
Jilly shook his head.
--Laura, Laura. Sometimes despair and awhile I said
looking at his hija-- stayed. Why not change the style of
your hair? And why not wear contact lenses like everyone
'Because I'm not like everyone --respondi Laura.
No, of course. Well, if you refuse to be friendly with
Michael, at least I'll be a little. It is not good to have him as
an enemy, honey.
-Too late mother. We have already faced.
The memory of his lips on hers flashed through his
His mother noticed his slight change of expression.
Jilly was not an intellectual woman, but when it came to
human emotions, captured quickly, Laura knew.
--Ve And flirts with him said Laura said. If that
distracts him from his intention to crush me, I will be very
Well, of course not want to hurt you ...

I --S well you'd do anything to help Laura said

--Te Love you, Laura.
Laura did not move. For once, Jilly's voice was
devoid of artifice, and for some strange reason Laura
believed her. Not that Jilly had never shown her love for
her rebellious daughter, but Laura knew that Jilly was
romantic enough to have a vein of maternal feelings.
I know --Lo Laura said softly.
A moment later, his mother was gone. Addressing
wolf's lair, he thought bitterly. Proof of her maternal love.
Susan reappeared, looking worried.
'We have problems, Laura.
Q: In what is it? Laura sighed.
--was Maxheimer. Frank called them.
--Esos Fools told it would be his last work with them.
They had decided to seek a new face, but they believed
they owed this last favor.
--Oh My goodness! What Frank said? Laura asked.
'Nothing that can be repeated. Maxheimer People are
very angry. You better call them and calm down. They will
need someone new, and do not want to lose our
commission only because I have no tact.
Said Laura said --Claro not. We knew this was going
to happen sooner or later. And Frank knew.
--Se They could have put it more delicately Susan
said with a wave of anger.
I --Hablar with those of Maxheimer, and tell them
that I do not like how they handle these issues. In the future

I'd better say it to me first, and if you do not like to go for a

walk. And you what?
--I Do not want to go ride Susan said with a weak
--Ve To see if you like. Tell him find something, even
temporarily. We have a certain responsibility towards him.
--And Need someone's shoulder to mourn. Are you
sure you can take your office yourself? he asked Susan,
grabbing her purse.
If I can manage to Whirlwind, I can handle anything.
Tell Frank I'm sorry.
Susan paused at the door.
--Se Leave. Do Not?
--If You are not out anything, we have nothing to
offer suavemente-- Laura said. Sorry, Susan, I do not know
what else we can do.
--Saba That this would happen. It's probably best for
everyone. While here, but out of my reach, I can not get
over it. Maybe once he's gone, I'll be able to get on with my
--Esa Is the right attitude.
You --Piensas I think so?
--replic-Nor for a moment Laura.
--Me Know too well. Are you sure you can handle it
--Ya I told you I can. Go, go away.
Laura followed her gaze with a gesture of solidarity
on his face. Thank God she did not affect the kind of
emotions, thankfully never had love someone so much as to
lose his head. His heart was wrapped in ice, and only the

affected children, puppies and good friends. Your sex drive

was nonexistent; had been destroyed by a raw heart.
Without thinking, ran a hand over his mouth. He had
felt a strange sensation. No straight man had kissed her
since she had been old enough to help. She hoped her
reaction would have been to anger, humiliation or disgust.
He had not been. He had been curious. If it had been
... interesting ... to be kissed by a man she despised what
would the be kissed by a man she liked, who find
attractive? Would not it be more interesting?
Was thirty-two years. Many of his married friends
had had problems conceiving. If you want children, you
would do something about it, and soon. And desperately
wanted children. His nieces and nephews were not enough
to fill the empty space that existed in his heart and who
would not let anyone in.
Not really needed a man. There were several
associations in New York to help a woman conceive
needed. Every time I thought more about it, but I could not
decide. It was not an easy decision how then explain to
your child that was conceived in consultation with a doctor,
his father was a test tube?
Laura had never had a real father. Winston Jefferson
was a demanding and cold man, who did not allow his
loving daughter sitting on her lap, never showed any
emotion to his family except a cold impatience. When her
mother had dispensed with Jilly and left the Glass House
Laura, he had shown a little more paternal, until she had
made it clear that was not going to follow your advice and
get rid of the old building. Then he had walked away from
her. When Laura was nineteen, had died of a heart attack.

No child needed a father as well. It would be much

better with a single mother. Still, maybe it was very rigid in
their vision. It might have place in your life for a kind and
good man. One would not interfere in your life, you take
care of children, to prepare the food. Heavens, what I
needed was a wife, thought funny. A nice, docile and
outdated wife.
What she needed was the antithesis of Michael
Dubrovnik. At that moment,
I could not think of any in particular, but neither had
been looking for. You may need to expand your horizons a
The phone rang, and she answered, trying business
with his usual coolness. But only half of his brain was at
Q: What is our next step?
Michael discovered that I did not want to look
directly at Zach, so he concentrated on the whiskey was
--Ha Got the suspension. You can not keep blowing
up until it's hearing, which will take four weeks.
--No Can make expedited hearing?
--Ya'm Working on it. But I can not guarantee it
succeeds. Moving my contacts, maybe get to be in two
'That's better than nothing.
He put his glass and leaned back, looking without
seeing the rest of the bar patrons Plaza.
'What else?
--we Can dig a little. The shovels can cause lot of
damage if not handled properly.

--it's A shame you do not have more experienced

workers murmured Michael.
Yes, one worth Zach-- said. But the fines can be
I --Tengo some financial difficulty that I have not
mentioned? asked Michael.
--Eres Excessively solvent.
'Then do not think it's going to spend much time
worrying about the fines.
'And Marita? Zach asked.
Michael shrugged and her fingers tightened on the
What about her? --inquiri Michael.
--Forma Part of your plan? Sabotage Crystal Faces
and Laura Winston leave no choice but to sell?
A faint smile appeared on the face of Michael.
--Not Had thought of that. You're very clever, Zach.
'I've learned watching my boss.
--Adulador --tom A swig of his bebida--. Actually
my interest Marita has nothing to do with the Glass House.
I was thinking that it's time for me to marry again.
, Is not a bit sudden? Zach --coment met her
--Not'll Hurry. She may not serve. Furthermore it is
nothing sudden. Took several years thinking about
marrying again. I want to have children before it's too old
to enjoy them. I have someone to leave all this.
--It Seems reasonable. What makes you think will be
the lucky Marita?
Michael shrugged.

--Ella Is very beautiful. Does not talk much. And

there is a certain mystery, a certain air of secrecy about her
that attracted me.
'And you want to solve this mystery? Zach said.
--In All. I do not want to investigate the psyche of
anyone, not even my wife. I think if he knew what was
behind that beautiful face, I get bored. For me can keep his
secrets and take them to the tomb. While I try what I need
... Children, nice and tidy home, sex and occasionally an
interesting conversation.
'That's what I like about you, Mischa. You're so
romantic ...
--A Thirty-nine is already a bit old to be romantic is
not it?
--Hablando From the advanced age of sixty-two, I'd
say that's exactly thirty-nine age to be romantic. But you
would not believe me if I told you, you have to find out for
Do you think they should fall in love passionately
Marita? asked Michael fun.
--Do Not. I think you should wait until you meet a
woman without which you can not live.
--Ese Day will not come --afirm Michael solemnly.
--Ese Day will come sooner than you think, man.
Believe me.
Michael shook his head.
'That's nonsense you know? You must have read
Gone with the Wind too many times.
IPS: you read you? Zach asked.
--Do Not.

--Deberas Read. You could learn a few things about

love and passion.
--up Far I have not received any complaints said
'Perhaps, but that does not mean ...
Michael raised his hand.
'd Better not talk about my love life, Zach. It bores
me. Right now I'm more interested in Laura Winston.
When you are finished with it, we can talk about matters of
the heart said Michael.
He did not like the smile of Zach.
According --of said her socio--. Talk about Laura
Winston, not your sex life. Are you sure they are not
--my God! Do you think I'm interested in sleeping
with Laura Winston? --se surprised Michael.
'Yes --afirm Zach--. Although not very beautiful.
Why did she feel the need to defend?
--Not Daft, Zach. Not all women can look like
Marita. Many men find more attractive than a Barbie doll
as Marita Laura.
'And you do not?
--Not Play with me --continu Michael said. In bed I
like tall, beautiful and leggy women. Laura Winston is not
my type. I am more
crush you interested in sleeping with her.
--I Also said Zach--. You know you can do it. You
had never before been so prim.
--Not'm Being fussy. I just think that I can snatch the
Glass House without destroying your life.
He gestured to bring him another drink.

--It Seems you do not understand the situation,

Mischa. Once you have lost the Glass House, his life will
be destroyed. Do not kid yourself.
'Then you may need a new life --arguyo Michael.
Art thou who has to decide that?
--Not Is my business. All that interests me is take that
building ASAP. And I'm taking too long.
I --Intentar accelerate Zach said.
--Hazlo Michael murmured, thinking inadvertently
expression of surprise when Laura had besado--. Do it
'I can not find you, Laura Susan --the tone brushed
the histeria--. I searched his apartment, where he frequents
bars in the club. No one has seen him.
Laura leaned back in his chair, holding the phone
against his shoulder. It was getting dark and she had not
bothered to turn on the lights. The evening light illuminated
the empty offices Face Crystal, and she liked the feeling of
isolation that gave him.
--Clmate, Susan. Frank will not do anything silly,
have too much pride.
'But has received a severe blow --in the other end of
the line Susan looked ready to burst into mourn.
--De Really think he's going to do something stupid?
There was a slight pause.
I suppose finally --contest not Susan.
--Seguramente Is out there getting drunk.
'But not in the usual places.
Q: Your usual sites are hot spots, Susan. And if you
really wanna get drunk, will go to other sites. Probably

drown their sorrows and go home. Leave him a message

and waits --aconsej Laura.







desperation in Susan's voice was evident.

No, probably not --admiti Laura.
--Maldito Is, Laura, I wanted to help.
--it Too dumb to notice. Go home, Susan. Have a
drink, take a shower and go to bed. Frank is a big boy, you
will not miss anything.
There was a pause on the line long.
--Ya Know Susan finally said.
Laura took the phone in his hand for a moment, and
then hung up. She took off her heels and put his feet on the
glass table. It also removed the
glasses and left on the desktop, running a hand
through his hair. Why did you start to crumble all at once?
There was a charity event at the Guggenheim tonight.
He had promised to come, but I wanted now was peace and
quiet. And maybe a cup of coffee. What I needed was a cup
of coffee Michael Dubrovnik.
What he needed was that Michael Dubrovnik
disappeared from her life, she reminded herself. Despite
their fantasies, what really needed was blessed solitude.
Which is not going to get. He heard the rustling of
one of the old elevators before he reached his floor. The
sight of a male silhouette in the hall startled her, until he
realized he could not be Dubrovnik. He would have taken
the Otis, never waste time with one of the old elevators.
The man approached the glass doors. I could only see
his silhouette. It was taller than Dubrovnik, and much

wider than shoulders. She wore her hair short, and his
clothes were provincial.
--Seorita Winston? His voice was warm and
Midwestern accent.
He walked up to the light and she saw a fresh and
attractive face, with worried eyes. It could come from
Kansas, and Laura immediately thought Marita.
Q: Are you looking for Mary Ellen? she asked softly.
The man, who should have thirties but still looked
like a boy smiled.
Yes, lady said it--. Have I come to the right place?
A senior farmer, blond and handsome, she thought
Laura. It seemed straight out of a Frank Capra movie.
Clean, honest and Republican. The perfect husband and
'Yes' said Laura with a wide-smile-, have come to the
right place.
Chapter Seven
The phone rang softly. After two rings, the answering
machine was launched; first sounded the hum of the tape,
then a voice loud in the silence, full of panic.
--Frank? I am again, Susan. Where are you? I've
been everywhere, I called everywhere. Tell me you're okay.
Laura is worried about you. I ... I'm worried about you. For
the Love of God, Frank, pick up the damn phone.
There was a long pause during which only a ragged
breath was heard, and then the phone was disconnected.
Frank was sitting in the dark, with a slight smile
lighting his face.

I should have answered the phone. I should have

called. It was the third message in an hour. But the point
was that he could not answer.
I could not get up. It was glorious and splendid drunk,
and if he tried to reach the phone, would fall face-first into
the ground. Not that his face will serve as much, he
thought, as he took another sip of the whiskey bottle and let
the warm liquid burned his throat. Although he could reach
the phone, doubted he could articulate a coherent sentence.
If Susan heard him stammer and stutter, is present there in
an instant. And in its current state would not be good for
No, Susan would have to worry a little longer. The
thought of Susan worrying about him made him shed a few
tears drunk quickly removed from the face. He was not
used to drinking so much, and that always made him
maudlin. The next day would have a terrible headache and
upset stomach. He was not punishing anyone but himself.
The day would not be in better shape to face Susan, to tell
what had finally accepted.
So why wait until tomorrow, he said, rising with an
oscillating dignity. He staggered. Before he could move the
phone rang again after a few seconds he heard the voice of
--Frank. I have work for you, if you want. It's not
much, but it is money. In Seaport, have everything ready.
At ten o'clock. Frank, sorry. I ... --the rest was
unintelligible, and the phone was disconnected.
Frank blinked in the dark.
--I Love you, he said fondly.

And then collapsed, falling asleep on the carpet,

where he had fallen, with a beatific smile on his face.
Now that I had found, did not know what to do with
it. Laura looked at the man, keeping an innocent face as he
watched. The first thing I wanted to do was buy new
clothes. No Armani, Michael wore Dubrovnik
Armani clothing, and she did not want to have
comparisons. With his broad shoulders, big hands and his
handsome face, like a man field. What would be more
fitting jeans and leather, wool and perhaps thought
evalundole professional air.
It is further back in his leather chair, with half his
brain and making wedding plans. They would have a
healthy and strong, blond and blue-eyed children. Three,
two years between them. If you could take away from
I --Llamar to Mary Ellen. How told me his name?
--Jeff Him-- murmured. Jeff Carnaby. But do not call.
Laura left hand on the phone, looking at him with an
expression of interest.
--why Not?
--Ella Said he does not want me, taciturn.
Why do not you tell me everything? It --sugiri she
said. I promise I'm a good listener. Incidentally, I'm Laura
Winston. Wear Faces Cristal agency.
For a moment, his face lit up with surprise.
--Not Is what I expected.
--Do Not?
--Crea It would be old and ugly he said innocently.

He was smiling, warm and attentive smile Laura

returned; until he remembered why he was there, and his
smile faded.
--Mary Ellen and I were promised him-- said. We had
been committed since she finished high school. I thought
you would be happy with me. She told me it would be, until
suddenly disappeared. He left a note for me and his mother,
saying it was the best and not to worry, but I started
thinking that she would never return.
Laura did not know what to say, so I said nothing.
--Mary Ellen called her mother a few days ago from a
hotel in New York. She would not tell me, but Gretta
Murphy could not keep a secret if her life depended on it.
So I flew down here, I went straight to the hotel, and
followed her as she walked out to dinner with a guy who
looked like the mafia.







--Te Saw him?
--he No, but she did. But she looked through me like
glass. I never thought she could look like that. Cold and
hard as ice.
--Ella Is starting a new life Laura suavemente-- said.
A very exciting life. I'm sure he was not trying to be cruel.
'Perhaps Jeff muttered.
--Todava Not understand what do you want?
I suppose I need to talk to her, make sure it's over. I
can not go on with my life, call waiting, waiting to come
home. I just need to know if you have been telling lies, if
you ever loved me.
--The People change.

--only Has been out a week and half.

--Can You changed before you and you would not
notice. When would you want
talk to her?
--I Do not know.
I --Intentar prepare something said Laura, taking
over the situation--. Are you staying somewhere?
--Tengo A room at the Holiday Inn. I did not know
that Holiday Inn could be so expensive.
--Do You Know? Why not prepare a meeting with
Marita for tomorrow afternoon? You and I can be to eat,
and discuss the issue before.
--Ese Is the professional name Mary Ellen.
--Not Said I like him.
Laura stared at him. Whenever he was nicer.
IPS: You want a lot? he asked softly.
--I Want to what it was before. I love Mary Ellen. I'm
not so sure I want to Marita.
--Vuelve The hotel, sleepers, and tomorrow will
clarify all this said Laura.
He smiled. Had a lovely smile, thought Laura. Such a
beautiful and sincere smile that Laura did not remember
seeing one like it.
You --Has been very kind to me said it.
"That's what you think you" thought Laura.
--Djame Accompany you to the lobby. It's late and I
have too many hours sitting here.
I'm sorry --Jeff rose repente--, I've been entertaining
and maybe have something important to do.
--Not Had nothing planned.

He shook his head as they walked into the hall.

--Una Girl as pretty without an appointment? him-murmured. New York is a very strange place.
She smiled at him.
'Yes it is she said as they entered the elevator.
They lowered him smiling each other. Laura's life
seemed to have taken a turn ninety degrees, and although
this feeling was a little unsettling, was also very exciting.
Its pleasant thoughts lasted until they were halfway to
the lobby of the House of Glass, until Michael came across
Dubrovnik hurrying toward the elevators, pulling his tie.
He paused, looking at Laura, looking at his
companion, but the last thing I wanted Laura at the time
was making presentations. What could I say? Old Marita
boyfriend, I present to future Marita boyfriend? It would
have been strange. And although Jeff seemed like a nice
man, could have aggressive tendencies.
'Who was that? he asked Jeff as they left outside the
--The Man that we have crossed the lobby. Which
eating with Mary Ellen today.
He could not be ignorant.
--Se Called Michael Dubrovnik. He is a millionaire ...
--even In Rigby, Kansas, have heard of Whirlpool -Jeff paused thoughtfully. What was he doing with Mary
Laura said nothing.
--Qu Silly question! She goes out with someone
else, or is it my main rival?

Laura waved an arm, hoping that appeared suddenly a

taxi, to end so delicate conversation. As usual, when you
needed one more slow to appear. She turned to face the
warm blue eyes Jeff Carnaby.
--Not Think he is your chief rival sinceridad-- she
said. I think it is Marita.
For a moment, he said nothing. Then he nodded.
Said --Te gather at noon while a taxi stopped next to
--I Can I stop by the Holiday Inn ...
I --Vendr to fetch said he answered firmly, and take
you to lunch. You choose the restaurant, but I pay. Is that
--This Well, you're very kind she said as he got into
the taxi--. Good night, Jeff. She was happy as he turned
down the empty hallway. Do not see Dubrovnik anywhere,
and sighed relieved that the numbering of Otis indicated the
ninth floor. He had feared he was waiting for her. I should
have known that he had other things to think about.
He pressed the call button on one of the old elevators.
The doors opened, Michael was inside the jacket and
removed his shirt half unbuttoned.
--Debera Have known she said sourly entering the
ascensor--. Why you sent the elevator to your floor? You
did not have to bother much. I'm not afraid.
--Not I think that anyone replied the issues, pressing
the button on the ninth floor and leaning on the wall of
ascensor--. I got into the elevator and pressed my floor
before changing his mind and decide to find out who the
man was.
'And you do you care?

She reached out to push the button of the eleventh

floor, but he stopped her.
--Me Matter because I spent a very uncomfortable
meal with eyes fixed on the man in me said it.
--Crea You were used to having people look at you.
He was still holding her wrist. His fingers were long,
thin and strong. A she had not held against their will since I
was eighteen, and he did not like.
--Quieres You please release me?
She tried to keep my voice, hiding the panic and
anger bubbling inside her; part of it was willing to fight,
kicking and screaming if necessary.
It was not necessary. He released her immediately,
and she found that she had no
mark on the left wrist. He had not grasped as strong
as she thought.
--Pens That maybe you wanted to have a drink with
me --sugiri him softly as the elevator doors opened on the
ninth floor.
Q: Why would I do that?
--To Find out what you have in mind the enemy he
said, holding the door with a strong hand.
'And what you going to get?
--the Same.
If his smile was supposed to be friendly is that they
had not looked in the mirror, thought Laura. Michael
Dubrovnik looked like a wolf ready to devour whichWANT lamb who ventured in his lair.
But she was not a lamb, she reminded herself. And
not afraid to Whirlwind, not even a little.

