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Tarot Reading for

Astro Tarot Forecast - April 2015

1 Aries:

Eight of Swords

The influence of Mars in your house of money this month will directly correlate with your work
life, whether you like it or not. You SHOULD like it, however, because we can all use a little
extra money, and that is precisely what Mars has in store for Aries in April. That being said, this
does possibly mean that you'll be taking on extra hours at work this month, or possibly getting a
second job on top of your current workload. Luckily, Mars (your ruling planet) will also give you
the extra energy needed to take on any of these additional tasks.

There won't be much time for dating or courtship this month, and there's a good chance that this
may lead to Aries becoming sexually frustrated. Sex is important to your sign, and not getting
enough of it can affect you more than other signs, like Virgo or Cancer, that don't depend on
physical intimacy as much as you. Try your best to overcome these urges: There will be plenty of
opportunities for lovemaking as the year goes on, and it helps to remember that sexual frustration
can sometimes help to elicit great creative and productive skills that usually would have been
spent on intercourse.

In Love
Any Aries who is fortunate enough to be in a happy, loving relationship will be especially
grateful this month to have a warm, comforting home to return to after work each day. This is a

great period to grow closer to your partner, because the constant pressure of the outside world
this month (not negative pressure, but stress nonetheless) will help you to appreciate just how
indispensable your lover is when it comes to helping you decompress after a long day of work.
Fights will be rare this month, and while sex won't be as frequent, it will be more meaningful.

You'll feel an impetus to start accumulating more money and there is a good chance that this
will come, in addition to the increased work load mentioned above, by selling some used goods
online or at garage sales. This is a great time to go through your old electronics, clothes, and so
forth. We should mention, however, that it is important that you actually hold on to this money
and don't blow it all excitedly. Aries is known to be impulsive with money, and it would be a real
shame to waste this boon that Mars has given you this month.

Indigestion and other minor stomach and esophagus-related ailments may pop up this month, and
while this isn't as bad a prognosis as other possible conditions, it can still be an annoyance or
hindrance at the least. Try to avoid deep-fried foods or anything else that has been known to give
you acid reflux or heartburn in the past. Consider bringing a roll of antacids to work and leave
them at your desk: The extra coffee you drink this month may cause the Tums to be a fixture in

2 Taurus:

XVI The Tower

Last month we talked about how some big changes are in store for Taurus in regards to his or her
career and place of work. March saw the earliest inkling of this change but it is here in April,
with a Lunar eclipse in your house of work, that really gets the ball rolling. You'll start to
reconsider many ideas and precepts related to your job. This is a period in which you may decide
that a new job is the answer to your problems. Many a Taurus will consider an entire change of
career. Second-guessing yourself will be par for the course this month, and as such we
recommend you don't make any rash decisions regarding your job until the eclipse has passed.


Another factor contributing to your workplace restlessness is one that actually extends to your
entire outlook this month: Mars is in your sign in April, and this will give you the increased
energy and forward thinking that comes with such a dynamic planet. Your sex drive will be
higher, and you'll be more proactive about going out on the prowl, and searching for a mate, but
you won't be interested in settling down with anyone at this point in time. Try not to break too
many hearts this month, Taurus.

In Love
Depending on the sign of your partner, Mars in Taurus may either improve your relationship or
make it worse. A sign like Cancer or Capricorn, which tends to prefer comfort and security at
home, may bristle at your increased intensity, and this could cause some friction. But Aquarius,
Aries, and other fun-loving, active signs will enjoy this refreshed Taurus, wishing that you were
like this more often. Either way, things will normalize by the end of the month, and with any
luck you may learn more about what your lover likes and dislikes about your regular disposition.

We recommend that any Taurus who has been considering investing, or making any large
purchases, should hold off on these decisions until at least the Summer, and preferably later. The
Lunar eclipse simply carries too much risk with it an idea that you think is dynamite, a sure
success, will prove to be foolish and ill-timed. But your mind won't see it that way, not while the
Moon is blocking it. This month and the next will cause changes in your job, some of which may
alter your financial standing. Better to wait it out and leave the monetary decisions until you're
on more solid footing.

The month seems to be generally unimposing in regards to your health, but Tauruses born near
the cusp are advised to keep an eye on anything oral-related in April, especially around the Lunar
eclipse. Canker sores, sore gums, and potentially even cavities may be a risk. If you're a smoker,
this advice should be doubly followed. Make sure that you're still following proper brushing
procedures: Brush at least two times a day and rinse your mouth out after consuming anything
too sugary. One last thing: If you've been considering a teeth bleaching, we recommend you wait
until next month to go through with it.

