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Trinity United

Methodist Church

Trinity Trumpet

APRIL 2015

Dear Members and Friends of Trinity UMC:

Picture the scene. A barren hillside, called Golgotha, which simply means "the
place of the skull." Three men nincing in pain while hanging on Roman crosses
designed to cause immense suffering. Two were common criminals, and in the
middle, the spotless Son of God. It is now noon, when the sunlight is at its brightest, but suddenly something strange happens. Darkness covers the earth, bringing
silence and a profound sense of uneasiness to the hostile and jeering crowd. And
then, through this strange darkness, comes a piercing proclamation from Jesus; "It
is finished!" And in just a matter of moments our Lord would breathe His last
Jesus said; "It is finished." Was this an admission of defeat? Had He failed to
do what He said He would do? Had He fallen short of His phenomenal promises
He had made to those who listened? No! This was not an admission of defeat!
This was not the despairing cry of a helpless man! This was not the last gasp of a
life that was soon to end! It was a proclamation. An authoritative public announcement, of work completed.
"It is finished." What did He mean? Briefly, and essentially He meant in part
this: The prophecies that had been written of Him were now fulfilled. The prophecies that the coming of a Messiah would be born of a virgin born in Bethlehem;
to a descendent of David; being beaten for our transgressions and bruised for our
iniquities; to His tragic crucifixion. These prophecies now had all been completed, fulfilled. Precisely as the prophets of old had prophesied, they were complete.
Secondly, His sufferings were now complete. Jesus Himself told those who
followed Him that He indeed would suffer and die for their behalf. Remember, by
design the cross was a cruel and inhuman instrument of death. The Roman cross
was designed for optimum pain, suffering, and humiliation. His suffering was
now over.
Thirdly, the debt of sin was now paid in full. Not our Lord's sin. No, for He
was sinless, but the debt of our sin was paid in full. The spotless Lamb of God
had shed His precious blood, that we might be cleansed and forgiven of our sins
and unrighteousness. The most excellent sacrifice had now been offered. That
sacrifice was freely given, so that we could be freely forgiven. The covenant of
redemption was now complete. The work was finished. Where there was alienation for humanity, now there is reconciliation.
"It is finished." Not a scream of agony and not the anguished cry admitting
defeat. No, it was a glorious announcement of triumph. The victory had been won.
See you in Church.
Grace and Peace,
George R. Patterson, MDiv.
Senior Pastor

Inside This Issue

Health Outreach Ministry

Parish Nurse

Youth News

Christian Education

VBS Registration

New Member Class

Bible Studies


Easter at Trinity

News and Notes

9, 11

UMW Spring Soup and

Chicken Salad Sale


Recipe of the Month




Church Calendar


Membership News


Trinity History


Thank You Notes


National Humor Month

Health Outreach Ministry
Dr. Dot Baker

April is National Humor Month. Ok, go ahead and laugh!

Someone told us to Laugh uncontrollably! It clears the mind!

Larry Wilde, Director of the Carmel, CA Institute of Humor & author of 53 books, started
National Humor Month in 1976.

Now, just when you think that humor is just for laughs----Lets look at the facts!
Medical science continues to find that laughter can play a part in physical and mental healing and can
relieve stress. In fact, you can jog while you laugh. Norman Cousins called laughter internal jogging.
So, Larry Wilde reminds us to get all the big laughs that we can.
WHY? Lets explore the joys & therapeutic values of laughter
Improve health
Increase communication skills
Build team spirit

Boost morale
Enrich quality of life
Enhance productive & creative efforts

Use laughter to RELIEVE STRESS? Laughter is free, quick, ready-to-use, fun, fat-free, & good for
the heart. It does not need special talents & gives immediate results. Larry Wilde suggests 3 steps:
(1) Take a humor break by reading cartoons or stories to be more alert & cope with stress kind of a
first-aid kit for stress. (2) Laugh at ourselves in a way to show that we are human & that we do not
take ourselves too seriously. (3) Create our own funny file with memories, experiences, photos, cartoons, videos, etc. Nurture our individual sense of humor & well-being.

