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Chapter 2



Torbjörn Larsson

Per Olov Lindberg
Department of Mathematics, Linköping University
SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden

Michael Patriksson
Department of Mathematics, Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden

Clas Rydergren
Department of Mathematics, Linköping University
SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden

Abstract We consider a traffic equilibrium problem in which each route has two attributes,
time delay and monetary outlay, which are combined into a generalized time
through a nonlinear relation. It is shown that this problem can be stated as a
convex optimization model. Two simplicial decomposition type methods are
proposed for its solution. The subproblem of these methods, which is a two-
attribute shortest route problem, can be efficiently solved by the multi-labelling
technique which has previously been applied to resource-constrained shortest
path problems. Our numerical experiments show that both methods are feasible
approaches to the equilibrium problem.

Keywords: Traffic equilibrium, nonlinear value-of-time


1. Introduction
In models for traffic equilibria one usually assumes that travellers choose
the routes from their origins to their destinations that are preferred according
to a cost criterion (the Wardrop principle, e.g., [10, Section 2.1], or [11]). The
routes typically have several attributes, such as time, monetary outlays, distance
etc. Usually these attributes are combined linearly to a generalized cost.
However, empirical studies, e.g., [7] and [6], indicate that travelers value
travel time changes nonlinearly rather than linearly, in that short changes have
lower value of time than longer ones.
At first sight, this might seem puzzling, but it is in fact easy to envisage
situations where this is the case. Consider, for example, a young commuter
heading for his workplace. Arriving a quarter of an hour late to work is probably
then more than three times worse than coming five minutes late. Conversely,
having to wake up a quarter of an hour earlier, similarly, is experienced to be
more than three times worse than waking up five minutes earlier.
In the present paper, we will study a situation with two route attributes: time
and money. In a subsequent paper, we will hopefully return to the case of
more than two attributes. The two-attribute case has already been studied by
Bernstein and Gabriel (B&G for short) in [4] and [2]. They assume that route
choice is based on a (nonlinear) generalized cost. In particular they assume
that the (generalized) cost for route r is
cr = mr + gr (tr ); (1)
with mr and tr being monetary outlay and travel time, respectively, and gr the
nonlinear value of time for route r .
To compute equilibria of their model, B&G utilize a specialized code based
on a Gauss-Newton type method for nonlinear complementarity problems.
It is not a priori obvious why route choice should be based on (generalized)
cost rather than on time. Thus, in the present paper we consider to instead base
route choice on time rather than on cost,
r = tr + Gr (mr ): (2)
At first sight, the time-based cost (2) seems to be just a reformulation of the
money-based one (1), with gr = Gr 1 . It turns out, however, that they are not
For the case with flow independent monetary outlays, the time based equi-
librium problem can be stated as an equivalent optimization problem. This will
give the benefit of usually faster computational methods as well as better con-
trol of convergence. The development of this equivalent optimization model
and the techniques to solve it are the theme of this paper.
The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we state the time-based traffic
equilibrium problem. Section 3 is devoted to the simplicial decomposition
On Traffic Equilibrium Models with a Nonlinear Time/Money Relation 21

approaches to solve this problem; on the one hand a disaggregate version,

where all route flows are stored, on the other hand an aggregate version, where
only link flows are stored. In Section 4 we describe how to generate new routes
to be used in the simplicial decomposition schemes, using a multi-label shortest
path method [3]. Section 5, finally, is devoted to some computational testing
on the example of B&G and on the classical Sioux Falls network.

2. The time-based traffic equilibrium problem

We will first introduce some further notation. The set of commodities (i.e.,
the origin-destination pairs) is denoted by K, and dk denotes the traffic demand
for commodity k . (More general, k could denote a segment of travellers in a
certain travel relation.) Let Rk be the set of simple routes for commodity k ,
and let R = [k2K Rk be the set of all routes. Similarly, let R`  R denote the
routes that pass link ` 2 L, with L being the set of links in the network. Let hr
denote the flow along route r , and let t` (v` ) be the travel
P time at link flow v` on
link `. Thus, the travel time for route r will be tr = `2r t` (v` ). Similarly, let
m`  0 be the monetary outlay for link `, which is assumed to be independent
P If the monetary outlay for route r is assumed to be additive,
of the traffic flow.
then mr = `2r m` . (We can allow for more complex structures for the
monetary outlay for a route. The important thing is that they are monotone and
can be computed recursively.)
Travellers are assumed to base their route choice on some generalized times
on the routes, and based on these times they always choose the minimal time
route from origin to destination. The situation can be expressed by the well
known equilibrium condition, the Wardrop principle (e.g., [10]),

8k 2 K; 8r 2 Rk : hr > 0 =) r (v) = pmin

2R p
f (v)g; k

where r is the generalized time on route r .