3 Gemini:

III The Empress

A pretty ho-hum month is in store for you as far as work is concerned. Very little action, and
even less entertainment is the order of the day for April. Really, this isn't such a bad thing: An
uneventful day at work is better than one in which you've found that you accidentally deleted a
precious file, or that you've mucked up an important report. All the same, you may find yourself
dragging throughout the month, the days seeming to last forever. But if you can weather the
ennui, you can expect a more exciting and dynamic month of work come May.

April is the beginning of a very pivotal period as far as your love life is concerned. The Lunar
eclipse this month occurs in your house of love, and you'll notice a strong inclination to rid
yourself of negativity in the realm of romance, preferring to focus on growth and true
connections rather than frivolous one night stands. This doesn't preclude you actually finding that
special someone this month (that will likely come later), but it does mean you're on the right path
toward seeking out true, lasting love.

In Love
Geminis in a relationship should be warned: If you're currently with someone who isn't right for
you, or who doesn't provide a true spiritual connection, there is a good chance this is the
beginning of the end for that relationship. You've begun a path in which you're separating from
the aspects of love that have held you down in the past. You're shedding emotional baggage, and
your current relationship status just may be a victim. Most breakups will occur later in the year,
but some Geminis may split from their partner as early as this month. Whatever the case, just
know that better things are in store for you.

This is a great month to clean house as it were, and sell off anything that you don't really need
or want anymore. Doing so in April will yield you more money than at any time in the first half
of the year. A garage sale may be the perfect way to part with all of your unwanted goods,
although the internet route may be the best. Craigslist and eBay are both fine sources to sell off
your wares, and don't forget that there are other sites that are more specifically catered to things
like comic books, jewelry, DVDs, and so forth.

For the most part, Geminis are spared from any health complications in April, but a select few of
you will experience some breathing problems, especially if you are born near the cusp of Cancer.

If you have a susceptibility to seasonal allergies, you should be doubly cautious. A great way to
help you overcome the worst of this, though, is to change your A/C filters in your home
(assuming that you haven't done so within the last couple weeks). Oftentimes we assume staying
inside, away from the pollen and ragweed, will help keep our lungs safe, all the while not
knowing that our air conditioning unit is whipping pet hair and dust right in our faces.

4 Cancer:

Four of Swords

The growth in your career and the good fortune at the workplace continues this month, but it isn't
as direct and apparent as it was last month and in late February. Still, you can expect positive
advancements that, while incremental, will be part of the overall pattern this year of the
improvement in your career standings. What's more, aside from a few hiccups later in the year,
the rest of the work year will be less stressful and your relations with your coworkers will be
more amiable. Not too shabby, huh Cancer?

Your luck in love will also continue into April, with the highest chances of romantic couplings
occurring in the first week of the year. So get out there and make yourself available, Cancer.
Although, if you're not ready to start seeing someone new, for whatever reason, you should know
that that's perfectly fine too. After all, any romance encountered during this month probably
won't last past 2015, so if you're in the market for a lasting love, you'll be doing the right thing
by avoiding the short-lived flings that will come to define April for you.

In Love
Cancers in a relationship will find it much easier to communicate with their partners this month.
Even more excited, this is a month in which, GASP, you'll actually be less sensitive and
emotional! Cancer, for all its attributes, really does have a thin skin, and your feelings get hurt
very easily, no matter whether someone meant to hurt you or not. This causes strife in
relationships, because you take umbrage and then lash out, turning something that wasn't even
meant to be an insult into the prelude for World War Three. But this month you won't take such
offense, and as such it is a great time for moving forward and growing in your relationship.

You're in a bit of a valley this month in terms of financial gain. The last couple months have seen
Mars boosting your house of careers, but the benefits to your finances from such gains (as well
as the improvements to your pocketbook that will come with the Lunar eclipse later in the year)
won't arrive until around the latter half of the Summer. But that being said, this is the perfect
time to consolidate some of your debt and balance the books. The only thing better than knowing
a monetary boost is soon to come is receiving that boost upon a perfectly streamlined account.
Cancers who are born closer to the cusp between Cancer and Gemini are at risk of dealing with
the same breathing problems that will plague certain Geminis this month. Even taking allergy
medication may not fully free you from these issues, but they will certainly help. As will
cleaning out any air filters that you've been neglecting as of late. Hypoallergenic products, like
pillows and blankets, will also go a long way toward helping your breathing issues. With any
luck, April won't be too harsh on your lungs.