She stepped out, thinking he was not as high as Jeff,

and his shoulders so wide, but for some reason was
intimidating. She smiled sweetly.
--Te Liked the suspension order? he murmured as
she entered her apartment.
I tried not to remember what had the last time I had
been there occurred.
--Not Said it while jacket and tie is removed.
Threw on the leather chair and headed to the bar. He
started preparing drinks without another word. Then she
turned and gave him a Lillet with ice.
She took it gingerly and sat on the couch.
--How Knew Lillet drink?
His wolfish grin reappeared on his lips.
I --S all about you, Laura. Although despise my
private detectives.
She refused to be intimidated. If I thought about it,
the sooner die than let you know certain things about her.
Best not to think about it. At least he was wrong about
something. He liked the Lillet with a little orange.
--Siento Not have said it oranges, sitting next to her,
too close.
I --Sobrevivir.
Well who was this big man, and why hate?
Michael took a sip of his whiskey.
--it's Former boyfriend Marita.
He waited to see how he reacted. If you were hoping
Dubrovnik show jealousy or disappointment was a
'Then why did it was looking as if you had done the
most for your life? Would you promised return to Marita?

--do You mind?

--it Curiosity more than anything. Who loves you or
Laura choked half a drink.
Q: Is it really the question?
--Parece You're kidding?
No, it seemed, thought Laura watching him. With
those cold blue eyes and
angular jaw, seemed determined and dangerous. Not
the kind of man who would do stupid questions and stupid
answers unless you accept. No, only accept the exact
answer to what I asked.
--Quiere Marita said Laura, intimidada--, but will
have to settle. I guess that's something you're not used.
--Not He said, finishing his bebida--. And in this case
I guess you are with what you have to settle.
-A Little presumptuous, I know, but he seems to be
willing distracting him.
You should get up and leave, she knew she should do,
but the couch was so comfortable, and flirting with the risk
was something dangerously attractive. She looked around
the empty walls, the small but elegant furnishings.
--No Think you should bring more? You'll be here a
while. I think you'll tire of living in such a spartan place.
'My mother was a hoarder. I do not think to throw
anything in his life, and the apartment where I grew up was
crammed with trinkets, embroidered cushions, religious
images, old photographs, crocheted tablecloths. Try to
reach the kitchen door was like an obstacle course.
--so Promised to be completely different. Did not you
like your mother?

'My mother was the most wonderful woman who has

ever been. She and my father were happily married and
thankfully died within days of each other. I do not think
either of them would have survived alone. But my mother
was a little dated. A bit stuffy both at home and in their role
as mothers. Which is fine for a mother, but not for a wife.
Q: What kind of wife you like?
That was a strange conversation, but Laura was too
comfortable to stop.
-A Beautiful woman. Intelligent but try not to
constantly prove it. Someone give me children and care
properly. A good hostess, an interesting companion, but is
not asking for impossible things all the time. Someone who
is good in bed.
-A Great list of requirements. You are one of the
most sexist pigs of history you know? What do you mean
by asking the impossible things?
--Not Want a wife who needs constant attention.
Have to care a little for herself. I'm too busy to waste time
being agarraditos hand.
Laura shook her head.
--Pobre Man! Sometimes being held hands helps
soften stress. You should try it sometime.
Q: So?
He grabbed a hold of it, and for a moment she tried to
remove it. But fingers around hers were strong. Besides, it
was her fault. He had deliberately provoked.
'Something said it-- well, but you're wasting your
time with me.

Michael thumb gently stroked her palm, her long

fingers intertwined with hers, stroking his knuckles,
running rings.
'Perhaps you are right he murmured in a low voice.
This can be soothing and stimulating at the same time.
He put his palm against Laura.
I --only one thing that arouses my curiosity he said.
Q: Why shake your hand?
She suddenly withdrew his hand, squeezing it into a
fist would have liked crash into his face.
Tired --Estoy said she said. I'm going upstairs.
I'm afraid that I have to leave before.
He suddenly stood up from the couch.
I --Tengo to go to a party within twenty minutes.
Why do not you stay and finish the cup? Just you have
He went to the bedroom, taking off his shirt. She
stared at his strong, brown back, before returning to his
glass look.
FIAS --Te leave me alone here? Laura asked.
--the --Claro Him mocking voice came clear from the
After buttoning soon returned clean, with another tie
over his shoulder shirt.
Laura did not like sitting there while he knotted his
tie while messed with fast movements the shirttail into
pants and jacket set. It was an all too familiar scene.
--Sintete Like home he said, heading for the door.
She still had not moved.
--Divirtete She said.

Also, Thou.
She did not like the smile with which he walked out
the door.
The night air was cooler when Michael Dubrovnik hit
the sidewalk. The Bentley was waiting, Zach and Connie
were inside, and he looked at his outfit with a resigned
shrug of the shoulders. Should lead tuxedo. He had not
wanted to waste time being changed at all. He had feared
scare Laura. He had managed to take her to his apartment,
and was willing trap and bait. Now just wanted to see if she
Zach looked out the open door of the Bentley.
--what's Up?
--it Just a moment Michael said, looking up.
Soon, I got the answer I was expecting. Tenth floor
lights came on. Laura Winston had been tempted to get to
register their offices.
A smile lit her face as she entered the car. He kissed
her cheek to Connie.
--Hermosa Night right?
And while the car was in motion she laughed to
Chapter Eight
Dubrovnik was clear that Michael did not plan to stay
long in the Glass House. It was the tenth floor, there was
very little furniture. A desk, a computer, a leather chair and
several phones were in front of the windows looking
towards the city. He leaned on one foot and massaged the
other. He had left his shoes on the stairs. Do not know if
Michael would return suddenly and did not want high heels
hinder their movements.

The desk was empty. He headed the computer, sat in

the overstuffed chair and lit, but the computer had a
security code to protect their secrets. As the computer had
warmed asked codeword. Laura made attempts at random,
and the third was disconnected just wrong.
Laura Winston was not accustomed to leave, but not
used to waste time on something that was out of reach. No I
missed that Mi-chael Dubrovnik dared to leave her alone in
her refuge. His secrets were well protected.
Going to the windows, looked at the empty lot next to
the Glass House. The bulldozers were still and silent in the
dark. Surely begin to move again the next day. I was not
sure what she was doing, but not be surprised if Dubrovnik
had ordered that lash the already insecure foundations of
the Glass House. If the building was going to collapse, she
could only hope that pinched by Michael Dubrovnik inside
when that happened.
I was about to head for the door, it being defeated,
when he decided to try the computer again. He stopped in
front of the screen, lit it, and waited until asked codeword.
"Whirlwind" he typed. Nothing. "Mother Russia" no
response. "Glass House".
With a squeal and a long buzz, the computer was
launched, and appeared on the screen a menu. It was he
looking at the list, hit a key and agreed to Payments file.
He leaned back in his chair issuing a wolf whistle.
There, in front of her, there was a list of payments to
municipal officials, from misdemeanors to the same office
of mayor. Compromising enough information to put
Michael Dubrovnik knocked out.

Soon, he had printed all information. He turned off all

appliances and made sure everything was as we had found.
Squeezing the paper in his hand ran up the stairs to his
apartment, exultant triumph.
He threw himself on a couch laughing aloud. For
now, he would not do anything. The suspension order stop
to Dubrovnik moment, and when it was over simply present
the information to the authorities and see how it sank.
Of course he could try to blackmail. Instead of
carrying your information
condemning the authorities could show it to
Dubrovnik, offering his si-lence if left alone once. The idea
was good but had its drawbacks. If Michael knew she had
that information, it could take measures to cover himself by
useless your advantage. On the other hand, I did not see
him jailed. He cast a reprimand, yes. Not that he destroyed.
He would have to wait and see what happened. I
needed time to think of a good plan. Maybe he abandoned
the battle and she would not have to use the incriminatora
information. Of course bribery of public officials was an
ugly affair, and he did not deserve that she protect him.
There were some names on the list were a surprise, such as
Councillor for Economic, Jake Feldstein, who was her
uncle. When he saw his uncle Jake was on the list of bribes
he had been disappointed. If discovered to Dubrovnik, also
discovered Uncle Jake. I was not sure I was ready for that.
Perhaps it was better to deal directly with Michael
Dubrovnik to discover wishlist bribes. So protect Uncle
Jake and also in some way to Dubrovnik. Not that the
Maelstrom needed his protection, she reminded herself.
Even deserved. But if he managed to forget the Glass

House, did not care what would happen to him. All I

wanted was for him to disappear from his life.
And now possessed the necessary information to
make that happen. He got up and went to his stereo. He put
a lot of disk and volume rose. He regretted that Michael
was not in the downstairs to the noise bothered him. With a
wicked grin, he started dancing around his apartment,
spinning with joy. For the first time in a long time, the
future looked rosy.
At quarter past two Michael Dubrovnik came quietly
to his apartment in the Glass House. The apartment was as
we had left, as expected, and wondered if his trap was too
twisted. It could have overestimated Laura Winston.
The towering pair of shoes was lying beside the door.
I knew she could not be in yet, the windows were dark
when had looked from below. She must have forgotten his
shoes, like Cinderella after the dance. He had very small
feet. And red stiletto shoes were very sexy.
He put them in his jacket pocket and went to the
tenth, his office floor. Nothing had been touched, nothing
was changed. He went straight to the or-compu- and lit it,
watching with delight the flashing message appeared on the
screen. "Violation of safety" read.
He went to check the printer. Paper missing
something. She had found what he wanted, he had printed
and gone, forgetting his shoes with excitement.
--Te Have, Miss Laura Michael Winston said quietly
Dubrovnik with a delighted smile lighting his rostro-bleak. And you do not even know.
Marita looked surprised as he looked at the woman
standing in front of her. It was ten o'clock, and she was

used to sleeping late, but Laura Winston looked very firm

when he had called an hour ago and Marita had decided it
was best to be conciliatory. At least for now. Later no
longer need to Laura Winston. Nothing had to be cautious.
--Jeff Carnaby's here? It --repiti her, putting an
expression of innocence and wonder that was widely
--Te Went to La Taberna yesterday. He said he
looked as if he were invisible --the Laura tone was
skeptical, but Marita was not discouraged.
--Not Saw him. Gosh, I can not believe you followed
me to New York. He is a man so sweet. I never meant to
hurt Marita said.
--Estabais you promised? Laura asked.
--not Really. We were out together sometimes. He
gave more importance to the issue of which I gave, but I
tried it would not take very badly when I left Rigby.
Unfortunately my mother always encouraged him --Marita
shrugged. It was a mistake from the beginning. I should
have known he would not leave me alone. I feel upset you.
Oh, it has not bothered me at instante-- Laura said.
Actually, I found him charming. And I think he's more than
willing to let you quiet. Just want to hear it from your lips.
Marita frowned slightly for a moment.
--Me Glad it sensible suavemente-- said. I would talk
to him.
Let us go to lunch together. I'll get you later and you
can clarify things. Are you sure you do not love him? Laura
Marita stared in surprise.
--do Not you? he asked Laura.

--Podra Be. That is, if you have done all of you --the
smile Laura was answer enough.
--Se Has finished Marita said firmly, but not sure that
he liked the direction they were taking the acontecimientos-. It never existed.
Meanwhile, his brain was working feverishly. Could
your faithful and devoted Jeff being so willing to switch to
another? For such a modern and serious as Laura woman,
having spent years dedicated to someone who was a model
of grace, beauty and soft femininity. It seemed impossible.
Until a few weeks Marita had convinced him that
they would marry when spring and would have three or
four children before she reached thirty, and Jeff had
Marita did not intend to have children in the near
future. Maybe later, when she was married to a man with
enough money so she would not have to worry about the
small noisy creatures until they were old enough to be
civilized. But farmers, although they had a lot of ground,
could not afford nannies.
Still, I was not very happy with the ease with which
his faithful lover
accepted his dismissal. Although there were halfway
across the country to follow, it seemed that he had just done
to make sure that was clear.
She felt the temptation to call him by his side, just to
assure herself that she still had the power to do. But that
would be a silly mistake, and Marita not often make silly
mistakes. She did not want him and Laura other. If he
played his cards right, you could get a great benefit.
Laura showed one of his most charming smiles.

--Me Like him. Anytime.

Laura nodded, apparently satisfied, although it was
still very quiet. Marita could not be sure that Laura was
reacting as supposed.
I call you --Har Susan said Laura said. I thought we
were going to auditions, but you better wait.
--A Necessary evil, Marita. People in the future will
hire you want to throw you a look.
--Crea We were not going to do that. I thought we
were going to wait for them to come to us.
A twinge of panic overwhelmed. Was collapsing its
incipient triumph before they even start? I did not want to
be just a model. Laura had stimulated his already voracious
appetite for fame and money. Marita was not prepared to
accept anything but the top of the profession, and had all
intentions to start there.
Laura's smile did not reassure.
--Todava I have not decided. Susan will call.
With a gesture of good-bye Laura left.
Marita turned to look at her reflection in a large
mirror. I was beginning to hate his luxury suite at the
Hemsley. Hardly had left there. Once the party that was in
that building dated look where offices were Crystal Faces.
Again for lunch with Michael Dubrovnik. He had been
terrified when he saw Jeff, looking grim. But he was lucky.
Jeff had not approached and struck his companion. Michael
had been quite flattering to her, and had seen the look in his
eyes. Dubrovnik wanted. Not too much, yet. But I would.
And when she was ready, he would make sure he paid for
it. After all, he could afford it. And it was worth it.

Michael Dubrovnik was in a foul mood. Mrs.

Anthony, a severe and older woman who was not scared by
the irascible outbursts of millionaires, had burst into tears at
the end of the day. Michael had to apologize because Mrs.
Anthony was the best secretary who had never had, and
that had irritated him even more. When Zach appeared
shortly after eight o'clock, he was very angry.
--Llegas Later.
--We --Vete To hell Zach said, closing the door
behind him and heading
towards bar--. You have me very busy.
He served two long whiskeys, and put one in the hand
of Michael.
--Bbete This, calm down and tell me what's wrong.
Michael did as he was told, looking pleasantly Zach
while whiskey burned his throat.
'You know perfectly what happens to me, Laura
--Crea You had it under control. Did the trap?
Oh, terrific said Michael said. Right now is the holder
of a incriminndome paper of all kinds of bribes. It will be
so glad to believe that's his ace in the hole, it will not take
other precautions. And when you least expect everything
will collapse and will have no choice but to give me the
Glass House and can be happy that I'm still willing to pay
that amount as exorbitant.
'Then why are you so moody?
Tired of waiting --Estoy said Michael said. I'm tired
of this decrepit building. I'm sick of that stops me a little
woman. What will they do ma-nana?

--Lo Same as before, work on the foundations,

perhaps commit some mistakes Zach-- said. I guess you
will not mind paying overtime. Most people do not work on
'Most people do not work for me. Do they know what
they are doing? asked Michael said. I do not want to get
into fights. I do not want this damn building to collapse and
kill dozens of people.
'We have the best professionals in the work --aadi
Zach--. I have half a dozen people just to see the first signs
of derrum-bamiento. Evacuate the building as that happens.
--Espero It soon. Do not believe the false list of
bribes will be enough.
--Mischa, She's just a beginner. You can not resist
'That's what you think. That woman is a threat said
Michael said. Follow Marita putting bait, and usually
interest me, but now I'm too interested in crushing the Miss
Winston to worry about beautiful women.
'Then what is it that bothers you? Whenever you are
closer to your goal. What is it that made you so moody?
Michael considered the question for a moment.
'I think it's the fact that she is entertaining hunting
another man as if he had concerns, while I have neither a
night to go out with one of the most beautiful women I've
known Michael --se complained.
--Podras Take time off --sugiri Zach--. I just do not

--And May not bother you that Laura Winston has

time and energy to entertain. Perhaps what bothers you is
that Laura Winston is interested in someone.
Michael laughed, really fun for the first time in
several hours.
-very Funny. If you think I'm sexually interested in a
sharp-tongued, then I do not know despite having me
so long.
--Ella Is the heiress of a building that is worth several
million dollars --seal Zach--. I would not call penniless.
--The Miss Winston has major economic problems, as
you know. All you have to do is put the screws.
--Quieres Who does?
Michael sat thinking for a moment, then shook his
head, got up and headed for the door.
--Todava Not murmured.
'Where are you going? Zach asked.
He stopped at the door.
--Ya Have done for the night right? Did not come up
with anything new?
'Nothing. I repeat, where are you going? I know you
too well.
--Lo Bad about you, Zach, is always right. I will
torment Laura Winston. I can not bear to sit here and do
--E Insist that you are not interested in it Zach said
--The Day that little bitch prefers to Marita said
Michael said, will be the day the Whirlwind lose its
strength. See you tomorrow.

And without another word he turned to the stairs,

Chapter Nine
He had no right to feel that way, she chided herself
Laura. Things were going well. Marita did not want to Jeff
Carnaby. The fact that that night would be a farewell dinner
together was an inconvenience, but Laura could bear. After
all, you need untethered. She could not compete with
someone looking like Marita, unless Marita would allow.
So that's going well. His list of bribes from Michael
Dubrovnik in the safe of your apartment, between the
emeralds had left his grandmother and a huge pink pearl
necklace given to her by her father. If things got bad, I
could sell emeralds and pearls, but knew it would provide a
little more time, but nothing more.
Even Susan's misfortune would have a beneficial
effect. She mourned the loss of a dream, but it was a pipe
dream. Everyone had to aban-donating some of your
dreams sooner or later, Laura thought. Susan was lucky to
have conserved all almost thirty years. The Laura had been
trashed the night went to the party of the Youth Assembly.
Do not want to think about that again. "Think of
Susan", she told herself. Susan had collected all the papers
of Frank, his file and a check for him who had just arrived.
He still did not answer the phone, but Susan had a key to
her apartment.
--Ests Sure you wanna do this? --We had asked
Laura gently.
--Estoy Safe. The sooner I take all these things here,
before I can start to behave like a normal person again --

ella smiled shyly but not deceived Laura said. I'm a bit old
for teenage crushes right?
--I Dont know. My grandmother would have died by
Errol Flynn --coment Laura.
'Your grandmother was married to a womanizer. No
wonder that gave by fantasizing.
--T Not fantasize?
Susan's smile widened.
--Do Not. So I'm going to undo all this. Including
your key. No longer am I going to wear chicken soup when
you have a cold, or I'll pick the mail and watering your
plants when you are out of town.
--the --Tonta Rebuked Laura.
--I Know. I know. I have finally seen the light. I am
ready to continue my life. I just need to tie up loose ends.
'And if he is there?
--Not Think --respondi Susan--. There seems to have
been in her apartment more than a few minutes in the last
seventy-two hours. But if it is there, the better. So I can say
goodbye to him. So I have the real feeling that has
finished eh?
--I Guess so. What if he does not want to lose to
whom you make chicken soup and water your plants?
Susan shook her head.
--Frank Never liked you right?
--Ah Is where you are wrong said Laura said. I like a
lot. What I did not like what I was doing.
'And that's where you're wrong you --repiti Susan--.
He was not doing anything. I was doing it myself. He did
not need me to make chicken soup. There were more than

half a dozen women wanting to do the same. Women tend

to want to do things for Frank.
--he Uses.
'Perhaps. But it is not ungrateful. If people are
constantly offered to do things for you would you be able
to always deny?
Laura --contest-probably not.
--We Say goodbye on your side if I see Susan said,
taking the box of papers.
--Not --aconsej Laura cry.
--Bromeas? I'll die before me.
"Maybe, but I would not bet," thought Laura.
Laura walked the spacious offices, turning off the
lights. I could not understand why he was so restless.
Maybe it was time. It was a warm and muggy day in
September, and a storm was brewing. He could see the
flashes across the sky from the window. If there was any
justice in this world, a ray should fall on the stubborn
Michael Dubrovnik.
But she was so unlucky, Dubrovnik would be
ensconced in his apartment on the ninth floor. The Glass
House had endured dynamite, bulldozers, two world wars,
blizzards, hurricanes and the vicissitudes of fortune Kelsey
family. At this time, as it was, maybe not bear the divine
wrath fulminador shaped beam.
He closed the door behind him and started up the
stairs, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He met with Michael
Dubrovnik before realizing it.
His hands held her to steady her, then released.
What the hell are you doing here? she asked bitterly,
dropping his glasses back on his nose and staring.

