Draft Ar115 XX

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Army Regulation 115-X

Climatic, Hydrological, and Topographic Services

Information and

Distribution Restriction Statement.

Destruction Notice.

Department of the Army

26 September 2005
1 January 2006


AR 115-X 26 September 2005

Summary of Change
AR 115-X
Army Installation Geospatial Information and Services (IGI&S)

Establishes responsibilities for Army IGI&S.

Establishes proponent for Army IGI&S.

Establishes Army installation geospatial database of record.

AR 115-X 26 September 2005

The Army Installation Geospatial Information and Services (IGI&S) mission is to ensure the
availability of the Army installation spatial data infrastructure by providing policy guidance,
program management, geospatial information technology, data and services that support the
overall management and resourcing of Army installations worldwide and the mission of the Army.
Situational awareness of the installation is critical in supporting the Army training and testing
mission. Army installation management, transformation initiatives, base realignment and closure
(BRAC), homeland security, mission support and increasing encroachment on installation
operations mandate that the Army has access to the best possible information about our
installations and their surroundings. Geospatial information including digital representations of
installation facilities, road networks, building footprints, as-builts, environmental resources and
constraints, imagery, ranges and training lands, and surrounding areas, must be readily available
in a standardized format. This information is utilized by installations and higher headquarters
offices to manage installations, ensure force protection, respond to encroachment, meet
regulatory requirements, and enable maximum use of our training and testing assets to support
mission needs.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD) are
utilized in planning and installation management. CADD and GIS systems and data shall be
interoperable and available to all users on the installation. They visually depict the installation
(e.g. the natural, cultural, and infrastructure characteristics of an installation and its surrounding
area) and its management activities. The installation management community uses GIS for
integrated planning (e.g. master planning, installation status reporting, unit stationing, national
environmental policy act analysis, noise management, site selection, permitting, environmental
management, range management, and database visualization) and command and control.
HQDA uses GIS for situational awareness, military construction, environmental analysis, range
planning, re-stationing, regulatory response, and analysis of the impact of policies.
Although the Army Geospatial Engineer community guidance is provided by AR 115-11, Army
GI&S, every effort should be made to establish and promote standards for interoperability
between communities.

AR 115-X 26 September 2005


AR 115-X 26 September 2005

History. This publication is a new Department of the Army regulation.

Summary. This regulation covers Installation Geospatial Information and Services.
Applicability. This regulation applies to the Active Army, Army National Guard (ARNG), Army Reserve and
Army Corps of Engineers. It also applies to tenants, such as other Federal agencies, contractor activities,
and lessees performing activities in direct support of the Army located on real property under Department of
Army jurisdiction. This regulation applies to installations and activities worldwide. Contracts for operation of
government-owned facilities shall reference this regulation and will designate by specific citation the
applicable provisions of this regulation. Army Geospatial Engineers creating, managing and disseminating
geospatial data to support military operations are exempt from this regulation.
Proponent and Exception Authority Statement. The proponent of this regulation is the Army Assistant
Chief of Staff for Installation Management (ACSIM). The ACSIM has the authority to approve exceptions to
this regulation that are consistent with controlling law and regulation. Proponents may delegate authority, in
writing, to a division chief within the proponent agency in the grade of colonel or the civilian equivalent.

Army Management Control Process. This regulation contains management control provisions in
accordance with AR 11-2, but it does not identify key management control provisions that must be
Supplementation. Supplementation of this regulation and establishment of command and local forms are
prohibited without prior written approval from the ACSIM.
Interim Changes. This is a new regulation. There are no interim changes.
Suggested Improvements. Users are invited to send comments and suggestions for improvements on DA
Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) directly to HQDA, ACSIM (DAIMZS), 600 Army Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20310-0600.

Committee Continuance Approval.

Distribution. This publication is available in electronic media only and is intended for command levels C, D,
and E for the Active Army, Army Corps of Engineers, Army National Guard and the U.S. Army Reserve.