5 Leo:

XV The Devil

If you've been jealous of the other signs in the Zodiac experiencing career and financial success
while you've just been sitting back in day-to-day drudgery, fret no more! This month Leo gets to
join in on the fun, thanks to Mars entering your house of careers and giving you a much needed
boost in that department. You'll be able to accomplish more with less effort, and you'll have
energy to spare at the end of each day. Your motivation will be higher as well, which is perhaps
the best part of Mars' influence this month.

Welcome, Leo, to the first slow month of the year in terms of romantic options and
possibilities. You've had a pretty hot streak as of late, but we all need a valley every now and
then to remind us of how high the peaks are. All of 2015 you've had help in the love department,
namely by Mars in the beginning of the year. But this month looks to be pretty uneventful,
though that isn't necessarily a bad thing. It can be a very good thing indeed to take a little break
from the dating scene, in order to find yourself and determine what you really want out of a
relationship, so that when you're ready you can hop back in the game with more clarity and

In Love
Throughout 2015, one of the major factors in Leo's journey will be the idea of eschewing
superficial romance for true, deep, lasting love. If the person you're currently in a relationship
with is the one, you'll start to notice the two of you growing closer and more deeply in love
around this time. If, however, this is a frivolous pairing, then now is about the time you'll start to
see cracks in the facade. We don't mean to frighten you, Leo, but the fact remains that any
romantic entanglement that isn't a real connection is not likely to last much longer.

Last month we mentioned that it would behoove you to start spending a bit of money on higher
education around this time. If you didn't heed our advice in March, however, you can still do
something about it in April. And, since you're highly likely to receive more money this month
through various channels (more work hours, gifts from friends and family, and so forth), this is
the perfect time to enhance your education. Find something you're interested in and set about
learning it, Leo: You'll be happy you did.

Leos who suffer from allergies are cautioned this month to avoid anything that may exacerbate
your condition. If you're allergic to cats, for instance, you may want to stay as far away as
possible from that neighbor who takes in all the strays. If ragweed is your poison, you'd be best
off staying indoors for the duration of the month. It's a cruel irony that this increased
susceptibility should come at a time when many types of allergens are having their heyday, so to
speak. Spring can wreak havoc on even the most mild of allergies, and if you're a Leo, expect
even more havoc than the average person.

6 Virgo:

XXI The World

The next couple months will be a bit difficult for Virgo in regards to your work life, so we
recommend that you use this month to get all your ducks in a row at the job site, the office, or
what have you. You haven't had a truly great month of work yet in 2015, and this is due to
Mercury retrograding nearly every time the cosmos attempts to bless you with a career-related
bounty. And sadly the same can be expected for May and June. But April can be seen as a pretty
neutral period, and so it would behoove you to get ahead of the game this month. With any luck,

this will help you weather the worst that the next two months may throw at you.
If you haven't taken advantage of the increase in romantic luck in the last few months, which
have been very kind to single Virgos, you may be feeling a bit left out around this time. Sadly,
any Virgo who is single this month is likely to stay that way, perhaps until the Summer. But don't
feel too bad about it all: Many relationships that have started recently for Virgos aren't expected
to last past the Autumn anyways. It's quite possible that you may have, through your inaction,
avoided a spell of heartache. All's well that ends well, right?
In Love
In February and March, we discussed how new love was staring Virgo right in the face, thanks to
Mars being in your house of love in the beginning of the year, and then in your house of intimacy
in the last couple months. As such, the odds are pretty good that many of you are in a new, fresh
relationship. Well, we've got some great news: Things are only going to get better this month.
You'll grow closer to your new partner, and your young love will deepen and enrich itself as
Spring goes on. Enjoy it while it lasts, Virgo.
This is a very iffy month for Virgo as far as money is concerned. A Lunar eclipse in this same
house occurs in April, bringing with it some harbingers of change. If you've been earning some
money on the side, either from a second job or a relatively reliable selling gig, there's a good
chance that golden goose may dry up during this period. This doesn't mean that something else
won't come to fill the void, however, so you can take some solace in the fact that change is
predicted, but not loss. And a little change can be a good thing sometimes. It helps to remember
that, Virgo.
Your health remains very steady throughout April, which should come as a relief. Really, the
most interesting thing about this month, health-wise, is your mental state. Mars is helping you to
be very level-headed and, most importantly, happy. Depression won't be knocking on your door
this month, because it knows it will get the boot. And what's most refreshing is the fact that this
happiness will remain in spite of the fact that there are a couple of negative things occurring
within your sign this month. If you could ever use a dose of cheer, this is the month for it. Funny
how things work out, eh?