Tips to INCREASE our LAUGHTER QUOTIENT? (L) Laugh long & loud to keep us alert, help our
mood, & help us to cope. (A) - Admit that we are human & laugh at ourselves. (U) Up our laugh quotient to even more than our usual 15 times per day. (G) Generate mirth in social, business, personal
situations - How many smiles did we bring about today? (H) Help ourselves to succeed even in the
midst of stress. Laughter is free and it naturally bursts our stress. (T) Take our funny bones to
work. Create respectful laughter to aid teamwork & trust. (E) Embrace the idea that we can keep
dignity & overcome adversity even in the midst of humor. Humor lets us let the hot air out of our
stuffed shirts. (R) - Remember that we live longer with humor in our lives.

Larry Wilde says: Humor is good for our vision. Things always look better after a good laugh.
Sources: Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor, Larry Wilde website

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, published in

2010 by the United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA), contains guidelines for healthy diets based upon
review of scientific studies for people above 2 years of
age. These guidelines recommend that a healthy diet
should: balance calories with physical activity to manage
weight; consume more of certain foods and nutrients such
as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat-free and low-fat
dairy products, and seafood; consume fewer foods with
sodium (salt), saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, added
sugars, and refined grains.
MyPyramid is an online animated program to help a person customize his/her diet by choosing proper foods and
portion sizes based on the individual's age, sex, and activity level. The key objectives of the MyPyramid Plan are
to help a person get the most nutrition (proteins, vitamins,
and minerals) out of the recommended number of daily
calories and to achieve a balance between food intake and
physical activity to maintain a healthy weight. The
MyPyramid Plan recommendations include:
Make half your grains whole.
Vary your veggies.
Focus on fruit
Get your calcium-rich foods.
Go lean with protein.
Find your balance between food and physical

by Carolyn Lewis, RN

Spring is here and with it comes sunshine, flowers, and

the beginning of warmer weather.
Cold weather has certainly dominated January and February and part of March, so we hope that Mr. Winter has
retired for the season.
Maintaining Health
The body requires carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals to maintain healthy organs, bones,
muscles, nerves, and to produce hormones and chemicals
that are necessary for the proper function of organs.
Vitamins and minerals are naturally occurring substances
that are essential for the growth and function of the body.
Vitamins and minerals are both necessary (in small
amounts) for normal chemical reactions (metabolism) in
the body.
Preventing and Controlling Diseases
Obesity and heart attacks are major public-health problems in the United States and other countries. Therefore,
most dietary recommendations are aimed at preventing
these two diseases. Obesity comes over time by eating
more calories than the body burns. Obesity, in turn, can
be a cause of many diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnea, liver disease, arthritis, high blood pressure, gout, gallstones, and certain cancers.
To lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, it helps to
eat more low-energy-dense foods. Low-energy-dense
foods (such as vegetables and fruits) contain few calories
per unit volume of food so that one can eat a large volume of it (for example, lettuce) without taking in many
calories. One should also eat less of the high-energydense foods such as fats, egg yolks, fried foods, sweets,
and high-fat salad dressings. Foods with a high energy
density also often have high cholesterol and saturated fat
content. One should also eat less of those foods that provide calories but little other nutrients, such as alcohol and
many packaged snack foods.

Medically Reviewed by a Doctor on 1/15/2014

Medical Author : Dennis Lee, MD
Medical Author: Melissa Conrad Stppler, MD
Medical Editor: William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR
I wish each of you a very blessed Easter and pray that
the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior brings
renewal to your spiritual being and offers hope for each
new day. Gods blessings to one and all and hope to see
you Easter Sunday morning.

Christian Education
by Janal Walton
Director of Childrens Ministries


JUNE 21-25
Trinity UMC, Bethesda UMC, Wicomico Presbyterian, and Faith Community
Church will have a community VBS again this summer. The date is June 21-25, with
the preschool time from 6:00-7:30 p.m. with the older children being involved from
6:00-8:15 p.m. The theme is G-Force (God-Force) --- Gods Love in Action. Through
this program, G-Force Adventure Park, children will discover that they can use Gods
power in their lives to help them Move! Act! Care! Follow! and Share! This fun, interactive Bible-based program equips children to use their talents, skills, and momentum
in a Christian centered direction. Please save the date and start thinking of what extra friends your child can bring with them.
Please contact Janal Walton if you would like to help or have suggestions.


