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Worked solutions to student book questions

Chapter 3 Volumetric analysis

Calculate the molarity of these solutions:
a 1.5 mol of HCl dissolved in 3.0 L of solution
b 0.64 g of H2SO4 dissolved in 500 mL of solution
c 2.1 g of NaHCO3 dissolved in 1.00 L of solution

Molarity is concentration in mol L1.

Step 1 Write the appropriate formula.
Step 2 Calculate the concentration to the correct number of significant figures.
1.5 mol
c(HCl) =
3.0 L
= 0.50 M
Step 1 Write the appropriate formula.
Step 2 Calculate the concentration, remembering that the volume must be in
litres, to the correct number of significant figures.
0.64 g/98.076 g mol 1
c(H2SO4) =
0.500 L
= 0.01305 M
= 0.013 M
Step 1 Write the appropriate formula.
Step 2 Calculate the concentration to the correct number of significant figures.
2.1 g/84.008 g mol 1
c(NaHCO3) =
1.00 L
= 0.02500 M
= 0.025 M

Heinemann Chemistry 2 4th edition Enhanced

Copyright Pearson Australia 2010 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)

Worked solutions to student book questions

Chapter 3 Volumetric analysis


Calculate the amount, in mol, of solute present in:

a 20.00 mL of 0.255 M KOH solution
b 2.50 L of 1.05 M sucrose (C12H22O11) solution
c 25.00 mL of 0.0200 M AgNO3 solution.

Step 1
Step 2

Step 1
Step 2

Step 1
Step 2

Write the appropriate formula.

Calculate the amount of KOH, remembering that volume must be in
litres. Express the answer with the correct number of significant figures.
n(KOH) = 0.255 M 0.02000 L
= 5.10 103 mol
Write the appropriate formula.
Calculate the amount of sucrose.
Express the answer with the correct number of significant figures.
n(sucrose) = 1.05 M 2.50 L
= 2.625 mol
= 2.63 mol
Write the appropriate formula.
Calculate the amount of AgNO3 to the correct number of significant
n(AgNO3) = 0.0200 M 0.02500 L
= 5.00 104 mol


Calculate the mass of solute present in these solutions:

a 100.0 mL of 0.50 M NaOH
b 20.00 mL of 1.50 M CuSO4
c 10.00 mL of 0.10 M KSCN

Step 1

Step 2

Write the appropriate formula.

Calculate the mass of NaOH to the correct number of significant figures.
m(NaOH) = 0.50 M 0.1000 L 39.99 g mol1
= 1.9995 g
= 2.0 g

Heinemann Chemistry 2 4th edition Enhanced

Copyright Pearson Australia 2010 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)

Worked solutions to student book questions

Chapter 3 Volumetric analysis


Step 1

Step 2
Step 3

Step 1

Step 2

Write the appropriate formula.

Calculate the mass of CuSO4.
m(CuSO4) = 1.50 M 0.02000 L 159.54 g mol1
= 4.7862 g
Express the answer with the correct number of significant figures.
m(CuSO4) = 4.79 g
Write the appropriate formula.
Calculate the mass of KSCN to the correct number of significant figures.
m(KSCN) = 0.10 M 0.01000 L 97.102 g mol1
= 0.097102 g
= 0.097 g


Calculate the concentration, in g L1, of the following solutions:

a sports drink containing 6.0 g of sucrose in each 100 mL (i.e. 6.0% w/v sucrose)
b mouthwash containing 1.50 mg of benzoic acid per mL
c vinegar that is a 0.95 M solution of ethanoic acid (CH3COOH)

Step 1
Step 2

Step 1

Step 2

Rewrite 6.0% w/v as g L1.

