Handover QA

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A MS in dedicated mode continuously sends the measurement reports over SACCH

to the BTS. Based on these reports BSC takes the decision and orders the
handover(if necessary).
I want to know...
A MS continuously measures the Rxlev of "neighboring" BCCH frequencies and
sends them over SACCH. Now the "neighboring" refers to what?a) Is it the list of those BCCH frequencies which were told to MS by the BTS that
here is the list of your neighbors. And the MS will do the MEASUREMENTS only on
these frequencies/neighbors.
But if above mentioned case is true..then why a HANDOVER FAILURE will occur?
Since a MS will never send a report for a BCCH which is not present in its neighbor
list. Thus the BSC will never order for the handover to that frquency. And if there is
no order there will be no attempt. So how does the question of handover failure

a) yes, the MS measures only the neighbour BCCHs transmitted in the system
information messages SI2 (or SI5 ? i can never remember).
HO Fail can occur if
1- the BCCH(n) is good, then the HO is trigerred,
a) the target TCH is on the BCCH TRX : the RxLev is known to be good, but
RxQual can be poor --> interference. The HO ACCESS can't be heard by the
target, or the reply BTS->MS can't be heard by the MS.
--> interference
--> poor Rx sensitivity of the BCCH TRX
--> hardware problem : TCH can't be allocated on the timeslot, etc...
b) actually the HO COMMAND message from serving cell -> MS contains the
reference of a target "TCH timeslot" that is not on the BCCH TRX. So the MS
will jump onto a TCH, which is not on the BCCH TRX.
--> interference on TCH TRX
--> poor tx power of this TRX
--> poor Rx sensitivity of this TRX
--> hardware problem : TCH can't be allocated on the timeslot, etc...
c) the measured BCCH(n) does not belong to a neighbor defined in OMCR

(same BCCH, but different cells ! bad frequency planning, yes !)

Bad luck, it is also using the same BSIC as the real neighbor.
For the BSC point of view, this fake neighbor is the real neighbor. The HO
COMMAND is sent to MS, but MS cannot access this "fake" cell : the BSC
didn't prepare the fake neighbour to receive this MS, it prepared the real one
--> Poor BSIC/BCCH planning.

A HANDOVER is triggered if the BCCH(n) is found to be better than the serving

And as per your point no.(c)
"the measured BCCH(n) does not belong to a neighbor defined in OMCR"
Since i have not defined a cell with BCCH frequency BCCH(n) as the neighbor of
current serving cell then.....Why the MS has performed the measurements on
BCCH(n)(may be fake or true one, doesn't matter)??
Also iam assuming that a MS will use the SI2 list for cell reselection purpose and
SI5 list for handover purpose. Thus if SI5 list doesn't contain a BCCH(n) as per
our case then how things will go please explan.

You are right for Handover to be performed the BCCH should be in SI5 List. The
problem occurs if there are two neighbors with that BCCH one is defined in the
serving cell and the other is not defined. then it measures the BCCH and since
the same BCCH is used twice in the vicinity there is chances of it being

Scenario 1. A has C but no B and C has B.

Now for a case where imidiate neighbours BCCH is not in the list then. In DT you
might notice Twin HOs. Lets say Serving Cell is A
best B and second Best C
1st HO from the the serving cell A to the second best neighbour C as the B's
BCCH is not added.

2nd HO from the second best neighbour C to B as C has B defined in BA list and
B is the best based on leavel and so a PBGT HO will be trigerred.
A does not have B and C does not have B.
For this case handover shall not be initiated towards B. Worst case lets say a
new site comes on air with ZERO neighbours then it will not take any handover

yes, in c), i assume the following :