AR 115-X 26 September 2005

Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures

AR 115-X 26 September 2005

Chapter 1
Section I
1-1. Purpose
This regulation sets policies and procedures for utilizing and implementing Army installation
geospatial information and services in support of Army installation management.
1-2. References
Required and related publications and prescribed and referenced forms are listed in appendix A.
1-3. Explanation of abbreviations and terms
Abbreviations and special terms used in this regulation are explained in the glossary.
Section II
1-4. Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations and Environment (ASA (I&E))
The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Environment) (ASA(I&E)) has the principal
responsibility for all Department of the Army matters related to all installations, and environment,
safety and occupational health. The ASA(I&E) sets the strategic direction, determines objectives,
establishes policy, sets standards, and proposes programming and funding for these programs.
1-5. Army Principal and Special Staff Elements
Within their respective areas of functional and process proponency, Army Principal and Special
Staff Elements will(1) Appoint a Geographic Information Officer (GIO) in writing.
(2) Direct the GIO to coordinate all Installation Geospatial Information and Services (IGI&S)
activities with Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (OACSIM).
(a) Coordinate Army IGI&S activities with OACSIM.
(b) Respond to Army IGI&S requirements from OACSIM.
(c) Implement Army IGI&S policy.
(3) Submit requirements to Management Decision Package (MDEP) manager for validation
(4) Follow Federal and Department of Defense (DoD) Geographic Information Systems (GIS),
Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD) and metadata standards.
(5) Recommend policy and standards for Army IGI&S to the OACSIM GIO.
(6) Ensure IGI&S spatial data layers are standardized, documented, and submitted to the
OACSIM at least twice a year.
(7) Ensure IGI&S data is validated prior to submission to OACSIM.
(8) Report IGI&S expenditures and requirements for installation management annually to
(9) Identify Army IGI&S funding requirements and report Army IGI&S funding requirements to
1-6. Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (ACSIM)
The ACSIM serves as the Army central point of contact for Army IGI&S policies, programs,
production, and requirements. The ACSIM will
(1) Be the proponent for IGI&S policies, programs, systems, Program Objective
Memorandum (POM) submissions, and requirements.
AR 115-X 26 September 2005

(a) Ensure correct IGI&S Army Program Elements (APEs) are in Defense Finance and
Accounting Service (DFAS) 37-100-XX.
(b) Establish an Army Program Element (APE) in DFAS 37-100-XX for all Army IGI&S
hardware, software, and technical services expenditures.
(c) Establish an Army Program Element (APE) in DFAS 37-100-XX for all Army IGI&S data
expenditures, and ensure that all Army IGI&S data expenditures are charged to this APE.
(d) Collect and validate all requirements for IGI&S from Major Commands (MACOMs), and
Field Operating Agencies (FOAs).
(e) Review Combatant Command (COCOM) IGI&S requirements from Integrated Priority
Lists (IPLs) and ensure that valid IPLs have been incorporated into the POM submission.
(f) Establish a Management Decision Package (MDEP) account within the appropriate
MDEP for all Army IGI&S hardware, software, and technical services programming, and an
MDEP account within the appropriate MDEP for all Army IGI&S data programming.
(g) Develop and submit all Army IGI&S requirements within these MDEP accounts to the
Installation Program Group (IIPEG) during the POM process.
(h) Coordinate Army IGI&S requirements with other Army staff (ARSTAF) elements.
(i) Submit and track IGI&S un-financed requirements to Installations Program Evaluation
Group (II PEG) as necessary.
(2) Appoint a Geospatial Information Officer (GIO).
(3) Follow Federal and DoD GIS, CADD and metadata standards.
(4) Act as the Army Installation and Environment (I&E) IGI&S domain manager.
(5) Establish positions on joint actions and documents affecting Army IGI&S.
1-7. OACSIM GIO will
(1) Draft IGI&S policies, programs, systems, POM submissions, and requirements.
(2) Establish, maintain, manage and provide access to the Army Geographic Information
Systems Repository (GISR), the Armys installation spatial database of record.
(3) Establish a governance process for the management of the GISR.
(4) Provide access to the GISR and IGI&S data to valid users (e.g. DoD, ARSTAF and
Installations) and ensure they are available for use by ARSTAF at all levels of the organization.
(5) Develop and maintain HQDA IGI&S applications.
(6) Establish a governance process for Army IGI&S.
(7) Develop a GISR configuration management and control process
(8) Recommend Army IGI&S program guidance.
(9) Recommend Army IGI&S strategic plan.
(10) Validate all Army IGI&S expenditures within the I&E domain.
(11) Analyze current and proposed Army IGI&S applications, functions and requirements to
determine possible overlaps, data and cost sharing opportunities and to develop effective and
efficient Army IGI&S architectures for the organization.
(12) Prepare and coordinate positions on joint actions and documents affecting Army IGI&S.
(13) Draft Army IGI&S data classification levels and constraints to data release.
(14) Develop an IGI&S configuration management and control process.
1-8. Commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
In addition to the responsibilities outlined in Army Principal and Special Staff Elements, the
USACE will
(1) Establish and maintain a capability to deliver digital geospatial representations of Army
real estate records and deeds to OACSIM at least twice a year.
(2) Execute IGI&S support to military installations in accordance with the IGI&S policies and
(3) Ensure that all Army IGI&S hardware, software, data and technical services expenditures
are charged to the correct IGI&S APE.
1-9. USACE GIO will
(1) Execute Research and Development (R&D) addressing installation geospatial technology
in accordance with the ACSIM IGI&S strategic plan.
AR 115-X 26 September 2005