Replied the --Buscando Cinderella, showing her red

She took it, remembering where they had left
forgotten. At the door of his apartment.
She said 'Thank you.
--Te Fun last night? he asked.
Q: What do you mean?
--When I left you alone in my apartment. Did you
give to the temptation to search the place, or were honored?
--Do Not. If I tried to bring this matter with honor,
probably aplastaras me. I checked your apartment and then
checked your office sinceridad-- she said. And as you well
know, I could not find anything.
--Ni Even on the computer?
--just Was able to turn it on it-- --minti. I do not
know much about computers. And yours wanted the
password. I made a couple of attempts, but the computer
did not like and was disconnected.
That at least was true. When the best is lying is as
close as possible to the truth, Laura had learned long ago.
Dubrovnik was looking at an evening look in his dark
blue eyes. It looked that day Michael was not a man of
success. It looked like a tired businessman with his Armani
jacket wrinkled, his shirt unbuttoned a bit and loose tie. It
seemed vulnerable human and not a wolf.
'What if we made a truce?
She was disappointed. Did not believe for a moment
that he was willing to end their private war. He was not
going to give up so easily, unless you know that she had an
ace up his sleeve. And there was no way I knew it, unless
the computer was a snitch.

--Definitiva Or temporary? she asked.

--Temporal Course.
He ran a hand wearily through his black hair, stirring,
and Laura had the crazy and irrational impulse alisrselo.
Wild hair made her look at Whirlwind human. She wanted
it to be hard.
--By Tonight. Dining --aadi him.
--Quieres We go out to dinner?
--Not I like to eat alone.
--Estoy Sure I can find a dozen women who would
stop what they were doing --afirm Laura go out with you
without enthusiasm.
--Not Even want half a dozen. Not to be charming, do
not want to flirt.
Q: So I thought I would? Some men believe that it is
worth flirting with me.
--I Did not say I do not deserve it. I just said that you
do not want to.
--Sera Said it-- a loss of time. I guess you thought
that if I left you, maybe I was missing something.
Something that could then be used against me.
'Perhaps. But the same could happen to me. I can be a
little intrusive as I take two glasses.
She was thinking.
'But if you say something that can serve me, I am
able to eat your computer --apost Laura said. I do not
think you've gotten where you are being intrusive.
--Not Him-- said. But I have not met many Laura
Winston either.
You --Has lucky.
--Yup. Do you need a jacket?

Q: In such a warm night like this? Do Not.

--This Well he said, offering his arm like a
gentleman. Come on.
She looked at him. She was accustomed to go the arm
of a man. But she was not used to playing someone like
Michael Dubrovnik. The few times she had done, she had
felt a kind of energy emanating from the body of
him; an energy that she was strangely menacing.
But I could not let him noticing. She put her hand on
his arm slightly, as loving him not to touch at all.
Let us go she said, shaking her head nerviosamente--.
I am very, very hungry.
His eyes seemed to glow as he looked her up and
--me Too.
Susan pressed cardboard box against his chest as the
taxi ran Second Avenue. I should have gone straight to the
apartment when leaving Laura Frank, but had not had the
courage. Despite what he had told Laura, when confronted
Frank would mourn, he knew. And the whole situation was
quite degrading.
So he went home, took a shower, it took a couple of
glasses of Chardonnay and called Frank to make sure he
was not. As usual rang voicemail, and Susan knew she
would be safe.
It was a warm night so it was a light dress. It was one
of her favorite dresses, with him looked soft and innocent,
the kind of woman that did not fit with Frank Buckley. It
had a ponytail and had makeup very lightly, since no
woman worth his salt would in Manhattan without makeup;
and had taken the first cab he saw before he could repent.

The third floor windows were dark. Only when the

taxi had disappeared around the corner realized I should
have told the driver to wait. Taxis often not passed through
that area. He would have to call one. At least the apartment
was empty.
He rang the bell just to make sure. When he entered
the familiar smells assaulted. Spices. Cuero. And the mild
and attractive smell of Frank colony. He was the only man
she knew who would use it. He had taken part in the
campaign to promote the very expensive cologne and liked
Frank's apartment consisted mainly of a vast room
full of junk. The bed was in the middle, covered with a dark
sheets. The floor was covered with several oriental carpets
in various states of preservation, on the walls there were
more oriental motifs. The place seemed exotic, sensual ...
very different formal Susan apartment.
With a sigh, he put the box on a table, he looked
around one last time. Should I leave a note, but had no
courage. Also, there was already quite ridiculous with
messages that had left on the answering machine. The box
and the key would be enough.
He turned toward the door, realizing then that no
pictures on the walls. And in particular photos of Frank.
The last time I was there, Tracey Michaels lived with Frank
and the walls were full of pictures of her. Of course, they
were gone, but Frank had not relocated his. Curious. Never
been in the apartment of a model that did not have walls
covered with photographic images of its occupant.

Very egocentric, she had thought forever. It was like

a reminder of who and what they were. Apparently Frank
did not need reminders.
She heard the key in the door when it was a few paces
away. He panicked, he looked around desperately looking
for the back door, a window through which exit or a closet
to hide. Before he could move the door opened and Frank
came in, unshaven, tired, and very handsome.
He looked up and saw her standing there holding her
breath. Then he smiled, a warm and welcoming smile that
could have melted bones.
--Menos Bad it's you he said, closing the door behind
him, and putting the cadena--. Feared it was someone who
would not see.
Susan refused to be flattered by the comment. Earlier
he had been willing to small compliments like that. I had to
forget everything.
--Tanta People had keys here?
Replied the --Bastante.
He went to the window and opened the warm night
air. Thunder rang out mingling with street noise.
--Perdona Do not put the air conditioning, but my
electric bill is already similar to the national debt. Sit down
and get you something to drink.
'I can not stay it-- said. I just came to bring your stuff.
He came Parker's check and came to bring. I thought you
might need it.
--Dios Bless you, honey.
He went to the kitchen and returned moments later
with a glass of white wine for her and a beer for himself.
She was still standing, feeling stupid and lost, and he put

the glass in his hand, took her by the shoulders and gently
pushed her to the couch.
Sit down he said.
She sat.
He sat beside her, his long legs stretched and ran a
hand through her long hair.
--Not've Had a week he said very good and took a
long swig of beer.
Then he turned to her with a strange light in her
turquoise eyes.
'And what about you?
--Yo? Susan --the voice sounded nervous.
'What have you been doing this?
He smiled.
'Then are companions in misfortune. At least you do
not have a hangover. I have a huge. If I drank so much last
night as I thought I did, it's a wonder that today hold me up.
Q: When did you come back?
She should not ask, but could not help it. With the
nervousness that had took a long sip of his wine, forgetting
that he had drunk more than usual that night.
Oh, did not get out. I spent the whole time drowning
my sorrows until I fell senseless on the floor beside the bed.
I dreamed about you.
She managed to laugh.
'That would be because you must have heard my
messages while you were asleep.
--The Heard when he was awake he said.
There was an awkward silence. She could not
remember what he had said all these distressing messages

by phone. Too, of course. If you had not told him that she
loved him little would have missed.
I --Tengo to go she said, finishing the wine and rise.
Frank grabbed her wrist and pulled making her sit
No, you do not have to go.
--Frank She said pleadingly, almost desperate.
--Susan Said it a little mockingly.
His eyes expressed something she did not dare to
believe. He released her wrist, put a hand on his neck and
kissed her.
She had been accustomed to his kisses. The friendly
and gentle touch of his lips, his casual hugs. I did not
expect his mouth opening against hers, hot and humid; no
pang of despair and hope that enveloped her, shaking it to
the depths of his being expected.
It only took a moment to take a decision, just as he
felt the touch of his tongue in his. She turned away from
him, pushing him and stood up suddenly, throwing glasses.
He caught when she tried to open the door, put his
arms on either side of her, trapping her. She had no choice
but to turn and face him, but kept his head down, refusing
to look at him.
--this Is ridiculous, Frank said she said softly. We're
friends, Frank, for the love of God.
You --We about to become lovers --the voice was too
low, seductive, and reached his heart.
--no Need your charity, Frank. I do not need your
She could feel him stiffen.
'Is that what you think? asked him--. Is that it?

She could not help it, I had to look at him. Her

beautiful face looked almost brutal in the dimly lit room,
and anger in his eyes was evident.
--Frank, You do not really want.
Her voice sounded like a miserable groan, but she
could not help it.
The anger faded from his face, and a faint smile
appeared on his lips.
--Do Not? asked him--. If you say so ...
Then he leaned against her and kissed her, his hands
gently holding her head.
Frank's mouth was hungry and demanding, and his
tongue into her mouth from her softly, as a demonstration
that actually wanted, and the strength of his desire pressed
against her stomach. He stirred slightly against her and
make sure she could tell how much he wanted, and with a
little moan she wrapped her arms around his neck.
'That is he murmured.
His hands began to undo the buttons Susan dress. His
mouth captured hers with jerky and quick kisses, kisses to
which she clung, she returned.
'I'm not crazy. Of course I love.
He undid the last button and slid the dress off her
shoulders. He fell to the ground, and she was in his arms
only with a body tissue.
--you A beautiful body he whispered.
His mouth began touring her neck. He slid the straps
from her shoulders and body also fell. Susan stood naked in
his arms, and his shame made her blush. He tried to get rid
of him, but would not let her, his hands began to explore
her body in a smooth, almost worship.

--Me Love your body --sigui whispering him, his

hands caressing delicadamente--. I love the feeling of your
arms hugging me, I love your mouth on mine, I love your
legs ...
She kissed him to shut him up. She had been
nobleman, was careful, was cautious. It was time of
madness, to take what he wanted and wanted, no matter
how much it was going to hurt later. And so far everything
had been suffering was not bad to be allowed a little
pleasure. He started desabro-char buttons his shirt, then
took it off, feeling his bare chest against her breasts, her
firm warm flesh, his strong arms holding her. He reached
down to the waistband of his pants and hesitated. He
covered her hand with his and pulled her down even so he
could check how excited he was; Susan moaned against his
mouth with desire and a certain fear at the same time. But
before she could repent, he picked her up, carry-dola easily
across the room and dropped it in bed.
Susan looked the other as he took off his clothes.
--Estoy Making a serious mistake she murmured, but
did not move.
'Perhaps him-- said. But I'm doing something smart
for the first time in many years.
And with an almost feline movement he lay down
beside her, covering her mouth with a deep kiss to silence
her. He kissed her gently and slowly her breasts, almost
worship, kissed her navel, and before she could realize
what he wanted put his mouth in the warm and wistful
center of her femininity.
She tried to resist, but it was only for an instant. First
her hands rested lightly on his shoulders, then tightened and

grabbed him fiercely, her body arched under Frank's

Susan experienced a long series of tremors. He was
introduced inside gently but firmly. When the tremors
subsided, he began to move, first slowly, then a little faster.
--Pon Your legs around my waist Frank sighed.
She did, pulling him even closer to him, still shaken
by what he had obtained it. Susan opened her eyes,
watching him move against it. Body
Frank was tense and sweaty, and she waited, anxious,
eager to receive the climax of it.
Susan heard a gasp, as distant, and knew she was
herself. His mouth covered hers, drinking the cry, and his
body pushed her to places she never even dreamed existed.
There was only darkness, beating his body with hers, while
every muscle, every pore of the body of Susan shuddered.
Seemed to last forever, thought the time was no more, and
when she again became aware of the bed under her and
Frank about her, her face bathed in tears.
She tried to say something but could not. He wiped
the tears and kissed her softly. Then he turned, and Susan
fell asleep in the arms of her lover.
Chapter Ten
Laura pecked listlessly with a fork smoked duck
ravioli with red onion. It was nearly eleven, and the flood
of people coming out of the theaters had just filled
Whibblies, the small, elegant restaurant was two blocks
from the Glass House. He had not bothered to ask Michael
how he got table without reservation. People like Michael
Dubrovnik did not need reservations; simply going through
life knocking down everything that stood in their way.

Whereunto shall I that bitter expression is? he

He had just finished his steak with pepper. Whether it
was on his second whiskey, and in his own words, that was
the moment we began to set discreet. But Laura did not
receive any signal that was lowering his guard.
--Pensaba It was really not see anyone eating red
meat --observ she said. Do not you know is bad for
health? You will produce atherosclerosis and take you to
your grave.
He smiled.
--Not Sing victory. That will not happen, at least until
the Dubrovnik Square is up and in place. Unless
espolvorees arsenic on the plate. Besides, what he really
surprises you that I like meat?
-Nor for a moment she said, pushing his plate, the
waiter withdrew instantly, returning when a whisky--. I did
not order this. I was thinking how much I apetecera one,
but I have not asked.
--I Have done.
--Do Not! Please, as I have enough problems with
you. Do not start to read my mind.
--Simplemente I advance to your needs. It is the duty
of a good host.
--If You think I was going to loose his tongue with a
whiskey you're wrong. I can knock drinking to most men.
--for Real? he said with an amused smile.
--Do Not. But it sounds good. I really get silly and
sentimental when I drink too much.
--I Do not. I get very moody.

You'd your Russian blood. Also when was the last

time you drank too much?
He shook his head.
--Not Remember.
'That proves my theory. You're not human. You're a
machine. "Robocop on Wall Street." I do not know if I
have a chance against you.
--Yup? So why do not you leave? Why keep fighting
when you have no chance of winning?
For a moment they seemed to be isolated from
everything around them. Laura
He looked without worrying about their expression.
Just-- said, Because I am a fighter. Although it is a
lost cause I'm not going to leave. You might end can not
help you get the Glass House, but I can certify thee very
--Reconozco You have a talent for it said it with a
smile reservada--. Why do not you leave everything and
dedicate yourself to have children?
--Eres A sexist pig. Why do you always have to go
with those comments to irritate me?
--Suele Work with women. You do not want to have
She took off her shoes and feet crossed under the
'Why do you have this fixation with children?
He seemed surprised.
--I Dont know. I guess it's because I want them.
--Not Me, I guess.
Michael laughed.

--Not Was suggesting it. I think Marita have

wonderful children.
You are --Siempre so calculating?
Neither will I find you to be in that van with heart in
hand. Or do you let emotions rule your life?
She thought Jeff Carnaby and what she hoped was
their farewell dinner with Marita. He thought of Susan
reddened eyes. And he remembered what had happened
when Michael had kissed her.
--In All convinced she said.
Do you see? We are equal. There is a time and a
place to raise a family, and another to enjoy sex.
Q: Sometimes the two things go together.
--Me Glad you say. So I'm thinking of marrying
again. I want a decorative and funny wife, and that's a good
mother to my children.
--Marita Be decorative said Laura said. And I guess
also fun. But it's a little young to have children.
--Tiene Twenty-two. It is at its best.
'Perhaps physically. But do you think it will waste the
time of her modeling career to become your maker
Yes, if you will be handsomely rewarded for it.
--Podras Hire a surrogate mother --We she snapped.
'You know as well as I do all the problems they bring
those contracts. I want a wife and mother to my children.
'You think love?
--do Not you?
I --Touch.
--I Believe in sex. In the exchange of physical
pleasure between two adults. Do not you?

I suppose you know the answer, if you bother to ask

she said, turning the glass of whiskey between dedos--.
Your private detective must be better than I thought.
'I've hired a new one.
She finished the whiskey.
'Then you must know that I live in the most pious
'That seems.
--In This case, appearances are not deceiving. I think
sex is a useless activity and not compensated. Willpower
weakens, distracts the mind and poured women-victims.
The waiter put one second ahead of Laura whiskey. I
had not noticed that Michael asked. A fault. He could not
guard down for a moment.
'And what makes men?
--Les Gives too much power.
--If Is useless and does not compensate why would
empower men? Women can just say no.
--Biologa. Nature played a trick on us. Women want
a nest where to shelter, children, a man to support them.
You seem to have thought much about it.
She smiled quietly, sipping his new vessel.
'I've had a long time. Enough to decide that I will not
let my instincts betray me, making more mistakes.
--And You me strikeouts calculator ...
--There Is a difference in being calculator from a
position of power or from a position of disadvantage. When
you are a victim of nature, you have to use all resources.
--A Me not strike me as a victim.
--Michael ...
--Mischa --corrigi Him softly.

--Mischa She said, disgusted by the ease with which

came the name of their labios--, I will not go back to being
a victim.
Laura thought she had drunk too much. Could not
possibly be feeling emotion flows between them. It was
impossible that Michael was watching her with a predatory
expression so hungry and so sultry. It was impossible wish.
I could not desire it. He was a wise man and had chosen to
--it Later said he. I have to go home.
Michael said nothing as she slipped her feet back into
her shoes and walked perfectly straight line toward the exit.
Laura feared him to put his hand on her waist, but
acknowledged that he did not.
--This Raining he said when they reached the door.
Back inside, call my service.
She went out.
--Para Two blocks? Do not be ridiculous. A little
rain will not hurt you.
Michael looked surprised.
'Have you ever walked in the rain in New York? It
must be true acid rain.
--always Road in the rain, and I never leave the city.
Come on, Mischa, no
you are a coward. It's a beautiful night.
--De Really going to do?
--of Course. Do you want me to look for a taxi?
--Nadie Called me a coward impunity.
-well For you, brave. Take this said, throwing his

Rain fell on them, crushing black hair against her

shapely Michael skull, forming streams of water over his
face high Slavic cheekbones, his hard jaw, his almost cruel
mouth. It was not a face of a man with whom he could
--Reljate, Mischa. Just thirty-nine years.
--The Old enough to not walk barefoot through
Manhattan he said dryly, getting shoes Laura in the pocket
and following a leisurely pace.
--Do You Know? I think you should marry after all
Marita said Laura, waiting in the esquina--. You need
someone who forces you to do what-cures.
His black hair fell over his face, and could not see
anything after soaked glasses. He took them off and put
them in the bag.
'I know why you're doing this he said as they crossed
the street--. Try to catch pneumonia. It's a waste of time.
On his deathbed, would still be able to close a business.
--Not Had thought, but it is good idea. Maybe you
can close a deal on your deathbed, but certainly are not able
to answer the phone when you have a simple cold. Men are
so soft.
--Nadie Call me soft impunity he said dryly.
--I Do I just said Laura pausing and looking hair
while passing behind the orejas--. Would you asked
someone an umbrella?
--Not Said bother him as he approached her
Q: What will you do?
--Estaba Thinking of taking a taxi and leave planted,
but I do not appear either. So I have only one solution.

--Which One?
--Te'll Race you to your house said, taking a step
Laura ran after him. His stride would be shorter, but
not wearing shoes. He reached the height of the street sixtysix, and when he reached her, was already leaning against
the glass panels of his beloved building.
Laura breathing hard from the effort while laughing
Michael, whose anger and seriousness were gone. But
Michael was too quick for her. Before I could realize
anything, I was in his arms. His laughter faded as he kissed
her lips with wet rain and a slight taste of whiskey.
Laura was too stunned to react as he should.
Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around his neck and
lifted him into the air, spinning again in the rain. She clung
to him, dizzy, prey to a
impulse against which he could not fight. Damn, how
you wanted to kiss him. And that's what he did, offering his
mouth ajar while soaking rain.
But the kiss was too short. He let his mouth, his body,
leaving his drag on until the feet of Laura touched the
ground. Her silk dress was so wrinkled linen suit as
--it Better control these animal instincts, Laura
murmured him brillantes-- eyes. You have to crush them.
--it's You I would be crushed temblorosa-- voice she
said. My shoes, please.
He drew from his pocket and handed them.
--No Bare feet are allowed in the Glass House? he

I --Tengo to approach the supermarket she said softly,

putting on his shoes.
--Te Escort.
--it's Useless. You will not get another kiss
goodnight, Mischa --We warned her, separating from him.
Ah, was it that? I had thought it was a kiss good day
he said, catching.
--error She said as she entered the small shop that was
open 24 hours.
--Three Sugar bags ... said he saw the purchase of
Laura said. Are you going to make jam?
IPS: much sugar used to make jam? said she said.
And how would you know?
'My mother used to make jam.
--The Mine even eat it.
--Jilly Is not the idea that I have a mother.
-Nor mine. Nor do I believe that his own Laura said
without bitterness.
--Entonces What is sugar?
--A Susan and I like very sweet coffee.
The woman sullen face pounded Store attending the
cash register, and Laura opened her purse. But Michael
stepped forward, pulling some bills from his wallet leather
and putting them on the counter.
--no You should stop doing that he murmured Laura,
trying to maintain a seria-- expression. But in this case I
think I'm going to do.
--All Right. I do not think that works as a bribe. I do
not think I give in the Glass House for three bags of sugar.
--Not Going to change the Glass House for love or for
money she said.