6.0% w /v means 6.0 g per 100 mL
? g per 1000 mL (1 L)
Calculate the concentration of sucrose in g L1.
c(sucrose) = 6.0
g L1
= 60 g L1
Rewrite 1.50 mg per 1 mL as g L1.
1.50 mg per 1 mL
0.00150 g per 1 mL
? g per 1000 mL (1 L)
Calculate the concentration of benzoic acid in g L1.
c(benzoic acid) = 0.00150
g L1
= 1.5 g L1

Heinemann Chemistry 2 4th edition Enhanced

Copyright Pearson Australia 2010 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)

Worked solutions to student book questions

Chapter 3 Volumetric analysis


Step 1

Step 2

Rewrite 0.95 M CH3COOH as g L1, remembering that n =


so m = n M
0.95 M CH3COOH means
0.95 mol CH3COOH per 1 L
(0.95 mol 60 g mol1) g per 1 L
Calculate the concentration of CH3COOH in g L1 to the correct number
of significant figures.
c(CH3COOH) = (0.95 60) g L1
= 57 g L1


Calculate the molarity of solutions with the following concentrations:

a 5.884 g L1 K2Cr2O7
b 11.6 g L1 KCl
c 1.50 mg of benzoic acid (C6H5COOH) per mL of solution

Step 1

Step 2

Step 1

Step 2

Rewrite 5.884 g L1 K2Cr2O7 as mol L1, using the formula for amount,
5.884 g K2Cr2O7 per 1 L
5.884 g
mol per 1 L
294.196 g mol 1
Calculate the concentration of K2Cr2O7 in mol L1 to the correct number
of significant figures.
5.884 g
c(K2Cr2O7) =
mol L1
294.196 g mol
= 0.02000 mol L1
Rewrite 11.6 g L1 KCl as mol L1, using the formula for amount,
11.6 g KCl per 1 L
11.6 g
mol per 1 L
74.602 g mol 1
Calculate the concentration of KCl in mol L1 to the correct number of
significant figures.
11.6 g
c(KCl) =
mol L1
74.602 g mol
= 0.15549 mol L1
= 0.155 M

Heinemann Chemistry 2 4th edition Enhanced

Copyright Pearson Australia 2010 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)

Worked solutions to student book questions

Chapter 3 Volumetric analysis


Step 1

Step 2

Rewrite 1.50 mg mL1 C6H5COOH as mol L1, using the formula for
amount, n =
1.50 mg C6H5COOH per 1 mL
0.00150 g
mol per 1 mL
122 g mol 1
? mol per 1000 mL
Calculate the concentration of C6H5COOH in mol L1 to the correct
number of significant figures.
0.00150 g
c(C6H5COOH) =
1000 mol L1
122 g mol
= 0.01229508 mol L1
= 0.0123 M


For 250 mL of a 0.20 M solution of potassium sulfate, K2SO4, calculate the number of
moles of:
a potassium ions, K+
b sulfate ions, SO42
c oxygen atoms

n(K2SO4) = C V = 0.20 0.250 = 0.050 mol

n(K+) = 2 n(K2SO4) = 2 0.050 = 0.10 mol
n(SO42-) = n(K2SO4) = 0.050 mol
n(O) = 4 n(K2SO4) = 0.20 mol


The seal enclosure at the Melbourne Zoo contains 455 000 L of salt water. The water
in the pool is maintained at a sodium chloride concentration of 0.048 M. What total
mass of sodium chloride is present in the water when the pool is completely full?

Step 1

Step 2

Write the appropriate formula.

Calculate the mass of NaCl to the correct number of significant figures.
m(NaCl) = 0.048 M 455 000 L 58.44 g mol1
= 1276329.6 g
= 1.3 106g
= 1.3 103kg (two significant figures)

Heinemann Chemistry 2 4th edition Enhanced

Copyright Pearson Australia 2010 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)

Worked solutions to student book questions

Chapter 3 Volumetric analysis


During the preparation of the standard solution shown in Figure 3.4, why is water
added to the level of the calibration mark on the flask after the solid has dissolved,
rather than before?
When a substance is dissolved, there is often a slight change in volume due to the
attractions between the solute and solvent particles. Since molar concentration is
measured in mole of solute per litre of solution, it is necessary to accurately measure
the volume of solution rather than the volume of water used.