(2) Support and coordinate remote sensing imagery requests for installations through
USACEs Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) -Topographic Engineering
Centers (TEC) Imagery Office (TIO).
(3) Submit USACE IGI&S expenditures (including Army installation funded projects) to
OACSIM GIO for validation prior to obligating funding.
1-10. Commander, OACSIM Field Operating Agencies (FOAs) will
(1) Organize Army IGI&S
(2) Resource FOA IGI&S support.
(3) Ensure that all Army IGI&S hardware, software, data and technical services expenditures
are charged to the correct IGI&S APE.
1-11. Chief, National Guard Bureau (NGB)
In addition to the responsibilities outlined in Army Principal and Special Staff Elements, the Chief
NGB will direct the GIO to coordinate Army National Guard (ARNG) IGI&S activities with Air
National Guard IGI&S activities.
1-12. Director, Army National Guard
In addition to the responsibilities outlined in Army Principal and Special Staff Elements, the
Director ARNG will
(1) Appoint a Geographic Information Officer in writing.
(2) Ensure that the ARNG implement Army GIS policy, standards, and guidance.
(3) Ensure that the ARNG maintain standard enterprise geographic information capabilities.
(4) Direct the ARNG Directorate and the State/Territory GIO to coordinate IGI&S activities
with NGB Joint Staff and Air National Guard IGI&S activities.
(5) Integrate development and use of ARNG IGI&S data and systems within the organization
to the maximum benefit to the organization.
(6) Eliminate ARNG IGI&S redundancy within the organization (training centers, states, and
ARNG Directorate
(7) Organize the IGI&S activities and expenditures within the ARNG.
(8) Maintain a minimum required set of geospatial data for every training site.
(9) Integrate development and use of ARNG IGI&S data and systems within the organization
to the maximum benefit to the organization.
(10) Eliminate ARNG IGI&S redundancy within the organization (training sites, states and
(11) Organize IGI&S activities and expenditures within the ARNG.
(12) Maintain a minimum required set of geospatial data for every training site.
(13) Ensure that all Army IGI&S hardware, software, data and technical services
expenditures are charged to the correct IGI&S APE.
1-13. ARNG GIO will
(1) Identify ARNG IGI&S requirements and report requirements to HQDA.
(2) Act as the primary conduit responsible for coordinating GIS data calls between
State/Territory and HQDA.
(3) Provide technical expertise for ARNG GIS program.
(4) Conduct quality control for all data submitted by state/territory to HQDA.
(5) Organize, analyze and report current and proposed ARNG Directorate applications,
functions, and requirements to determine possible overlaps, data and cost sharing opportunities
(6) Integrate development and use of IGI&S data and systems within the organization to the
maximum benefit to the organization.
1-14. OACSIM FOA GIO will
(1) Submit FOA IGI&S expenditures to OACSIM GIO for validation prior to obligating funding.
(2) Develop and promulgate FOA Army IGI&S implementation instruction.

