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Av. Circunvalacin Pte. 102

Balcones de San Mateo
Naucalpan de Juarez, Mxico C.P. 53200
Telephones: (52) (55) 5373-0088
Fax: (52) (55) 5373-0765
(52) (55) 5360-4120

Reference for Lance KING

10 May, 2013.

I am delighted to be writing a reference for Lance, someone I have known on a personal and professional
level for a number of years. Lance has visited Greengates twice, in March 2012 and February 2013,
working with students, parents and teachers in a number of capacities:

delivering workshops to students on:

o Learning about Learning: Thinking and learning skills for success at school.
o Exam Confidence: Practical skills for achieving well in all assessments and examinations:

offering seminars to teachers and parents

leading a one day workshop with teachers to help develop an course on Approaches to Learning to
be implemented across the school.

On each occasion, Lance received very positive feedback from all participants in his courses and his work
has really helped the school in its efforts to address important aspects of student learning. I was fortunate
to have attended classes with Lance and saw firsthand how the students were fully engaged, interested
and challenged. They clearly enjoyed his relaxed, humorous style but were also clearly impressed by his
ability to relate to their problems and provide practical, achievable goals and solutions though fun activities
and workbooks full of helpful resources. Lance worked with Form 3, Form 5 (IGCSE) and Upper 6th
students (IB final year) and all were unanimous in saying how helpful they found his courses. They enjoyed
the blend of practical activities and theoretical perspectives on aspects related to learning to learn.
In addition to his rapport with his audience, whatever their age or background, another of Lances strengths
is his flexibility in the way he works. He is always willing to adapt workshops or seminars to the needs of
his audience. When working for a day with our teachers, for example, he was happy to adapt the workshop
to address teachers concerns and ideas, and later, during the parent seminar, he was happy to answer
questions they had and take time to point them in the direction of resources they could use.
Lances workshops and training are supported by extensive reading and research he has done. He is also
happy to share his knowledge, materials and research as well as his time, offering free seminars for
parents, websites for schools. In this regard I feel he offers great value for money in terms of his courses.
On a personal level, I have worked alongside Lance, co-authoring books for the IB, and can only admire
his dedication to his work. He is an incredibly hardworking practitioner, highly professional in his approach,
and someone who is constantly seeking to further his knowledge and interest in teaching and learning. I
am happy to recommend him as a workshop leader or consultant. Please feel free to contact me should
you require further information.

Graham Maclure
IB Diploma Coordinator
Greengates School, Mexico
Tel: +52 5553730088 ext. 235

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