serving cell has CELL B defined as neighbour, with BCCH=12 and BSIC=01
The MS in the serving cell receives a SI5 containg the list of BCCH to measure. It includes
The MS measures the RxLev of frequency 12 and decodes the BSIC.
The MS reports the following to the BSC :
ARFCN=12, BSIC=01, RXLEV=-70dBm
The BSC will look at this report and guess that the reported cell is the CELL B.
But in fact, the MS has measured CELL Z, which is located 20km away, and is defined with
BCCH=12 and BSIC=01 also.
Handover failure does not necessarily lead to a call drop. MS is mostly successful
in reverting back to the original cell especially in the case of a Better Cell
Co-BCCH/BSIC case: MS will receive a Handover Command for the cell which is
defined as a neighbor instead of the stronger but undefined cell with same
BCCH/BSIC. Now MS will try tuning to the new channel of the undefined
cell(stronger) but will fail because the info sent in the Handover Command such
as MAIO, HSN, TSC etc is not for this cell and BSC hasn't allocated any channel in
this cell. Result is a handover failure with possibility to reversion to old channel.
I am somehow getting a perception that you think handover failure only occurres
due to missing definition in OMCR. But this is not the case. Handover failure has
many other reasons as explained by Pix in point a and b.

A frequency in the BA list but not in the neigbour list. Let us take the case:

Case 1:
BSC finds that the frequency is a better candidate for handover.
Then BSC checks the neigbour list for the reported BSIC. And BSC doesnot find the said BSIC
in the neighbour list. Hence no handover command message will be sent to MS.
Drawback: You looses a possible good candidate.
Case 2:
BSC finds that the frequency is a better candidate for handover.
Then BSC doesnot performs the neigbour list check.Handover command message will be sent to
After that BSC performs the neighbour list check and founds that BSIC is not the neighbour. But
until now it is too late. The handover command message has already been sent to MS.
Advantage: The MS attempts HO and fails. You have a easy way to find out the best candidate
which is being missed or a missing neighbour.
Is it possible to configure the HO sequence/settings according to the need.
Note: Practical data is available where it is shown in the TEMS log files that HO fails are due to
missing definations of neighbours.
Hence it is sure that HO command is being given by the BSC inspite of the fact that a BSIC is
not a neighbour.
ha ok, sorry, i didn't see it was a question.
for the example below, the probable cause will be "radio link failure" or "
reversion to old channel".
But as far as i can see, all the handover failure causes on A interface trace are
"abnormal". I think the vendor can put which ever cause he wants, it's not
mandatory to put the cause that corresponds to the problem : the MSC does not
care about the cause of the failure.
note: i'm just talking about A interface.

So the summary is:

BA list is obtained from SI5.
SI5 is obtained from BCCH of
serving cell.
Measurements are done on frequencies present in the BA in list.
Measurement reports are send to BSC.
BSC after analysing measurement reports shortlists a BETTER carrier.
After that if this BETTER carrier is ALSO present in NEIGHBOUR LIST then
handover command is given to MS.
After that MS performs an handover attempt.
Result may be:
Handover successful
Handover Failure(for reasons as discussed earlier).
Kindly confirm the above!
Reports of distance... you mean the measurements reports with the timing
advance information ? i'm not sure what you mean here. mmm... maybe, you
can decide to limit the coverage of your cell, so only subscribers with a high
level (and therefore a "clean" signal) are able to connect to your cell.
for instance, set the rxlev access min to -85dBm. that will not prevent the
interference to happen but it will prevent your subscribers to be subject to it.
and what are the results of the frequency scan ? all 124 channels are used ?
what about discussing it with the other operator ?
in my opinion, in such a case where you can't control the interferer, you can only
do one thing : change your own frequencies. There is nothing else you can "play
around" with. But maybe i missed something..

TA drops happen if cell is shoting more than 32 km , so the solution depends on

the coverge objective .
If you really want to cover that far like hwy site then you need to set the cell to
extended range .Of course everythng comes with a price so if you turnon
extended range your capacity will cut in half
IF the cell objective is less than 32 km then you should cut the coverge by tilting
or/and by reducing the power.