AR 115-X 26 September 2005

(3) Organize, analyze and report current and proposed installation, regional, FOA, and IMA
Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA) IGI&S applications, functions and requirements to
determine possible overlaps, data and cost sharing opportunities.
(4) Integrate development and use of Army IGI&S data and systems within the organization
to the maximum benefit to the organization.
(5) Provide Army IGI&S expertise to the FOA.
(6) Eliminate Army IGI&S redundancy within the organization (installation, regional and FOA
Headquarters (HQ) level).
(7) Organize Army IGI&S activities and expenditures within the FOA.
1-15. State/Territory Adjutant General will
(1) Appoint a State/Territory GIO.
(2) Ensure all State/Territory elements implement and comply with DoD and Army IGI&S
(3) Ensure Army IGI&S facilities data are consistent with Real Property Records.
(4) Validate with TAG signature, or TAG designee signature, Army IGI&S data prior to
submission to the NGB.
(5) Ensure spatial data layers are maintained, validated and submitted at least annually to the
(6) Establish and maintain an Army IGI&S capability that supports installation management.
(7) Maintain a minimum required set of geospatial data.
1-16. Director of each IMA Region will
(1) Appoint a Region IGI&S Manager.
(2) Ensure spatial data layers are maintained, validated and submitted at least twice a year to
(3) Follow Federal and DoD GIS, CADD and metadata standards.
1-17. Each IMA Region IGI&S Manager (both active and reserve) will
(1) Identify both garrison and regional readiness command (RRC) Army IGI&S requirements
and report requirements to IMA GIO.
(2) Ensure that both active and reserve garrisons implement Army GIS policy, standards, and
(3) Coordinate with garrisons and RRCs to identify GIS requirements and report requirements
to the IMA GIO.
(4) Ensure both garrisons and RRCs maintain standard enterprise geographic information
(5) Act as the primary conduit responsible for coordinating GIS data calls between both
garrisons and RRCs and HQDA.
(6) Provide technical expertise for regional staff and both garrisons and RRCs.
(7) Conduct quality control for all data submitted by both garrisons and RRCs to the OACSIM.
(8) Provide standardized, documented, and validated region Army IGI&S data to OACSIM at
least twice a year.
(9) Organize, analyze and report current and proposed regional applications, functions and
requirements to determine possible overlaps, data and cost sharing opportunities.
(10) Integrate development and use of IGI&S data and systems within the organization to the
maximum benefit to the organization.
(11) Recommend policy and standards for IGI&S to the IMA GIO.
(12) Provide Army IGI&S expertise to the region.
(13) Eliminate Army IGI&S redundancy within the region.
(14) Organize Army IGI&S activities and expenditures within the region.
(15) Ensure region follows Federal and DoD GIS, CADD and metadata standards.The
State/territory GIO will
(16) Identify State/Territory requirements and report requirement to the ARNG GIO.
(17) Act as the primary conduit responsible for coordinating GIS data calls between
State/Territory and ARNG.
AR 115-X 26 September 2005

(18) Provide technical expertise for state/territory GIS programs.