7 Libra:

Ace of Wands

This month is sort of a dry one as far as work is concerned. A couple months ago you enjoyed a
boost in productivity and luck at the workplace, and the beginning of the Summer will be a very
fruitful period in terms of career growth, but as we sit here in April, there is very little going on.
But don't lose heart: Just keep in mind that the next few months will come with many boons for
your career. Good things come to those who wait, and while things aren't overtly good this
month for your job, there certainly isn't anything bad on the table either.

Though Libras who started a relationship in the beginning of the year have the best chance at
romantic happiness this month, this doesn't mean that you have to miss out just for being late to
the party. With Mars in your house of intimacy, you crave a truer connection, and this is a great
time to meet someone who is also interested in more than just a quick fling. But that being said,
any Libra who isn't interested in anything too serious will also enjoy a higher chance of meeting
someone with which to tumble in the sheets. All in all, this is a very good month for Libras no
matter what kind of love they're seeking.
In Love
Libras who have started a relationship recently will be happy to learn that this is a wonderful
month for growing closer to your new flame. In all truth, 2015 has been VERY kind to Libra as
far as romance is concerned. Mars entered your house of relationships earlier in the year, setting
you up perfectly for the chance at finding someone special, and now with Mars in your house of
intimacy this month, the natural progression toward true love falls right in your favor. The road is
laid out before you, Libra: Take a stroll down the path.

The Lunar eclipse this month occurs in your sign, and if you've been dishonest with money
(either from obtaining it illegally or hoarding it away from others who need it), you can expect a
bit of retribution on that front. But you needn't let it come to this. Take this month to make sure
that everything you do related to your income is above the table and ethically unimpeachable.
And, if you have been on the straight and narrow as per your money matters, you have nothing to
worry about. On the contrary instead of being punished, you can expect to be REWARDED in
this area.
The eclipse will also toy with your health a bit, so do look out for that. It is during this period

that you will likely notice that you're more emotional than usual. Things that people say will
affect you more profoundly, and a corny, sappy movie that you'd normally laugh at in ridicule
will leave you a weepy, teary-eyed mess. Libras are not a very emotionally sensitive sign to
begin with, but don't be surprised if the next couple months leave you looking more like a
Cancer or Pisces.

8 Scorpio:

II The High Priestess

Prepare for a bit of a slowdown this month at the workplace. The last couple months have seen
you stepping into higher gear at your occupation. The influence of Mars, as well as the Solar
eclipse, has been helping you increase your productivity and motivation, but now that motivation
is starting to wane ever so slightly. This doesn't mean that you'll be dragging your feet or
experiencing difficulty at work this month, though. Think of it more as a return to the norm. But
though it may be slow going for the time being, you can rest easy knowing that the Summer and
Fall promise great bounties for your work life, if you can hold out that long.

This month you'll be focused more on relationships and togetherness, but not exactly in the way
you might think. Mars is in your house of relationships at this time, and his influence is causing
you to value more deeply the idea of families. As such, this isn't exactly the best time for you as
far as dating is concerned. You'll find yourself preferring to spend your time with siblings,
parents, and the like rather than meeting new people and dating. But that being said, it doesn't
preclude the idea of you making new FRIENDS during this time, and then possibly growing
closer and more intimate with these people as the year goes on.

In Love
Scorpios in a relationship will be happy to learn that they will have an easier time this month
than their single peers, if only for the fact that Mars in your house of relationships can help ease
tensions or difficulties with your nuclear family. If you're married and have children, this can be
a wonderful time for you to fall more deeply in love with your partner. The two of you will also
find it easier to deal with one another's extended families, such as ex-wives or husbands, and the
oft-dreaded in-laws.

You'll be driven to cut costs this month in regards to your basic needs. This means that you'll be
looking more discerningly at coupons, special values, and so forth. You may find yourself
shopping at a cheaper multinational chain rather than the local Mom and Pop shop. You'll cut
back on the more expensive gourmet food and maybe even opting for the generic bathroom
tissue. This is a good thing, though, and it will help you to be more financially comfortable as the
year goes on.