A student noted that her 50 mL burette was dirty and that droplets of liquid stuck to
the inside surface of the tube. She decided to investigate if this would affect the
burettes accuracy. She filled the burette to the zero mark and drained a 50.00 mL titre
into a flask that had previously been weighed. The flask was weighed again and the
mass of water calculated. The student then calculated the volume of water by
assuming that the density of water is 1.000 00 g mL1. This procedure was repeated
another four times. The masses of water for the five trials were 49.95 g, 49.93 g,
49.90 g, 49.93 g and 49.92 g.
a What is the average mass of the five water samples?
b Calculate the average volume of these samples.
c Is the use of a dirty burette a source of random error or systematic error?
d How can the source of this error be removed?
The burette was cleaned and the experiment repeated. This time the following masses
of water were obtained: 50.02 g, 50.00 g, 49.98 g, 49.99 g, 50.01 g.
e Calculate the average volume of these samples.
f Does the variation in volumes indicate a random error or systematic error?
Another burette was selected. Before testing, it was cleaned thoroughly. The same
procedure was used and the average titre was found to be 49.50 g rather than the
expected 50.00 g. The error was thought to be due to a poor standard of calibration.
g Is this a systematic error or random error?
h How should the measurements taken from this burette be adjusted?

The average mass is 49.93 g.

The average volume is 49.93 mL.
systematic error
Cleaning the burette will remove any error caused by dirty glass.
50.00 mL
random error
systematic error
Add 0.50 mL for every 50 mL or 0.01 mL for every 1 mL delivered by the

Heinemann Chemistry 2 4th edition Enhanced

Copyright Pearson Australia 2010 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)

Worked solutions to student book questions

Chapter 3 Volumetric analysis


Explain the difference between the following:

a standard solution and primary standard
b equivalence point and end point
c burette and pipette
d aliquot and titre.


A standard solution is a solution of accurately known concentration.

A primary standard is a substance that is readily obtained in a pure form, has a
known formula and can be stored without deteriorating or reacting with the
atmosphere. It should also be cheap and have a high molar mass.
The equivalence point in a titration occurs when the reactants have been mixed in
the mole ratio shown by the reaction equation.
The end point occurs when the indicator changes colour.
A burette is a piece of equipment capable of delivering variable volumes of a
liquid accurately (generally up to 50.00 mL), while pipettes usually deliver only a
fixed volume of liquid (e.g. 20.00 mL).
An aliquot is the volume of liquid delivered from a pipette, while a titre is
delivered by a burette and is the volume needed to reach the end point of a


The following paragraph describes an acidbase titration. Some of the key words are
missing. Use the list of words in the box to fill in the gaps.
primary standard

measuring cylinder


volumetric flask
standard solution

A sample of anhydrous sodium carbonate of approximately 2 g is weighed accurately.

(The solid must be dry if it is to be used as a _______________.) The solid is tipped
into a _____________ and shaken with about 50 mL of distilled water until the solid
dissolves. More water is added to make the solution to a volume of exactly 100.0 mL.
A 20.00 mL ____________ of the solution is taken by using a _____________ and
placed in a conical flask. A few drops of methyl orange are added and the mixture is
titrated against dilute hydrochloric acid.

A sample of anhydrous sodium carbonate of approximately 2 g is weighed accurately.

(The solid must be dry if it is to be used as a primary standard.) The solid is tipped
into a volumetric flask and shaken with about 50 mL of distilled water until the solid
dissolves. More water is added to make the solution to a volume of exactly 100.0 mL.
A 20.00 mL aliquot of the solution is taken by pipette and placed in a conical flask. A
few drops of methyl orange are added and the mixture is titrated against dilute
hydrochloric acid.

Heinemann Chemistry 2 4th edition Enhanced

Copyright Pearson Australia 2010 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)

Worked solutions to student book questions

Chapter 3 Volumetric analysis

Chapter review

Calculate the molarity of:

a 250.0 mL solution containing 1.42 g of potassium chloride (KCl)
b 100.0 mL solution containing 0.63 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate (Na2CO3)
c 250.0 mL solution containing 0.400 g of sodium oxalate (Na2C2O4)

Step 1

Step 2

Step 1

Step 2

Step 1

Step 2

Write the appropriate formula.