(19) Conduct quality control for all data managed by the state/territory.
(20) Organize, analyze and report current and proposed State/Territory applications,
functions, and requirements to determine possible overlaps, data and cost sharing opportunities.
(21) Integrate development and use of IGI&S data and systems within the organization to the
maximum benefit to the organization.
1-18. Garrison and RRC Commander (both active and reserve) will
(1) Appoint a garrison or RRC IGI&S Coordinator.
(2) Ensure all garrison elements implement Army IGI&S policy, standards, and guidance.
(3) Ensure all garrison elements comply with DoD and Army IGI&S policy.
(4) Maintain a minimum required set of geospatial data for every garrison.
(5) Ensure all garrison elements maintain standard Army IGI&S capabilities.
(6) Ensure all spatial data and applications developed and used by all garrison elements are
shared and integrated into the Army IGI&S in accordance with Army guidance.
(7) Establish and maintain the garrison and RRC Army IGI&S capability that supports
installation management.
(8) Ensure garrison and RRC IGI&S facilities data are consistent with real property records.
(9) Ensure all spatial (GIS and CADD) data are network accessible and available for use by
all garrison element functions and appropriate tenants.
(10) Follow Federal and DoD GIS, CADD and metadata standards.
(11) Validate with garrison commander signature, or garrison commander designee
signature, garrison and RRC IGI&S data prior to submission to IMA.
(12) Ensure spatial data layers are maintained, verified, validated and submitted at least
twice a year to the OACSIM.
(13) Establish and maintain a capability to report IGI&S data to IMA at least twice a year.
(14) Validate garrison and RRC IGI&S data as acceptable for decision making prior to
submission to OACSIM.
1-19. Garrison and RRC IGI&S Coordinator (both active and reserve) will
(1) Oversee all garrison and RRC IGI&S activities.
(2) Identify garrison and RRC IGI&S requirements and report requirements to appropriate
IMA region.
(3) Provide IGI&S technical expertise to the Garrison IGI&S Coordinator.
(4) Establish and maintain a capability to report garrison and RRC IGI&S data to IMA Region
at least twice a year.
(5) Provide standardized, documented and validated garrison and RRC IGI&S data to IMA
Region at least twice a year.
(6) Organize, analyze and report current and proposed garrison and installation IGI&S
applications, functions and requirements to determine possible overlaps, data and cost sharing
(7) Integrate development and use of garrison and RRC IGI&S data and systems within the
garrison to the maximum benefit to the Army.
(8) Verify IGI&S data content for accuracy and completeness prior to validation.
(9) Identify and provide appropriate source data for development of IGI&S data.
(10) Recommend policy and standards for garrison and RRC IGI&S to the regional GIO.
(11) Ensure all garrison elements implement Federal and DoD GIS, CADD and metadata
(12) Provide IGI&S expertise to the garrison and RRC commander.
(13) Eliminate IGI&S redundancy within the garrison and RRC.
(14) Organize garrison and RRC IGI&S activities.
1-20. Garrison Director of Installation Management (DOIM)
(1) Ensure IGI&S systems are incorporated within the installation network.
(2) Provide IT support for IGI&S applications and systems including system administration,
network connectivity, testing support, accreditation, system configuration, and application hosting.
AR 115-X 26 September 2005

1-21. Army Garrison and Installation GIS and CADD staff will
(1) Document data according to federal and DoD CADD and GIS standards.
(2) Ensure Army IGI&S data is consistent with Army real property records.
(3) Provide relevant GIS data to the IMA at least twice a year.
(4) Coordinate with garrison staff to ensure the IGI&S data consistency and quality across
facilities, environment and training.
(5) Respond to data calls for Army IGI&S CADD and GIS data.
(6) Follow Federal and DoD GIS, CADD and metadata standards.
(7) Create, document, standardize, maintain, report and make available Army GIS and CADD
data for use by all Garrison functions.
(8) Verify IGI&S data content for accuracy and completeness prior to validation.
(9) Identify and provide appropriate source data for development of IGI&S data.
(10) Integrate development and use of Army IGI&S data and systems within the organization
to the maximum benefit to the organization.
(11) Recommend policy and standards for Army IGI&S to the garrison GIO.
(12) Provide Army IGI&S expertise to the garrison GIO.
1-22. Army Garrison and Installation Range staff (both active and reserve) will
(1) Provide range Army IGI&S data for use by garrison and installation staff.
(2) Respond to data calls for range Army IGI&S data.
(3) Follow Federal and DoD GIS, CADD and metadata standards.
(4) Create, document, standardize, maintain, report and make available Army IGI&S range
data for the garrison and installation.
1-23. Army Garrison and Installation Facilities staff (both active and reserve) will
(1) Provide facilities Army IGI&S data for use by garrison and installation staff.
(2) Ensure Army IGI&S facilities data is consistent with real property records.
(3) Respond to data calls for facilities Army IGI&S data.
(4) Follow Federal and DoD GIS, CADD and metadata standards.
(5) Create, document, standardize, maintain, report and make available IGI&S facilities data
for the garrison and installation.
(6) Verify IGI&S data content for accuracy and completeness prior to validation.
(7) Identify and provide appropriate source data for development of IGI&S data.
1-24. Army Garrison and Installation Environmental staff (both active and reserve) will
(1) Provide environmental Army IGI&S data for use by garrison and installation staff.
(2) Respond to data calls for environmental Army IGI&S data.
(3) Follow Federal and DoD GIS, CADD and metadata standards.
(4) Create, document, standardize, maintain, report and make available IGI&S environmental
data for the garrison and installation.
(5) Verify IGI&S data content for accuracy and completeness prior to validation.
(6) Identify and provide appropriate source data for development of IGI&S data.