PIf travel time is the only measure of generalized time, we have r = tr =
`2r t` (v` ); and it is well known that the flows v and h that fulfill (3) can be
obtained by solving the following convex optimization problem (see e.g., [10],
Section 2.2).

XZ v `
t` (s)ds (P)
`2L 0

subject to

v` = hr ; ` 2 L;
hr = dk ; k 2 K;
r2R k

hr  0; r2R
If we want to include a monetary cost component mr for each route, and to
express a situation with a nonlinear relation between travel time and monetary
cost, we can express the generalized time on route r , for given link flows v ,
according to
r (v) = t` (v`) + Gk (mr ): (4)
Since Gr , the time equivalent of money, probably is dependent on socio-
economic factors, it is natural to assume that it depends not on r but on kr , the
commodity corresponding to r . The function Gk is naturally assumed to be
nonnegative and increasing. The Wardrop conditions for the time-based traffic
equilibrium problem are expressed by (3) using the definition of r according
to (4).
An equivalent optimization model for this problem can be formulated as

XZ v ` XX
t`(s)ds + hr Gk (mr ) (PD )
`2L 0 k2K r2Rk
subject to

v` = hr ; ` 2 L;
hr = dk ; k 2 K;
r2R k

hr  0; r 2 R:
The only difference in comparison with problem (P ) is the extra linear term in
the objective. Thus, (PD ) is a convex problem, since (P ) is. Further, since (PD )
has a compact feasible set it attains its minimum, and since the constraints are
linear an Abadie constraint qualification is fulfilled, whence there are Lagrange
On Traffic Equilibrium Models with a Nonlinear Time/Money Relation 23

multipliers such that the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) conditions are satisfied

(see [1], Theorem 5.1.3 and Lemma 5.1.4).
Letting k be the multiplier for the k :th demand constraint and substituting
the expression for v` into the objective, we get for r 2 Rk the KKT condition
t`(v` ) + Gk (mr ) k  0;
with equality if hr > 0. Thus
( )
k = min t (v ) + Gk (mr ) = mink fr (v)g:
r2Rk `2r ` ` r2R

Hence, the KKT conditions state, for r 2 Rk , that r (v ) = minp2Rk fp (v )g

if hr > 0, that is (h; v; ) fulfills the Wardrop conditions.
Conversely, assuming that (h; v ) fulfills the Wardrop condition and letting
k = minr2R fr (v)g, it follows that (h; v; ) fulfills the KKT conditions,

and hence is an optimal solution to (PD ).

If the link travel time functions t` are strictly increasing, then the solution to
the time-based traffic equilibrium problem has unique link flows. This follows
from the fact that the objective of (PD ) is in this case strictly convex in the link
In summary we have shown the following.
Proposition 1 (Optimization formulation) The time-based traffic equilib-
rium problem admits an equivalent optimization formulation.

3. Solution approaches
In practice, the route set R is too large to be handled explicitly. Instead, one
has to generate profitable routes systematically and iteratively. We propose to
solve the problem (PD ) using either the disaggregate (DSD) or aggregate form
(ASD) of the simplicial decomposition method (cf. [10, 8]). The DSD method,
which alternates between a route generation phase and a master problem phase
where the problem is solved using the routes generated so far, is analogous to
the original DSD method for the standard traffic equilibrium problem proposed

 = Sk2K R k of the routes, where R k

in [8].
Suppose we have generated a subset R
is the subset of the routes for commodity k . We then solve a restriction of (PD ),
replacing R with R  . This problem (the master problem) is denoted (PD ), and
it gives the solution (h ; v), giving an upper bound to the optimal value of (PD ).
Next, we want to find out whether we need to include more routes. This is
accomplished through the solution of a subproblem, a linearized version of
(PD ). The solution of this subproblem (the route generation problem) amounts

