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HTML Quick Reference Guide Block-oriented elements Images

Spinning the Web The WorldWideWeb Handbook <p>: : : </p> Paragraphs of regular text
<address>: : : </address> Address information
Andrew Ford Peter Flynn External images are specified with the
<blockquote>: : : </blockquote> Block quotations (may contain  <a> element as hypertext
 links. Inline

1–85032–141–8 1–85032–205–8 paragraphs) are specified as <img src="url " align="..." alt="..." ismap >
<pre>: : : </pre> Preformatted text (fixed-width The value of align can be top, middle or bottom. The alt attribute provides
characters) text for non-graphical users and is strongly recommended. An image map (clickable
• Element names are not case sensitive image) is an <img> with ismap inside an <a> element pointing to a server map file:
<hr> Horizontal rule
• Documents start with a <!doctype> statement, followed by a header and text <a href="">
body enclosed in <html>: : : </html> Lists <img src=""
• The header is enclosed in <head>: : : </head> <ol>: : : </ol> Ordered lists, items numbered alt="Image map" ismap> </a>
• The text body is enclosed in <body>: : : </body> consecutively
• Comments are written as <!-- A comment --> Unordered lists, items bulleted
<ul>: : : </ul>
Menu lists
<menu>: : : </menu>
Elements in dark gray are not in HTML 2.0 but are supported by browsers:
 ele- Directory lists
<dir>: : : </dir>
ments in light