Michael went with her in the elevator to the ninth

floor, holding the elevator door a moment when he left.
--No No goodnight kiss?
--For That calls --sugiri Marita Laura politely.
--Pensaba He was out with her boyfriend.
--Former-Boyfriend --We Laura corrected.
--Not're Thinking something to do with that guy
right? I'd eat you alive.
--it Very sweet, nice and attractive she said with a
defensive tone.
I'm supposed --Se also attractive.
--Not Know you were willing to compete for me.
Laura had managed to embarrass you.
--Not Am.
Laura smiled squeezing the bag of sugar into his
chest, again controlling the situation.
-well, Then you will not forget okay, Mischa? --We
sugiri--. Things are complicated enough.
Laura pressed the button for her floor and Michael
had to withdraw her hand quickly. She could see his
expression of surprise as the elevator doors closed.
Michael took a good hour to regain balance. It took a
long hot shower, hair removing dirt and cold bones. He
usually slept naked, but that night, while the rain was
beating against the windows, he felt he needed more heat.
Donned a black sweatshirt, a glass of Russian tea was
prepared and lay on his huge, empty bed.
It was clear that he had not been sufficiently warned.
This was the real danger of Laura Kelsey Winston: that
unbalanced him. I had never met a woman like her, and
made her lose control. If someone had said it would take a

walk through Manhattan soaking in the rain, I would not

have believed. Nor was going to kiss Laura, and I would
enjoy it.
He must be crazy. He did not want to a little
temperamental and sharp tongue as Laura Winston woman.
She was very attractive, even maliciously sweeping, but he
had always preferred to the serene and statuesque women.
Not a smallish who despised their money and power.
Of course, he thought as he stretched in bed watching
the rain falling against the windows, Laura had done
exactly what he expected. He had shown too much of
herself, and had not cost him even half a glass of whiskey.
Already knew his weakness, and had learned by chance. In
the sexual arena, Laura Kelsey Miss Winston was almost
completely defenseless.
It was the angle from which they had to approach the
situation. I had never used that weapon against a woman.
But he had never met a woman as stubborn as Laura. He
had warned that he was no gentleman, and was going to get
what he wanted by hook or by crook. The question was
whether Michael Dubrovnik could become so immoral.
He analyzed the situation dispassionately, even
though his conscience was determined to raise objections.
Marita put doubted objected to that used sex to convince
Laura. Marita seemed an enormously practical woman.
And if he did not like, there were other women, many other
elegant and graceful beauties would not have so many
And actually doing him a favor by Laura. I did not
know who would have started as

Laura disastrously in carnal pleasures, but in any case

would not go amiss. Despite all the barriers, you could not
drown the animal instincts and hope to find happiness.
Laura would be much happier with a man, with a husband
and children, whose decrepit mausoleum.
But his mouth curled in disgust as he reviewed their
justifications. If I made the mistake to seduce Laura to win
the battle of the Glass House, would regret the rest of your
life. No. There should be no more kissing, more erotic
dreams. The next day Marita invite to dinner and maybe to
sleep, if he felt that he had time. Maybe so stop thinking
about that woman, who knew how to hold a fair fight.
At least I thought so at the time Laura was in fight
fair. She had put on a cowboy monkey, black plastic
poncho and boots, had stuffed the bags of sugar in a bag
and was splashing in the mud next to the Glass House.
Demolition machines were still there, as a family of
prehistoric insects horrible eager to devour her poor
wounded building.
It took a while to find the fuel tanks of machines. Her
fingers stiff with cold and his teeth chattered when
managed to lift the tarp that covered the third and last of the
machine and pour the contents of the third bag of sugar in
the tank. Obviously, in charge of monitoring did not think
anything would happen to them their machines at the
shower, and no one bothered. Perhaps Michael knew who
had done it, but had no proof.
Empty bags got home, hoping that Michael can not
get up too late the next day. I wanted to be close enough to
hear her roar of fury when he discovered what he had done.
Chapter Eleven

Q: But what the hell are you wearing? Jill said,

wrapped in her mink coat.
Good morning, mother Laura said, lifting his head
Susan desk and pushing her glasses with the dedo--. What
are you doing up so early?
--Celebrar My divorce. We signed the papers this
morning, thank God, and thought you might like to
celebrate with me. You've always hated Franz.
--Not Never liked any of your husbands, and I doubt
that the next like me. It is too early to make champagne. If
you want we can eat at The Four Seasons if you can wait
another hour. Susan has not yet arrived.
--I Can expect Jillian said, plopping down on the
couch with hasto-- expression. Is that why you're dressed
like a peasant? I'm afraid that the rustic style is not yours,
baby. That cowboy monkey is fatal in such a small girl like
Laura looked calmly into the eyes of his mother. It
had taken years immunized against their comments but no
longer affect him at all.
--Nunca You liked the clothes I wear, Jilly. What do
you want me to wear?
Jilly thought carefully.
--Of Really do not know, honey. You are so
committed to working ... If you got married, you had
children, and you dedicate yourself to charities, I think you
could use some of the latest Adolfo. See what Nancy
Reagan goes well ...
At that moment the door opened and Susan came

--Siento Late said, not looking hard eyes of Laura

said. I've slept.
--Madre Laura said without taking his eyes from his
ayudante--. Entertain a while. You can go down to my
apartment and gossip my papers, or whatever you want. I
will be out within an hour.
The ability to enthuse Jilly seemed distracted.
--Not Want to bother. Maybe you have a bottle of
champagne in the fridge.
--Not Have it.
--Cario, All of Kelsey should have a bottle of chilled
champagne on any occasion. We have our rules.
--from Then Laura said wryly.
--By The way, I've been looking Kelsey emeralds.
Not the'll have you, right?
--Estn In a safe, mother, and are mine.
Jilly pouted.
--Not Should be. I feel very bad that my mother will
the leave to you and not her own daughter. They are too
ostentatious for you, honey.
--They Mine. Why not lower the ninth floor, see if
Dubrovnik is cold champagne? Sure will be happy to toast
your divorce.
'Perhaps you please come and eat with us.
--Do Not. Or celebrate your divorce the two alone, or
You --Aguafiestas. What to bring you this man?
I'll tell --Te have dinner while Laura said, lying with
facilidad--. It's nothing fancy.

--Not Think you're going to fool with it --advirti

Jilly-- stories. I'll take the truth, if I have to spend all
afternoon drinking champagne.
Yes, mother Laura said meekly.
--Mojigata --replic Her mother, walking with an air
of great lady to the elevator.
Laura is away from the desk, leaving Susan sit. Then
he noticed his reddened eyes.
Q: But what you're wearing? Susan asked, frowning.
--no You worry. I try to look innocent, that's all.
--Inocente What?
I wanted to get --Ah said Laura said. Where were
you at three o'clock? While I was committing crimes
without finding any accomplice, you were untraceable
somewhere. Where?
'What crimes?
--I I asked first. Have a face that is a shame.
Susan's cheeks reddened even more.
'And if I say it's none of your business?
, Is not my business? he asked Laura no offense.
--Estuve With Frank.
--Santo Heaven! atnita-- cried. I figured you went
to drown your sorrows with another. Well, what went well?
--Laura! Susan said, out of his stupor.
'That's better. So what was a one night or the love of
your life?
-A One-night stand.
--Eso Says who?
--When I woke up, it was gone, Laura. He was gone.
Not even left me a note.

--Not Serves hasty conclusions Laura said, sitting on

the edge of the table and looking at Susan with sorpresa--.
You really you slept with him?
--Of Truth I slept with him.
'And it was worth it?
The big brown eyes filled with tears Susan.
--up The last second.
Laura shook her head.
--Not Know, Susan. I believe that love brings nothing
but trouble. Everything would be much easier if there were.






infelicidad-- gesture. Now I wonder if you made love to me

out of pity.
Laura laughed as he stood up.
--Frank Can be a real prince, but not so noble. Trust
me, Frank went to bed with you because I wanted.
'That's what he said. I would believe him.
--Mrate In the mirror, Susan. You do not have the
look of a woman worthy of compassion. You look like a
woman who has been very well ...
--Laura --protest Susan.
--This Well, I'll leave.
'Now, tell me what were the crimes you have
committed tonight.
Well, actually ...
Laura's voice trailed off as the elevator doors opened.
And was not the Whirlwind, as Laura expected, but a
beautiful indecent Marita bringing Carnaby Jeff's arm.
Laura watched them for a second. They were a very
attractive couple. They seemed made for each other, Laura
thought with a pang of jealousy.

Q: Who is the one that comes with Marita? he asked

Susan whispered.
Laura did not answer. He crossed the room with his
usual rapid pace.
Good morning, Marita. Hello, Jeff. No I expected.
How about dinner last night?
"What about the night? You slept with him? "Laura
asked silently. "Did you change your mind?"
Marita's beautiful face gave no clue.
--Lo Enjoyed it. I decided to come here with Jeff to
know if you want to go to an interview. Do you call the
I 'I thought we were going to keep Marita waiting for
something better said Susan, clearly perpleja--. We have to
Este Lauder drooling over the pictures, and Revlon has
made a decent offer, but nothing spectacular. Why would I
--only Was thought Laura said absently, looking
intently into the perfect woman before him.
Marita had not flushed skin, nor bite marks on her
neck. But that meant nothing. Laura thought that everyone
seemed to have slept with someone last night but her.
So what? She preferred to spend the night splashing
in the mud before drowning under the body of a demanding
male. He turned and smiled at Jeff. Actually, he could not
feel for him more than a gentle attraction. If Marita had
kept his precious hands away from the man, may still be the
answer to your frustrations. A man secure enough to fall for
Jeff smiled back, obviously not knowing what was
going through his head.

--These Very pretty today said he, ignoring the

woman who had the lado--. I like your dress.
--Adoro This man said Laura, smiling at Marita-enigmatic. Tell me when you're done with it, because you'll
take it off your hands.
The response of Marita had the right amount of
--Te What cedo said, kissing the soft jaw perfect Jeff-. But good to know. He deserves it.
With soft elegance, Laura stood between the beautiful
couple, took the
Jeff muscular arm and pulled him aside.
--Te Betrayed, honey. Let me help to drown your
sorrows. I'll take you to dinner and you take care.
He looked at her, clearly ecstatic, ignoring the beauty
that contemplated. Laura had been years since anyone not
entranced, and liked the feeling.
Jeff said 'I can not.
--Do Not?
--Me Back to Kansas. I take a plane this afternoon.
No reason for me to stay here longer.
--Susan Said Laura in alta-- voice. See if you can
organize a strike airports.
Jeff laughed. He had perfect white teeth. And a
dimple in his chin. Holy God, a dimple. His children have
--Not Should do it-- said. Think about all the
complications that causaras everyone.
--Soy Implacable when I want something.
That time it had surprised him. Jeff licked his lips,
cleared his throat and looked.

--always Could change the flight he said.

--Hazlo She murmured, with shy and seductive at the
time-- voice. Susan you will solve it.
--Te Have bid the Revlon? Marita said when Jeff
was on telfono--. Why do not you tell me?
--Not Will accept. You want for a group photo. A
pretty face again. And we want more than that, we will use
the mystery. We wish you madly. But of course, if you
want ...
--Not Resplandeciente-- said Marita with a smile.
Fully trust you, Laura. I'll do whatever you say.
--Not Mind you steal Jeff right? Will not you join us?
Laura said innocently.
No, I'm going out with Michael Dubrovnik. He called
me first thing in the morning. He is a man of character
--from Then --aadi Laura dryly, ignoring the
sudden lump felt in the stomach.
'I've heard say that is absolutely voracious in bed
Marita said, approaching her ear and wrapping her in a
bubble of Opium.
--Not Know Laura said in a gentle voice.
I suppose I'll find out soon Marita said with a sly
Laura opened her mouth to say something, then
stopped. The woman before him was not exactly a Barbie.
It looked more like a black widow about to devour her
--all Arranged Jeff said, returning with them--. I
changed the ticket for tomorrow afternoon.

"Idiot," thought Laura, without worrying to find out

whether he was referring to Jeff or herself.
'Then we must seize the night she said innocently
batting her long black lashes.
The phone rang and Susan took it.
--was Your mother. He said apologize, but it will not
eat you.
--Tpico Murmured Laura said. You will have
received a better proposition.
--Me Said you notice that Michael Dubrovnik will eat
your entrails appetizer. And again when all is calm.
Laura smiled. The situation was chaotic, but at least
evolved in the direction she intended.
'That means I'm free to eat Jeff said, knowing he
could not miss a minute--. Why do not we go to ...?
--I Do not yet said Susan-- plans. Here comes the
whirlwind, and I think he wants blood.
Laura looked up astonished view, enter watching
Michael like a whirlwind in the office. Taking a quick
glance around, took charge of the situation. Laura drew an
accusing finger, and slowly made her gesture that
approached him.
'What? he asked her, ignoring the order.
--Llegamos Late for lunch. Come on, Laura.
--Not'll Eat you. I stayed with my mother to celebrate
her divorce.
Your mother left you pulled by Peter McSorley, my
young assistant, so put another excuse.
--Estbamos Making plans to eat Jeff said, stepping

-for Go with him said Marita inexpresiva-- voice.

Laura and I have to talk business. And if you think it's for
something more important than the Glass House, still have
much to learn. Laura you coming or not?
Let us go she said wearily.
After all, you would have to face him sooner or later.
The sooner the better. Michael did not say a word while the
elegant old elevator took them downstairs. When they left
the hall, he simply took her arm, past the muddy footprints
that Laura had forgotten to erase. Then she saw Michael
Bentley parked in front of the door and felt a twinge of
You me 'Where have you been? What prison?
--Me Love, but as you well know, I have no proof.
Get in the car.
--Not Trust you.
--I Not you. Get in the car or I'll go up.
She smiled.
--Adelante Amablemente-- she said. I accuse you of
attempted kidnapping, we have a long trial and not have to
worry about you in a while.
'That will not happen. And do not think I will
continue in such good spirits long.
--Ests Good mood? What are you like when you're
--Creme, Do not like anything. Upload once that
damn car.
Not until you tell me where we're going.
--Te Will introduce you to a person who makes
homemade jam.

--Dijiste Not know anyone that did. Well, my sister

makes jam. I'm taking you to dinner at his house. I'm sure
they do not know the area of New York where he lives.
Consider a cultural excursion.
--why Not? But first he said, pulling a handkerchief
White--, let's get a little more presentable. My sister is
older than me, and a little old-fashioned. Would not you
like your lip color. And you're too pale.
Taking her chin hard, hard rubbed bright red lips
Laura. And then she applied her handkerchief to her
cheeks, giving more color. Laura tried to pull away, but
Michael was surprisingly strong, and captured both hands
with one of hers.
'And then it said, grabbing glasses Laura and
throwing over Bentley in the middle of the street traffic
faster --... out.
--Maldito Unbearable macho, the son of ...
--Di That in front of my sister and I will wash your
mouth with soap.
Michael led her into the car a push, almost falling on
it to get it. He tapped on the smoked glass that separated
the driver.
--A My sister, George. We expected at one.
Yes, sir.
The Bentley joined the traffic with a powerful sprint,
which made Laura fell headlong into Michael's chest.
--Me The pay for this, Dubrovnik.
'I think you've already done it growled.
Chapter Twelve
Laura decided that offended silence was the best
attitude to take. When entered the West Side, the houses

and the streets began to look older, smaller shops. It was

like another town within Manhattan.
--Te Grew up here? he asked Laura to see the
expression of absorption of Michael.
--Yup. In fact I was born in the apartment we go.
'You mean that the apartment has been in your family
for forty years?
--Tengo Thirty nine sonriendo-- he said. And that
floor has been in my family since 1922. My father
belonged to the high Muscovite bourgeoisie who survived
the revolution and came to America. I had always wanted
to go to the West, see cowboys and Indians ... I think he
never happen in New Jersey.
It --Muri young?
--Do Not! Michael said, leaning back in the wide seat
cuero--. He was fifty years old when I was born, and died at
eighty-three. He had lived much longer, but when my
mother died, he would not live. And he did.
--Not Remember what People magazine saying your
family. I tell me.
Do you see? So the Glass House will eventually be
mine. I hear about all the details of what interests me. I
know all about your family, where he studied each, and
above all, how much money you have.
'Then my noble efforts to maintain a clean and
professional wrestling are vain.
--I Do not call it clean and professional to put sugar
in storage by machines costing a total of over a million
dollars struggle. Nor do I seem precisely nobleman.
--Mis Lawyers are thinking.

Laura tried to hide the uneasiness that produced those

--Cuntame More about your family. Do not waste
your time with useless complaints.
Michael looked skeptical, but willing to please.
--Deberas Pay more attention to People magazine.
When my parents left Russia, were teenagers. They had
five children, Piotr, Magda, Aloysha, Sonya and finally
Mikhail. I was surprised. My mother was forty-four years,
and believed that he had reached menopause when she had
me. All my brothers went to other cities. Only Sonya stayed
in New York.
When Laura wanted to realize because they had
stopped in front of an old run down building. Further down
the street oriental domes of a Russian Orthodox church
were seen. The posters of the store on the corner were in
Russian, and two elderly coming down the street llevaban babushkas.
--Bonito Said Laura neighborhood.
Michael noticed the sarcasm in his voice, but did not
--it My house.
--Mischa! he cried the woman who opened the door
on the third floor.
Could well have been the mother of Michael, instead
of her sister. It was clean dressed, but modestly. She wore
her gray hair collected. He must have fifty or sixty many
years and her high cheekbones and slightly slanted eyes
were all that reminded him of his younger brother. He gave
her a big hug and then turned his blue eyes to Laura.
--Mischa Then-- said, you're going to remarry!

Without a word he reached out and also hosted Laura

in his powerful embrace, hold his brother.
Laura did not know whether resistance, protest or
mourn. He thought briefly that Jilly had never embraced.
--Sonya Said Michael pacientemente--. It's not my
Sonya released them immediately, stepping back to
take a closer look at Laura.
'Who is it?
--A Thorn I have stuck on one foot. Kelsey Laura
Winston, I present Sonya Dubrovnik O'Reilly. My sister.
What are Tim and the boys?
--Tim Is great, as you know Sonya said while looking
at Laura said. And the guys would make you feel proud.
Seamus is delighted at the Faculty of Law at Harvard, Fiodr
just this year at Stanford and Jane is excited to Bennington.
You are too generous.
--Para What good is money if you do not?
Sonya still looked at Laura with curious gesture. He
shook his head slightly.
--Entonces You will return to marry one of those tall
women, bony and useless?
--Now Myself am not thinking of marrying anyone.
--Te Are getting older, Mischa. Need children.
--When I was born father was fifty-three.
Well, if you want more than one ... escpticamente-said Sonya. I think you're wrong, Mischa. Marry this girl. It
will give you a lot of kids.
Laura was feeling that paled by now. Michael gave
his sister an affectionate shove.

--Not Start with your machinations of matchmaker.

You've promised food and Russian tea. Go to the kitchen.
Do you see? Already protecting Sonya said as he
walked down the dark hall home--. You have to marry her.
Q: Why did you bring me here? Laura asked through
clenched teeth.
'I'm not sure him-- said. It's the only thing that
occurred to me not to strangle.
--Not Going to impress me with that you're coasting
education of your nephews.
Sit down, please.
--Do Not.
--These At my sister, and you'll behave properly he
Laura sat on the couch, carefully looking around. The
room looked like something out of a movie. He reminded
Moonstruck. It was crowded with large and dilapidated
furniture, and there was an inch of free wall. They were
covered with old family portraits, religious icons and
souvenirs. Laura thought she should have seem stifling and
depressing, but it was the opposite. He removed his shoes
and sat on the couch, wrapping his legs comfortably.
Michael looked possibly was studying her reaction.
But before he had time to say anything, Sonya reappeared
with a tray of tall glasses.
--Dos Vessels only, Sonya? Michael asked, sitting
on an old butacn--. Are not you going to stay with us?
--Eres You who will not stay with us, Mischa. Father
Dimitri wants to talk to you the program of extra-curricular
activities. I called him to tell him you were coming. He's

--Sonya ...
--Not Worry, brother. I will do exactly what you
asked. I will teach Laura how the Russian tea drinking and
how jam is made, and talk about you. Come back in an
Laura was fascinated by the effect of the sharp orders
Sonya on authoritarian Michael.
--A Time ... he said, unconvinced.
But he obeyed. Sonya did not even know that his
brother, busy preparing tea left.
--I Prefer raspberry said as he poured a spoonful of
jam into each vaso-- dark. Although blackcurrant is not
bad. If Mischa had told me more time, we could have done
Q: What is what Michael told you exactly? Laura
said, accepting the glass with all the aplomb of an
inveterate coffee drinker.
There was no pot in sight. It would not be forced to
drink that.
--That Was coming to take a young Russian tea with
me. Nothing more. I thought ... well, you know what I
thought. Yet tell me you're his enemy. I can not believe it.
--No Can believe that Michael has enemies? I'm sure
you have more than you can imagine.
Sonya nodded.
--How Call it? Does the Whirlwind? It has always
been, even as a child. But it is not cruel. Sometimes a little
giddy, though. But I can not understand you to be his
--he Wants a mine building. And I will not sell it.
--why Not?