Calculate the molarity (concentration in mol L1) to the correct number
of significant figures.
1.42 g
c(KCl) =
74.55 g mol 1 0.250 L
= 0.07619 mol L1
= 0.0762 M
Write the appropriate formula.
Calculate the molarity (concentration in mol L1) to the correct number
of significant figures.
0.63 g
c(Na2CO3) =
105.99 g mol 1 0.1000 L
= 0.05944 mol L1
= 0.059 M
Write the appropriate formula.
Calculate the molarity (concentration in mol L1) to the correct number
of significant figures.
0.400 g
c(Na2C2O4) =
133.96 g mol 1 0.2500 L
= 0.01194 mol L1
= 0.0119 M

Heinemann Chemistry 2 4th edition Enhanced

Copyright Pearson Australia 2010 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)

Worked solutions to student book questions

Chapter 3 Volumetric analysis


What mass of solute is required to prepare the following standard solutions?

a 250 mL of 0.500 M sodium oxalate (Na2C2O4)
b 100 mL of 0.250 M potassium hydrogen phthalate (KH(C8H4O4))

Step 1

Step 2

Step 1

Step 2

Write the appropriate formula.

n =
Calculate the mass required to the correct number of significant figures.
= 0.500 M 0.250 L 133.96 g mol1
= 16.745 g
= 16.7 g
Write the appropriate formula.
Calculate the mass required to the correct number of significant figures.
m(KH(C8H4O4)) = 0.250 M 0.100 L 204.1 g mol1
= 5.10 g


40.4 g of Fe(NO3)3.9H2O is dissolved in sufficient water to make up 1 litre of

solution. Find the concentrations of the following ions in the solution:
a iron(III) ions
b nitrate ions

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3
Step 4

Write the appropriate formula.

Calculate the amount to the correct number of significant figures.
40.4 g
n(Fe(NO3)3.9H2O) =
403.847 g mol 1
= 0.10003 mol
From the formula, 1 mol of Fe3+ ions are formed from 1 mol of
n(Fe3+) = 0.10003 mol
Calculate the concentration of Fe3+ ions in 1 L of water, to the correct
number of significant figures.
c(Fe3+) = 0.10003 mol/1 L
= 0.100 mol

Heinemann Chemistry 2 4th edition Enhanced

Copyright Pearson Australia 2010 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)

Worked solutions to student book questions

Chapter 3 Volumetric analysis


Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Write the appropriate formula.

Calculate the amount.
40.4 g
n(Fe(NO3)3.9H2O) =
403.847 g mol 1
= 0.10003 mol
From the formula, 3 mol of NO3 ions are formed from 1 mol of
n(NO3) = 3 0.10003 mol
= 0.30009 mol
Calculate the concentration of Fe3+ ions in 1 L of water, to the correct
number of significant figures.
c(NO3) = 0.30009 mol/1 L
= 0.300 M


Convert the following molar concentrations to units of g L1.

i 0.0024 M NaCl solution
ii 6.3 105 M Pb(NO3)2 solution
Convert the following concentrations in g L1 to units of mol L1.
i 0.068 g L1 dissolved O2 in tap water
ii 0.32 g L1 cadmium ions in seawater
Convert the following molar concentrations to units of ppm:
i 0.0036 M Ca(OH)2 solution
ii 2.9 106 M Cd(NO3)2 solution


Step 1

Step 2


Step 1

Step 2

Rewrite 0.0024 M NaCl as g L1, remembering that n =


so m = n M.
0.0024 M NaCl means 0.0024 mol NaCl per 1 L
= (0.0024 mol 58.44 g mol1) g per 1 L
Calculate the concentration of NaCl in g L1 to the correct number
of significant figures.
= (0.0024 58.44) g L1
= 0.140256 g L1
= 0.14 g L1
Rewrite 6.3 105 M Pb(NO3)2 as g L1, remembering that n =
so m = n M.
6.3 105 M Pb(NO3)2 means 6.3 105 mol Pb(NO3)2 per 1 L
= (6.3 105 mol 331.22 g mol1) g per 1 L
Calculate the concentration of Pb(NO3)2 in g L1 to the correct
number of significant figures.

