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0 Introduction
Carbon-based fuel is the energy sources that widely used in industrial and transportation.
Petroleum is one of the examples of carbon based fuel use in car, but it is non-renewable source
and its supply is become scarce (Chungtai, O & Shannon, D n.d.). As to resolve this problem,
scientist had found a new practical alternative to replace the using of carbon-based fuel in car
which is hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell. This fuel cell is an electrochemical system with the
combination of hydrogen and oxygen to produce a water and electricity (Kruger, P 2006).
Therefore, the aim of my research is to determine whether hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell technology
is practical alternative to carbon-based fuel cell.
2.0 Chemical concept
In fuel cell vehicle, it functions by replacing the electric battery in electrical vehicle by
supplying a current for the electric motor to turn the wheel. There are two types of electrodes in
fuel cells which are porous anode and porous cathode. From the figure 9-1, these two electrodes
sandwiched onto a proton exchange membrane (PEM) which permits the transfer of proton at
porous anode by ionizing of hydrogen to the porous cathode and combine with the oxygen at
porous cathode to form water. Below is the equation of reaction occurring in porous anode and

H 2H + 2e

Cathode : 2H + O + 2e 2HO

In order to increase the reaction of fuel cell, platinum catalyst is needed for proton
exchange membrane (PEM) in both anode and cathode to speed up the ionization reaction in
both electrode (Kruger, P 2006).
3.0 Advantage and disadvantage of carbon based fuel
Petroleum, a carbon-based fuel is made of hydrocarbon that contain to elements which
are hydrogen and carbon. This hydrocarbon becomes valuable and highest quality in
transportation nowadays because it contains a lot of energy within them. The source of this
energy can be found in the atomic bond of compound which originally a solar energy that
trapped in the prehistoric organism in last million years ago. In order to obtain the energy,
combustion process is used by breaking down an atomic bond to produce the energy in the form
of light and heat (Chungtai, O & Shannon, D n.d.). 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane is one of the
examples of hydrocarbon that found in petroleum and widely use in gasoline. It has a chemical
formula which is CH, and then reacts with oxygen exothermically (Math and Science Activity
Centre 1999).
CH (aq) + 12.50O (g) 8CO (g) + 9H (g) + heat
However, combustion of carbon based fuel is dangerous especially harmful to health. The
byproduct of burning this fossil fuel can enter deeply into the lung because of its smaller particle
which is 10 microns in diameter. Thus, the particles that carry harmful substances like heavy
metal and pollutants will enter to the blood stream and effects to the lung. People who are longer
expose to this environment will slow down the transportation of oxygen in lung. So, they might
be affected with a fatal asthma attack and other serious lung problems (Chungtai, O & Shannon,
D n.d.). A part from that, incomplete combustion of carbon based fuel also will lead to the

emission of harmful gas like carbon monoxide and nitric oxide (Math and Science Activity
Centre 1999). Carbon monoxide also can contribute and enhanced to greenhouse effects.
CH (aq) + 12.50O (g) + N (g) 6CO (g) + 2CO (g) +2NO (g) + 9HO (g) +heat
4.0 Advantage and disadvantage of hydrogen oxygen fuel cell
Hydrogen fuel cell is a clean burning process of hydrogen fuel. Compare to carbon based
fuel, byproduct of burning hydrogen fuel cell only release water and hydrogen gas. So, it will not
contribute to the environmental problem. In fuel cell, the temperature used for a electrochemical
combination of hydrogen and oxygen occur is low which about 80 C rather than combustion of
gasoline in internal-combustion engine which is around 2400 C. The lower in temperature will
reduce the production of nitrous oxide ( Kruger, P 2006).
N + O 2NO
A part from that, in vehicle especially a car, using of hydrogen fuel cell is more efficient
compare to internal combustion engine. This because, 60 to 70 percent of the energy in the
hydrogen fuel would be converts into motion but only 20 to 25 percent of energy converted for
internal combustion engine (New Scientist 2003)
There is still having problem in development of hydrogen fuel cell technology such as
hydrogen storage and delivery. Scientist have been tried to find a best way to store hydrogen and
carry this fuel in vehicles. It seems like having a difficulty to fit the fuel tank into a small size
with a higher pressure during running the car. Besides, conflict between a companies and
customers also contribute to problems of fuel cell technology. People do not want to buy a
hydrogen fuel cell car if there is no companies provide a place for them to refill the fuel. This

also happen to the companies where they do not want to build an infrastructure to deliver a
hydrogen fuel as there is no hydrogen car on the road (New scientist 2003). Other than that,
different kind of vehicle production had been released nowadays. Therefore, scientists have to
provide a specific designed to each types of vehicle to run it. The markets also have a problem to
provide the different types of refueling (Kruger, P 2006).
5.0 Conclusion
In conclusion, each technology development has its own advantages and disadvantages.
However, using of carbon fuel cell has given biggest negative impact compare to hydrogen fuel
cell because it will lead to the environmental and health problems. Besides, its also non
renewable energy source which might reduce for another several years. Therefore, hydrogen
oxygen fuel cell technology is practical alternative to replace the use of carbon based fuel in

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