First at all, I learned this topic as a beginner. In fact I never needed this info so I
forgot the details.
No metter this I'll try to explain in breef the main idea. I hope our colleagues will
help if something missed or wrong.
MS will send access burst over RACH. The MS Tx is synchronized with BTS Rx
( both know that the beginning of the RACH TS number N is moment "t0" ).
The MS wants access and choose to use RACH TS number N. It waits for the
beggining of the RACH TS and in moment "t0" sends the burst.
During the RACH TS number N the BTS receives access burst from unknown MS
but in time "t1".
The BTS knows when beggins RACH TS number N ("t0"). So the BTS computes
the delay of the signal due to the propagation distance.
Then ( via the SACCH associated to the AGCH ) BTS informs the MS for its own
TA is useful for SDCCH, voice and data communications. But how exactly?
You know, the DL and UL for one connection is during the same frame TS, but not
simultaneous in time. There is a 3 TS period shifting ( this fact could generate
some problems with consecutive TS PS data transmission/reception - other
topic ).
DL F1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 F2 0 1 2 ...
UL F1 X X X 0 1 2 3 4 F2 5 6 7 ...
F1 and F2 measure the DL frame.
Its copy down to show the shift for UL
So, lets say, at moment "t0" the BTS transmits burst to MS1 using F1 TS3.
Exactly at same moment the BTS receives burst from MS2 ( which have F1 TS0 if MS2 present at all).
After 3x0.577ms ("t1") in DL the BTS will transmit a burst to MS3 and will expect
a burst from your MS1 at same time.

MS1 will transmit its burst at moment "t1"-TA. The signal travels some time ( TA )
and arrives exactly at moment "t1".
That's what I think about TA...
I don't know how many clocks have the MS and BTS but I think it's one... and
everything is shifted up or down...
What do you think...?


A MS will use SCH initially to know the time(TDMA) of network/BTS first.

But before entering into the dedicated mode the MS will be told by the BTS to correct its
watch(the one which is to be used for TX)using the given TA.
Also for RX the MS need not to do anything as BTS is taking care of adjusting its watch
attached to the particular TS of MS under question.
So, does this mean MS has to use two watches in dedicated mode.
coverage up to 35km is possible, if the site has a great coverage in DL and in UL. With high
power trx, TMA, Tx and Rx diversity, high antenna height, and very open area, etc.. with all
this, there is absolutely no reason not to achieve 35km (easily)
Most vendors has developped a solution in order to cover up to 70km with a GSM cell
(extended cell solution).

Johan - 3rd May 2008 (10:26 GMT)

In my experiance when you set TA value to maximum 63 doesn't that you can make call 35 km i
don't think so becouse you will get very weak signal i think the best call you get is 30 km . by

the way if you do tracing for one MSISDN ,Can you get his TA value .i mean how much the
MS far from BTS ,is that possible ?

pix - 3rd May 2008 (07:21 GMT)

the maximum ta measurement is not always reliable, because it can always happen that a MS
has a wrong implementation and will tend to send its burst too late. Or maybe it's a little
problem in the BTS.
The real question is : how many samples with TA=63 are reported during one day ? If it's only 1
or 2...it's not important at all.
The important thing is to check the distribution of samples per timing advance, so you can see
where are located 99% of the subscribers.
The difference between los and nlos is not something that we can use in radio optimization, as
far as i can see.

TA - 3rd May 2008 (05:48 GMT)

my point is that in my network there is measuremnt for TA ( from 0 to 63) and when i check
this stat for specific cell for TA some cell it is TA reach MAimum which is 63 which means
around 35 Km and this makes me surprise it is from LOS or NOn LOS

pix - 30th April 2008 (18:32 GMT)

well, it can be LOS or it can be NON LOS... if there is LOS, then the first signal to arrive is
LOS (the direct path is always the fastest). If there is some NLOS arriving almost at the same
time (within the same wavelength), then the signal will be a mixture.
if there is NLOS, then the LOS cannot reach the BTS. So the first NLOS to arrive will be used

to compute the TA. And the first LOS to arrive might be a mixture between different NLOS.
But why do you ask this question ? Maybe there is another question behind, isn't it ?

TA - 30th April 2008 (05:36 GMT)

dear pix
thank you very much ? but i read in one document says that the (TA) is calculated on the first
arrived propagation path which has a significant reception power level. what I understood is
that LOS measurement????????????

pix - 29th April 2008 (15:40 GMT)

timing advance is based on measurements performed on the TCH bursts, and it's a mixture of
LOS and N-LOS. There is actually no way to distinguish los and nlos.
The TA you see in your statistics is the same TA that is measured by the BTS.