Heinemann Chemistry 2 4th edition Enhanced

Copyright Pearson Australia 2010 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)


Worked solutions to student book questions

Chapter 3 Volumetric analysis

Step 1

Step 2


Step 1

Step 2

Step 1

Step 2
Step 3

Step 4

c(Pb(NO3)2) = (6.3 105 331.22) g L1

= 0.02086686 g L1
= 0.021 g L1
Rewrite 0.068 g L1 O2 as mol L1, using the formula for amount,
0.068 g O2 per 1 L
0.068 g
mol per 1 L
32 g mol 1
Calculate the concentration of O2 in mol L1 to the correct number of
significant figures.
0.068 g
c(O2) =
mol L1
32 g mol
= 0.002125 mol L1
= 0.0021 M
Rewrite 0.32 g L1 Cd2+ ions as mol L1, using the formula for
amount, n =
0.32 g Cd2+ ions per 1 L
0.32 g
mol per 1 L
112.40 g mol 1
Calculate the concentration of Cd2+ ions in mol L1 to the correct
number of significant figures.
0.32 g
c(Cd2+ ions) =
mol L1
112.40 g mol 1
= 0.00285 mol L1
= 0.0029 M
Rewrite 0.0036 M Ca(OH)2 as g L1, using the formula for mass,
m = n M.
0.0036 M means 0.0036 mol per 1 L
= (0.0036 mol 74.08 g mol1) g per 1 L
Calculate the concentration of Ca(OH)2 in g L1.
c(Ca(OH)2) = (0.0036 74.08) g L1
= 0.266688 g L1
Rewrite 0.266688 g L1 Ca(OH)2 in ppm, which means grams per
million (106) grams. Assume that 1 g = 1 mL.
0.266688 g per L = 0.266688 g per 1000 mL
= 0.266688 g per 103 g
= ? per 106 g
Calculate the concentration in ppm to the correct number of
significant figures.
10 6
c(Ca(OH)2) = 0.266688 3
= 266.688 ppm
= 270 ppm

Heinemann Chemistry 2 4th edition Enhanced

Copyright Pearson Australia 2010 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)


Worked solutions to student book questions

Chapter 3 Volumetric analysis


Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Rewrite 2.9 106 M Cd(NO3)2 as g L1, using the formula for mass,
m = n M.
2.9 106 M means 2.9 106 mol per 1 L
= (2.9 106 mol 236.4 g mol1) g per 1 L
Calculate the concentration of Cd(NO3)2 in g L1.
= (2.9 106 236.4) g L1
= 0.68556 103 g L1
Rewrite 0.67396 103 g L1 Cd(NO3)2 in ppm, which means grams
per million (106) grams. Assume that 1 g = 1 mL.
0.68556 103 g per L
= 0.68556 103 g per 1000 mL
= 0.68556 103 g per 103 g
= ? per 106 g
Calculate the concentration in ppm to the correct number of
significant figures.
10 6
= 0.68556 10 3
= 0.68556 ppm
= 0.69 ppm


A carton of orange juice lists among its contents:

Total carbohydrates: 8.5 g/100 mL
Vitamin C: 40 mg/100 mL
a Express the concentration of each solute in g L1.
b Why is it also possible to express the concentration of vitamin C as a molarity,
but not possible to do so for the carbohydrates?

Rewrite 8.5 g/100 mL as g L1.

8.5 g per 100 mL = ? g per 1000 mL (1 L)
Step 2 Calculate the concentration of carbohydrates g L1.
g L1
c(carbohydrates)= 8.5
= 85 g L1
Step 3 Rewrite 40 mg/100 mL as g L1.
40 mg per 100 mL = 0.040 g per 100 mL
= ? g per 1000 mL (1 L)
Step 4 Calculate the concentration of vitamin C in g L1.
g L1
c(vitamin C) = 0.040
= 0.40 g L1
Vitamin C is a single chemical compound, whereas the term carbohydrates
refers to a group of compounds including glucose (C6H12O6), sucrose (C12H22O11)
and others. Thus the amount, in mol, of vitamin C present in 40 mg can be
calculated but this is not possible for the 8.5 g mixture of carbohydrates.

