Surbvey Is Berry

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Background Information:

Company/Firm: Position: Education Level: Experience: Gender: Age: Total number

of employees:
For the following questions, PLEASE tick () your answer according to your
[1= highly disagree; 2 = moderately disagree; 3 = neutral; 4 = moderately
agree; 5 = highly agree]
1. When a co-worker falls sick, I go to his home to check
whether he is alright
2. It is sometimes okay for me and co-workers to talk about
personal matters.
3. Constant sound from my fellow co-workers disturbs my work
4. Whatever job my superior asks me to do, I do it pretty well.
5. I like to receive help from my colleagues in any project I am
6. My household problems increases stress level and so the
concentration in my work becomes less.
7. Suddenly if a great problem comes up in my work I dont
become nervous and try to solve the problem in a calm way.
8. I always rely on my own decisions in work related problems
and dont consult my superiors for every little problems.
9. When a difficult task is assigned to me or I am asked to
meet new people I dont get nervous.
10.If a work is not up to the mark and I get criticism from my
boss I try to address the problem and work on not to repeat
11.When one of my co-workers is in a problem and asks for my
help, I try to help him out immediately.
12.When my supervisors ask me for some volunteer overtime, I
happily agree with it.
13.I am loyal to my company and I am not influenced by any
monetary or other gift items to give out important company
14.Even though I personally hate my supervisor sometimes, I
dont let that affect my work.
15.If I am treated in an unfair manner, I would stand out and
explain my position, instead of giving harsh reactions.
16.I am open to new situations and am always looking for new
information and learning opportunities.

2 3 4 5

17.I am enjoying the diversified characteristics of my co

workers in the workplace
18.I can make proper decisions in situations where there is lack
of information and the result is not clear.
19.Whenever I find or discover some interesting new concepts
of management I try to apply it in my job area.
20.I like to use my imagination and intuition to help me in my
decision making process.
21.Whenever I am asked to perform a task, I start the job right
away and complete it before the deadline.
22.I keep my belongings and accessories in an orderly manner
and want to see my subordinates organized too.
23.My supervisor trusts me and assigns me authority to make
certain decisions.
24.My superior is mostly satisfied with my performance and so I
was promoted to this position.
25.I dont make decisions being influenced by others; rather I
concentrate on my own intuition and judgment.
26.My job perfectly measures my efficiency.
27.The degree I got from university is totally related with my
job and I can work efficiently without earning another
degree such as MBA
28.The salary I receive id exactly what I deserve compared to
my performance level.
29. I work in a favorable environment and like the work I do.
30.I enjoy a significant amount of fringe benefits such as paid
leaves, transportations etc, in addition to my salary.
31.My supervisor and my peers make very few complaints
about me.
32.I was promoted to a higher position persistently over the
last few years.
33.My supervisor often appreciates and praises my job
34.My supervisor believes in my performance and assigns me
important job readily.
35.I usually complete my work before time and try to help
others in their duty.

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