to checking whether some non-generated route r 2 Rk has a reduced cost less

than zero, i.e., to check whether
r (v) k = t` (v ) + Gk (mr ) k < 0
where k = min
r2R k
fr (v)g is the multiplier for demand constraint k. Thus, we
have to solve
( )
min t` (v ) + Gk (mr ) ;
r2Rk `2r
which is to find the route with minimal generalized time, and then we have to
check whether this generalized time is lower than k . A solution procedure for
finding the new routes is given in next section.
Since there are only finitely many routes for each O/D–pair we have the
following result.
Proposition 2 (Convergence) The DSD method will terminate with an optimal
solution after a finite number route generations.
Similarly to classic traffic assignment problems, the shortest path subprob-
lems in the route generation arises from a linearization of the objective of (PD ),
e.g., ([10], Section 4.1.2). If we linearize the objective, then the cost coeffi-
cients will be flow independent, and all traffic can be sent along the shortest
paths. Due to the convexity of the objective function of (PD ), the solution
of the linearized problem yields a lower bound of the optimal value, as stated
Proposition 3 (Lower bound) Let frk gk2K be the set of generated shortest
paths in the route generation for (PD ). Then,
X Z v ` X X
t`(s)ds t` (v`)v` + dk (tr (v) + Gk (mr ))
k k
`2L 0 `2L k2K
is a lower bound on the optimal value of (PD ).
The lower bound together with the upper bound from solving the master
problem (PD ) gives the possibility to terminate the algorithm when a prescribed
error is achieved rather than when all routes with nonzero flows are generated.
In large networks, the DSD strategy may be too memory consuming. Hence,
there is need for more aggregate versions. In classical (aggregate) simplicial
decomposition (ASD) methods for traffic assignment, one takes convex com-
binations of link flow patterns arrived at by assigning all demand in each com-
modity to the shortest path obtained from the route generation subproblems
(e.g., [10]). Exactly the same can be done in the current situation.
On Traffic Equilibrium Models with a Nonlinear Time/Money Relation 25

To be specific, assume that the shortest route for commodity k in the i’th
iteration is rki , and that this route has monetary outlay mik . Assigning all
demand in each commodity to the shortest route, we get the link flow pattern
vector v i , where for each link ` we have
v`i = dk :
fkj`2r gi
Further, let Gi = k2K dk Gk (mri ) be the total time equivalent of the mon-
etary outlays for this flow pattern. The aggregate master problem (PA ) for

the time based traffic assignment problem is then to minimize the objective of
the original problem (PD ) over convex combinations of generated link flow
patterns up to the current iteration I , that is

XZ v I
Gi i (PA )
t`(s)ds +
`2L 0 i=1
subject to

v` = i v`i ; ` 2 L;
i = 1;
 i  0; i = 1; :::; I:
This problem gives new link flows v` and hence travel times t` ( v` ). Given
these travel times, we solve a new route generation subproblem. Assigning all
flow to the generated routes, we get a new link flow pattern v I +1 , etc.
The theoretical results for the ASD method are totally in parallel with those
of the DSD method. The solution to (PA ), whose feasible set corresponds to a
restriction of (PD ), gives an upper bound to the optimal value of (PD ).
Proposition 4 The ASD method will terminate after a finite number of route
Proof Follows from the fact that there are only a finite number of link flow
patterns that can be generated, since they are composed of flows along a finite
number of routes.
The observation that the generated shortest paths solve a linearization of the
true objective, is valid also for the aggregate master (PA ), the only difference

being that we linearize at link flows that are convex combinations of generated
link flow patterns.
In practice, the number of generated link flow patterns will become very
large. Hence, if we have a limit on how many patterns we can store, we will
have to drop patterns (possibly after aggregation), i.e., we will use restricted
simplicial decomposition [5]. This will destroy the finite convergence, giving
convergence in the limit.

4. A route generation algorithm

The minimization problem to solve for finding new routes is a generalized
shortest path problem, where the links have multiple attributes, in our case
travel time and monetary outlay. Due to the nonlinear transformation of money
to time, it cannot be solved using standard procedures for shortest paths. In
particular it does not adhere to the optimality principle of dynamic program-
ming. If the “shortest” path from an origin to a destination passes node n, that
does not imply that the sub-path from the origin to node n is the shortest path
between the origin and node n. Our shortest path problem can however be
solved using a multi-label shortest path method, known from the solution of
resource constrained shortest path problems [3].
Each node gets labels (usually several) of the form (t; m; p), where t and m
are the accumulated travel time and monetary outlay to get to the node from the
origin via predecessor node (or or more generally, label) p. For a given origin,
one starts by giving the origin node the label (0, 0, ). For each labeled node,
one labels all nodes that can be reached from it. If for instance node n0 can be
reached via a link ` with time delay t` and monetary outlay m` from node n
with label (t; m; p) then node n0 gets the label (t + t` ; m + m` ; n). Thus, the
labels will indicate the total time and total monetary outlay to get to the nodes
along paths indicated by the predecessor indices. The embryonic version of
multi-label shortest path methods just described, will in fact generate all paths
in a network. Possibly, a node can get one label for each predecessor. Since
the number of labels in practice can be very large, we need to use domination
tests to keep down the number of labels.
If in a given node there are two labels (t; m; p) and (t0 ; m0 ; p0 ) with t0  t
and m0  m then the label (t0 ; m0 ; p0 ) can be deleted, since any path continuing
from that label will be no better than the corresponding path from (t; m; p).
Since both travel time delays and monetary outlays for the links are nonneg-
ative, domination implies that no path corresponding to the labels will contain
cycles. Hence, the labeling process is finite. When the process stops, each
destination node has received a set of labels (tp ; mp ; p). It is then easy to find
the best label, i.e., the one minimizing tp + Gk (mp ), and the best O/D path can
On Traffic Equilibrium Models with a Nonlinear Time/Money Relation 27

be traced using the predecessor indices. The multi-label shortest path method
is summarized in the rudimentary pseudo code in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1. Multi-label shortest path method