Step 1

Heinemann Chemistry 2 4th edition Enhanced

Copyright Pearson Australia 2010 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)


Worked solutions to student book questions

Chapter 3 Volumetric analysis


Each 200 mL of an electrolyte solution designed for treating dehydration contains

0.47 g of sodium chloride (NaCl), 0.30 g of potassium chloride (KCl) and 3.56 g of
glucose (C6H12O6).
a Calculate the concentration of each compound, in g L1.
b Calculate the molarity of each compound.
c Calculate the concentration of potassium ions in the solution, in mol L1.
d Calculate the concentration of chloride ions in the solution, in mol L1.

Step 1
Step 2

Step 3
Step 4

Step 5
Step 6

Rewrite 0.47 g/200 mL NaCl as g L1.

0.47 g per 200 mL = ? g per 1000 mL (1 L)
Calculate the concentration of NaCl g L1.
g L1
c(NaCl) = 0.47
= 2.35 g L1
= 2.4 g L1
Rewrite 0.30 g/200 mL of KCl as g L1.
0.30 g per 200 mL = ? g per 1000 mL (1 L)
Calculate the concentration of KCl g L1.
g L1
c(KCl) = 0.30
= 1.5 g L1
Rewrite 3.56 g/200 mL of C6H12O6 as g L1.
3.56 g per 200 mL = ? g per 1000 mL (1 L)
Calculate the concentration of C6H12O6 as g L1.
g L1
c(C6H12O6) = 3.56
= 17.8 g L1

Heinemann Chemistry 2 4th edition Enhanced

Copyright Pearson Australia 2010 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)


Worked solutions to student book questions

Chapter 3 Volumetric analysis



Step 1

Calculate the concentration of NaCl in M, remembering to use n =


c(NaCl) = 2.4 g L1
2.4 g
mol L1
58.44 g mol 1
= 0.041068 mol L1
= 0.041 M
Step 2 Calculate the concentration of KCl in M.
c(KCl) = 1.5 g L1
1.5 g
mol L1
74.602 g mol
= 0.0201067 mol L1
= 0.020 M
Step 3 Calculate the concentration of C6H12O6 in M.
c(C6H12O6) = 17.8 g L1
17.8 g
mol L1
180 g mol
= 0.09889 mol L1
= 0.0989 M
As the concentration of KCl is 0.020 M and as there is 1 mol of K+ ions in 1 mol
of KCl, the concentration of K+ ions will be 0.020 M.
c(K+ ions) = 0.020 M
There are Cl ions from KCl and NaCl. The concentration of KCl is 0.020 M and
NaCl is 0.041 M. As there is 1 mol of Cl ions in 1 mol of KCl, and 1 mol of Cl
ions in 1 mol of NaCl, then calculate the concentration of Cl ions.
c(Cl ions)
= (0.020 + 0.041) M
= 0.061 M

Heinemann Chemistry 2 4th edition Enhanced

Copyright Pearson Australia 2010 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)


Worked solutions to student book questions

Chapter 3 Volumetric analysis


To what volume of water must 10 mL of 8.0 M HCl be added in order to prepare a

0.50 M HCl solution?

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

Step 4

Write the appropriate formula.

Calculate the amount of HCl used to make the solution.
= 0.010 L 8.0 mol L1
= 0.080 mol
Calculate the total volume of the dilute HCl solution.
0.080 mol
0.50 mol L1
= 0.16 L
= 160 mL
Calculate the volume of water needed to be added to the initial 10 mL of
concentrated HCl.
V(water) = (160 10) mL
= 150 mL
= 0.15 L


The label on a laundry stain remover indicates that it contains 50 g/L hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2). What is the molarity of the hydrogen peroxide?


Step 1

Convert the mass of H2O2 to moles using n =

Step 2

M(H2O2) = 2 1.0 + 2 16.0 = 34.0 g mol1

= 1.47 mol
n(H2O2) =
Calculate the concentration of H2O2 in mol L1.
= 1.47
= 1.5 M (two significant figures)

Heinemann Chemistry 2 4th edition Enhanced

Copyright Pearson Australia 2010 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)


Worked solutions to student book questions

Chapter 3 Volumetric analysis


Schools normally purchase concentrated (14 M) nitric acid and then dilute it for use.
What volume is required to prepare 2.0 L of 0.15 M acid?