--Fue Designed and built by my grandfather. My

grandmother left me in his
will, hoping to keep it intact. Any other member of
my family would have sold at the first opportunity. And I'll
keep it, I do not care what price.
Sonya shook his head.
No, no you will keep if Mischa wants. Never accept a
negative. Me is the only person who would admit.
Then --Dselo for me.
--Not Think it's easy. Even for me it is very difficult
when Mischa has already been decided. When decided that
we had to leave this old building, not attended reasons. We
bought a luxurious house on Park Avenue, but we told him
we wanted to live here in the old neighborhood.
'And what happened?
It --Compr the building and threw us into the street.
--Do Not! Laura exclaimed in horror.
--Yup. We had no choice. Tim has a modest job at the
post office. Vince has not accepted any of the work that has
been offered Mischa. He has always wanted to keep
himself to his family. So we moved to Park Avenue. And
there we were very unhappy. Five months later, Mischa
abandoned building and gave me this for my birthday, he
sold the house in Park Avenue and put the money in a study
for my children. He's a good guy, but very stubborn.
'That will not work with my building. If it depended
only on him, would long since the Glass House would be
buried under the foundations of Dubrovnik Plaza.
Oh, my God Sonya-- said. Is it an obstacle to the
Plaza? That has been the dream of Mischa years. Do not
think there is any possibility to reason with him.

--I Know. But to me either. I will not abandon the

building of my grandfather.
Sonya nodded.
--Michael Understand that. He understands how
important families and traditions.
--Not When you stand in your way.
Laura realized that he had finished with the glass of
tea, and even he wanted to repeat.
'Perhaps not. I think you should marry him. He needs
a wife to attenuate their ambition. And when you come to
help me make jam next summer, you could take his child in
the womb.
'I'd like to make jam you, and I'd love to have
children, but I'm going to marry another man.
Sonya shrugged philosophically.
--Me Happy for you, but sorry for Mischa. I think she
needs someone like you.
--he Will marry another model, as his first wife. A
tall, decorative woman. That's what you need.
'That you think you need. I do not listen. That's your
problem. And you who you will marry with another tall
thin model?
No, is a farmer.
The Sonya dark blue eyes widened in surprise.
--Not Is what I would have chosen for you, and
believe me understand this.
--it A strong and tender man. A good man.
--Also What is my brother.
Your brother does not want me.
'Then is an idiot Sonya said dryly. If you're going to
marry a farmer, will be much more important to know to

make jam. Come on pri-Mavera a son of the farmer in the

womb, and teach you how to make jam. Unless you've
--Viviremos In New York.
Q: What will make a farmer in New York?
Laura had not thought until now.
'Perhaps we can make a garden on the roof of the
Glass House.
--Laura Suavemente-- Sonya said, no longer have the
Glass House.
Yes, I will.
--Espero Be right. My brother should not always get
his way. Come with me and prepare the table. Did you like
-Much said Laura, following Sonya into the kitchen.
--Sorprendida, Eh? We will take more food. Mischa
says that nobody does it like me. It's a shame that not warn
me before. So Tim could have been. Would like to meet.
--why? I've already said that there is nothing between
your brother and me.
'I think you would like to see someone who takes the
opposite Mischa him.
Soon Michael came and began to eat. Not stopped
looking at Laura for a moment throughout the meal, but
Laura refused to look at him, knowing he could not figure
out what I was thinking. Only dared to do when they were
saying goodbye.
--Vuelve To me, Laura said Sonya beside the door.
And come to your husband next time. I want to see who
you thought better than my brother.
I --Marido? Michael said without raising his voice.

--Se Going to marry a farmer she said, smiling at

Laura said. She knows what is important in life. The family
and the earth. Laura, I would like to change your mind. My
brother needs you more than a farmer.
Laura just shook his head, returning the hug Sonya.
Before parting of Laura, Sonya put his mouth to his ear.
--Not Let you win. Need occasionally lose.
I --Har effort to teach him a lesson. I promise.
When she went out, Michael was leaning against
Bentley, waiting.
--Tengo To take you to the center. I'm late for a
meeting and tonight I am left with Marita.
--Ya Know. I also have plans tonight.
--Con The farmer?
--Not Should hook you up with a man he said dryly
'And why sales you with Marita? --contraatac it.
--Not Had any idea that Marita had a broken heart. I
do not think even you have it.
'That's what you need. Nothing to wake up your
He said nothing for a moment, but Laura could see a
vein in the neck throbbed violently.
'I can not imagine a farmer.
--none Of your business.
--Not Want to see that mess up your life.
He looked at her troubled blue eyes.
--Ya Going to be hard enough for you to have to live
without the Glass House.

'I think it's you who should be making the idea of

living without the Glass House.
The Bentley had come hurtling Sixty-sixth Street. He
braked gently but Michael made no move to open the door.
--Estoy Tired of arguing with you said it.
'Then surrender. Allows you are beaten.
He smiled, his eyes narrowing.
--I Never give up.
--me Neither.
--For A good time with your farmer.
Laura gave her his most charming smile.
--Tengo Intend to do so. Enjoy your model.
Then he got out, clutching his chest cargo jam.
Once in office, Susan was informing him of the news
of the day.
What of Frank, have you heard from him? Laura
'Nothing Susan said, changing the subject quickly and
handing an envelope with a stamp' PERSONAL '-. This
came for you.
--what Is it?
--Not I have open. I think you're right to keep your
little secrets.
--No Have said Laura, taking the envelope and
abrindolo--. It will be an announcement ...
Her voice broke when he saw the sheet of paper
containing the envelope. The words were clipped from
newspapers. And the message was horrifyingly clear.
--what Is it? Susan asked bruscamente--. You're white
as a sheet.

--It Seems I do have secrets to After Laura crumpling

the paper said.
--Me Going to say what's in the letter or did I have
to start by force? I am much stronger than you.
Yes, but foul play --replic Laura with a sad smile. I
have to think. Tomorrow I'll tell you.
--Laura ...
--Maana, Susan. Meanwhile, you can help me look
for this site
Susan knew when it was useless to insist.
What are you going to do with all this, God?
I --T said Laura smiling levemente--. I'll make tea.
Chapter Thirteen
That damn building was starting to charge, Michael
thought three hours later, as she rode the old elevator and
muttered a curse. Do not trust any elevator made before
1950, but the Otis did not work and was in no mood to
climb the nine-story walk.
He leaned against the wall, feeling the vibration of
the apparatus while climbing slowly. He had to admit it
was nice. He could appreciate the beauty of an object.
However, he could not be distracted by beauty, by an
elevator of an old building or that little devil.
The woman did not realize how sexy she could
become, he thought Michael as he opened the door where
he still puts Swimming Pool News. Did not cost any effort
to imagine the body of Laura. I knew I had a surprisingly
long legs, beautiful breasts, a narrow waist and a beautiful
ass. And there was not left to imagine those long legs
wrapped around his waist since he had left Laura.

That case of the Glass House was already taking too,

had become too important to him. And the problem was
that I had not experienced defeat in years. I had forgotten
that there were things that were beyond his will, and female
stubbornness could be one of them.
Marita. Marita had to concentrate on. A kind of living
Barbie. LF legs, feet and tiny waist, spectacular breasts ...
Not to mention her perfect blue eyes and blond hair. And
there was something behind those eyes, something
mysterious and fascinating could not understand. As he had
told Zach, possibly not want to solve the mystery. Possibly
the resolution would be much less interesting than the
What I had to do was sleep with her that night. Well,
they had only gone a few times together. Perhaps it was
precipitated things a bit, but I had to forget about Laura
Winston and who better to do this than the new face of the
So why he wanted so little idea? Why was excited
thousand times the small body of Laura that of Marita?
It must be the midlife crisis. That, and the fact that for
the first time in twelve years had to consider the possibility
of defeat. And it was because he was unable to crush the
strength Laura Winston usually employed to get rid of
obstacles. And while continue letting himself be guided by
conscience, the future of Dubrovnik Plaza was uncertain.
He finished the whiskey he was drinking, he got up
and headed for the shower. What I had to do was think
about what you would do with the body of Marita, but
suddenly an unpleasant thought burst into his brain. Laura
had said he was going out with Carnaby. And he had told

Sonya thought marry him. Is it possible that Laura was

looking for the same solution to your problems he?
If Jeff Carnaby Laura touched his rough hands of a
farmer, would break her wrists. To start.
'Then what makes a modern woman when she is
about to embark on an affair?
Susan looked at Laura.
Whereunto shall I do you ask? A ratio of three
months two years ago and a one night not exactly make me
an expert. Why do not you ask your mother?
-Nor speak Laura said, wincing at the espejo--. Let
Susan, give me a hand.
'Who is going to take the prize of your sudden
abandonment of chastity? Please do not tell me that the exboyfriend of Marita.
-Probably you will think that I would be better off
with Dubrovnik.
--Te Has made a proposition?
--Claro No. Michael wants my surrender in a law
firm, not in bed.
--If You what you say ... But Jeff Carnaby guy is too
good for you.
Oh, thank you.
--In Seriously. You have a personality steamroller.
You need someone who is your equal, not a gentleman.
--Pero I want a gentleman! It --aull Laura
frustracin--. I do not want someone who is my height. I
want a sweet, sensible man, and that is not always strive to
get away with it.
--In Other words, you do not want to be like you.

'I'm not in the mood for jokes, Susan --advirti Laura

said. I will pass one of the hardest nights of my life, and I
need encouragement, not criticism.
--If You expect support in the seduction of Jeff
Carnaby, forget it. Why not show your common sense and
forget this ridiculous idea? Susan said in a last attempt to
bring in Laura in right--. Jeff Carnaby is not your man.
But Laura was not interested in entering reason.
--Entonces Not me you're going to make it easier?
No, if I can help it.
Laura looked at the clock.
--Best Low to change. Would you mind closing you
all this?
--Debera Leave it open to thieves and murderers.
--The Only danger is inside this building. Please,
Susan, I did not make this harder.
--Maana Have to start thinking about new customers
said Susan, tacitly ignoring the request Laura said. It's okay
to select customers, but if you do not diversify, never get
out benefits. Being the best in the industry is not going to
help us to pay the rent.
--I Do not pay rent. Do you remember? This building
is mine. At least for now. If Jeff shows up here, I send him
to the floor once.
--If Appears here, I will send to any other site Susan
--No Want to experience the same frustration as
--Do Not. And stop smiling like an idiot.
--always I start to smile when I'm nervous. Wish me

--That You break a leg.

'Why I have the impression that you want me
seriously? Laura said, turning his eyes to cielo--. I'll call
you tomorrow and tell you how it all went.
Susan saw Laura disappear by internal staircase and
stared at the six jars of jam. I had thought that depression
would allow some kilos lose weight, but that stage had
passed. What he wanted now was drown sorrows in food.
The first thing to come to her small apartment was
addressed to the kitchen. He opened the loaf of French
bread she had bought and spread in a half butter and currant
jam. Then he committed the unpardonable excess pour a
generous layer of Drambuie ice, after which he went with
everything on a tray to room, taking off shoes two kicks
along the way. She curled up on the couch while the
autumn night fell outside. Just take the slice of bread with
jam to her mouth when she saw a shadow appeared in the
doorway of his bedroom.
He was about to scream, sure that a thief had entered
the house. The last person I would have expected to see
was Frank Buckley, barefoot, with a gray sweatshirt that
made his eyes look very dark aquamarine. Without a word,
he sat beside her, watching her with warmth.
--are You hungry?
She made as if to leave the bread on the table, but he
caught it and bit his strong white teeth.
--Hmmm Is good him-- murmured. I do not blame
you for wanting to eat it all. I also have a hungry wolf.
Right now eat until you burst. Would I want when fat as a
She got control enough to talk.

'Who told you that I love you now?

He said nothing. As he looked, with a soft smile.
Susan had wanted to slap him.
'Where did you get this morning?
Frank's smile faded and his eyes clouded.
--Tengo A small quibble said then.
--Un Little hiccup?
'Nothing serious him-- said. Do you remember the
phone rang this morning?
Susan blushed, remembering that she was naked on
the bed of Frank when the phone had rung.
--Yup. Was any work?
Not exactly, Susan, my love, I'm afraid that someone
is blackmailing me.
Laura was having a lot of effort to have some
enthusiasm for
evening plans. The red roses that had brought Jeff
were very nice, but she had always hated red roses. In
addition, her terribly cold feet, and he had received
anonymous did not help to feel better.
But think about it. If someone thought he could
blackmail her with impunity, he was in for a nasty surprise.
But that would have to wait until tomorrow. It was better to
concentrate on the man beside him.
--Eres A great cook said Jeff when finished with the







Jeff looked over his glass of brandy, with those blue
innocent eyes and took her hand.
--With Admired --aadi such small hands.

Why did nothing? There was never able to touch her,

put his hand on one breast, or even her down on the couch
and lie about it. But he seemed happy standing there,
holding her hand. Laura could not help but compare that
big calloused hand with Michael. He tried to tell Michael's
hands were weak, they were the hands of a man who did
more physical work than wielding a racket occasionally.
But it did not help. He liked much more elegant hands of
Michael Dubrovnik that strong hands of worker Jeff.
Laura mused about everything that had to do to
organize this evening. Aside from ordering dinner and
transfer it to their own plates and dishes, had submitted his
body to torture that had met an Oriental pasha. He had
shaved legs and underarms and scented cream spread
throughout the skin. He had brushed his teeth hard,
trimmed eyebrows, had rubbed the body three times, first
with a horsehair sponge, then with your favorite Finnish
towels, very rough, and finally with the softest French
cotton towel. They had arranged nails of hands and feet,
had scented the whole body with Eternity and had spent a
long time choosing costumes.
Finally it was decided by a black taffeta dress
Geoffrey Beene, silk stockings and shoes Donna Karan
stiletto Charles Jourdan. The underwear was fine silk and
had the incredible audacity to wear a black lace garter belt.
If he could get that big tuck Jeff scrupulously clean hand
under her skirt, she was sure that the league would do the
The attitude of complete relaxation of Jeff did not
help much. Laura told herself to be satisfied that he was
behaving so naturally, but it was not. I wanted to excite.

Now that he had finally decided to fall in love with

someone, an adventure that hopefully end up in marriage,
was in a hurry because it happened all at once.
It was after eleven. If at midnight he had not made
any progress, leave. He had better things to do than wait for
Jeff to feel inspired. Much better men had been at his feet
in the last fourteen years. This guy did not realize what he
was offering.
She pulled back slightly, ending a drink his glass of
brandy. The least I could do was kiss Jeff. He had to prove
to herself that kisses
Michael Dubrovnik were not the only ones that made
her shudder and tremble.
Q: In what are you thinking? Jeff muttered.
Actually, he thought Laura had beautiful eyes. And
broad shoulders, strong legs and willingness.
--Me Was wondering when you were going to kiss
me she muttered.
He moved quickly trembling, leaning over her and
pressing her lips against his. They were attractive, strong
and warm lips. And closed. Michael's mouth was not closed
when he had kissed her.
Laura sighed, leaning back on the couch and opening
his lips gently. Jeff obeyed, also opening the mouth, and
Laura waited feel his tongue.
Nothing. Only her wet open mouth on hers. Now Jeff
had put his hands on her bare shoulders. Laura timidly
pulled the tip of the tongue, inserting it between her lips.
Jeff jumped, clearly surprised, but made no move to
respond to the touch.

Okay, thought Laura. Does not use tongue when

kissing. Anyway, it was a fairly intimate gesture. Maybe in
the Midwest do not kiss well.
He took his mouth from Laura, sitting closer to her
and slipping an arm around his shoulders. They appeared to
a peasant couple sitting on the porch swing.
I --What is ... well said Jeff with profunda-- voice. I
wish I did not have to become like morning.
You --Tienes to go? she said, sliding a finger across
the neck of his shirt.
He wondered if he would have much chest hair.
Hoped it was not too much. Michael had just the right
amount of hair.
I'm afraid I do it-- said. But I never forget.
To the utter bewilderment of Laura, at the time he got
up and headed for the door.
She sat on the couch while Jeff jacket set. It took a
moment to react, but came to the door before he opened it.
--this Is what I want you to remember she said,
handing her arms around his neck, pressing her body
against him and kissing without making the mistake the
first time.
The response was slow, but not bad. Jeff's arms
tightened, holding her against him, though his embrace was
more than bear lover.
--Te Wish she whispered in his odo--. Make love.
He slid his hands down her back, taking her firm
buttocks in his hands and squeezing Laura against him. She
felt the beginning of an erection under his pants.

Oh, dear Jeff muttered thickly in her ear, taking her in

brazos--. I can not believe it. You're so smart and so
sophisticated ... And you cook. Where "heck" is that bed?
That was the straw that broke the camel.
--High Laura said, rejecting him and almost falling
to-floor. I can not. I can not sleep with a guy who says
Without further explanation, Laura turned away and
left her apartment,
Jeff leaving alone, confused and slightly relieved.
Chapter Fourteen
Susan was lying in bed, watching the play of shadows
on the ceiling of the room. He turned his head halfway,
seeing the lines of street lights invade the darkness of his
bedroom. He mused about the strange incidents in the
Q: What are blackmailing you? --We had asked Frank
horrorizada--. Do you think that a small quibble? What you
consider a disaster?
--Perder My livelihood with montona-- voice he
said. In addition, the whole story is ridiculous. I'm being
blackmailed for something I never did. A few years ago a
suggestion to that effect would have ruined my career. But
since it is ruined, I have nothing to worry about. What
worries me is who is blackmailing me, and who is more
threatening. Not to mention the source of the in-training.
Q: Why will blackmail?
--When you start in this profession, you're not
squeamish about the jobs you agree, do not give much
value to your body.
--Not Know if this is going to like me.

'Sorry, Susan, but not only exist in your fantasies. I

am a man of flesh and blood, and I've made my mistakes. If
you want your lover to be perfect and blameless, you
confuse man.
The hand that Frank had on Susan's arm was tense.
I --Tranquilo. I know four years ago and I've noticed
a couple of flaws.
--Not Is excessive narcissism or dismissal with bills. I
participated in a porn movie.
Susan took a deep breath.
--All Right. What else?
--Cario, I swear I did not intervene. I just hired to be
part of a group in an orgy. They wanted sexy bodies and
mine was. But only served as decoration. I could not excite
those things.
--Not Think it's both. It is something sleazy, but it
does not seem attractive.
--The Thing is more complicated. I took part in a
scene simply by bulk and watching. But the rest of the film
contained only sordid scenes. They were horrible. And
criminal. And no way to prove that I did not take part in
these other scenes, whatever to give me a job would think
twice. And no, I'm not going to tell what happened in those
scenes. I tried them once, but it was beyond my strength.
And I think your stomach is more sensitive than mine.
Susan managed to smile tremulously.
'Who knows this?
--No Think ...?

--Claro Not said he, offering the half empty glass of

Drambuie--. She knows better than anyone that threatens
nonsense. I have no money, nor do I have a race to lose.
--Not Understand why not told me.
--Se Told him in private. A friend of twisted tastes
had seen the film and had recognized me. I decided to talk
to Laura and tell. I offered to cancel our contract if
considered appropriate, but he would not hear of it. He said
if I came to light support.
But why he did not tell me?
--Decidimos It was better not to know. Laura had his
lawyers speak with distributors of the film, demanding to
withdraw from circulation existing copies or too clean my
face so that it was not identifiable. They opted for the latter.
But anyway, anyway, because in no case would get ten
thousand dollars to tomorrow morning.
--Diez Thousand dollars? It does not seem too.
--Ya, But I do not.
-who Is doing this have no idea of the figures that
move in this business. Must be someone outside the world
of advertising --argument Susan--. If you were still
working, what would you pay?
I doubt --Lo said Frank leaning on sof--. I do not
like the idea that someone takes my money because. And
after retouching copies, I guess they cost much to try
'Perhaps not all the copies were retouched. How
could I have found out the blackmailer then?
--Nadie Knew. The friend I had mentioned died last
year. The information could only leave the office of Laura.