Energy stores will be a bit lower than usual this month, but for the vast majority of Scorpios this
will hardly be noticeable at all. Some of you may find that you're a little more tired at the end of
each work day, while Scorpios who exercise regularly will find that you're a bit more winded at
the end of that jog, despite the fact that you can usually handle it with ease. Don't worry, though:
This lower energy will be brief and minor, and before you know it you'll be back to your usual
level of stamina.

9 Sagittarius:

I The Magician

This is the perfect time to start working hard and striving to rise up the ranks in your job. The
reason? In a few months (around August), you will start to see some very positive changes in
your work life, and they will continue all the way through 2015 and even into the first part of
2016. How much you benefit, however, depends on how much work you put into it. That's why
we practically insist that you spend the next couple months keeping your nose to the grindstone,
in order to reap the upcoming benefits.

For any Sagittarius who is single during this time, we recommend that you stay single just a bit
longer, and avoid getting into a relationship at this time. The reason for this is that the next few
months are going to be very rocky for those of you in a relationship. We're talking Mercury
retrogrades, negative influences from Mars; the whole bit, really. There will be much positivity
and potential for growth in relationships by Summertime, and when you think about it, isn't it
nicer to be in a relationship during the Summer anyways?

In Love
If you're a Sagittarius who has begun a new relationship very recently, there is a very good
chance that you'll start to see cracks in that young coupling right around this time. In the coming
months, many of these new, recent relationships will fall apart, due in a large part to an
upcoming Mercury retrograde in your house of relationships. This doesn't mean that all
Sagittarians will have to kiss their boyfriend or girlfriend goodbye forever, but for those that will,
you'll start to see the beginning of the end right around this time.

As we discussed briefly above, there are some great things in store for you in the latter half of the
year as far as your work and finances are concerned. If you plan on investing this year, we
recommend you wait until that time, but we do think that you should start studying up on the
basics of investment (as well as studying any companies you might be interested in) during this
time. This will allow you to get down and dirty without wasting any time when the last third of
the year comes around.

Though this month's forecast for Sagittarius is somewhat bittersweet, we can hopefully make you
feel a bit better by letting you know that your health prognosis is very good. There is no standout
problem or risk in terms of health this month, and your mental and physical well-being should
continue unabated throughout April. In truth, Sagittarius has a pretty healthy outlook in this area
throughout the year, with just a couple hiccups here and there. This is quite a change from last
year, and one you well deserve, Sagittarius.

10 Capricorn:

Five of Pentacles

This month can be seen as a sort of bye month for Capricorn. In professional sports, a bye is
a week or day in which a team gets a break and is allowed to recuperate. And so it goes for you
this month. As far as work is concerned, there isn't much going on. The last couple months saw
some highs and lows, and the second half of the year promises some interesting changes, but in
April, you might say that it is business as usual.

Interestingly enough, the best outlook for April involves single Capricorns. While there is
nothing in the cosmos promising the hope of a new love or the beginning of a long-lasting
relationship, there is certainly the possibility for a roll in the hay, as it were. Capricorns who
want to sow their oats are encouraged to do so, with moderation of course, and many of you will
achieve a modicum of success in this regard. And since your sign is among the more responsible,
safe, and respectable in the Zodiac, we feel that you deserve a little fun.

In Love
Continuing the idea of a bye month, it will be a relatively dry spell throughout April as far as
love and romance is concerned. March and February saw some interesting events including the
influence of Mars on your home and family sector, as well as a Solar eclipse, and there will
indeed be more ups and downs as the year goes on, but this month will be essentially innocuous
as far as any major events are concerned. But that's not a bad thing, when you consider that the
alternative could be something bad or disruptive. No news is good news, after all!

In the next six months you will see some very interesting developments in regards to money
matters, and not all of them will be good. September and October in particular may bring some
troubles. But, that being said, they won't be as bad or confusing as February was for you. Now,
what does that mean for April? That's right, you've guessed it: The bye month strikes again. But
all the same, we recommend you try to reduce spending during this month and the next few
following it. We're not saying you'll be pinched for cash in the fall, but these sort of things are
always easier to deal with when you've got a nest egg to fall back on. So start nesting now,

While April is, on the whole, a sort of boring month for Capricorn, you wouldn't know it by the
way your mind will be racing this month. You won't have much more physical energy than you
typically would, but you will likely find it harder to focus and concentrate on certain tasks.
What's more, the odds are good that you'll spend at least a couple nights this month tossing and
turning, trying in vain to turn off that brain of yours and get a good night's sleep. Some natural
sleep remedies may help, and an increase in exercise can also help to balance the brain-and-body
conundrum that will plague some Capricorns in April.