gray are obsolescent. Optional attributes are given in square List items within ordered, unordered,
<li>: : : </li>
menu, and directory lists Forms
brackets . The full DTD can be found at
WWW/MarkUp/MarkUp.html <dl>: : : </dl> Definition lists
<dt>: : : </dt> Definition term in a definition list
<dd>: : : </dd> Definition discussion in a definition list, <form method="..." action="url ">: : : </form>
may contain other block-oriented The URL should be a script or may use mailto: The method is GET or POST,
Sample document elements depending on how you want the data returned. Within a form, input fields are
The <ol>, <ul>, <menu>, <dir>, and <dl> elements may have a compact defined with:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> attribute. • for multiline text input (surrounds prompting text):
<html> <textarea name="..." rows="n" cols="n">: : : </textarea>  
<head> <!-- A sample document --> Inline elements • for single-line input: <input name="..." type="..." ... >
<title>Document title</title> The type can be one of text, checkbox, radio, hidden, password, reset,
<link rev="made" href=""> Logical markup or submit. Other attributes are align, checked, size, maxlength, src,
</head> <cite>: : : </cite> Citations and value. All <input> fields of a radio or checkbox group must have the
<body> same name.
<code>: : : </code> Computer code  
<h1>Top-level heading</h1> <dfn>: : : </dfn> Defining instance (see HTML3) • for menus: <select name="..." multiple >: : : </select>
<p>First paragraph of text.</p>    
<em>: : : </em> Emphasis Options are given with <option value="..." >: : : </option> within
<ul> <!-- A bulleted list --> <kbd>: : : </kbd> Keyboard input the <select>: : : </select>. Individual options can have an attribute of
<li>First list item</li> <samp>: : : </samp> Literal characters selected or disabled. If no value is given, the element content is used.
<li>Second list item, with a hypertext <strike>: : : </strike> strike out (see HTML3)
<a href="info.html">link<a> to another file.</li> <strong>: : : </strong> Strong emphasis
</ul> <h2>Second-level heading</h2> <var>: : : </var> Variable name
<p>Another paragraph, <img alt="Picture of me" Example form
align="bottom" src="mypic.gif"> Visual markup
with an illustration.</p> <b>: : : </b> Bold type <hr> <form method="GET"
</body> <br> Forced linebreak action="">
</html> <i>: : : </i> Italic type <p>Name: <input name="name" type="text" size="20"><br>
<tt>: : : </tt> Typewriter type Operating system: <select name="opsys"><option>Unix
<u>: : : </u> Underlined <option>VMS<option>Mac<option>DOS<option></select></p>
Header elements Hypertext links <p><textarea name="comments" rows="4" columns="40">
Please write your comments here...</textarea></p>
<a href="url ">: : : </a> Link to another document or resource <p><input type="submit"> <input type="reset"></p>
<title>: : : </title> Document running title (not part of the <a href="url #label ">: : : </a> Link to a specific destination in another </form> <hr>
text), recommended maximum length 64 document
characters <a href="#label ">: : : </a> Link to a specific destination in the
<link ...> Relationships for the document as a same document
whole: attributes rel, rev, href <a name="label ">: : : </a> Labels the surrounded text as a target
<base href="url "> Defines the default structure for any destination
partial (incomplete) URLs in the An <a> element may contain both href and name attributes. Special characters
<isindex> Document is a script which handles Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)
<meta ...> Embed meta-information for the server: These specify the location of a resource for a hypertext link:
attributes http-equiv, name,
content catalog/order.html?searchterm
<nextid n="id "> Editor assigns next identifier to be one of: : : # # # #location &lt; < less-than symbol
generated http:// Internet server directory filename options: &gt; > greater-than symbol
gopher:// hostname or IP name searching means &amp; & ampersand
ftp:// address with URL must be a &quot; " unidirectional double quote
telnet:// optional port. script; using a &nbsp; non-breaking space
Section headings mailto: Email address. location implies &shy; - soft hyphen
news: Newsgroup name. target label
<hn>: : : </hn> Section headings, six levels available Note mailto: and news: have no double slash. exists (see <a>).
<h1> to <h6>
ISO Latin-1 characters Logical markup Mathematics
<a id="label "> Use of id replaces name in <math model="..." >: : : </math> Encloses a formula
anchors <box>: : : </box> Surrounds symbols to be treated
<abbrev>: : : </abbrev> Identifies an abbreviation as a whole, optional delim
&Agrave; À capital A, grave accent &iuml; ı̈ small i, diæresis/umlaut attribute
&agrave; à small a, grave accent &ETH; Ð capital Eth, Icelandic <acronym>: : : </acronym> Identifies an acronym
&Aacute; Á capital A, acute accent &eth; ð small eth, Icelandic <au>: : : </au> Authors’ names <over> and <atop> Separate lined and unlined
&aacute; á small a, acute accent &Ntilde; Ñ capital N, tilde <del>: : : </del> Marks text as having been fractions
&Acirc; Â capital A, circumflex &ntilde; ñ small n, tilde deleted but kept for reference <above>: : : </above> Identifies numerator
&acirc; â small a, circumflex &Ograve; Ò capital O, grave accent
purposes <below>: : : </below> Identifies denominator
&Atilde; Ã capital A, tilde &ograve; ò small o, grave accent <root root="n"> Root, degree specified as n
<dfn>: : : </dfn> Defining instance
&atilde; ã small a, tilde &Oacute; Ó capital O, acute accent
<ins>: : : </ins> Marks new text inserted <array>: : : </array> LATEX-like arrays
&Auml; Ä capital A, diæresis/umlaut &oacute; ó small o, acute accent
&auml; ä small a, diæresis/umlaut &Ocirc; Ô capital O, circumflex <lang>: : : </lang> Identifies a language other than <arow>: : : </arow> Row within an array
&Aring; Å capital A, ring &ocirc; ô small o, circumflex the basic one of the document <item>: : : </item> Item within a row in an array
&aring; å small a, ring &Otilde; Õ capital O, tilde
<person>: : : </person> Personal names To minimize typing, <sub> and <sup> tags can be replaced with the
&AElig; Æ capital AE ligature &otilde; õ small o, tilde underscore (_) and caret (^) respectively, and <box> tags can be replaced with
&aelig; æ small ae ligature &Ouml; Ö capital O, diæresis/umlaut <q>: : : </q> Encloses quoted speech (adds
{curly braces}, e.g. E=mc^2^
&Ccedil; Ç capital C, cedilla &ouml; ö small o, diæresis/umlaut “quotes” automatically)
&ccedil; ç small c, cedilla &Oslash; Ø capital O, slash <sub align="...">: : : </sub> Subscripts
&Egrave; È capital E, grave accent &oslash; ø small o, slash <sup align="...">: : : </sup> Superscripts
&egrave; è small e, grave accent &Ugrave; Ù capital U, grave accent Tables
&Eacute; É capital E, acute accent &ugrave; ù small u, grave accent
&eacute; é small e, acute accent &Uacute; Ú capital U, acute accent  
&Ecirc; Ê capital E, circumflex &uacute; ú small u, acute accent <table border >: : : </table> Defines a table
&ecirc; ê small e, circumflex &Ucirc; Û capital U, circumflex Visual markup <caption>: : : </caption> Supplies a caption
&Euml; Ë capital E, diæresis/umlaut &ucirc; û small u, circumflex <tr>: : : </tr> Encloses a table row
&euml; ë small e, diæresis/umlaut &Uuml; Ü capital U, diæresis/umlaut
Ì capital I, grave accent ü small u, diæresis/umlaut <th>: : : </th> Encloses a column or row
&Igrave; &uuml; <big>: : : </big> Designates bigger text (see
&igrave; ı̀ small i, grave accent &Yacute; Ý capital Y, acute accent header inside a row
&Iacute; Í capital I, acute accent &yacute; ý small y, acute accent <td>: : : </td> Encloses table data (a cell value)
&iacute; ı́ small i, acute accent &THORN; Þ capital Thorn, Icelandic <s>: : : </s> Replaces <strike> for
<table border>
&Icirc; Î capital I, circumflex &thorn; þ small thorn, Icelandic strikeout text (see also <ins>
&icirc; ı̂ small i, circumflex &szlig; ß small sharp s, German sz and <del>)
Ï capital I, diæresis/umlaut ÿ small y, diæresis/umlaut <tr><th>Population</th></td>384,000</td></tr>
&Iuml; &yuml; <small>: : : </small> Designates smaller text (see
<caption>Fig 1. Survey Frame</caption> </table>
<tabstop id="label "> Sets tab stop at current location
The <th> and <td> elements can have align and span attributes.
<tab to="label "> Tabs to the labelled position