TA - 29th April 2008 (14:32 GMT)

can any body help about TA measurement for statistic does measurement come from direct line
of sight or non line of sight when BCCH or SACCH measuring for specific cell ??????
Mr pix,please anser me,in the subject GOS and traffic assingment,iam one qustion toward you.

pix - 1st July 2008 (08:08 GMT)

the list sent in SI2 and SI5 are exactly the same. The BTS doesn't choose to send only some
cells in SI2, based on a filter, as you said.
timing advance, traffic load, interference, all this is not measured, whether the MS is in idle or
dedicated mode.

Peyo - 1st July 2008 (05:38 GMT)

SI2 has been designed for idle mode and SI5 for dedicated mode i think that's all. As Pix
mentionned it one is on bcch and the other on sacch. Consequently SI2 is for reselection and
SI5 for HO

paraHO - 30th June 2008 (16:09 GMT)

I thought other reasons for SI2 and SI5 is that as SI2 collated cell inform at switch ON and the
MS at early stage in idle mode the network may not know MS there, the MS is just identifying
the best cell on which to camp.
For SI5 the network has taken into account all cells within 35Km (?) boundary that could
possibly be used by mobile but cell assigned for use is best on lots of factors taken into account
other cells at traffic capacity
other cells with faults
other cells may have high interference
which the MS in idle mode, monitoring SI2, could not posibly know?

pix - 24th June 2008 (06:17 GMT)

i don't find it complex at all, they just decided to give possibility to have "idle" neighbours and
"dedicated" neighbours, there will always be a case when this comes in handy.
point of standard is to be as "evolutive" and non restrictive as possible. They give all
possibilities. Up to the operator to use it or not.
When you look at GPRS, then you see complexity at its highest :)

MKT - 24th June 2008 (04:01 GMT)

Thanks for reply
But this is the height of complexity.
Why telecommunications standards are made so complex.

pix - 23rd June 2008 (19:16 GMT)

I'll give you answers that reflect my point of view. Not necessarily correct...
1/ yes SI2 and SI5 can be different. No logic behind, except is you plan to prevent HO between
two cells, but want to keep reselection available.
2/ no logic behind having 2 different SI messages. But keep in mind that on SI is sent on
BCCH, the other is sent on SACCH.

3/ long list of neighbors lead to problems :

- you can't use co channel or adjacent channel BCCH between neighbor cells. It makes your FP
more difficult.
- the MS will spend a lot of time scanning the whole amount of neighbors. It will select the 6
strongest, ok, but it has to scan all of the neighbors to find the 6 strongest. Therefore it might
miss measurements, and will not be able to update the RxLev(n1...n6) every 480ms.
That's it...

MKT - 23rd June 2008 (08:16 GMT)

Hi all,
For a cell you have neighbors.
MS reads the list from SI2/SI5.
MS performs measurements on neighbors and send them to BTS which in turn to BSC.
Is there any logic for having the list in SI2 to be different from SI5?
And if the list is same, then is there any logic for having two lists for conveying same info to
Do having a long list in SI2 or SI5 has some disadvantages? If yes then what?
If no, then
why don't we make the list full at cell creation time only.Thereby reducing the work afterward.
What is theoretical as per GSM for defining no of neighbours?


Regarding Cell reselection,

The MS shall attempt to decode the BCCH data block that contains the parameters affecting cell
reselection for each
of the 6 strongest non-serving cell BCCH carriers at least every 5 minutes, if the parameters
affecting cell
reselection have not been provided by the network in the serving cell.
When the MS recognizes that a new BCCH carrier has become one of the 6 strongest, the
BCCH data shall be
decoded for the new carrier within 30 seconds, if the information is not already available.


Bijoy - 19th March 2010 (06:51 GMT)

Sorry Pix
Did I wrote cell reselection????I cant beleive.!!!!
Gross mistake.
Hang me till death!!!!

Pix - 19th March 2010 (06:19 GMT)

Hello Bijoy,
so how does the MS knows that the neighbour belongs to another LAC, and how does it know
CRO, TO and PT (and CRH) values for this specific neighbour ?

Bijoy - 19th March 2010 (05:10 GMT)

Hi Pix,Sheldon,LAC
The MS doesn't know anything about the neighbour's LAC or other parameters neither during
cell reselection or HO.What the MS does is to simply report the neighbour BCCH(if in the cells
BA list) & decoded BSIC alongwith its Rx_Lev(If BSIC is decoded and redecoded) to the BSC.

pix - 18th March 2010 (19:31 GMT)

it makes sense :) didn't have time to check the 3GPP yet...

