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1.Zato ti nije rekao da je posao bio ili lo ili sasvim dobar? Why didnt he say that business was very bad or quite good?
2. Je li eljela znati da je operacija bila uspjena? Did she ask if his operation had been successful?
3. Ima li pojma zato nije doao? Do you have any idea why he didnt come?
4. Je li te pitala zato Tom nije doao na zabavu? Did she ask you why Tom hadnt come to the party?
5. Jesi li ga pitala kada e doi? Have you asked him when hell be coming?
6. Je li ti rekao da e doi sutra? Did he say that hed be coming tomorrow?
7. Je li ti rekla da uvijek hvata bus u 8 sati? Did she say she always caught an 8 oclock bus?
8. Kojim busom ti je rekla da putuje? Which bus did she say she was travelling by?
9. U koje vrijeme ti je rekao prijatelj da mora biti na poslu? What time did your friend say he had to be at work?
10. U koje vrijeme ti je rekao prijatelj da stie na posao? What time did he say he arrived at work?
11. U koje vrijeme ti je rekla da mora biti na autobusnoj stanici abica? What time did she say you had to be at the bus station abica?
12. Zato ga ne pita zato postavlja tako puno pitanja? Why didnt you ask him why he was asking so many questions?
Jesi li pitao mog prijatelja dali e kasnijim busom stii na posao na vrijeme? Did you ask my friend if a later bus would get him to work on time?
14. U koje vrijeme je rekla da e stii na stanicu? What time did she say she would arrive at the station?
15. Jesi li ga pitao kada e igrati? Have you asked him when hell be playing?
16. Jesi li ga pitao kada stie? Have you asked him when shell be arriving?
17. Zato me nisi pitala elim li kruh ili toast uz aj? Why havent you asked me if I would like bread or toast for tea?
18. Jesi li me pitao kuda u staviti ove runike? Have you asked me where I shall put these towels?
19. Pitam se gdje u objesiti mokru odjeu? Have you asked me where I shall put these towels?
20. Je li rekla da mokru odjeu objesim na sunce? Did you tell her to hang them in the sun?
21. Moe li mi rei kako u ga sprijeiti da nam se pridrui? Could you tell me how I could stop him from joining us?
22. Zato joj ne bi rekao zbog ega si tuan? Why shouldnt you tell her what you were so sad about?
eli li znati koji je jedan od najpoznatijih spomenika u svijetu? Do you want to know which one is one of the most famous monuments in the
Tko nije elio da nam se on pridrui i tko te je pitao da ga zaustavi? Who didnt want him to join us and who asked you to stop him?
25. Jesi li pitao kada je knjiga predstavljena Americi? Did you ask when the book had been presented to America?
26. Zato nisi pitao tko ga je dizajnirao I od ega je napravljen? Why didnt you ask who it had been designed by and what it had been made
Je li rekao da ne moe pokrenuti kameru jer se je pokvarila? Did he say that he couldnt get this camera to work because it must have
Zar je uistinu eljela znati zbog ega je kritiziraju? Did she really want to know what they had criticized her for?
29. Jesu li joj rekli da je kritiziraju zbog kanjenja? Did they tell her that they had criticized her for being late?
30. Zato joj nisi rekao zbog ega osjea nelagodu? Why didnt you tell her what you were so uneasy about?
31. Zato joj nisi rekao zbog ega si sumnjiav? Why didnt you tell her what you were so doubtful about?
32. Zato joj nisi rekao zbog ega si bio iznenaen? Why didnt you tell her what you were so surprised at?
33. Zato joj ne kae to te toliko okiralo? Why dont you tell her what you have been so shocked at?
I learn english
I am learning english
I have learned
I have been learning
He said
I learned english
(last year)
Will would
I had learned eng
I had been learning
Must had
I shall learn english
I shall have learned
I have to learn eng
May might
I cannot learn
I'm going to stay here