11 Aquarius:

V The Hierophant

You'll have a better time at work this month as far as coworkers and workplace friendships are
concerned. Expect to enjoy yourself more than you have in quite a while, as you and your
colleagues chat and have more fun than usual. Do make sure to focus on your tasks when you
need to, of course; we don't want you to fall behind in your work. But it's also important to
remember that a happy worker is a productive worker. Have fun, enjoy the water cooler
conversations, and don't be surprised if you find yourself making new friends at the office.

Mars is planted firmly in your Fourth House this month, which rules things such as family and
the home. Put simply, this means that you will feel more of an urge to spend time with your
loved ones, siblings, parents, and so forth. You won't feel much of an inclination to date or meet
new people, which is all well and good, because there isn't too much going on for you in the
dating realm this month, at least not according to the cosmos. So feel free to spend time with
those important people in your life; there is always next month to find someone to start your own
family with.

In Love
Troubles are on the horizon for Aquarius in the next couple months, and we're sorry to report that
some of you will see the end of your relationship. Many more of you will have to deal with
fights, possible breaks, and overall strife. But a lot of this can be avoided if you spend this month
treating one another better, and reminding yourselves why you're in a relationship together in the
first place. A little tenderness during this period can do wonders for the difficulties that will come
in May.

Neptune's influence will be upon you throughout the year, and since he'll spend all of 2015 in
your second house, which rules money. Essentially, this means that a big factor this year will be
difficulties in holding onto money and letting it accrue. This doesn't mean that the whole year
will be one big money pit, but there will be periods when you will find it more difficult to stay
abreast of money matters. This is one such period, and we recommend you do everything you

can to limit your spending. It won't be easy, but if you can manage it this month, you'll be able to
take on Neptune with much more ease throughout the rest of 2015.

Good moods will prevail throughout April, and you'll notice that stress levels are diminished as
well. This is a great time for mental health, and things that would normally bother you in other
months seem to fall by the wayside during this time. You'll find it easier to fall asleep and you'll
wake up more refreshed than usual. Your sign is the type to not get too beaten down by anything,
but we're all human and sometimes we get flustered. This month, however, even the worst things
won't seem so bad to you. This really is a great time to be an Aquarius.

12 Pisces:

Six of Wands

Pisces is perhaps the sign that will most enjoy April, thanks in no small part to the influence of
Mars on your mental state. You're more driven overall, with more self-confidence and more
gusto. And this is nowhere more evident than in your work life. You'll be more willing to take
chances and prove yourself, and this will be noticeable to coworkers and supervisors. No task
will be too difficult to take on, and no pile of workload will be too daunting. This is your time to
shine, Pisces: Go get 'em!

Pisces isn't usually the kind of sign that goes out and tries to pull. This is more the arena of
Aries or Sagittarius. But this month you'll have far more confidence, and you'll crave the kind of
lover that you deserve. Don't be surprised if you find yourself sidling up to the most attractive
person at the bar and coercing them with your sweet words, words that you're surprised are even
coming from you. There isn't anything in the stars that says this month will result in a
relationship, but all the same, we all deserve to have a little fun sometimes, especially Pisces.

In Love
Normally, Pisces is pretty good about tact and diplomacy when it comes to relationships. You
know what not to say and you know what subjects to avoid to ensure tranquility between you and
your partner. But this month you run the risk of being a bit more vocal about what bothers you in

your relationship. This isn't a bad thing in and of itself: Talking openly about these issues is how
they get resolved, and your sign often doesn't do that enough. So we're not saying that you
should pipe down. What we're saying is that you should be prepared for any arguments that may
arise from such vocalizations.

Don't let your bravado this month get the best of you. As we mentioned earlier, you will be more
decisive and willing to take risks, but it is important that you know when and how to use this
increased confidence. It's one thing to take the initiative at work and volunteer for a hard job that
nobody is willing to do. It's quite another to sink all of your savings into an iffy stock tip.
Basically, what we're saying is that this is an area where you actually do want to play it safe and
be the usual careful Pisces that you are.

Pisces, for all its wonderful attributes, is sometimes guilty of being a bit too sedentary. But this
month you'll have more energy, as well as more of an impetus to get into shape. We recommend
that you take advantage of this upswing and restart that workout routine that you may have
neglected as of late. Start slow, though. Don't hop back into the gym and try to hoist the weight
that you lifted before you took a break from exercise. Baby steps, Pisces. With any luck, you'll be
able to keep this routine up for the duration of 2015 and beyond.

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