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Remembering Lee Kuan Yew

Mr Wong Yew Kuan leaving a message for Mr Lee Kuan Yew at the Botanic Gardens tribute site. Mr Wong was the first Commissioner of Parks and Recreation
from 1974 to 1982, and he met Mr Lee on several occasions to discuss plans on beautifying Singapores greenery. Photo: Low Wei Xin

A garden vision, so green

wouldnt be the colour of envy
Continued from page 17

case for his Singapore. In his Singapore, if greenery was to be found only
in places where the rich stayed, he felt
that there would be dissatisfaction,
he said.
Over the years, Parks and Recreation Commissioners often received
memos from Mr Lee about the state
of the greenery in Singapore.
Mr Wong recalled that during a
meeting in 1978, Mr Lee gave him specific instructions regarding the development of Changi Airport.
One of the things (Mr Lee) told me
was, When the first plane lands, I want
people to look at planted vegetation, not
rank vegetation, he said.
Rank vegetation are plants and
shrubs that have grown irregularly.
It was around that time when
Mr Wongs team at the Parks and Recreation Department, the predecessor
to the National Parks Board (NParks),
discovered Acacia trees, whose seeds
were easily available and fast-growing.
He gave the order in 1978. By the
time the airport opened in (1981), sure
enough, we had nice, small trees cover-

ing this beautiful area, said Mr Wong.

Dr Leong noted that Mr Lee paid
very close attention to the stretch of
road leading up to the airport.
If you get a note from his principal
private secretary about the rain trees
along East Coast Parkway, then we
know Mr Lee has probably just travelled, Dr Leong quipped.
Mr Lees famed eye for detail when

Wong Chooi Sen (a former Cabinet

Secretary) gave me a ring. He said, PM
told me to tell you, Dont create a jungle there! Because he knows I came
from the Forest Department, said
Mr Wong, noting Mr Lees sense
of humour.
Mr Lee paid close attention to ensure that certain structures on the
island were surrounded by greenery.

In his Singapore, if greenery was to be found only

in places where the rich stayed, he felt that there
would be dissatisfaction.

Dr Leong Chee Chiew

Commissioner of Parks and Recreation

it came to policymaking also extended to his surroundings. During one of

Mr Lees daily commutes from his home
on Oxley Road to the Istana, he had noticed a bare, low-lying stretch of wall
at the Salvation Army headquarters
located in the area back then, and instructed Mr Wong to plant some trees.

Mr Wong revealed that it was because of

Mr Lees request that his team worked
with the old Public Works Department
to ensure there were gaps in the middle
of flyovers found all over the island to
allow sunlight to shine through so that
greenery could flourish.
Given Mr Lees love for greenery, it

is little wonder that the Istana, where

Mr Lee spent many of his working hours
mulling over issues confronting the nation, boasts such lush lawns.
Istana curator Koh Soon Kiong, 54,
who has been managing the Istana
grounds for 16 years, recalled how
Mr Lee had asked to see him in his office in 2009 to discuss the greenery.
Besides asking for more trees to be
planted in order to attract more birds
into the Istana, Mr Lee also specified
he did not want chemical fogging, because it would kill insects that the birds
feed on, Mr Koh recalled. Mr Lee also
wanted the population of mynah birds
on the Istana grounds to be reduced, so
that singing birds such as the magpie
robin could thrive there, said Mr Koh.
Mr Lee and his wife, who died in
2010, were also fond of fragrant plants,
he said. Mr Lees favourite was the
pandan-smelling species known as the
Bread Flower. Mr Lee also had specific
requests to plant fragrant climbers at
the function lawns so that guests could
enjoy their fragrance.
In his advanced years, Mr Lee continued to show a keen interest in the
developments of the greenery around
the island. Ms Sharon Chan, the Deputy
Director of the Central Nature Reserve
at NParks, said Mr Lee was always
curious about the migratory birds and
nature reserves. Having taken him on
three private tours of the Sungei Buloh
Wetland Reserve between 2010 and
2013, she said Mr Lee had asked about
the expansion plans for the reserve in
2010, as well as the protection works
for the environment and the animals,
among other things.
Even though Mr Lee became frail
in 2013, he kept up with his questions
and had asked about the progress of
the expansion works, Ms Chan said.
In fact, I was (thinking) whether
this year, he will be able to come back
to Sungei Buloh to look at the new developments, she said. I felt very sad.
I wish the Sungei Buloh project were
completed much earlier so he had the
chance to see the new extension. He
was looking forward to it.
On Tuesday, a special orchid hybrid
named after Mr Lee was presented
to his son, Prime Minister Lee Hsien
Loong. Describing Mr Lee as the Chief
Gardener of Singapores Garden City,
National Development Minister Khaw
Boon Wan said the making of a Garden
City was a key element in Mr Lees
development strategy, which differentiated Singapore from other cities
and set a benchmark for other cities
to emulate.
Choking back tears, Mr Khaw yesterday said that, without Mr Lee, there
(would) be no Garden City. Minister of State for National Development
Desmond Lee reiterated that Mr Lee
believed greenery and lush verdant
landscapes were essential in a city to
calm the spirit and to make people
feel relaxed.
You look around us ... This is something that requires foresight and a
deep abiding passion, not only for our
natural heritage but also for the spirit
of our people, he said.

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