SHELDON - 18th March 2010 (17:16 GMT)

Hi Pix,
Thnx for your post, and sorry for my late reply.
Actually I haven't found anything new concerning the dedicated mode. However, I was just
thinking...does the MS still need to decode the SI of the neighbours in dedicated mode? I'm
asking this because in dedicated mode, the locating is handled by the BSC, which already
'knows' all the cell parameters.
Thus, if the mobile needs to do a handover, the only thing it needs to report to the BSC is the
neighbour's BCCH(and maybe BSIC?). I'm not saying this on any authority, just a feeling.
In Idle mode, it's the MS which handles the cell selection and reselection, thus, it needs to read
the SI of the neighbours as well.
Plz let me know if you've found anything new.


pix - 15th March 2010 (17:57 GMT)

ok, we both converge towards the same thinking... that's a good sign we are getting closer to the
truth :)
...but during dedicated mode, the MS barely have time to decode the BSIC of neighbour cells...
how can it decode "all" SI messages of the six strongest cells ??
I'll try to investigate this too from my side, let's meet here tomorrow :)

SHELDON - 15th March 2010 (14:32 GMT)

Hi Pix,
I initially thought the neighbour LACs were sent as part of the serving cell's system
information, but after a little research (after your observation/question), I now believe they're
sent on the neighbours' SI.
The only LAC info in the SI is found in SI TYPEs 3&4, and this gives info about the LAC of
ONLY one cell (the serving cell).
The MS also reads the system information of the six strongest neighbouring cells at least once
every 30 seconds( at least to decode the BSIC), and I'm sure it can read the neighbour's LAC
and other parameters during this time.
Let me know what you think.


Pix - 15th March 2010 (12:32 GMT)

The LAC from the neighbour cell is sent in the S.I. from the current serving cell or is it sent in
the S.I. from the neighbour BCCH ?
I used to think the MS listened to the neighbour BCCH's SI sometimes and retrieved the LAC,
CRO, TO, PT (etc.) from there, but... as soon as I say it, it sounds impossible. It is probable that
the serving is broadcasting all this already... what do you think ?

SHELDON - 15th March 2010 (08:08 GMT)

The LAC of the serving and neighbouring cells are sent as part of the System Information, thus,
the MS always knows whether the neighbouring cell is in the same LAC as the serving cell or
What are these???
Header dump (Hex):
EB 00 19 00 00 00 04 19 00 01

17 00 00 03 03 49
Message dump (Hex):
06 1D 80 47 FE 81 3F 7F 80 80
FF FF FF FC 08 15 00 7F
Because these appear in every SI
Please help me on

Asif - 23rd March 2009 (05:20 GMT)

MKT i will check for the alarms, but one thing to add: there are no handovers so no handover

MKT - 23rd March 2009 (04:04 GMT)

Pix is correct in saying that the "Brain of BTS" might not be working properly.
In NOKIA systems..the brain of BTS is
You check the ALARM in BSC for this BTS.
If you are observing HANDOVER FAILURES for this BTS in drive tests and also from the
reports then...
ask the BTS engineer to ensure the correct value of DAC in BOIA.
Incorrect setting of DAC in case of Nokia BTS can result handover failures irrespective of the
definitions in BSC.
Iam not remembering exactly but the alarm description is somewhat like

asif - 22nd March 2009 (19:40 GMT)

we are using Nokia system

Pix - 22nd March 2009 (16:11 GMT)

which vendor are you using?
OMU is the SUM card, in alcatel systems.
There is definitely a non-standard behaviour in this cell... that's why i'm assuming the brain of
this cell is ... out of his mind ! (SUM card = brain...)
for more info about SI messages..

asif - 22nd March 2009 (10:26 GMT)

What do you mean by resetting the OMU?
i will add an other 1800 neigbhor and see what happens and share the finding here.

Asif - 22nd March 2009 (10:22 GMT)

Atually its a two sector site. the second sector is also 1800 and has the same problem, both
sectors are added as neighbors to each other but not handovers between them.
yes neighbors are defined in the OMCR.