Go to the website for Camp Pecometh ( ) and check out all the
opportunities available for your child. What interests your childhorseback riding,
hiking, swimming, and much more. Trinity has $100 camperships available per child,
if you are interested.


Love to sing and/or listen to great hymns? On April 12, from 2:00-3:00 p.m. we
will meet in the sanctuary for singing. Following the hymn sing, everyone is invited to
the JMB for ice cream sundaes. Come enjoy the fellowship and great music.


June 21 25, 2015
6:00-8:15 pm


Kindergarten thru fifth grade, OLDER YOUTH WILL BE HELPERS

**Pre-school (3 and 4 year olds) Class limited to 22 children 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
Childs Name _______________________________________Age________
Grade Completed _____ in June 2015
If possiblemy child would like to be with ______________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name _______________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________
Email Address ______________________________________________________________
Phone Numbers: Cell-mother ________________ Cell-father________________________
Special Needs/Allergies/Medical Information/Other :
Emergency Contacts
Name _______________________________
Phone ____________________
Name _______________________________
Phone ____________________
Name(s) of person(s) who may pick up this child from VBS-must be filled out
Parents Volunteer Opportunities: I am available to..
_____ help decorate the set - June 19
_____ be a crew leader at least 3 nights
_____ help with the pre-school group

____ help serve dinner on Family Night June 25

_____ help set up or clean up Family Night-June 25
_____ do whatever!!

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------***Other Information (church use only)

VBS Group for Child ______________________________________________________________________
Family received music CD and song sheets ___________
Where are parents volunteering _______________________________________________________________

Wednesday Night Bible Study

The book of Hebrews
6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary
The Wednesday Night Bible Study on the definitive
book of Christ as the fulfillment of the law
(Hebrews) continues every Wednesday night at 6:30
p.m. in the sanctuary of the church.

Monday Afternoon Bible Study & Berean

Sunday School Class continues the
study of
Psalms: Israels Hymnal
Every Monday at 1:00 p.m.
Sunday at 10:45 a.m. Room 303 of JMB.
Join us as we finish this two year study.

New Members Class will be held April 12, 19, 26,
May 3, and May 10 at 9:30 a.m. in room 301 of the
JMB. New members will be received into the church
on May 17 at 9:30 a.m. Those interested in joining
the church should call the church office: 410-7495562.

The Hebrew word from last months Trumpet is a

very familiar term: Shalom which means peace.
This months Hebrew word is :

What is the translation of this word? Hint: It is

both a proper name and a word that is important to
all of us. Answer in next months Trumpet.



Were putting out an APB for

April Peanut Butter!
Mr. Creamy and Miss Crunchy:
Last seen leaving the supermarket.
May be disguised in plastic or paper.
Sometimes accompanied by their partner, Jelly, Jr.

Help haul them in to Trinity on Sundays this April!

The food theme for the Lazarus Food Pantry for April is PEANUT BUTTER and JELLY! But as always, ALL food
items are greatly appreciated especially cereal and other breakfast foods, pasta and sauce, macaroni and cheese, boxed
dinners, hamburger, chicken and tuna helper, canned soups, vegetables and fruits, canned meats, and individual juices
and snack items for the ready to eat bags! They also have an ongoing need for large diapers: sizes 3, 4, and 6, as well as
mens and womens personal hygiene items such as deodorant, soap bars, shampoo, lotions, tooth brushes and tooth
paste, womens personal items, razors and shaving cream, and chap stick. Trinity provides 27 hardworking and faithful
volunteers each month to help interview the clients for financial assistance, pack and distribute the food bags, as well as
organize and stock the shelves at the Lazarus Food Pantry. Our church has achieved a well deserved reputation for its
commitment to Lazarus over the years, and we take great pride in being a part of this vital community service program.
The donation of #10 cans of tomato sauce and vegetables to Halo and the Christian Shelter that began in March has
been a huge success! So far, almost 50 cans have been received and donated to Halo. In April, we will send our #10 cans
to the Christian Shelter, so please circle April 5 (the first Sunday of the month), to bring your big can donations to
church. Thanks for making a BIG contribution!
Trinity volunteers continue to feed the hungry and homeless at the Joseph House soup kitchen on the third Wednesday
of every month. On Wednesday, March 18, we fed 80 hungry men, women, and children, who were served a meal of
lasagna, rolls, salad, and cookies. All diners left with full tummies and smiling faces! Our next day to serve will be
Wednesday, April 15.
From 14-28 March, Trinity again hosted homeless men as part of the Community Emergency Shelter Project.
Trinity will be preparing and serving a hot meal for God's Kitchen at Grace United Methodist Church on May 9.
Please contact Jennifer Doyle at (410) 430-8869 or Jill McCabe at (410) 759-4674 if you would like to lend a hand in
the kitchen!
We would welcome and encourage your participation in Trinity's mission activities. It's a great way to share Christian
fellowship in service to those less fortunate souls who really need a helping hand. Thanks again for your GENEROUS
and CONTINUOUS support
of ALL Trinitys missions projects!
Ric Bloodsworth
Missions Chairperson
(240) 344-6194