Give the origin O the label (0; 0; ).
While there are unscanned node labels.
Choose an unscanned node label (t; m; p) at some node n.
For each outgoing link ` at n do
Give the terminal node n0 of ` the label (t + t` (
v` ); m + m` ; n),
possibly using domination to reduce the set of labels at n0 .
Mark the label (t; m; p) as scanned.
Route tracking:
For each destination D , i.e., for each commodity k
Find the label (tp ; mp ; p) at D that minimizes tp + Gk (mp ).
Trace the corresponding path using the predecessor labels.

5. Numerical tests
We have tested the disaggregate as well as the aggregate version of the
proposed simplicial decomposition method on two small test networks which
are summarized in Table 2.2.
Network 1 is taken from [2]; we have used the inverse of their time-to-money
 t 2
gr (tr ) = 30 + 3 30r ;
to describe the nonlinear relation between monetary outlay and travel time, i.e.
Gr = gr 1 . Moreover, since G&B in contrast to us use elastic demand, we have
used their equilibrium demand as our demand.
Network 2 is a modification of the classical Sioux Falls network, where we
have used the tolled links of [9] and the same function G as for Network 1.
Our experiments were not aiming at obtaining computational efficiency, but
rather at verifying the validity of the algorithms. Hence, for both networks, and
for both methods, we have solved the master problems to a quite small relative
error (10 4 %) before generating new routes. This accuracy bound is computed
in a similar way as for the global accuracy. For the minimization in the master
problem, we have used gradient projection in the DSD method and Newton’s
method in the ASD method. We initialize the algorithm by assigning all travel
demand to the time optimal routes.

Table 2.2. Basic data for test networks.

Network 1 Network 2
nodes 9 24
links 28 76
toll links 4 12
O/D–pairs 72 528

Table 2.3. Iteration history for Network 1. DSD method.

Iteration # generated routes gap (%)

0 72 1015
1 51 4.5
2 8 4:9  10 5

3 0

Table 2.4. Iteration history for Network 2. DSD method.

Iteration # generated routes gap (%)

0 528 2:5  1012
1 394 15
2 177 :80
3 48 1:1  10 3
4 24 9:7  10 4
5 0

The disaggregate version terminates, for both test networks, in a few itera-
tions, as shown in Tables 2.3 and 2.4. (Note that the relative gap, or error, in
a given iteration is in fact not determined until the route generation of the next
iteration.) The solution procedure generates 131 and 1175 routes for Network
1 and 2, respectively, and the number of routes with positive flow in the optimal
solutions is 84 and 663 for Network 1 and 2, respectively.
In the tests of the aggregate version we have used non-restricted simplicial
decomposition, i.e., no traffic patterns were discarded. As expected, conver-
gence is much slower for the aggregate version. Figures 2.1 and 2.2 display
the iteration histories, giving iteration-wise upper and lower bounds of the ob-
jective. We achieve a gap of 0:1% at iterations 23 and 45 for the network 1 and
2, respectively.
Gabriel and Bernstein give no computing times and do not mention how
many routes they have generated. However, in order to compare their results
to ours, we chose our money-to-time transform G as the inverse of the time-
On Traffic Equilibrium Models with a Nonlinear Time/Money Relation 29
x 10



Lower/Upper bound







0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Figure 2.1. Iteration history for Network 1. ASD method.




Lower/Upper bound





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Figure 2.2. Iteration history for Network 2. ASD method

to-money transform g in [2]. To our initial surprise, the solutions did not
A closer look shows that this is in fact quite natural. Consider the example
in Figure 2.3.
Using g (t) = t2 , we get a money-based cost of cr = mr + (tr (v ))2 and a
generalized time of r = tr (v ) + mr . It is then easy to verify that the money

m = 12 , t(v) = v

1:0 1:0

m = 0 , t (v ) = v

Figure 2.3. Example network.

based equilibrium
p is pv1 = 1
4, v2 = 3
4, and that the time based equilibrium is
v1 = 2
, v2 = 2+ 2
4 .

Observation 1 (Non-equivalence of time- and money-based equilibrium

problems) Evaluating routes in a money based way using generalized cost
r = mr + g(tk ) does not necessarily give the same equilibrium as evaluating
routes in a time based way, using generalized time r = tr + G(mr ), with
G = g 1.
In a later paper we will come back to how one can utilize the equivalent
optimization formulation of the time based approach to solve money based
problems and more general multi attribute traffic assignment problems.

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