He learned eng
He was learning eng
He had learned eng
He had been learning
He had learned eng
He had learned eng
He been learning
He would learn eng
He would have
learned eng
He had to learn eng
He couldn't learn
(wasn't able)
He was going to stay

this (these) that
here there
now then
today that day
yesterday the
previous day, the day
tomorrow the next
day, the following
last night the
previous night, the
night before
ago before

PRIMJERI: upravni i neupravni govor

1.Open the door for me please, she asked.
She asked me to open the door for her.
2.Don't make so much noise, she said to the children.
She told them not to make so much noise.
3.Stay to lunch, he insisted.
He insisted that I should stay to lunch.
4.Come with me, he suggested.
He suggested that I should go with him.
5.Put your complaint in writing, demanded the Manager.
The Manager suggested we put our complaint in writing.
6.- Shall I see you at the concert?
She asked if she would see us at the concert.
7.Shall we be told what to do?
They asked if they would be told what to do.
8.- Shall we take a taxi?
He asked if we should take a taxi.
9.- Shall I do it for you?
He asked if he should do it for me.
10.What are these people looking at? I asked George. What did I ask George?
I asked George what those people were looking at.
11.I don't know, George answered. I think a new road is being built. It will be finished soon.
What did George answer? What did he think?
George answered that he did not know. He thought a new road was being built and that it would be finished soon.
12.George and I joined the crowd. All these people are very silly, I
whispered to George. They are looking into an empty hole. Why did I tell George that all those people were silly?
I told George that all those people were very silly because they were
looking into an empty hole.
13. Some people enjoy watching others work, George said. What did George say?
George said that some people enjoy/enjoyed watching others work.
14. Half an hour passed. Suddenly George said to me, Hurry up! We've
been here for half an hour. Then he added, There is nothing to see in
an empty hole. How much time passed? What did George tell me to do? How long had we
been there? What did he add?

. Half an hour passed. George told me to hurry up as we had been there

for half an hour. He added that there was nothing to see in an empty hole.
15. I don't want to go yet, I answered. It's very interesting. What did I answer?
I answered that I didn't want to go yet because it was very interesting.
1 Hello! I have been trying to phone you all week.
Where have you been?
2 I dont think we have met before?
Well I saw you once at a party, but we werent introduced then
3 It looks as if this light has been burning all night. I must have
forgotten to switch it off before I went to bed last night.
4 Come in now. Im sorry to have kept you waiting so long.
5 I was going to buy/would have bought the book, but when I
heard the opinion of the critics I changed my mind.
6 At last youre here! I have been waiting here for more than half an
hour. I might have known you would be late!
7 My father has been working in Austria for the last year, so by the
time he returns the month after next I shall not have seen him
for fourteen months.
8 When you see him again you will be struck by the way his health
has improved since he went to Switzerland.
9 If you had told me you had already bought the book, I
wouldnt have given it to you as a birthday present, but now it is
too late.
10 I shall ring the bell once more, but as he has not answered yet, I
think he must have gone out.
I wouldnt have bothered to come all this way if I had
11 Its just as well we brought /have brought a guide-book with us.
If we hadnt we would have been/ would be completely lost.
12 You cant have remembered to tell him how to get there. If
you had, he would have arrived long before now.

1 I do not want anyone to know.
2 Do you wish me to stay?
3 He likes his wife to dress well.
4 They warned me not to be late.
5 Did you advise your brother to accept the offer?
6 Didnt I ask you not to do that?
7 I have confession to make.
8 Do you believe such inquires to be useful?
9 Most people supposed him to be innocent.
10 They proved him to be wrong.
11 They have proved themselves to be worthy of promotion.
12 Everyone reported him to be the best man for the job.
13 We believe it to have been a mistake.
14 They knew the man to have been a spy.
15.Im glad to meet you. (now)
16.Im glad to have met you. (in the past)