AR 115-X 26 September 2005

Chapter 2
Installation Geospatial Information and Services
Section I
2-1. IGI&S Requirement
Installation Geospatial information and services are a core capability to support the business
functions of the Installation and Environment (I&E) domain.
2-2. Responsibilities
Existing Department of the Army (DA) program proponents are responsible for ensuring
functional area policies and guidelines reflect requirements and policies established by OACSIM.
These include establishing clear guidelines to fund data and applications required by the
functional area, adhering to standards that ensure interoperability, and sharing data with the
Army. Each functional area is responsible for funding its portion of GIS hardware, software and
services (map production). The OACSIM shall make the data available department wide. Each
functional area is responsible for creating, purchasing and providing individual data sets to the
enterprise (e.g. environmental programs will fund environmental GIS data and facilities will fund
facilities GIS data). Each functional area is responsible for coordinating the use of their functional
area data with other functional areas to reduce redundancy, enable its use across the enterprise,
increase efficiency, and to ensure effective data management. Data will be collected on the
installation and can be collected up to a radius of 25 miles external to the installation and 5 miles
external to any sub-installations as required by installation requirements. Data external to the
installation is the responsibility of the same party responsible for the data on the installation (e.g.
Environmental Office on the installation is responsible for collecting wetlands data within the
installation boundary and responsible for purchasing or providing wetlands data within a 25 mile
radius of the installation and 5 miles of the sub-installation). Data purchases will be coordinated
with the OACSIM before the purchase occurs in order to ensure: 1) the data does not already
exist in the Armys geospatial portfolio; 2) the data is not part of a larger data purchase that is (or
should be) occurring; 3) that the requirement can not be met more cost affectively through a
centralized purchase or data service; 4) to ensure the data meets approved licensing
requirements; and 5) to ensure that purchases are incorporated into the Armys geospatial
portfolio. IGI&S Data will be updated either biannually or as often as required.
2-3. Security
The proponent for each Army IGI&S data set will determine the classification level and access
constraints for each data set in accordance with Army, DoD, and IGI&S policies.
2-4. Army IGI&S Governance
Army IGI&S Governance will consist of representatives from all offices involved in the
development and/or application of spatial data on the ARSTAF. The primary function of the
Governance process is to integrate the Armys future development and use of IGI&S data and
systems for the maximum benefit to the Army. Secondary missions of the governance process
are as follows:
(1) Serve as the principal Army mechanism for coordinating Army IGI&S
(2) Recommend policy and standards for IGI&S to the OACSIM.
(3) Develop standards and methods for the creation, use and sharing of IGI&S data.
(4) Analyze current and proposed IGI&S applications, functions and requirements to
determine possible overlaps, data and cost sharing opportunities and to develop effective and
efficient IGI&S architectures for the Army.
(5) Provide GIS expertise to the OACSIM for coordination within the DA and agencies outside
the Army.
AR 115-X 26 September 2005