--Not Be ridiculous. I know every nook and role of

the agency. If I have not found how would he an outsider?
--Not Know, honey. All I know is that Laura had a
copy of the legal agreement we made with the distributors
of the film. The blackmailer sent me a photocopy.
'Have you discussed this with Laura?
--Do Not. I've tried, but I failed to locate it. Where to
--This Love Susan said grimly.
--De Whom?
--Ella Believes that the ex-boyfriend of Marita. And
he's been so busy hunt, which has not been realized is
really in love with Michael Dubrovnik.
Frank let out a long whistle.
--that Can be a pump.
--I Do not know. Perhaps better than chase Jeff
--A Unless the face of the nineties decides to return
with him.
'Why should he? You can choose from a multitude of
rich and famous men. Why was staying with a farmer in the
--I Dont know. You may think that he would be more
--Not Understand why. You do not like Marita, right?
--Not Much said it with casual voice.
--why Not?
--Mrala Eyes. Look at the bottom, and see what I
Q: When did you've looked deep into my eyes? she
said with a twinge of jealousy.

--it Easy to see if you're used to, darling. I have not

been to three feet of it, but it was enough. Furthermore, it is
you to whom I am con-focusing.
She resisted slightly. Not enough to get loose, but to
make him understand that he is not going to get easier.
'And what will you do with your blackmailer?
--Lo Think about tomorrow. I have a couple of ideas.
'But ...
He silenced her protests with a slow, warm kiss that
left her breathless. When Frank finally lifted his mouth
from her lips, her eyes shone with joy.
'What was that?
Susan took a minute to recover common sense. Frank
was caressing her breast over clothing.
--Frank ...
--Yup? he said, rubbing his hardened nipple with his
--Frank What are you doing here?
He laughed, hugging her tighter.
--Hacerte Love, affection. What else can I do? Do not
think I was out back?
--Not Knew she said, trying to look at the carpet.
But Frank took her chin with one hand and forced her
to look at him.
--Susan, We are friends. We've been for four years,
and the best. I do not want what happened last night
changed things.
-for The changes. You can not sleep with someone
and assume that everything will continue as before. It's not
that simple.

--Not Sex, Susan is. If we had a pleasant time spent

together would not have happened. But not only that, and
we both know it. I think I had ever felt that way. But I do
not want to lose you as a friend. Sorry, but I want it all. I
want your friendship, but also your love. Is it too much to
She closed her eyes for a moment, sipping his words,
feeling Frank finger over her lips.
Oh, Frank, everything we already have. But what
shall offer me in return?
--all Him-- murmured. I want to marry you. I want to
have children with you. You want to grow old and fat. But
do not panic, I will not force you to make a hasty decision.
We can live together first few months. Your place or mine?
--Frank ...
--The Mine is bigger, but yours is in a better place,
and no cockroaches.
--all's Got cockroaches in New York.
Well, yours are not as big as mine. All of my house
rip off the head of a bite.
Susan could not fight anymore. No woman could
have done when you are being offered on a platter
everything you have always wanted. I was afraid, very
afraid that Frank broke her heart. But if not for ever risked
deserve unhappiness.
--Frank Susan-- said, if you make me suffer, I will
kill you.
He grinned.
--Lo Same here, honey. How about if we get married
at Christmas?

Fleeing was not a good idea. For the first time, Laura
realized that cowardice was an error. She was sitting on the
landing of the third floor staircase, barefoot, no bag, no
money, no shelter and no key. And in his house was a man
who did not want to face for the world. And had no choice.
Suddenly, he remembered that Gina Petronelli,
Employment Agency Petronelli, always left a key to the
office after the sign on the door. And had a wonderful
coffee. Unfortunately Gina's office overlooked the east
facade of the building, and while Laura sipped his coffee in
the dark, could see the sun with menacing machines. There
were two figures hovering around. Well, well. So Michael
had closed the barn after the horse escape. Security officers
will not serve anything, Laura thought. Assuming you
could get rid of the threat he had received.
The anonymous letter was short and succinct:
If you do not want to see the report Dubrovnik
Williams Engineering Company on the Glass House, has
prepared ten thousand dollars in small bills and unchecked.
They follow instructions.
Damn. That report was locked up in his private
archive. And not suspected of Susan. Before he had
suspected his mother.
In fact Jilly could have been a good suspect, but had
not been naive enough to ask such a small amount.
So who could it be?
Could not be Michael. It had nothing to gain. If the
report fell into his hands, everything would be over. The
building would be closed for safety reasons, and while the
building structure was investigated, be fined for hiding the
data. Would have to surrender.

I only knew one person who needed money enough

despair and who had access to his office. He would not
think it, and Susan would kill her if she knew what she was
thinking, but Frank Buckley was the only suspect I could
think of.
However, ten thousand US dollars was too small sum
even for Frank. And he could not believe he would have
done that to her. Neither Crystal Faces, or Susan.
Not intended to pay ten thousand dollars for an
anonymous stupid. Investigate to find out who did it. And
in the worst case, you could always pawning her
grandmother emeralds, though it was the last thing he
wanted to do. Anyway, she thought, her grandmother loved
that building. She would not sacrifice their jewelry
imported to defend.
I could not spend all night drinking coffee dark. And
it was pretty nervous. He needed to rest, if only a few
hours. He left a note to Gina, turned off the coffee after
refilled the cup and began the ascent.
Passing the Dubrovnik apartment looked away.
Michael knew where he was. Probably in bed Marita,
forgetting the least of Laura Winston or the Glass House.
Hopefully would be so excited by the charms of Marita
who remember his pet project.
"Oh my God," he thought to himself, "that Jeff is
gone. Let no one was home. "
Just thought fulfilled the second part of his plea, since
the stairs down a pair of male legs.
Just turn on the landing when his tall figure was cut
backlit. Laura's voice stopped him.

--Not Follow later. Why do not you take the elevator?

I think I can not look you in the face.
He did not move, and Laura turned around and sat on
the steps, his back to the silent figure.
--Please --sigui Saying-- Jeff, I'm sorry about
tonight. It was all my fault. A stupid mistake. I feel like it
has touched you. I'm glad to have met you, you have a
good trip and goodbye.
The man did not move or say a word. Laura sighed.
You --Quieres an explanation? Laura said, annoyed
to find that there was no movimiento--. I guess it's the least
I owe you. I thought we could get along, but I got confused.
I thought you could be perfect for me, I could fall in love
with you, man someone I did not demand anything that
would give me children and let me get on with my life, a
friend who is not too demanding. But hey, I'm speaking as
Dubrovnik. I said it was cold and calculating, but I like
him. I do not like, but I am. No, maybe not. I have not been
able to sleep with you. Not realizing that you do not desire.
I wish him.
The man had moved behind her, but she raised her
hand stopping him, his eyes fixed on his feet.
I --S it sounds ridiculous. Susan tried to convince
me, but not the left. I do not know how I can prefer a cold
hungry wolf and a tender and decent man. How I could
love a man who only wants to destroy? And how I can
escape the man who would give me everything a woman
could want? It makes no sense, but it is. So instead of
committing one of the biggest mistakes of my life by
sleeping with you, I will continue my life of celibate. I have
not the courage to sleep with you, nor Dubrovnik, if I got

him to propose. If I do not think, if I just concentrate on the

idea that it is a treacherous and deadly snake, maybe get
help but be in love with him.
But the man did not move. The cup of coffee had
gone cold, and on its surface floated the small lemon peel
that had been added. For a moment he felt like lost that one
piece of bark. But no. She was Laura Kelsey Winston,
strong, invincible, owner of the Glass House, and master of
its destiny and emotions.
It lifted feeling very small without heels.
--Adis, Jeff. I'm sorry I used, but I will not do it. I
will not sleep with you.
I stood up and began to slowly climb the ladder,
hoping to see the soft eyes of Jeff. And what I saw was the
bright dark eyes Michael Dubrovnik.
It was only a few steps above it. He wore jeans and a
cotton sweater open at the neck. He looked very dangerous.
Yes, you'll do it said in a low, deep voice.
Laura was paralyzed by horror and shame. For a
moment, he was unable to think of anything. He tried to hit
him, but he held her wrists effortlessly. The next day,
would brand Laura thought. He could denounce him for
having attacked.
'Why did not you say anything? he hissed furiously.
'And miss such an interesting confession? You have a
very high opinion of my sense of honor. I wondered what
would you be doing with Carnaby. Now I know.
--Lo Same thing you were doing with Marita --We
she snapped.
Michael's mouth curved into a slight smile.

--Exacto. I left the door of his house without a simple

kiss goodbye. Do you have kissed Carnaby?
--Eso Is none of your business! she said, feeling the
hands of Michael on his wrists as wives.
No, I guess not. Plus you'll end up in my bed, not
yours. However ...
Before Laura could react, he had taken her in his
arms and pressed against him. I was much more excited
that Jeff awhile before, and tension and strength emanating
from his body swept all repairs Laura. When their mouths
met, was absurdly ready and hungry for him.
Laura moaned softly as Michael's tongue touched
hers. He tried to reject his hands as his mouth to kiss
Michael responded. Ignoring the pressure of his hands,
Michael took his chin and kissed her deeply again. Laura
pounded his chest with his fists.
Picking her up, Michael started up the stairs to the
apartment Laura.
--we Can use your bed right? said Michael said. Is
everything ready for seduction.
The apartment door was open, as we had left
considerate man he had rejected that night, and Michael
closed behind him with a kick. The music played, and the
dishes were still on the table
--Qu Nice! he said with sarcasmo--. Someday you
have to buy me something. Where's the bedroom?
--Djame On the floor and get out Laura said shakily.
Dubrovnik ignored his words, addressing safely into
the room.

--Not We waste such right fit. Unless you prefer to go

down to my house.
--Te Charge you with assault and rape hissed she
said. You're going to give the weapons I need to kill you.
He stopped beside the huge bed, leaving Laura on the
--for Real? he said, starting to unzip the dress.
-indeed Have the Glass House. This will be your end
Laura said, trying to ignore the feel of those hands on his
'And if you do not you resist?
I --Mentir. If you keep going, you've lost everything.
Michael's expression was bold and decisive. Slipped
the dress over the shoulders of Laura.
He murmured --Valdr worth discovering beautiful
breasts Laura said. Much more than you can lose.
Chapter Fifteen
Laura stood amid the darkness of her bedroom with
her arms trapped silk dress that Michael had dropped him
to the waist. He stood before her, huge, dark and
threatening, and Laura felt a sudden fit of terror. It had
postponed the time for fourteen years. The trauma of his
first experience had removed the desire to repeat. She had
always known that sooner or later would have to happen,
preferably after. I always thought I would pick a loving,
sweet and accommodating man.
What had less imagined was that he would be caught
in a whirlwind. The coldest and rational part of your brain
protested, but he had no power over her lips nor on any
other part of your body.

Michael finished lower the dress, which was around

her ankles. Laura was just covered with black stockings,
garter belt and the fine lace panties. She felt her cheeks,
and looked at Michael with deep eyes and caught.
--Pensar You've been about to squander this with
Carnaby ... he murmured him.
Her hands rested on Laura's breasts with surprising
sweetness. She shivered slightly leaning against him.
Michael's fingers gently caressed, and Laura felt a desire
knot in the stomach and a strong pressing forward between
his legs. The hands of Michael aban-bonded donated his
chest and waist as he kissed her. Their bodies were pressed
and their mouths met hungrily.
Laura was not ready to surrender. He waited
passively wrapped in his arms, not knowing what the next
move would be. He lay on the bed, but she was faster. He
tried to slip away, run away from those hypnotic eyes, but
he grabbed her ankle, moving to cover her naked body,
trapping her under his. Her lips to kiss bit her, but Michael
covered them with his mouth, prompting them until they
are opened under his, allowing entry into your language.
She left with a whimper, surrounding Michael's waist
with his arms, trembling with fear and desire. It was no
longer master of his actions. Michael was not going to pass
up, not going to stop; So, she was not responsible.
Everything depended on it. Now it was up to Michael to
prove that he was right to avoid sex, or that he was wrong.
However, the decision was not his.
Laura's hands were trapped between the two bodies.
Michael should have received your consent, since he
released his mouth and moved slightly, leaving your hands

free. Then she did not know what to do. He wanted to touch
her hair, thick black locks that fell over his eyes; I wanted
to touch her breast, the soft, golden flesh that had so briefly
seen. She was not sure she wanted to touch anything else.
Sooner or later would have to, but not yet
could ...
Taking her hand, Michael took the center of his
excitement, holding it there when she tried to remove it.
We felt very hard under his hand, and perceived in him a
force that did not know how to cope. Slowly, his fingers
were relaxed, gently following the rigid boundary, while
curiosity and confusion of desire dissolve fear.
The deep guttural growl of Michael showed his
approval, but nevertheless departed from her. He ran a hand
through Laura's leg, stopping in the league. He took
stockings slowly, kissing his flesh while he was taking
them off. Laura heard herself moan in the silence of the
room. Passing a hand behind the waist, Michael undid the
league with great skill or experience too. Laura did not
want to think about it. I just wanted to think of the warm
mouth had shifted from the top of her thigh to the triangle
of her belly, tickling through the thin silk.
And suddenly the silk triangle disappeared and was
naked and vulnerable, lying next to a fully clothed and
terrifyingly strong man. For a moment, Michael stepped
back, sitting and watching her impenetrable eyes.
--No Going to tell me to leave you alone? said with
profunda-- voice. You're not going to beg again? It would
be easier to accuse me of rape if you resist a little.
--Mentir She said weakly.

A fleeting smile lit up the face of Michael in the

Why do not you ask me to leave?
Laura felt dry mouth as she realized what she wanted
Michael. It was something much worse than physical
surrender what he wanted. It was his soul. And do not give
it. With great effort, managed to mutter a word.
--Go Away.
He rose swiftly and headed for the door. Laura had to
bite her lip to stifle a sob of protest, but he stopped at the
door. His face was hidden in the shadows, but it was fully
illuminated by the moonlight. Laura did not move. He did
not mind being naked, lying on the bed. Michael was
leaving, and she had never felt so miserable.
Laura closed her eyes to prevent tears sprout. When
he heard the door close smoothly thought it was over, and a
soft moan came from his throat, being interrupted by the
muffled sound of footsteps on the carpet.
He raised his head again, trying to adopt as enigmatic
as that of Michael expression.
I 'I thought you were going.
He stared a moment and took off his sweatshirt with a
flick, knocking her down.
--Estaba Hoping you'd tell me not out.
-indeed I will.
Yes, what do said he, taking off his pants.
Laura closed her eyes, expecting to feel at any
moment his weight on it. Nothing. He opened his eyes,
keeping them glued to the face and shoulders of Michael,
biting her lip.

Thus it is better him-- murmured. Do not tell me

you've never seen a naked man. I do not think so.
'I've seen many she said dryly. I run a modeling
agency, and the human body has no mysteries for me.
--Aja. Then why are you looking at me like you're in
front of an alien? Are you afraid just me, or sex in general?
--Of Both said it, no strength to lie.
He flopped down on the bed beside her, neither too
close nor too far. With one hand he brushed his face a lock
of hair with incredible softness.
She wanted to rub against that hand like a cat in need
of affection.
--Ha Been a long time since I was with someone said
--how Long? he said, moving slightly, tenderly
kissing her neck.
--Catorce Years.
Michael had his hand on her arm, stroking slowly,
pulling and resting it on her waist. The touch of his bare
skin made Laura withdraw his hand, but again let it stand
on the warm flesh of Michael. He showed no surprise for
your reply.
'And how long did that relationship?
--A Night.
Laura could feel Michael's mouth against her skin,
the skin could feel her smile. When he looked up, his eyes
had a possessive and clearly sexual expression.
--All Right.
--Mischa ... Suavemente-- she said. Please be kind to

He seemed to contemplate.
--Aquel Man raped you?
--Not Was just a boy said Laura with amargura--. But
no, he did not.
--Te Hurt?
--Not ... But it was not pleasant.
Michael shook his head.
--The Sex is not "nice", Laura. And sometimes it is
not tender.
--With Jeff would have been.
Then why you ran away from him? Why are you here
with me?
'Because I'm an idiot.
--Not True. For the first time in your life you are
proving to have some brains. You are the man you want,
not the one you think you need. No, Laura, I will not be
affectionate. I am not a gentleman, and you know it.
Then he kissed her hard, drinking protests as Laura
began to leave his mouth. Instinctively, his arms curled
around the neck of Michael and his tongue responded
to his.
Michael ran his hands all Laura's body, dancing on
your skin soft and invitingly. He tore his mouth from hers,
biting her breast and sucking hard. She cried softly as she
felt a wave of desire shake your body. One of Michael's
hands slid down her flat stomach and sank between her
Laura tried to resist, but he ignored. His fingers found
the wet pleasure center of Laura and her first caress her
arching of surprise and panic. He tried to reject him, but
Michael took his mouth the other breast while his other

hand took full possession of the most private part of her

body. Laura had the incredible feeling of start spinning in
the air.
--This Is a game for two, Laura said huskily in dark--.
Touch me.
She released her arm, timidly stroking her shoulder.
--Not --insisti Him--. Touch me really.
Laura could not pretend he did not know what he
meant. And suddenly he wanted what he did. I wanted to
feel all that male power in his hand, wanted to know what
would soon become part of your own body. His hand went
down his chest and stomach until thick Michael kills her
pubic hair. And then it hit him in all his silky length, that
hard and satiny flesh, heat and desire emanating from him.
She wanted to run, but it was impossible. Her fingers
roamed over and over again but his mind was terrified.
Do you see how much you desire? he murmured him
in her ear as his hand continued the inexplorable invasion
of their sex.
--Eres ... Too big whispered it.
--no You worry. I will not hurt you.
--Mischa Groaned she said. I'm scared.
Michael lay on her, spreading her legs and settling
including moisture from humidity, heat from heat.
--Lo Know he said, introducing his hands under her






tranquilizarla--. I know.
For a moment, Laura panicked and tried to flee,
straining to invasion she was not sure she wanted.
--Not Fight me he murmured.

Laura felt a sharp pain in the shoulder, and Michael

took advantage of his distraction to penetrate deeply, filling
his strength and masculine power. She shuddered,
accepting him, and when he looked up, his eyes brimming
with tears.
--Me Has bitten --se complained.
--Me Have forced him murmured, licking the marks
left by his teeth into Laura's shoulder.
Then he began to move. Laura started slightly,
expecting to feel pain, but did not feel it. Only perceived
the emptiness of his retirement and fullness of their
advance. Michael moved slowly, giving you time to get
used to it. According fear was weakening, was replaced by
stress. Laura noticed that
clung to him desperately and something unstoppable
growing inside.
He sighed, feeling an unexpected delight when
suddenly he retired, getting out of reach, away from your
body. She shook with despair-ing, but he remained aloof.
--Not Leave me ... Laura whispered.
I would not have needed to see the slight smile of
Michael to know that he had won. He turned to her, deeply
penetrating, and her lips to his ear.
--Te Said I would have asked me not to leave.
Michael was deeply rooted to the inside of your body
without moving, and Laura was forced to respond.
A manipulator --Eres pig.
'Yes' said he, taking Laura's legs with his hands and
putting them around your cintura--. But I am honest with
what I want. And I love you.

Laura did not understand the reactions of his own

body, did not understand why he felt that way, and what
was happening to them. But no longer cared.
Shut up and take what they want said fiercely, raising
his head and kissed him on the mouth.
Michael had been honest with her. He was not being
loving. It was fierce and demanding, and filled with
strength and power that left her helpless. They were both
drenched in sweat, breath, struggling in the middle of
something she could not understand. He only knew that he
wanted, increasingly, more and more deeply. She dug her
nails into his muscular back to Michael, but he did not
seem to notice; He grabbed her wrists tightly, but she did
not notice, clinging to him with arms, legs and teeth, asking
for more, more ...
--Mrame He said hoarsely, his neck muscles
hinchados--. Open your eyes and look at me, Laura. I want
to see when you arrive.
She opened her eyes.
I'll get --no said she desmayadamente--, no ...
And suddenly, Lara began to convulse, caught in a
whirlwind of dark desire that blew a night when there was
nothing but pleasure. He felt Michael shudder in his arms,
stiff, and clung to her body harder, wanting to shout for joy,
power, fear. For a moment he was lost, but he knew that
Michael was with her, and fear disappeared. Together we
went through the storm, fighting the wind to reach the light,
and back to the shadows, to bed surrounded by the tinted
windows of the Glass House.