Step 1
Step 2

Calculate the amount of dilute HNO3 required.

n(HNO3)diluted = 0.15 M 2.0 L
= 0.30 mol
Calculate the volume of concentrated acid which contains this amount of
HNO3, to the correct number of significant figures.
0.30 mol
V(HNO3)conc. =
14 M
= 0.0214 L
= 21.4 mL
= 21 mL


A student wishes to prepare 500 mL of a standard solution of any base of

concentration 0.2500 M.
a Would it be better to prepare the solution using solid sodium hydroxide or
anhydrous sodium carbonate? Explain.
b Write instructions to the student for making up the solution.

A standard solution can be prepared using anhydrous sodium carbonate because it

acts as a primary standard. Unlike sodium hydroxide, it is readily obtained in pure
form. Sodium hydroxide is deliquescent (absorbs water from the atmosphere) and
also reacts with carbon dioxide in air.
1 Calculate the mass of anhydrous sodium carbonate required to make 500 mL
of 0.2500 M solution.
M(Na2CO3) = 106.0 g mol1
Mass Na2CO3 required = 106.0 0.2500 0.500
= 13.25 g
= 13.3 g
2 Weigh accurately a mass of 13.25 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate.
3 Transfer the solid to a 500 mL volumetric flask, washing all traces of the
solid from the container used for weighing into the flask.
4 Add distilled water until the flask is about half full and shake until the solid
5 Add more distilled water until the bottom of the meniscus is exactly level
with the calibration mark.
6 Shake the flask to thoroughly mix the solution.

Heinemann Chemistry 2 4th edition Enhanced

Copyright Pearson Australia 2010 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)


Worked solutions to student book questions

Chapter 3 Volumetric analysis


Fluorine compounds are added to Melbournes supplies of drinking water to give a

concentration of fluoride ions of about 0.90 ppm (1 ppm = 1 g in l06 g).
a What amount, in mol, of fluoride is present in 1.0 g of Melbourne water?
b How many fluoride ions would you swallow if you drank a 200 mL glass of
Melbourne water? (1 mL of water has a mass of 1 g.)

Step 1

Step 2

Step 1
Step 2

Step 3

Rewrite 0.90 ppm fluoride ions as mole per 1.0 g of water, using
0.90 ppm means 0.90 g F ions per 106 g of water
0.90 g
mol per 106 g of water
18.9984 g mol 1
= ? mol per 1.0 g of water
Calculate the concentration of F ions in mol g1 to the correct number of
significant figures.
c(F) =
6 mol g1
18.9984 10
= 4.73724 108 mol g1
= 4.7 108 mol g1
Rewrite 4.7 108 mol g1 as mole per 200 g.
4.7 108 mol g1 means 4.7 108 mol of F ions per 1.0 g water
= ? mol of F ions per 200.0 g water
Calculate the concentration of F ions in mol per 200 g.
mol per 200 g
c(F) = 4.7 108
= 9.40 106 mol per 200 g
Convert this concentration to particles per 200 g, to the correct number
of significant figures, using the formula:
Number of particles = n NA
Number of F ions = 9.40 106 6.023 1023
= 5.66162 1018
= 5.7 1018

Heinemann Chemistry 2 4th edition Enhanced

Copyright Pearson Australia 2010 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)


Worked solutions to student book questions

Chapter 3 Volumetric analysis


Sketch a pipette, showing the calibration line. Clearly indicate the positions of the
curved surface (meniscus) of a liquid in the pipette before and after the liquid is


A student is to perform an analysis of sodium hydroxide solution by titrating it with

standard hydrochloric acid, as shown in Figure 3.5. Before beginning, the student
rinses the glassware that is to be used in the analysis. However, the student does not
wish to wait until the glassware has dried before using it. For each of the following
apparatus, a, b and c, state if it should be rinsed with:
i de-ionised water only
ii sodium hydroxide solution only
iii hydrochloric acid only.
a pipette
b burette
c conical flask