(6) Form working groups and focus groups to discuss and act on relevant IGI&S issues.
2-5. Funding
Each HQDA functional area is responsible for: funding data, applications, hardware and software
to support their operational needs, ensuring the funded efforts have met IGI&S policy and
implementation guidelines and requirements, and ensuring the efforts have been coordinated
through the IGI&S governance process.
2-6. Policy
Each HQDA program area will undertake a review of existing Army regulations and insert
language supporting IGI&S and requiring collection of spatial data.
2-7. Reporting
(1) The OACSIM will track IGI&S capabilities, expenditures and requirements.
(2) Each functional area will report annually to OACSIM
(a) Current and planned IGI&S execution.
(b) IGI&S staff
(c) IGI&S capabilities
(d) IGI&S systems
(e) IGI&S software requirements
(f) IGI&S standards compliance
(3) Each functional area from HQDA down to installation offices will participate in regular
OACSIM capabilities surveys in support of the Armys geospatial portfolio management efforts.
2-8. GISR
The OACSIM shall implement the GISR, the Armys CADD and GIS spatial database of record.
The database will serve as the Armys spatial data library and as a portal for dissemination of
Army IGI&S information to stakeholders inside and outside of DoD.
Section II
2-9. Data Sharing
Army IGI&S personnel shall share data across functional and organizational lines, with other
federal, state and local governments, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in
accordance with applicable DoD policy, Army regulations, and state and Federal laws. Army
IGI&S data shall be provided to operational units for elevated to classified networks in
accordance with DoD and Army security regulations.
2-10. Data Standards
The current release of the Spatial Data Standard for Facilities, Infrastructure and Environment
(SDSFIE) shall be followed for geospatial database table structure, nomenclature, and attributes
to allow for data integration. CADD data shall be documented according to the current release of
the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC)/CADD standards. All GIS and CADD data
will be documented in accordance with the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Content
Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata.
2-11. Projection and Datum
All GIS data shall use the World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84) datum, and the North
American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) to ensure data alignment and accuracy. CADD data
shall be geo-referenced. The standard projection for DoD is Transverse Mercator. The
projection, datum and coordinate system must be defined and then documented in the metadata
for both CADD and GIS and provided whenever the data is distributed.
2-12. Standard Installation Data
AR 115-X 26 September 2005

The OACSIM will develop guidelines defining a required minimum set of IGI&S data. This set of
data will be the minimum IGI&S data each installation is required to collect, maintain, report, and
submit to OACSIM annually.
2-13. Data Reporting
Selection of sources for Army IGI&S data at the installation or training site will be performed by
subject matter experts (SMEs) at the installation or elsewhere within the Army, to ensure
accuracy of the Army IGI&S data and selection of the highest quality source for Army IGI&S data.
2-14. Data Sources
Sources for each Army IGI&S overlay layer should meet the following criteria:
(1) They must be authorized for release to the OACSIM GIO by the base-level command
(2) They may or may not be currently in the public domain and must be unclassified.
(3) SMEs are responsible for identifying the most appropriate sources, with support from
regional GIO and installation-level Army IGI&S (GIS and CADD) points of contact (POCs).
(4) Regional and state GIOs, in coordination with installation and training site-level mapping
POCs and SMEs, will balance all of the above criteria to identify the most appropriate data source
for each Army IGI&S overlay layer.
2-15. Data Applicability
SMEs, in coordination with regional or state GIOs, shall determine whether or not a given Army
IGI&S overlay layer is relevant for the installation or training site. SMEs shall perform the
following to validate the relevance of any given Army IGI&S layer for the installation or training
(1) Determine whether or not the feature exists on the installation. If the feature exists, it is
relevant to the installation.
(2) Validate the applicability for each Army IGI&S layer with appropriate SME at the
installation or within the department. In the event a given Army IGI&S overlay layer does not exist
at an installation, a short written statement signed by an appropriate SME shall be included in all
Army IGI&S submissions presented to the base-level command authority for reporting and will
cite relevant official studies or determinations. These conditions will be re-verified as part of the
biannual reporting requirements.
2-16. Data Source Selection
SMEs, in coordination with region or state GIO, will select the appropriate data source for any
given Army IGI&S overlay layer at a given installation or training site. The organizations holding
the most appropriate data source will vary by Army IGI&S overlay layer, by command, and by
installation. However, as a general rule the installation or training site general plan,
comprehensive plan, master plan, or equivalent document signed by the base-level command
authority should be sought as a potential source.
2-17. Data Conversion
Garrison GIOs will perform the following activities to ensure compliance with Army IGI&S
(1) Convert all relevant content to digital geospatial format.
(2) Structure data as per the SDSFIE.
(3) Structure the IGI&S overlay data file attribute tables and populate as required.
(4) Prepare required FGDC compliant metadata. Note any significant promulgation of
horizontal positional accuracy or content error associated with creating the data or converting
data to digital format.
2-18. Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Garrison GIOs will perform quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) on every Army IGI&S
overlay layer to ensure compliance with Army IGI&S specifications and to ensure the highest
accuracy possible for each given Army IGI&S data layer. QA/QC checks should be performed by
AR 115-X 26 September 2005