He turned away from her, dropping back, gasping.

Laura heard his own heart pounding against his ribs, face
soaked with sweat, or tears, or both mixed things.
Suddenly, he felt alone and was afraid to speak, to touch
Do you get up and leave without saying a word?
Would you spend with her the rest of the night? Had he
made love to her so she surrendered in the battle for the
Glass House?
He had said he was sincere. I loved her. But that had
interpretations. Should I believe him? Now he had
achieved would it still loving her? How could you just
made love with him and I was wishing it again?
Timidly, Laura moved his arm through the bed and
brushed his fingers Michael's arm. I was not prepared for
the rapid response. Michael's hand gently grabbed her wrist
and pulled her, making her lie on him, offering all its
warmth and strength.
Michael ran a hand through his neck and pulled his
head to kiss her. But then it was different, it was a deep and
strangely cheerful kiss, and she was carried away by
responding fully and freely, forgetting for a moment of
fear. I had enough problems waiting downstairs. There
would be time to think about them. By the time he was
satisfied to be riding the whirlwind.
--No Can not believe it! If you do not know, think
you've caught drunk last night said anthology too high,
squeaky voice, which upset Laura much more than the
sunbeam that had been drilling his eyelids during the last
hour--. Is that what you did?

Laura opened one eye and saw the tall figure of his
mother sitting on the edge of the bed, her perfect legs
crossed and his beautiful glowing face.
--Not Laura said, sitting on the bed. I'm not drunk last
He glanced furtively around and saw that his clothes
were still scattered across the floor. But there was no doubt
that he had been a man there signal, or a depression in the
pillow beside her. Laura doubted that Michael had leaned
his head on the pillow once during the night jogging.






solcitamente--. If you do not know to spare my daughter

straight and judicious, say you've been a real night of wild
sex. But you'll reservations for marriage right?
Laura ignored the taunts of his mother.
Q: What time is it?
--The Half past eleven. I did not think you slept so
late taking the wolf at your door.
Q: What do you mean?
--Dubrovnik. Their bulldozers are working too close
to the building, and you're here, sleeping like a baby. Glad
to see that you take the problem more philosophy. After all,
it is more than likely that a man with Michael Dubrovnik
expires resources in a fair fight.
--this Is not a fair fight, Jilly she said dryly as he got
up and headed to bao--. It's dirty, nasty and mean. What
you see-nest?
--Pensaba Me for dinner. We have not celebrated my
divorce remember? By the way, I think I'm going to
Tortuga season. Michael has a villa there and put at my

disposal. Years ago I'm not going to the Caribbean. I think

a bit of sun and sea air will come me well.
--it Season of hurricanes said Laura cidamente--.
What Michael?
--Dubrovnik, Of course. Shown charming to me. I do
not know if you want to seduce.
This was too much for Laura. She locked herself in
the bathroom.
--date Hurry Jilly-- said fondly. I'm starving.
--I Also said Laura, sinking into the tub, removing the
smell and feel of Michael skin.
Laura thought she was really as bad as Michael, as
despicable and dirty, so radical with what he wanted, so
willing to pay any price.
But no. It was not. She could not stoop so low. He
was not able to destroy what had happened between them
the night before. Even if there was no meaning for him only
a means to an end, to unbalance in the struggle for the
Glass House, did not care. Even though I had gone to bed
with the wrong man, a man capable of turning against what
she loved, had at least discovered that he liked what he
could actually feel your body, share it with someone else.
At least hoped to be able to transfer that feeling to a man
worth more than Michael Dubrovnik.
He could hear the occasional tremors that shook the
building whenever the excavator got too close, and pain
flooded his heart. And with it came the anger and
tremendous energy.
He had told Michael that he would never be a victim.
And it was true. I would not let Michael destroy his
determination, or leave an anonymous blackmailer the

demoralized. She was a fighter, and the battle was far from
over. Perhaps they were approaching the final assault, but
the result was still unclear. And Laura was determined to
Chapter Sixteen
Michael Dubrovnik was sitting at his desk on the
tenth floor of the Glass House. He picked up his coffee cup
and threw it against a smoked glass panels. The coffee
began to drip through the glass, staining the new light gray
carpet. Without moving, he began to curse in English,
French and Russian. At that time, entered Zach looked
smashing the wall and poured coffee without saying a
What the hell are you doing here? Michael asked
You --you one of your special day is not it? Zach said
coldly, sitting in front of his angry socio--. Shot, maybe this
will gladly day.
Zach put down several roles.
--what Is that?
--The Contract of sale of the Glass House. All
necessary papers. Even I have already put the highest price
you got to offer last week. All you have to do is get that
Miss put the firm, and all this will be over.
Give me your coffee, Zach. I'll going to throw at his
'What the hell's wrong? That woman would be a
breeze if you will use with it all your strength. Anything
goes. What is the matter?
Michael looked at him.

--The Problem is that I feel like a worthless

scoundrel. A despicable snake, to quote the words of an
'That's not like you, Mischa. In your work you can
not afford to be aware.
--Soy One of the fifty richest men in this country, and
soon tell me the top ten. If you can afford to be unaware
who else I can do?
--Quieres Abandon the whole project? To leave
Laura Winston get away with it? That is not the answer,
and you know it. If you do not, you do the time. Or maybe
some other shark with fewer scruples than you. Face it,
Mischa. You will lose this building, one way or another.
And you can benefit from it.
--Lo Attempt. I can not leave. I've invested too much
time and money on this project. I will not leave just
because a woman feel sorry.
--Slo Is pity? Zach he asked incredulously.
--Not Know, Zach. All that would not have ever
heard of the Glass House or Laura Winston.
According --of Zach said, noting that tema-- not want
to talk. Have you had a good time with that model?
Well, things are heard. They say you took Maxim's
Marita brisk. Connie would love to help you prepare for the
--Dios Saint said Michael said. I hope that does not
--Djame Be the first to congratulate Zach said,
standing up and clapping him on the shoulder.

'I think you had better pity. Let my bridal projects

yet. What do we have today?
'Have you decided what to do with the extortionist?
Michael took a moment to return to such earthly
--Lo Had forgotten. What did he want?
--Diez Thousand dollars for a report on the state of
the Glass House. The same we bought two months ago by
--Not Call the police. First, I do not want Laura to
know I have that report. I'm not sure it's enough to sink it,
and do not want to waste it.
What are you going to do?
--Espera. Perhaps our friend some other information
secret sleeve is removed.
--Okay. Hey, really when is the wedding? Connie
would love to help.
--only God knows what Michael said, looking out the
ventana--. Still not what I proposed to the bride. And that
whatever may be my head on a silver platter.
--A Me Marita seems like a smart girl.
'Yes you? Michael murmured, deliberately evasive.
--Vale, Then keep me abreast.
You --Sers the first to know, Zach. Thanks for the
Zach smiled.
--salos Wisely.
--Me Satisfied to be able to use quickly.
Laura had drunk too much champagne with his
mother. She felt exhausted and confused when he reached
the Glass House three hours later. For the first time, I

understood what had happened because of Frank Susan,

and was excited to lie to mourn his shoulder when he
finally entered the office.
Susan was at his desk with a beatific halo around her
face, which made Laura will form a lump in my throat. The
smile that Susan gave him shone.
'Where have you been all morning? You did not
answer the phone and then they told me you were out.
--Me Fell asleep she said, dropping into a chair and
rubbing sienes--. Do you have anything for a headache?
--It Seems that you got away with it. Where is Jeff
--Espero You have already reached Kansas.
IPS: Witch carried with him?
'You know I do not like.
-for Me seems to be the agency who bring money to
pay your salary --seal Laura.
--Me Settle for a pay cut.
--In Any case, I did not go to bed with Jeff. I guess
you will like to know.
You --Entonces with whom?
'Who says I went to bed with someone? Laura said
the defensiva--. My God, there is no way to cheat.
Q: Why would you do that?
'Because I am even more stupid than you. Falling in
love with a man who disappears the next morning and who
gives a damn ...
--Dira Spoken of me Frank said from the doorway of
his office, smiling sensually.
Laura looked at Susan's face, then her ex-model.

--Debera Have understood before a sigh said. I'm

glad that something is going well. Eh ... What were you
doing in my office, Frank?
Suspicion reappeared in the mind of Laura. If Frank
turned out to be the blackmailer, perhaps worthwhile to pay
before seeing Susan shattered again.






inocentemente--. Had you realized that you have broken the

'Why were you there? Laura said.
'Because someone has been blackmailing me about
that stupid movie, and I assumed that only he could have
gotten the information here.
Whereunto shall you too? Laura asked stunned.
--Not Tell me more murmured Susan--. It is already
clear about the letter yesterday.
--Exacto. Anyone want ten thousand US dollars in
exchange for not giving Dubrovnik a copy of the technical
report about this place.
--Tan Bad is it?
--Lo Enough --replic Laura.
--Quienquiera It, liked the figure ten thousand dollars
Frank-- said. To me it seems rather petty, but it must be
someone pretty petty.
--Tienes you any idea?
The two women looked at him, but Susan was the
first to ask.
Frank just smiled enigmatically. That smile had made
selling millions of bottles of perfume.

--Dejadme Think about it. I have to make sure it's not

just because you have a hobby.
Are you going to pay? Laura said.
--Conoces My financial situation --respondi Frank--.
Right now I can not hardly pay me food. Much less a
blackmailer. Do not you?
--Todava I have not decided. I'll wait for you to tell
me who it is.
--Can You do not have time Susan said, handing an
envelope White--. This came for you, and I swear it's the
same sender.
Frank took it.
--do You mind?
--Adelante Said Laura.
Frank tore open the envelope.
--you To leave ten thousand dollars in unmarked bills
Steinberg's office on the fourth floor of this building.
'Then is someone who knows more than I thought
said Laura said. They broke the lock, and I could not get
any locksmith come until next week. Damn.
--It's Half past two. No need to leave the money until
seven, then you're supposed to leave the building.
'That is stupid. I can enter through the back door and
see who withdraw money.
--Not I think that our blackmailer has too many lights.
Otherwise, you would better choose their objectives and
would have asked for more money.
'Where you must leave you money? Laura asked.
--In The same place, at a different time. I only have
until five.

There was silence, and Laura went to look at the

pending tray. Now was the story of Marita's photo studio.
He sat how-mately and began to leaf through. After a while
it closed.
--Voy To cancel the contract Marita.
Susan was sitting on the lap of Frank, and almost fell
to the ground in shock.
--These Crazy. That girl is the best that has appeared
on stage for years. Lancme is about to make an
astronomical offer. You can not dismiss it like that.
'Yes that I can --the Laura corrected.
--It's Face nineties! Susan-- groaned. Do not you
liked the pictures?
--Yup. They are fabulous. You reach the top of their
profession. But not for me to submit it. Finally I've realized
what's in the back of their eyes. It's not just her beauty.
There are many beautiful women in this guild. Under that
innocent look no further than a cold and deadly rancor. It is
hatred of the world. If that is the face of the nineties, I do
not like.
Nobody said a word. Soon Laura spoke again.
--A Either you like it?
Said Susan-- Well, to be honest not much, but I
thought that eventually I would get used to it.
Laura's eyes narrowed.
--Crees She's the blackmailer right? he asked Frank.
--Me Has crossed his mind. It's a hunch. But we have
no evidence.
--Nunca Has been alone here --replic Susan--. Now
that I think ... Yes, it's been. Last Wednesday was only
about an hour. He must then open the file.

Q: What are your plans for today? Frank asked.

'Nothing. It's Sunday did not you know? He left with
Dubrovnik last night, but I guess not
finished anything right thing for her Laura said,
blushing to the roots of the hair.
Susan opened her eyes wide.
'You mean that was Michael Dubrovnik? Did you
stop to Marita for you?
--Difcil Believe it?
, Thou worth more than a dozen Maritas, and you
know Frank said calmly.
--Yup. But did not think anyone would notice.
'Then what do we do? Frank said.
--Escondernos Steinberg's office and wait for it to
appear with decisin-- Laura said. And I'll be the one to
have a word with her.
I --Cuidado. It is much bigger than you.
'But I'm furious. My God, if my complicated life, I
think I'll scream.
-for Can start Susan-- said. Here comes Michael
Laura thought lock herself in her office, but it would
not do any good. Probably broke the door with a kick.
--you Problems he said dryly, stopping in front of her.
--Ah, Yes? Laura said, noting that the Whirlwind
looked tired, confused and very angry.
--Podemos Talk privately?
--Mis Friends can hear anything you have to say -declar Laura, terrified at the prospect of being alone with
Michael was keeping his composure with great effort.

--Quieres To talk about birth control before so

friendly audience? For me perfect.
Let us go into my office she said.
--someone Is trying to extort he said without
preamble as Laura shut the door.
She looked stunned.
--someone Wants to sell a technical report on the
Glass House for ten thousand dollars.
Laura closed her eyes. It was all over.
--When Informed the extortionist who had bought for
much less that report and had no intention to go public, he
changed his attitude.
You --Tienes the report? Why did not you used?
--Not Me you look like that. I have not used because I
was not sure it was enough by itself to end the Glass
House. Expected to have more weapons in hand.
-very Friendly.
--Not Am kind. I am conscientious. You know that.
--I Know. What the blackmailer said when you said
you were not interested?
--Me Suggested then pay ten thousand dollars to
--Eso Is ridiculous! More ridiculous that everything
that has been raised so far.
In short, Laura explained what had happened to her
and Frank.
'What response did you give him? Laura said.
--to Whom?

--A Marita, the blackmailer.

--Esa Bitch he murmured dryly. I said I'd think about
it. He was going to leave you the decision.
She looked stunned.
--why? I sorry you could benefit from the situation.
--Not I like blackmail me he said.
--We Waiting for revenge. Do you sign?
Laura thought she was too close to him. He felt a
powerful urge to hug him, to press against him, but
remained in place.
--Not Would not miss it for the world said Michael
with his lobuna-- smile. What time are we going to face the
--A Six-thirty. Come to my apartment and go down
--Perfecto. By the way, I have the papers ready.
'What papers?
--The From the sale of the Glass House to Dubrovnik
Enterprises. Zach has brought me. When you're ready to
sign, come to my house.
--Puedes Tell Zach that meta ...
--Vale, Okay. What would my sister if he heard you
say that? --brome it.
--Dira "Bravo".
Yes, probably. At half past six. Then we have to talk.
--Not Wanna talk to you.
--Soy Stronger and bigger than you, and I always get
what I want. I suppose you've decided not accuse me of
She shrugged.
--Me Figured it would be hard to prove.

--Mentirosa. Also talk about that.

--The Next time I will not be so loving --advirti
--The Next time I will be more affectionate he said
with a serious and sensual murmullo--. I'll see you at half
past six.
Laura waited until the footsteps of Michael to stay
away down the hall, and then rested his head on the table
and let out a long, sad moan.
Marita glanced at his spacious room in Helmsey
Palace, and perfect upper lip curled in disgust. He had
come a long way in a few days. When Laura Winston had
brought her to New York, I had really thought that this was
a palace, a dream of luxury and elegance.
But I knew it was not. Had a room, not a suite. And
no view. And the furniture was ok but not the best.
Apparently seo-rita Winston, despite his praise, did not
think Mary Ellen Murphy
deserve the best. Perhaps Mary Ellen did not deserve
it, but Marita other. And soon would give a lesson to Laura
"These New Yorkers and their contempt for the
Midwest," he thought with a wry smile. Of course, she
shared that contempt, but that thin people had not
impressed. He was about to humiliate them all, forcing
them to pay for their stupidity. We show that was more
intelligent and ruthless than all of them.
And best of all, the most delicious revenge, was that
he no longer needed. After a few hours, he would have
gone, it would be out of reach. And every time I think of
them would laugh.

Chapter Seventeen
It was raining. Laura was in his apartment, watching
the rain dripping down the cracked glass panels with eyes
full of tears.
He went to the phone and dialed her mother. After a
moment, hung with a thud. Typical of Jilly, disappear when
Laura needed someone to talk to. He had come to hope that
her mother understood. During the meal they had had better
than ever. Of course, her mother had spent half the time
talking about Peter McSorley, an executive Michael
Dubrovnik had invited to dinner, but had listened to the
confidences of Laura. After all, no one knew more about
love and sex than her mother. However, initially failed to
mention names.
But why you slept with this man? he asked Jilly when
they opened the second bottle of champagne.
--I Do not know. I guess I want animal.
-for Must do need a man to make you feel all you
animal, dear desire. I know what your problem is, but you
will not want to hear it.
--Come In. I need your advice.
--These Love with him. If you're not, you would not
have gone to bed with him. You're too stubborn.
Laura looked at her mother angry.
'That I know. Tell me something else.
--Sospecho He is in love with you. Why else would
Michael Dubrovnik courting her sworn enemy?
Q: Why do you think is Michael?
'Because I have seen his face when curses you. And
to you I know enough to know that would do less
conventional. I put two and two together and came up four.

--Fue Chance. An accident.

--it The first time in my life I hear two people end up
together on a bed by accident. Explain how.
--Necesito Understanding, mother, no sarcasm.
My dear, you have my comprehension. But I'm not
sure what you expect from me.
--I Also said Laura, suddenly deprimida--. I'll call
you this afternoon when I find out.
But Jilly did not answer the phone. He had probably
gone to a cocktail. Laura thought it best to call her by last
night after the confrontation with Marita and chat with
After a while, Frank and Susan arrived, closely
hugging and smiling. Laura knew immediately what they
had been doing just before and suppressed a twinge of
envy. Almost then appeared Michael. He wore jeans and
cotton sweatshirt. The same clothes as the night
before. I should have done it on purpose, he thought Laura
to see the slight smile on his lips and a twinkle in his eyes.
--They Twenty to seven Laura said, trying to erase
from his mind the erotic thoughts that invadan--. Are we
going to have a party or by our blackmailers?
The four walked down the stairs to the office
Steinberg. Laura shoes clattered to the ground shortly.
'Why do not you take your shoes? said Michael said.
You are making a noise as hell, and I'm sure it will not run.
--Not Think running, and I do not mind the noise. I
will not take them off. I'm already pretty disadvantage to
you with heels.
--Me Glad you think you're at a disadvantage. Maybe
that means you do not know the effect you produce in me.

Could he have been so impressed as her for what had

happened the night before? But that was impossible. Or
In the deserted office was no sign of Marita. The
envelope of money that Frank had left before was still
there. Michael was the one who had left him the money.
You think he has changed his mind? Susan-whispered. You may have scared. Maybe she thinks we
--Mayor Reason to take the money and run. Come on,
all to hide said Laura.
--A The order said Frank.
Susan and he is locked into the inner office, and when
a nervous giggle was heard.
Laura hid behind the table, and after a few seconds
saw with horror that Michael was sitting on the floor
behind her.
--Escndete Somewhere else ...
Michael held her on the ground, and Laura could not
continue complaining feel welcome in his arms.
--this Was not necessary said after a moment.
Q: But does much more pleasant situation he
murmured in his odo--. I've missed.
--Estate Laura said quietly as he nibbled the lobe,
trying to pull away, but Michael's teeth closed over the soft
flesh, impidin-dola flee.
Laura could feel perfectly the excitement of Michael,
and pressed against him.
--Not Said it-- do that. I you put it very difficult.
--Pervertido She murmured.

--Do Not. I think I'm pretty healthy. It is a natural

reaction, especially when you're around.
--If You do not shut up, we will hear when you enter.
-Nor another word Michael said, sliding his hands
from Laura waist to put on her breasts, over her cotton
She tried to pull his hands, but he had started kissing
her neck, and inadvertently put his hands on him, pressing
them against his chest, and rested her head on his shoulder.
Since then, Laura did not expect Michael slid his
hands under her blouse and squeezing her breasts through
the lace bra. Needless to unbutton the front end, taking
charge of their hot and silky flesh. Laura had to bite her lip
to stifle the moan of pleasure that came from his chest as he
rubbed his fingers very hard nipple. Despite their good
intentions, she pressed against him when he began to undo
the buttons of her blouse to the navel.
--Not ... She whispered.
Laura thought she must be silent. It would not be
easy, as Michael stroked her stomach with one hand and a
chest with the other. But he could not risk alert Marita. So
froze, trapped in his arms, while your skin is warmed
increasingly becoming painfully sensitive.
Michael's fingers were now playing with the edge of
her panties. She gasped, but only managed to leave the way
clear. Frank and Susan were in the other room, possibly just
concentrate on playing with their bodies. Laura tried to
wean Michael elbow, but he ignored it, finally reaching
fingers velvety your pleasure center.