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.0//EN"> Additional characters from ISO 8859-1
<figure src="/url">: : : </figure> Encloses a figure
<caption>: : : </caption> Supplies a caption
Header elements <credit>: : : </credit> Supplies a credit

<style notation="...">: : : </style> Encloses stylesheet information

Within figures, <a> elements can have a shape attribute which identifies a
<range from="label " until="label "> Specifies range marked in text
polygon in the image that the user can click on:
with &#160; &nbsp; non-breaking space &#177; &plusmn;  plus-or-minus sign
&#161; &iexcl; ¡ inv. exclamation mark &#178; &sup2; 2 superscript two
<spot id="label "> elements 3
&#162; &cent; ¢ cent sign &#179; &sup3; superscript three
<figure id="d69" src="" &#163; &pound; £ pound sign &#180; &acute; ´ acute accent
align="center"> &#164; &curren; ¤ general currency sign &#181; &micro;  micro sign
&#165; &yen; ¥ yen sign &#182; &para; ¶ pilcrow (paragraph)
<caption align="bottom">My house</caption> |
Structural markup &#166; &brvbar; | broken (vertical) bar &#183; &middot;  middle dot
<p>Picture of my mansion in the hills above &#167; &sect; § section sign &#184; &cedil; ¸ cedilla
Naples, note the <a href="fire.html" &#168; &uml; ¨ umlaut/dieresis &#185; &sup1; superscript one
All structural elements can have class, lang, id, clear and background &#169; &copy; C copyright sign &#186; &ordm; º ordinal indicator, male
shape="rect 20,120,50,140">hole in the roof</a> &#170; &ordf; ordinal indicator, fem &#187; &raquo; » angle quotation, right
attributes. Heading and list-oriented elements can have seqnum, dingbat, src, where the lightning struck.</p> &#171; &laquo; « angle quotation, left &#188; &frac14; 1=4 fraction one-quarter
and nowrap. The align attribute can be used to affect visual positioning (e.g. &#172; &not; : not sign &#189; &frac12; 1=2 fraction one-half
<credit>The local paper took this shot.</credit> 3=4

align="center"). &#173; &shy; - soft hyphen &#190; &frac34; fraction three-quarters
</figure> &#174; &reg; R registered sign &#191; &iquest; ¿ inv. question mark
<banner>: : : </banner> Encloses static information to &#175; &macr; ¯ macron &#215; &times;  Multiply sign

remain on display &#176; &deg; degree sign &#247; &divide;  Division sign
<bq>: : : </bq> Synonymous with
<div class="...">: : : </div> To mark divisions (chapter,
section, etc)
<lh>: : : </lh> In lists, supplies a list header or <input type="file"...> Allows uploading of files to a
title before the first <li> or server, permitted types specified
<dt> with accept (change enctype
<note role="...">: : : </note> Identifies footnotes, sidenotes of <form> to
etc multipart/form-data) Copies of this card can be downloaded in PostScript and .dvi format for A4 and Letter size stationery from
<spot id="label "> Marks a reference point for <input type="scribble"...> For pen input using anonymous FTP. Information about ITCP’s
<range> <input type="audio"...> For sound input titles can be obtained from

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