Salisbury Urban Ministries

Food Pantry Data:

Palm/Passion Sunday Worship Service

March 29 -8:00, 9:30, 11:00 a. m.
Maundy/Holy Thursday Worship Service
April 2-7:30 p. m.
Childrens Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 4 -10:00-11:00 a.m. at the JMB

We saw

143 Families
5 New clients

We distributed

155 Bags of food

We would like to personally thank all the churches and its

members for their continued support of this ministry, as
well as all the other ministries of SUM.

Indoor Easter Sunrise Worship

April 5 - 7:00 a. m. at Pine Bluff

Thank you and God Bless!

Easter Sunday ServicesTraditional Worship

Rev. George Patterson
April 5 - 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary


T.A. Phillips
Trinity continues to remarkably support this program. Since July 2009, we have exceeded $1.37 M dollar value of
coupons. We mailed February 2015 coupons to U.S. Navy, Rota, Spain.
HELPFUL TIPS: Please do not tear the coupon booklets apar t. Leave the booklets fastened together just
like they arrive in the newspaper. If you do cut out the coupons: cut them into single coupons not in strips. Please do not
staple or roll the coupons with a rubber band. We cannot use restaurant, fast food, and grocery store coupons.
As always, thank you for your response to support this mission to military personnel and families who serve our
Report for the Program
Grand Total
Grand Total
Month(s) Number Dollar Val- Grand Total Grand Total
Number of
Dollar Value
Number of
Dollar Value
ue ($) of
($) of CouCoupons for ($) of Coupons Coupons
Months Months
for year
Coupons Coupons
2009 Feb








Homemade Chicken Salad
Vegetable Beef / Peas & Dumpling Soup Sale
Tuesday, April 28, 2015 from 12 - 6 p.m.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015 from 12 - 3 p.m.
A Bake Table will be available both days
Pints of Chicken Salad $6.00
Pints of Soup $3.50, Quarts of Soup $6.00
Trinity Church Office Phone 410-749-5562
Trinity Fax No. 410-749-8830
You can contact any UMW member to place an order or call
the church office. We will have an order form in the church
bulletin Sunday, April 12 .
All proceeds go to support our missions.


TUE. & WED. APR 28 and 29
Order Pd. _____
Order Unpaid _____
Pick up time Tue. , April 28 from Jackson Memorial Building 12 - 6 p.m.
Pick up time Wed. , April 29 from Jackson Memorial Building 12 - 3 p.m.
Bake goods will be on sale
Will pick up my order on Date of April _____ Approx. Time ________
Name________________________________ Phone No._____________ Business_____________________

Pints of Chicken Salad at $6.00 ea.
Pints of Vegetable Beef Soup at $3.50 ea.
Pints of Peas & Dumpling soup at $3.50 ea.
Quarts of Vegetable Beef Soup at $6.00 ea.
Quarts of Peas & Dumpling Soup at $6.00 ea.
Total of Order