Asif - 22nd March 2009 (10:19 GMT)

Idle mode is also showing discrepency.
We know that SI type 2 contains BA list (ARFCN's) from the same band as the serving cell,
if Serving cell is 900: SI type 2 contain 900 Frequencies
if Serving cell is 1800: SI type 2 contain 1800 Frequencies
SI type 2ter contains frequencies from the other band i.e
if Serving cell is 900: SI type 2ter contain 1800 Frequencies
if Serving cell is 1800: SI type 2ter contain 900 Frequencies
and SI Type 2bis is used if SI type 2 is incomplete.
Below are the SI messages received during Drive test. and clearly they show stuff that is against
what the standard says(may be i hav lack of knowledge about the standard, in that case you
people can correct me)
System Information Type 2
Time: 13:19:00.70
Frame number: 24659997
ARFCN : 624 (GSM 1800)
L2 Pseudo Length : 22

Skip indicator : 0
Protocol discriminator : (6) Radio resources management messages
Message type : 26
Neighbour Cell Description
EXT IND : (1) The information element carries only a part of the BA
BA IND : 1
1024 Range
Channels : 63 64 65 66 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 77 78 79
NCC permitted
NCC permitted values : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
RACH control parameters
Max retransmission : (2) Maximum 4 retransmissions
Tx-integer : (7) 10 slots used
Cell bar access : (0) Not barred
Call reestablishment : (1) Not allowed
Access control
Emergency Call allowed : (0) All MSs
Barred classes :

Header dump (Hex):

E6 00 1B 00 00 00 04 1B 00 01
19 02 70 59
Message dump (Hex):
06 1A B0 47 FD 81 3F BF 80 C0
FF FF FF FC 08 10 20 40 FF 9D
00 00
System Information Type 2bis
Time: 13:19:03.48
Frame number: 24660703
ARFCN : 624 (GSM 1800)
L2 Pseudo Length : 21
Skip indicator : 0
Protocol discriminator : (6) Radio resources management messages
Message type : 2
Neighbour Cell Description
EXT IND : (1) The information element carries only a part of the BA

BA IND : 1
1024 Range
Channels : 622 624
RACH control parameters
Max retransmission : (2) Maximum 4 retransmissions
Tx-integer : (7) 10 slots used
Cell bar access : (0) Not barred
Call reestablishment : (1) Not allowed
Access control
Emergency Call allowed : (0) All MSs
Barred classes :

Header dump (Hex):

E6 00 1B 00 00 00 04 1B 00 01
19 02 70 55
Message dump (Hex):
06 02 B2 70 FF 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9D 00
00 2B

SI Type 2ter is not received :S

Help me out!!!

Pix - 22nd March 2009 (10:19 GMT)

I'm going to propose an idea which doesn't sound great at all... Basically, I'd say the neighbour
list in this cell is "bugged".
could you add another 1800 neighbor cell, and see if it appears in the list?
The 900 neighbours are defined in the OMC-R, aren't they?

If it does't improve, then I would reset the OMU.

Asif - 22nd March 2009 (06:35 GMT)

Thank you all.
I am having a problem i hav a DCS only site (i.e it has BCCH on 1800 and no 900 TRX) Its not
making outgoing handovers.
During the Drive test i have found that its SI 5 contains a strange thing which i am posting
System Information Type 5
Time: 13:22:52.18
Frame number: 61147634
L2 Header (Hex) : 0x00 0x00 0x03 0x03 0x49
Skip indicator : 0
Protocol discriminator : (6) Radio resources management messages
Message type : 29
Neighbour Cell Description
EXT IND : (0) The information element carries the complete BA
BA IND : 0
1024 Range
Channels : 63 64 65 66 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 77 78 79 622
Header dump (Hex):
EB 00 19 00 00 00 04 19 00 01
17 00 00 03 03 49
Message dump (Hex):
06 1D 80 47 FE 81 3F 7F 80 80
FF FF FF FC 08 15 00 7F
Now if you see the BA list in this message its containing Frequencies from 900 + 1800 also
there is no SI 5ter message, which is against the standard as the standard say :-

SI 5 : one band
SI 5ter: other band
I have drive tested some other DCS only sites, they are not showing this discrepecy and are
working fine.
Can any tell whats the problem? why is the message like this? is there any parameter that
controls this?

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