The strangled groan Laura did not pass his lips.

Paralyzed, he sat there, and before I could think of nothing
else, the excitement felt completely dominated.
Michael felt his response and gave a low growl
encouraging it further, still stroking. She shivered slightly
and turned to protest, but the mouth of Michael silenced
their complaints.
His whole body began to shake. It was covered with a
thin film of sweat and her breathing was rapid and shallow.
The pleasure that the man was providing was so exquisite,
that Laura thought he was going to die.
--For Roncamente-- murmured. I can not ...
--Yup. Yes you can.
Michael's voice was a barely audible whisper at night.
And suddenly it happened. Laura bit her lower lip as her
body tensed with a reaction that was still too new for her.
Michael held her tightly, prolonging her ecstasy until Laura
thought she would explode. Tears rolled down her eyes.
Slowly and gently, Michael made her lean against his
chest, soothing her with sudden softness, kissing her neck,
wiping her tears, cradling her in his arms. Laura never
would have thought that Michael was able to show such
tenderness, but it was, and was immensely grateful.
He did not notice the passage of time. She felt
completely relaxed in his arms. He was aware of the
insistent hardness of his body beneath her, and gave her a
curious pleasure. That was not his idea. If it was now
struggling, beyond
it. It had been his fault. And her, she thought with
female pleasure.
--Not Will come --reson Frank's voice in the dark.

It was quarter past eight. Something had to have

happened. Frank and Susan left the office and met with
Laura and Michael.
--Be Quiet! Susan-- murmured. I think someone is
All took refuge behind the table, in an incredible
chaos of arms and legs. None dared to breathe. Michael had
managed to get over Laura, and although barely moved, she
was fully aware of his erection. Laura shook her head
slightly to Michael's shoulder, and sank her teeth into his
--Shhh! Susan hissed while Michael uttered a cry of
Laura realized that with his savage act had only
increased the excitement of Michael. Then the door opened
and a shadow appeared in the doorway.
--Seorita Winston's voice whispered Luis, the
portero--. Are you there?
Laura could not make more than a whimper while the
other three were lifted.
Q: What happens, Luis? he asked her as she struggled
to his feet.
--Vino A messenger with a letter from Miss Murphy.
I thought I would read it right away.
Laura opened the white envelope and read the note it
--Vaya, Go. Our little blackmailer has started with
Constantine Milopoulos.
--Bromeas? Frank-- cried. With that old man?

--it A rich green old --seal Michael said. Richer

than I, and that's enough. It likes again look to act as Marita
loves the look. A perfect match. Does it say anything else?
--Yup. That a copy of the report is carried, for what
it's worth in the future.
You'd curiosity, considering that soon the building
said Michael cease to exist.
Laura felt a stab of anger. He had come to forget that
remained mortal enemies.
--very Well. Well no longer do anything here. Come
said heading for the door.
'Where are you going? Michael asked, his voice
--A See my mother. I promised I would keep a
friendly girly talk she said, disappearing down the hall
toward the stairs.
When he reached the lobby I saw that the rain was
still falling strongly. The weather forecast had said that a
hurricane could occur. There was very little traffic, and
realized that was not going to find a taxi easily. Maybe the
rain will clarify the ideas. At the end of the day, his mother
lived only five blocks.
When he came home from Jilly, he learned with
horror that her mother was not.
Q: When my mother will tell you again that I came to
see it?
George said 'I'd like to do it the old and attentive
portero--. But it will not return an indefinite period of time.
Laura was stunned.
'Where has he gone?

--A Paris, I think. With a young man named Peter

McSorley. I forgot to mention it, Miss, but showed me her
engagement ring.
--Tpico My mother Laura said with a smile faint.
Good night, George.
He went walking in the rain the five blocks, while
sobbing like a child who has lost his favorite toy. Upon
arriving home he took the elevator to the eleventh floor. He
feared that Michael was waiting, but his apartment was
blissfully empty. He opened the taps of marble bath and a
bath was prepared.
It took almost an hour to take the chill off of the
bones, and most of the other in taking three glasses of
Chardonnay and decide that he would never leave acer-ed
to Michael Dubrovnik. After donned a silk kimono over her
lime green silk gown and heels, and went to the apartment
of Michael.
He walked out the door when Laura came to his
apartment. Seeing her, Michael looked at her with
uncertainty. That surprised Laura.
--Ibas you somewhere? he asked her coldly.
--Iba Up after you. I did not think you were coming
he said, coming back into the apartment, followed by
--Not Remember being invited.
--Lo Before was nothing but an invitation he said in a
low, sexy voice, but did not touch.
--Not Going to sign those papers she said ferozmente-. I will not sell this building.

--no Matter I said it-- this building. Not now. What is

happening between us in bed has nothing to do with a piece
of land.
She looked at him a moment without speaking. Then
he dropped to the ground peach silk kimono and stood with
almost transparent short gown and high heels.
Then Michael smiled, watching her nod.
you 'Do you know what? I do not care to get into bed
with his shoes he murmured.
Highest --Eres I when we are lying. It would not do
she said with a slight smile.
He approached, holding her, and she abandoned him,
trembling with anxiety.
--Ojal Trust me murmured Michael.
--I Trust you. To some extent. If this were not so,
there would have been.
He smirked.
I suppose I'll have to settle for that.
--Tendrs She settle ... --asinti, passing her arms
around his neck and besndole--. For now.
He spoke the last words so softly that he even heard
Chapter Eighteen
Michael was lying in bed, watching the rain slid
smoked glass panels of the building in which I wanted to
finish. The rain in the cracked glass was introduced,
He was tempted to wake Laura to show the poor state
where his treasure was. But he gave up, knowing that if he
did, they would make love without resolving the conflict
between them.

Sleeping with the enemy had been a serious error. But

he had incredible compensation. Once Laura had accepted
the fact that I was with him in bed, it proved to be as
passionate as expected. No wonder she could not keep her
apart from her hands. Just thinking about her body violently
aroused again.
But he could not abandon a project of millions of
dollars just because he felt a quixotic attraction by an
enemy. Zach was right. He could have used the report
against Laura long before, and the problem would not exist
anymore. Either way, it was still reluctant.
He saw no way out of this dilemma. He could not
abandon his project, but had to admit that he had never felt
for a woman what she was feeling by Laura. He refused to
call it love, but if not, what was?
She muttered something dreams,

turning and

snuggling with him. How he had changed since their first

meeting and shy, just a few hours ago. Michael could not
resist. Leaning over her mouth kissed her lightly at first,
and deeper below. She wrapped her arms around his neck.
When he retired, Laura was smiling confident and helpless.
--Eres Insatiable Laura murmured.
He smiled back.
--Hago What I can.
-for You do well she said caressing voice as Michael
away the sheets discovering his body desnudo--. Very well.
Laura awoke from a deep sleep because of a tremor
that seemed to shake the whole building. He opened his
eyes and found himself alone in the bedroom of Michael
Dubrovnik. He felt satisfied and very sleepy while the flash
of lightning penetrated through his closed eyelids. Then the

building shook again, but was not accompanied by thunder.

Laura opened her eyes.
The glow was due to the electrical system of the
building, flickering sporadically. Laura watched in horror
as were new and larger cracks in the glass. The building
seemed to shake again.
Michael came like a whirlwind in the room, dressed
in jeans and sweatshirt, soaked with water.
--Vstete, Laura. They are evacuating the building.
'What have you done? she asked horrified, ignoring
the group of workers who had remained in the doorway.
'What have I done? he shouted furioso--. What have
you done! The foundations of this building have begun to
falter. Whole block is cordoned off, the army corps of
engineers coming over, and there is a man, a good man
trapped under your stupid and anachronistic lots of glass
and iron.
--Oh My goodness! groaned Laura said. Who ...?
Q: One of my workers. A boy of twenty years with
two children. They are working with all possible speed, but
has not made any noise in the last ten minutes. Get up and
Michael was muddy legs. Laura had no doubt it had
been down, digging with their hands, trying to rescue the
man. The horror and guilt were about to catch her, but
immediately rejected.
--If You had not sent to your diggers so close to the
ground, probably would not have happened.
'Perhaps. And you think that you disclaims any guilt?
She looked at him without saying a word, sitting
naked in bed. In that bed they had shared hours earlier.

Michael ran a hand through his wet hair.

Hearken. Now we can not speak. Get dressed and
leave the building. We'll see what we do with this.
Meanwhile you're in danger ...
--Mischa! Zach he shouted, rushing in, ignoring the
presence of Laura in the bed. They have already taken. He
has been taken to hospital, but apparently has nothing
serious. I have a car waiting.
--I'M Going. Laura, get out Michael said without a
trace of dulzura--. Go home to your mother.
Without saying a word he went.
Laura stood motionless for a moment in bed. The
light still flashing. He imagined he must be alone in the
building. If it collapsed, only she would die. There was
some justice in it.
The lights came slowly. The building stopped
shaking. He seemed to have spent all. But suddenly Laura
looked up to reach a clear conclu-sion.
The Glass House deserved no more deaths. He had
already claimed the life of his grandfather, shot by the
husband of his lover, the poor fool who had financed the
building. Now a worker had also been about to die.
And certainly not worth the death of a stupid and
proud woman thirty-two-year-old named Laura Winston.
Enough was enough. For the first time in many years, it
was time that Laura Winston acknowledge defeat.
He managed to find the kimono and wrapped him
slowly. He left the room without looking back, climbed the
stairway to the office of Michael. He soon found nothing in
the papers. He signed quickly, without worrying about

read the conditions. The price offered by the Glass

House was absurdly high. Disproportionate.
It took just one hour to pack and a couple of phone
calls. What was left at home did not care. If building
collapsed, he would ask Susan empaquetase it and keep it.
The list of bribes Michael was still in his safe. He
looked at her and broke into four. Putting it in an envelope,
sealed it and put it on his bed. If Michael found him either.
And if not, you could also go down with the rest of the
When Laura came to rain I saw Susan and Frank after
the police cordon. Susan managed to pass it and get close to
--Hazme A favor without prembulos-- Laura said. If
the building resists, looking for a new location for Crystal
Faces. You can still give good benefits. And Frank is ready
to help. If you want the agency, it's yours.
--Not Be ridiculous ...
--Te Send the title deeds. O of ownership. I think I
need some extra income.
'Where are you going?
--A California. You know Emelia. We always need
someone to help you pass these streaks. And if it goes well,
I do not know what I'll do.
'But the Glass House ...
--Se've Sold to Dubrovnik. I guess disappear within
Oh, Laura Susan murmured fondly and pain.
Laura shook her head slightly, smiling decision.
--Ya Was time. The two know. I'll call you when
everything calms down.

'And Michael?
Q: What happens? Laura said coldly.
--it's Over?
--Se Finally said Laura said. I'll call you in a few
It throwing his bag leather shoulder, walked in the
rain, without looking back even once.
Laura was three months installed in California,
helping Emelia with the release of his film career, and time
seemed to pass slowly. He had gotten a phone number
without his name and as Susan and Frank knew were good,
he lost interest in the outside world.
Jilly, returning from their honeymoon, had left
message after message on your answering machine. Laura's
response was warm but brief and dis-tant. Susan and Frank
had visited a weekend, and had spent all the time planning
the new partnership between the three. But did not care.
Susan knew that, with the help of Frank, make it the best
agency in town.
Nor affected him know that Marita Milopoulos had
appeared on the cover of Vogue with an amazing amount of
diamonds around her beautiful face. When Susan and they
told Frank, Laura kept talking about Emelia, and what
liked California.
All he had not wanted to talk about was the Glass
House or Michael Dubrovnik.
He knew where he was. His lawyers had not ceased
to annoy her, saying he had one last document to sign. She
had responded politely to their requests, and had forgotten.
She had done enough. If Michael wanted more, I could do

it alone. But he had not said a word. Neither of thanks or

apology, nothing.
Until Sonya knew where he was. He had sent a
triptych as a Christmas present, old and soft colors and
gold. It was the only Christmas decoration that Laura had
put in his house. He spent Christmas Eve and Russian tea
drinking vodka and toasting with the Holy Family Triptych.
And agreeing not think that another family of Russians in
New York.
It was early January when he got the call from Susan.
I was very nervous and insisted that the program saw Dan
Rather on TV.
--They Only half past three, Susan, and will not begin
until six.
--Por God, Laura! You have to see she said curtly.
--Not Be like. Do not you feel good marriage?
--Calla. I thought that at least would come to my
wedding. You are an ungrateful.
--Not Make me feel guilty.
--Simplemente Program sees Dan Rather, and then
tell me how you feel.
I did not think so. He had shunned the news since I
was in California. It would be some new news about Mrs.
Milopoulos. Just going to have twins. Or maybe it was
someone else, who might well have married.
The pain that invaded was an overwhelming intensity.
It could not be. Susan would have told him personally. He
was about to call New York.
To not spend three hours of agony, he decided to go
to the supermarket to purchase. When he returned home,
the program of Dan Rather had started some time. Traffic

had slowed too. He ran to the television releasing all the

bags in the lobby and lit it.
As the image appeared heard the words "Glass
House" in the calm and persuasive speaker's voice. With
amazement, Laura saw the image of his beloved house in
the display. Not a lot of debris, or a horrible skyscrapers,
but his home, surrounded by scaffolding, amid new
buildings totaling rocketed skyward. Still there.
He fell to his knees in front of the screen, not
believing what he saw and heard. The story was brief. The
famous listed building in New York, the Glass House was
the center of the latest project of billionaire Michael
Dubrovnik, a gigantic glass and steel building that had been
dubbed "Glass House Plaza. The model that appeared then
spoke better than words. Tall buildings rose with sharp
glass needles, cut angles inward to not steal or a ray of light
to the core of the complex. In the center stood the Glass
House, a jewel tiny enshrined in the center of the structure.
Delicate, inviolable, restored and strengthened to withstand
the test of time.
He waited stop mourn to call the airport. He could not
find a flight for two days. He thought about calling, but it
was not enough. I had to see him, to thank, to exorcise old
demons, to continue with his life. If they could forget their
old grudges, perhaps they could be friends. It was the best I
could expect, and actually that it was too much to expect.
Chapter Nineteen
'I'm not in the mood for this, Sonya --advirti
Michael, watching from behind his office on the top floor
of the Glass House.

--Mischa Three months you're like a bear with a thorn

in the paw ago. Your sister is here to make you a Christmas
present and act as if you had done a great wrong.
Very well, Sonya. Tell me what I did wrong. I can
devote a few minutes.
--Necesitara Days to tell you. But I'll tell only mortal
Ah, thanks for the jam, but since I had sent a box.
--This Is not mine. It is Laura.
He froze, staring at the two small jars, taking them in
his big hands.
--very Well. What do you have to say? he finally






nonsense. And it's not like you said Sonya watching his
alrededor--. This is fine. It was a noble gesture. But it is not
enough. You have to go get it.
--why? he asked in exasperation.
--Not Be happy until you do. Allows you're in love
with her. You're stupid to fight him invincible.
'Who said he is invincible? She's not my type.
'You think that Tim O'Reilly was what I wanted?
Love has nothing to do with the plans. Or with common
sense, or finance. It's the dumbest and least practical thing
that God has created. But at your age you should know
when a battle is lost in advance.
--Ella Knows where I am said he, lowering his eyes.
--And You where she is.
--we Both go crazy.
--Not Be worse than now.

Michael looked at carefully, and looked thoughtfully

out the window.
--Lo Worst in you, Sonya, is always right.
--Not'll Never forget, Mischa. Do you go tonight?
--In The first flight you find.
--you A private plane. What excuse is that?
--This Night --asinti him smiling.
It was half past two. In less than an hour his private
jet take off from Newark. His secretary, Mrs. Jackson,
interrupted by the intercom.
--Tiene A visit, sir.
--We Said I did not see anyone today. Also I have to
get out.
'But sir ...
--No One! said, interrupting communication.
The office door opened and a girl hesitantly. And for
good reason, since there was unforgivably violated his
orders. He looked up, his eyes fiercely transferring it.
She was a woman, and not as young as it had seemed
at first sight. He had brown hair, and fell in curls on the
sides of his face. His body was small and harmonious, and
wrung her tiny hands. She wore a lavender dress, loose and
surprisingly inviting. Michael looked at his feet, shod in
stiletto shoes, and went back to look at her, stunned.
Yes, I'm Laura said with a chuckle nerviosa--. I did
not think you had forgotten me so quickly.
--These Different he said, getting up and going to his
encuentro--. You are beautiful.
Michael shook his head, trying to divert the flood of
images that raced through his mind. I had not heard what
she was saying. I was so amazed that he could not react.

--Quera Thank you for this said she said. Do not

know why you did it, but I wanted to thank you. I hope it
was not guilt complex. You must not blame yourself for
anything that happened. It was all my fault. You won the
Glass House cleanly. You could do with it what you want.
Losing not destroyed my life, as I thought.
--I Am glad.
--And Was not your fault that threw me in your arms.
You do not have to feel guilty for having seduced and
Michael began to get angry.
--from Course not. I will not quit.
'But I do not have forgotten seduced me she said,
with a flash of his old fire in his eyes.
Michael felt vaguely relieved. Laura liked the new,
softer, but did not want it to be too sweet.
--Entonces Not I have to feel guilty about sleeping
with you? he asked gravely.
She nodded.
--Me've Realized that it was nothing special for you.
We saw trapped by the situation.
--In My life have I heard of anyone be caught up in a
seduction. But if it makes you happier I think ...
'What more I can think of? she said, feeling his voice
was weakening.
Good sign. Very good sign. Turning around. Michael
went to the anteroom and Mrs. Jackson sent home with a
look that brooked no argument. Then he locked the door,
turned and looked at his poor prisoner, who had not yet
realized that it was. He simply looked high, defiant head.

--Puedes Believe what you want he said, returning to

his desk and pulling the document remained to be signed.
--Ests Willing to sign this?
--Claro She said, signing elegantly without looking.
--No You going to read it?
--I Trust you.
--I Do not know. It is so.
Why do not you read it anyway? I want you to know
what you signed.
'What have you done, viper? he hissed her, squinting.
Michael finally approached her, putting his hands on
her shoulders, and forcing her to sit on the overstuffed sofa.
--Lee, Larushka. And then talk about traps.
Laura thought she was crazy. I should not have gone
there. The power emanating from Michael's was weakening
by the minute. With a faint gesture, he looked down at the
paper and looked at him with wide eyes.
I --Contrato prenup? Have you gone mad?
'Yes he said, standing before she said. Let me
summarize it. A change of ownership Glass House Plaza,
which will be only yours, you can not claim rights to any of
my former possessions at the time of the wedding.
Anything acquired after that date, will be common.
--you Mad.
Michael shrugged.
'I think is acceptable. The square will have a value
almost equal to half of my present fortune, and thus more
even begin. So no one wins.
-Nor lost. Why, Mischa?

When it came time to speak, Michael seemed oddly

--Pregntale Sonya said with some aspereza--. You
will love to tell you.
--Ya Has told me, and do not think so. I need to hear
--come Over.
--Not She said shaking her head. I'll make it difficult.
Say no to touch me.
What is this, revenge? she asked him, still
No, Mischa. Justice.
He crossed the room, standing just inches from her,
so close that his breath trembled Laura's hair.
Very well said he. I love you. It makes no sense, but I
can not deny it. I'll give you everything I have if you marry
me. You do not even have to reciprocate if you want. We
already solve.
The heels were not high enough. Laura threw her
arms around his neck, smiling, feeling his chest against
--no Need to bribe --susurr--. Because I love you.
And I will marry you. Would circle the world barefoot on
hot coals for you. Just say it.
He kissed her, lifting her into his arms and kissed her
with an endless hunger. When he put her down his arms
trembled, but managed a smile.
'You mean that I have to give you the Plaza?
-Too late traviesa-- she said with a smile. I have
already signed. It's mine.

Then Laura grabbed his collar and broke slowly,

while the buttons jumped in all directions.
--Avariciosa He murmured, taking the sweater over
his head.
--Vbora --replic She happily as the two fell to the
--Amor Mine muttered against her skin.
--Amor Mine she said, closing his eyes with pleasure.
Outside, the sun shone benevolent New York through
the tinted windows of the Glass House, making you feel its
heat to the two lovers.
Anne Stuart - The Glass House (Harlequin by

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