by Carolyn Lewis
We are so thankful for all who have helped with our receptions and meals this year and hope that perhaps there are
others in our congregation who would like to assist with this meaningful program. If you did not sign up for this mission program, but would like to help, please feel free to call me at the church office and I will be glad to discuss our program with you.
We continue to send cards to our shut-ins and nursing home residents and our monthly visits to Pine Bluff continue.
Our next Lunch Bunch will be on April 8, and our guests will be Roger Shiles and Dottie Lynch. Please make your reservations no later than April 6 by calling the church office.
I have booked 24 seats for the 3 Tenors and Diva Show at the Ocean City Convention Center for June 27. The tickets
will be $45.00 and we will carpool to the show. I will try to make reservations for dinner prior to the show, but at this
time have not done so.
The new performing arts theater created inside the convention center is going to have some great name performers, and
if we find that people are willing to go there for shows and not have bus transportation provided, then we would not
have to rent a bus and the time frame for our outings would be much shorter and the cost would be less. Dinners/lunch
expenses would be at the ticketholders expense.
I have booked a Christmas show at the American Music Theater for their Christmas Show Deck the Halls. The date is
November 18, and the time of the show is 3 p.m. We will leave here about 8:30 and return sometime around 8 that
night. The cost of the trip, which includes the show, dinner, and bus, is $81.00. We will pack lunches for you as well
as snacks and beverages. Please call the church office to sign up.

Banana Cake
cup butter, soften
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups all- purpose flour
2 tsp. baking soda
tsp salt
1 cups mashed ripe bananas
1 cup sour cream
Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Stir in vanilla .
Combine the flour, baking soda and salt, add to creamed mixture alternating with bananas and sour cream, beating well
after each addition.
Pour into a 13x 9 pan and bake at 350 for 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
For Frosting,
1/3 cup butter soften
2 cup 4x sugar
2 teaspoons of instant coffee
2-3 tablespoons of milk.
Beat butter and confectioner sugar until smooth, dissolve coffee in milk and add to butter mixture and beat until smooth.
You could also just use a cream cheese icing on the cake.
NOTE: I used just a vanilla glaze on the cake and it was great!


Jill Sell
Angela Smith
Terry Walter
Arline Wiley
6 - Casey Bellamy
Casey Hawkins
Kobe Heinicke
Brooke Hudson
Katie Kitzrow
PLEASE NOTE: If your Ross Marvel
name does not appear on Zo Sheller
this list it does not mean
that we do not have you as a 7 - Lauren Bailey
Trinity member. It only James Phippin
means that we do not have Kent Thorsten
your birth date. Please give
the church office a call with 8 - Donald Baysinger
any additions to, or correc- Cindy DuBuque
tions of, this list.
Madison Wheeler
1 - J. D. Burkett
Hunter Jones
Eva Whipple
Jackson Tyndall
Patti Yocubik
2 - Bethany Banks
Jessica Barnes
Lauren Bilski
Cameron Galloway
Ali Jones
Jessica Kelly
Franny Johnson
Reagan Shockley
3 - John Bloodsworth
Rebecca Dobson
Joan Elliott
Robert Freeman
Amy Gilland
Valerie Haldeman
Bryan Hensley
Kathy Martin
Bernice Saylor
Tina Shaffer
Kelly Wimbrow
4 - Lee Lawson
Richard Parsons
Cassidy Wheeler

9 - Lindsey Haldeman
Hap McCabe
Kennedy OMalley
Carole Rollins
Maria Weaver
10 - Chad Disharoon
Richard Duvall
Thomas Malone
Dorothy Shockley
Aubrey Sousa
Billy Stewart
11 - Tracy Bostwick
Grant Lischick
12 - Alex Bryson
Ashleigh Carey
Kelsey Ivy
William Wiseman
13 - Allison Freshwater
Rebecca Jones
William Owens III
Tammy Paxton
Carter Spicer
Daniel Warwick
Kathy Warwick

14 - John Glenn, Sr.

Lee Grier
Gavin Townsend
Carol Wilson
5 - Sarah Evans
Kimberly Groves
Maggie McCabe
Nancy Nyquist