The student whose name I always forget hasnt passed the exam.
The student I always forget the name of hasnt passed the test.
This is a house whose roof collapsed.
1. The man who (that) is a doctor told me about this disease.
2. That must be the man whose car has been stolen.
3. The man (that, who, whom) you want has just left.
4. The lady who (that) was here yesterday has gone to Zagreb.
5. The magazine (which, that) you lent me is very interesting.
5. The old man who (that) lives next door has just died.
6. Women who (that) work in hospitals are to be admired.
7. The girl who (that) lives opposite my house is very pretty.
8. The food (which, that) I ate yesterday was not good.
9. The dress (which, that) you are wearing is lovely.
10. The music (which, that) the orchestra is playing is a Strauss waltz.
11. The eggs (which, that) I bought yesterday are bad.
12. There is the lady whose bag was stolen.
13. Whats the name of that man whose wife has run away and left him?
14. The girl whose mother I was talking to has left the room.
The weather was not good. We hadnt expected this.
The weather was not good, which we hadnt expected.
My friend got the job. This surprised everybody.
My friend got the job, which surprised everybody.

The house is mine. In its windows there is a light.
The house with a light in the windows is mine.
The house, in the windows of which there is light, is mine.
The house, in whose windows there is light, is mine.
1. My friend, to whom you were speaking just now, wants you to come to dinner.
2. He came drunk the other night, which shocked me.

3. We have two spare rooms upstairs, and neither of which has been used for some time.
4. Quantum mechanics, about which I havent known anything, seems a very interesting

The thin look was in, and yogurt sales soared.
Jogging is fine, but walking is healthier.
Aerobics became monotonous, so many turned to yoga.
Warming up is important, for the body dislikes sudden stress.
Doctors warn against diet fads, yet miracle diets keep appearing.
Supplements need to be monitored, or they may cause problems.
There is no magic bullet, nor do we expect one.
He kept charging to his card, although his account was overdrawn. (he kept charging
Interest on loans was low, whereas interest on card balances was high. (it was low
They kept the family farm, no matter how unprofitable it became.
Because follows a comma if the reason it introduces is added optional explanation. But
sometimes the added reason is the whole point of the sentence- NO COMMA.
Many new immigrants were Asian, because racial quotas were lifted.
Many immigrants came because the old country had offered them no future.
Like many immigrants, their grandmother came as an indentured servant.
In colonial etiquette books, women were instructed in the art of passivity.
After all, Chicago was a working class city.
New York had, of course, once been a Dutch town.
Los Angeles, on the other hand, had been part of Mexico.
Newspapers played up the incident, of course.
To tell the truth, I never heard the name.
The biographer did well, considering the lack of documents.
Their guides having failed them, the travelers turned back.
One Comma
Industry giants fight over programming languages, such as Java.
Companies discover new marketing tools, especially web sites.
Two Commas
Internet buying is growing rapidly, for example, shopping for used or rare books.
Two areas of Internet sales have been extremely profitable, namely, stock market
transactions and pornography.
Internet sales promote disintermediation, which is, cutting out the middleman.
The date was Tuesday, September 29, 1998.
On March 12, 1992, several water pumps stopped working at the nuclear plant.
Forward mail to 127 Trumball Street, Hurdville, Alabama, starting the first of the
The quotation is from Chapter 5, page 43, line 7, of the second volume.
It is rare for a halfback to be only five foot, nine inches tall.
Five pounds, three ounces is an unusual weight for this fish.
Tag Opening: No, she is not here.
Tag Question: She is your friend, isn't she?
Direct Address: Your friends, Marilyn, are worried about you.
Normal Order
For her parent's generation, work was a religion.
Unusual Order
Work, for her parent's generation, was a religion.

No Comma
Time: when, whenever, while, before, after, since, until, as soon as, as
long as
Place: where, wherever
Condition: if, unless, provided
Intention: so that, in order that
Reason: because, since

1 He told her to go home.
2 They asked us not to make noise.
3 He was the first man to climb this
4 He didnt know what to say.
5 We dont know where to go.
6 I dont know how to do it.
7 I was glad to hear of your success.
8 My friend was told not to watch that

The infinitive without to is used:

- with modal verbs;
- after the verbs make, let, see, hear, observe, notice,
watch, help, feel, smell
- after the phrases had better, would rather
1 She must go. I ought to go.
2 Who helped you do it?
3 He had better study diligently.
4 I would rather stay at home than go out tonight.

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