Heinemann Chemistry 2 4th edition Enhanced

Copyright Pearson Australia 2010 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)


Worked solutions to student book questions

Chapter 3 Volumetric analysis


The concentration of a solution of sodium hydroxide was found by titration with a

standard solution of hydrochloric acid. The following steps (not in the correct order)
were used when carrying out the titration:
The burette was filled with hydrochloric acid.
II The conical flask was rinsed with water.
III The burette was rinsed with hydrochloric acid.
IV An aliquot of sodium hydroxide was placed in the conical flask.
The level of acid in the burette was read.
VI The level of acid in the burette was read.
VII A pipette was rinsed with sodium hydroxide solution.
VIII Hydrochloric acid was discharged from burette until the end point was reached.
IX An indicator was added to the sodium hydroxide solution.
The titration was repeated several times and the following values were obtained:
25.32, 25.30, 25.34, 25.90, 25.30 mL.
a What is meant by the term standard in a standard solution of hydrochloric
b Sodium hydroxide solution should not be left standing in a glass burette. Explain
c From the list above, list the steps required to complete a titration in the correct
d A rough titration is usually carried out before the first accurate titration. Explain
what is meant by a rough titration and why it is used.
e Titrations are repeated until concordant results are obtained. Explain what is
meant by the term concordant in this context.
f What is the best value to use for the titre of acid, considering the values given
g For the titration values 25.32, 25.30, 25.34 mL, what sort of error explains the
differencesrandom or systematic? Explain your answer.


A standard solution of hydrochloric acid is one of accurately known

Concentrated solutions of sodium hydroxide react with the silica of the glass,
reducing the accuracy of the glassware. Burettes with glass taps may fuse or
For example, III, I, VII, II, IV, IX, V, VIII, VI. Other correct answers are possible
but I comes after III, IV after VII and II, IX after IV, VIII after IX and V.
A rough titration is carried out if the volume of the titrant is not known. It allows
the titration to be carried out faster. The titrant is added quickly to the conical
flask until end point is reached. This gives an inaccurate or rough value. For
subsequent titrations the titrant is added quickly to within 12 mL of the end
point and then the titrant is added dropwise until the end point is reached.
Concordant results are titres that are within a 0.10 mL range, from highest to
25.32, 25.30, 25.34 and 25.30 mL should be used, giving an average titre of
25.32 mL. The 25.90 mL titre may have been a rough titre or due to a mistake in
the titration.

Heinemann Chemistry 2 4th edition Enhanced

Copyright Pearson Australia 2010 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)


Worked solutions to student book questions

Chapter 3 Volumetric analysis


The variation is due to random errors giving answers above and below the true
value. These may result from slightly different views when reading the burette,
filling of the pipette, judgement of the end point, etc.


Anhydrous sodium carbonate is used as a primary standard in determining the

concentration of hydrochloric acid by volumetric analysis.
a What criteria are used to determine whether or not a substance is suitable for use
as a primary standard?
b What mass of anhydrous sodium carbonate is required to prepare 200 mL of a
standard solution of sodium carbonate that has a concentration of 0.20 M?
c How would you prepare this standard solution?

A primary standard:
- Has a very high level of purity
- Has a known formula
- Is stable, e.g. will not react with atmospheric gases (e.g. carbon dioxide, water
- Has a high molar mass to minimise errors in weighing
- Is readily available
- Is relatively inexpensive

n(Na2CO3) = cV
= 0.20 0.20
= 0.040 mol
= nMr
= 0.040 106
= 4.24 g
Accurately weigh an empty weighing bottle, add the primary standard and
Transfer the weighed sample to a volumetric flask using a dry glass funnel. Rinse
out the weighing bottle and glass funnel using a wash bottle. Half fill the
volumetric flask with water and shake to dissolve the sample. When the sample
has dissolved add water to the calibration mark and shake the flask again.
Determine the concentration of the primary standard.

Heinemann Chemistry 2 4th edition Enhanced

Copyright Pearson Australia 2010 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)


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