15 - Ashley Butler
Kristen Iman
Amy Kelley
Trevor Lankford

Lisa Moore
Trevor Pusey
16 - Lewis Carman
Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski
Greg Fleming
Steve Hammond
Barry King
Monta Kutchen
Jillian Massey
Kaitlyn Price
Craig Snyder
Kelly Tawes
17 - Sarah Arrington
Steve Greenwood
Barbara Hannemann
Lisa Justice
George Leidner
Carolyn Lewis
Cherish Owens
Sarah Phippin
George Strott
18 - Lucille Conway
Darra Hansen
Kim Pelot
19 - Cody Collins
Shirley Hackett
Tom Trice
20 - Jennifer Berkman
Josh Layfield
Hannah Olds
Kemp Tregoe
Jake Vincent
Maggie Vincent
Beth Whittington
21 - Kay Crouse
Angie Dempsey
Jane Ford
Emily Harmon
Jennifer Moore
Heather North
22 - William Hamilton
Elliana Hapner
Brody King
Michelle Twilley
23 - Marti Hawkins
Casie Post
24 - Alexa Hudson
Bob Hussey
25 - Anne Cornelius
Jay Owen
Tony Waller

Selah Wilson
26 - Dora Ashby
Leroy Duggan
Alice Kilgour
Jeanie Long
Christopher Vorhis
Larry Walton
27 - Brittnee Collins
Erin Huddleston
Leigh Ann McGee
Katie Vincent
28 - Christina Agnew
Debbie Bailey
Judy Bullock
Thomas Fisher
Andrew Fox
Shanan Rogers
Kristen Stuart
Jessica Wattay
29 - Kelly Lloyd
Caryn Morris
Jeremy Nelson
30 - Lynn Harris
Ward Lambert
Sherry Pope
Nancy Stephens

April 2015







MMO Easter
Egg Hunt
12pm Pastors
1pm UMW Ruth
6:30pm Bible
6:30pm Sanctuary
Choir Rehearsal

7am Pine Bluff

8, 9:30, 11am

Church Office
1pm Bible Study
1:30pm UMW
6:30pm FitMinded
Exercise Class

No Youth Group

6:30pm Hebrew




8, 9:30, 11am
9:30am New
Member Class

2pm Hymn Sing


1pm Bible Study

No Youth Group

6:30pm FitMinded
Exercise Class


6:30pm Hebrew

1pm UMW


Lilies & Window

Greenery in
Hang Wreaths

6:30pm MOPS
Worship Service

10am Easter Egg








11:30am Lunch

5:15pm SPRC
6:30pm Bible

7pm Moms Prayer




6:15pm Handbell
Sanctuary Choir


Joseph House
5:15pm Trustees

Articles Due

7pm Moms Prayer

6:30pm Bible

6:15pm Handbell
6:30pm MOPS
Sanctuary Choir


8, 9:30, 11am


9:30am New
Member Class

1pm Bible Study

ASP Chicken &

Dumpling Dinner

6:30pm FitMinded
Exercise Class

4pm Youth Group

6:30pm Hebrew


8, 9:30, 11am



1pm Bible Study

6:30pm FitMinded
Exercise Class
6:30pm Hebrew



10am Pine Bluff


5:15pm Finance
5:15pm T-CAP
6:30pm Bible

7pm Moms Prayer


UMW Food

9:30am New
Member Class

4pm Youth Group




UMW Food

5:15pm Admin.
7pm Moms Prayer

6:15pm Handbell
Sanctuary Choir

6:30pm Bible


6:15pm Handbell
Sanctuary Choir

8am UMM

Membership News

Childrens Easter
Egg Hunt
Saturday, March
24 -10:00-11:00

Peninsula Delaware Conference

Salisbury District
Rev. Peggy Johnson
Peninsula Delaware Conference

March 2
Vera Grace Emge
Daughter of Timothy and Jen Emge

Rev. Frederick W. Duncan

Salisbury District

March 8
Kiera Renee Vickers
Daughter of Kenny and Alaina Vickers

Church Staff
Rev. George R. Patterson, Senior Pastor
Rev. Dean DeFino, Associate Pastor
Rev. Dale Vroman, Associate Pastor
Rev. Zachary Wheeler, Youth Pastor
Mrs. Phyllis Oldham, Sanctuary Choir Director
Mrs. Sarah McCabe, Childrens Choir Director
Mr. David Lawson, Organist
Rev. Harry Gray, Handbell Choir Director
Mrs. Janal Walton, Director of Childrens Ministry
Mrs. Carolyn Lewis, RN, Parish Nurse
Mrs. Tracy Shannahan, CPA, Church Accountant
Mr. Wayne Tull, Sexton
Mrs. Sue Posey, Office Manager
Mrs. Sarah Burton, Riverwalk Organist
Mr. Scott Albright, Video & Sound Technician