individuals other than those primarily responsible for data and metadata compilation. QA/QC
checks shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) Compliance with delivery specifications.
(2) Compliance with attribution requirements.
(3) Compliance with FGDC metadata requirements.
(4) Compliance with accuracy requirements.
2-19. Garrison Level Command Authority Data Validation
Upon completion and successful Quality Assurance (QA)/Quality Control (QC) of all relevant
Army IGI&S data and associated metadata for a given installation, the data and metadata will be
provided to the base-level command authority for acknowledgement and approval for delivery to
the OACSIM GIO and inclusion in the Army spatial database of record. The base-level command
authority will seek inputs from SMEs at the installation to validate the selected sources are in fact
the most appropriate for release to the OACSIM GIO.
2-20. Business Process Review
Each functional area (e.g. environment, range, facilities) involved in IGI&S will immediately
undertake a review of existing business processes in order to identify areas in which spatial data
can be used to reduce the costs of doing business. The review will include a summary of the
spatial data required to support the mission of each functional area, and the accuracy and
timeliness of updates. Each business area will report the results to the OACSIM GIO. New
requirements will be reported as required.

AR 115-X 26 September 2005

Appendix A
There are no references in this Army regulation.
Section I

Required Publications
FGDC Metadata Content Standard
Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata, Version 2 - FGDC-STD-001-1998 (Available at
http://www.fgdc.gov/metadata/contstan.html.). (Cited in Chapter 2. Section II. 2.2.)
Section II

Related Publications
There are no related publications.

Section III

Prescribed Forms
There are no prescribed forms.

Section IV

Referenced Forms
There are no reference forms.

AR 115-X 26 September 2005

AR 115-X 26 September 2005

Section I

Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management
Architecture, Engineering and Construction
Army Program Element
Army National Guard
Army Staff
Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations and Environment
Computer Aided Drafting and Design
Combatant Command
Department of the Army
Defense Finance and Accounting Service
Department of Defense
Engineer Research and Development Center
Federal Geographic Data Committee
Field Operating Agency
Geographic Information Officer
Geographic Information System
Geographic Information Systems Repository
Headquarters Department of the Army
Installation Geospatial Information and Services
Installation Program Evaluation Group
Installation Management Agency
AR 115-X 26 September 2005

Integrated Priority List

Major Command
Management Decision Package
North American Vertical Datum of 1988
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
National Guard Bureau
Non-governmental Organization
Program Evaluation Group
Program Objective Memorandum
Quality Assurance/Quality Control
Research and Development
Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure and Environment
Subject Matter Expert
Topographic Engineering Center
Topographic Engineering Center Imagery Office
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
World Geodetic Survey of 1984
Section II

Army Spatial Data Infrastructure

The network, systems, standards, policies and guidance that provide the foundation for the Army
Enterprise GIS (EGIS)
A centralized GIS integrating legacy databases, providing common applications, all critical
business functions with data being shared across the organization
Geographic Information Systems
GIS is a computerized tool for storing, managing, analyzing, and presenting geographic data.
Installation Geospatial Information and Services
The data, people, hardware, software, procedures and policies required to perform installation
management GIS support. These are used for installation management, mission support, critical
AR 115-X 26 September 2005

infrastructure protection, force protection, homeland security, and training. Geospatial information
provides the basic framework for installation visualization. It is information produced by multiple
sources to common interoperable data standards. It may be presented in the form of printed
maps, charts and publications, in digital simulations and modeling databases; in photographic
form; or in the form of digitized maps and charts or attributed centerline data. Geospatial services
include tools that enable users to access and manipulate data, and also includes instruction,
training, laboratory support, and guidance for the use of geospatial data.
Data about data describe the content, quality, condition, and other characteristics of data.
Geospatial data files have associated metadata files that contain textual descriptive information
about the spatial features.
Spatial Data
Information that identifies the geographic location and characteristics of natural or constructed
features and boundaries on the earth, or that can be related to a location on the surface of the
earth. The information may be derived from - among other things - remote sensing, mapping,
and surveying technologies and is usually digitally collected in a GIS or CADD system.
Section III
Special Abbreviations and Terms
This section contains no entries.

AR 115-X 26 September 2005

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