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The Council of CWA / CS Students of Nasik

Name in Block Letters – ________________________________________________

Regn. No. with Institute - ______________________________________________

Date of Birth - _______________________. Gender – Male/Female (strike out)

Address - _____________________________________________________________

E-mail: ______________________________ Mobile No. ______________________

Telephone No. Office - ______________________. Res. No. _________________

Blood Group - _______.

Qualification - Educational –
Course name University Name of College Year/stage

Professional –
Course name Institute Name of branch Year/stage

Interested Areas (Tick the appropriated) –

Cultural Conference Newsletter Operations

Others- _________________________

How did you got to know about students pulse (reference) _________________

Why do you want to be in Students Pulse - _______________________________


Date: ________________ Place: __________________ Signature: _____________________

Students’ Pulse – The Council of CWA / CS Students of Nashik

Rules & Code of Conduct:

1. Name of the Council : Students’ Pulse

2. Office: The office of the Council will be Nasik Ojhar Chapter of Cost Accountants, Prasanna Arcade, Nasik –

3. Activities of the Council:

 Undertake and coordinate educational programs under Nasik Chapters of ICWAI and ICSI;
 Organize various events, seminars, guest lectures, workshop and conferences for the benefits of
the Students;
 Work as per the laws decided by the Nasik Chapters of ICWAI and ICSI for the benefit of Students;
 Conducting programs to help gain practical knowledge and development of personality through
various workshops and learning programs;
 To conduct any other programs as per the needs of the Students / Management.

4. Members: The Members of the Council will be Students of ICWAI and ICSI registered with Nasik Chapters of

5. Membership Fees: The Council will charge membership fees as decided by managing committee as per
requirement from time to time.

6. Managing Committee: The President of the Students Council will be elected among the Students under the
Guidelines of The office bearers of the Nasik Chapters of ICWAI and ICSI. A consent letter under the hands of
Chairman will be needed for the said appointment.

7. Meeting: The general meeting of the Council must be conducted at least 2 (Two) times a year.

8. Accounts and Funds: The funds for running the Council will be provided by Nasik Chapters of ICWAI and ICSI

9. Existence: The said council would be working under the Control of The Nasik Chapters of ICWAI and ICSI and
at any given point of time if the said Council or any of its members are found violating the rules prescribed
herein shall be liable for penal action as decided by any committee of the Chapter.

10. Miscellaneous: Any student who is found guilty in any misconduct or as resorted to unfair means would not
eligible to be part of the Managing Committee.

11. Rules:
 Students are expected to take part in each and every activity organized by The Council.
 The Students members should pay the fees as prescribed by the chapter from time to time.
 Student should voluntarily serve the said council, whenever asked for.
 Student must strictly follow the guidelines as provided by the council & managing committee of the

Date: ________________________ Place: ________________________ Signature: _________________________

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