March 12
Ethan Austin Baker
Son of Scott and Kelsea Baker
February 24
Patricia J. Fox
March 10
Gary Granville Pusey
March 24
Eleanor Hoekstra

Church Leaders
Mrs. Lynne Smoak, Administrative Board Chairperson
Mr. Ron Boltz, Administrative Board Vice-Chairperson
Mr. Tony Sarbanes, Lay Leader
Mr. Bob Moore, Staff Parish Relations Chairperson
Mr. Jim Thomas, Board of Trustees Chairperson
Mr. Bill Hetherington, Finance Committee Chairperson
Mr. Kelly Shannahan, Leadership Development Committee
Mrs. Ellen DiCintio, Treasurer


How many years has David Lawson played

the organ at Trinity?
A. 20 yr s.

B. 27 yr s.

C. 30 yr s.

D. 37 yr s.

Committee Leaders
Dr. T. J. Mumford,, Annual Conference Member
Mr. Ric Bloodsworth, Missions Committee Chairperson
Mrs. Carolyn Lewis, Congregational Care Committee
Mrs. Laura Robertson Safe Sanctuary Team Chairperson
Mrs. Vickie Blades, Membership Chairperson
Mrs. Fran Hastings, United Methodist Women President
Mr. Everett Thomas Morton, United Methodist Men
Mrs. Sue Hetherington, Altar Guild President
Dr. Dorothy Baker, Health Outreach Ministry
Mr. Ron Moore, Trinity Trumpet Editor
Mrs. Karen Albright, Video Ministry

(The answer is at the bottom of page 15)


We continue to be blessed by being a part of the

Trinity family, but we have truly been overwhelmed
by your outpouring of love and concern during my
recent open heart surgery. Your cards and notes, and
visits by our ministers, encouraged me during my
lengthy stay at PRMC. Thanks to Carolyn Lewis,
Sonnie Lucas, and Gayle Whitelock for meals, flowers from the Sanctuary Choir, and many calls offering help. Thanks to David Lawson for directing
Sounds of Praise in my absence, and to Liz Mac Farlane for being my insider in Cardiac Rehab. I am
progressing beyond expectations, and I know that
many prayers by many people are responsible for
that. Thank you again for being who you are!
Harry Gray

Thank you!
GREETINGS from Southwest Florida to my
Trinity family! I must first thank you so much for
all the caring cards and hand written notes I received during my recuperation period from my
open heart surgery. It was very comforting to
know so many Trinity friends were praying for me
and unbelievable for me to imagine so many of you
would take the time to send a card! Thank you,
thank you, thank you!
Pat and our dear friend, Ellen Nichols (retired RN)
from Salisbury provided excellent care to me during recovery. Everyone says I have made a fast
and steady recovery I have even begun going into
the office daily now for a few hours. God is good
and prayer does work!
Greg Stein
Thanks for the cards and prayers from Trinity
members during her time at the Wicomico Nursing
Home and the passing of Patricia J. Fox.
Family of Pat Fox
Thank you so much for all of your cards, prayers,
and good wishes. Patti and I deeply appreciate all
of the expressions of support we have received.
We have many wonderful memories of the time we
spent at Trinity, and will always be grateful for the
opportunity to be part of such a caring church family. Thank you for all the tangible ways you continue to demonstrate the love of Christ.
Peace be with you,
Bill Green
Your kind expressions of sympathy meant so
much to our family during the loss of our parents,
Charles and Sylvia Layfield. The many cards, kind
words, and the delicious cake were greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much,
Terri Hussey and family
Vicki and Bruce Bozman and family



Salisbury, MD 21801

Trinity United Methodist Church

112 High Street
Salisbury, MD 21801

Church: 410-749-5562
FAX: 410-749-8830
Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Return Service Requested

Visit us on the web at

Thank You
March Bulletin Folders
Warren and Joyce Boyce
Judy Briele
Dolly Burkett
Jack and Anne Calloway
Camilla Disharoon
Allison Freshwater
Bonnie Gibson
Sarah Renshaw
Laura Twilley
Barbara Webster


Newsletter Staff
General Editor:
Ron Moore
Mailing Coordinators:
Norman & Barbara Webster

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