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Inside this issue:

delegation visit

Summer School in

New Senior

Masters Thesis

Cosmology Group 2

SACEMA visits

Student updates


Staff news

Public Lecture

Network news


Canadian delegation visits

AIMS-NEI and AIMS South Africa
On 12 February 2015, a Canadian
delegation consisting of Canadian
High Commissioner to South
Africa H.E. Gaston Barban,
Canadian High Commissioner
to Mozambique H.E. Shawn
Barber, and Director General
Patricia Malikail (Africa Bureau
Department of Foreign Affairs
and International Trade) visited
the AIMS-NEI office and AIMS
South Africa.
At the NEI office the delegation
were given presentations by
Dr Antoine Tambue, ARET
Junior Chair and AIMS South
Africa Alumnus 2005; Dr Chika
Yinka-Banjo, AIMS South Africa
Alumnus 2010; and Professor
Bruce Bassett, Head of the
Cosmology Group at AIMS South
Africa. This was followed by a
conversation on Canadas

H.E. Gaston, Director General Malikail, H.E. Berber

and Savannah Nuwagaba, AIMS Alumnus 2011

commitment to science education

in Africa, and a panel discussion
with AIMS alumni and researchers.
Ms Malikail said, AIMS is committed to excellence in education
and it has a great advantage in
that it is able to draw students
from across the continent. H.E.
Following this the delegation
Barber noted, There is a huge
educational gap in Africa and one visited AIMS South Africa where
they met current AIMS students.
of the solutions is AIMS.

8th Summer School in Mathematical Finance

The 8th Summer School in
Mathematical Finance was held at
AIMS South Africa from 19-21
February 2015. This workshop
presented a unique opportunity
for local practitioners, academics
and students to interact with international leaders in research on
topics and modelling techniques
current in the South African and
international financial markets.
Keynote speakers were:
Dr Massimo Morini, Head of
Interest Rate and Credit Models
at IMI Bank of Intesa San Paolo,
where he is also Coordinator of
Model Research; Prof Peter
Ritchkin, Department of Banking
and Finance, Weatherhead School

Summer School participants

of Management Case Western

Reserve University, Ohio; and
Prof Ajay Subramanian, Finance,

Risk Management and

Insurance, Georgia State

Research Centre updates

Cosmology Group updates

Prof. Martin Bucher, a Director
of Research at the National
Center for Scientific Research
in France and works at the
Laboratoire Astroparticules et
Cosmologie (APC) in Paris.
visited the Research Centre 913 February 2015. He gave a
seminar on 9 February titled
Polarized dust emission and
searching for primordial B
modes from cosmic inflation.

New Senior Researcher

there as a Research Assistant.

Dr Simukai
Utete has
been appointed
as a Senior
Researcher at
the AIMS South Africa Research

She moved to South Africa in

2008 to join the CSIR's Mobile
Intelligent Autonomous Systems
(MIAS) field robotics group, and
in 2009 was appointed Research
Leader of MIAS. She led MIAS
for over 4 years.

Dr Utete's undergraduate
degree was in electrical engineering from the University of
Zimbabwe. She completed her
MSc and DPhil studies at the
University of Oxford and went
on to do a Junior Research
Fellowship and further research

AIMS is pleased to welcome

her to the Research Centre,
Simukai's area of research
is robotics, with a focus on
intelligent sensor networks
for robotics applications.

Masters Thesis Defences



On 11 February, Mr. Jeffrey Ted

Johnattan Mbongo Nkounga
delivered the defence of his
thesis titled: Building Interest
Rate Curves and SABR Model
Calibratation. On 13 February,
Ms Raabia Walljee delivered the
defence of her thesis titled:
The Levy-LIBOR model with
default risk. Both students


were supervised by Prof.

Ronnie Becker.

Dr Tadesse

Dr Yabebal Tadesse, a postdoctoral fellow in the research field

of Cosmology at the University
of Rome visited the Research
Centre from 4-28 February
2015. He also gave a seminar
on 23 February 2015 titled:
Needlets for spherical 3D
Dr Adam Amara, Senior
Scientist at the Institute for
Astronomy, ETH, Zurich visited
the Research Centre from 9-15
February 2015. He gave a seminar on 13 February titled The
LCDM Model: Successes and
Future Challenges.

On 16 February, Mr Nakedi
Wilson Leboho delivered the
defence of his thesis titled:
Quantitative Risk Management
and Pricing for Equity-Based
Insurance Guarantees. He
was supervised by Dr Raouf

Journal Club

Dr Amara

Eddy Kimba Phongi

On 10 and 24 February 2015,

Eddy Kimba Phongi gave talks
titled: The Application of the
Centre Manifold Theory to a
Singular Perturbation Problem
and Singularly Perturbed Problems and Delayed Exchange of

Prof. Martin Kunz, AIMS South

Africa SKA Visiting Professor
and affiliated to the Institute for
Theoretical Physics and the
Cosmology and Astroparticle
Physics Group at the University
of Geneva (Switzerland) is visiting the Cosmology Group in
the Research Centre for three

Tesfahun Berhane

On Tuesday 17 February 2015,

Tesfahun Berhane gave a talk
titled: Inverse Problems: An

Lise du Boisson, a Masters

student in the Cosmology
Group at AIMS submitted
her Masters thesis titled:
Applications of Machine
Learning in Astronomy on
16 February 2015.


The Director of the South
African Centre for Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis
(SACEMA), Dr Alex Welte,
visited AIMS South Africa
on 18 February 2015 to tell
students about the opportunities

available at the centre.

Research at SACEMA focuses
on modelling the development
of diseases affecting South
Africa like HIV, malaria
and TB.

Student updates
The January intake of students
completed the following courses:
Programming with Python (Jeff
Sanders, and AIMS tutor) and
Statistics with R (Theis Lange,
The August intake completed
the following courses: Industrial
Mathematics (Neville Fowkes,
Western Australia); Introduction to Random Systems, Information Theory, and related
topics (Stphane Ouvry, Paris
Sud XI) and Analytical Tech-

niques in Mathematical Biology

(Wilson Lamb, Strathclyde).

The AIMS South Africa Council
meeting took place on Tuesday
17 February 2015.

The Biomaths students also did

the Programming with Python
course and the Analytical Techniques in Mathematical Biology.

Prof Kailash Patidar from the

University of the Western Cape
has been appointed to the AIMS
Executive Team.

On Monday 16 February, Prof.

Balazs Szendroi, from Oxford,
gave a seminar to students on
Reflection Patterns.
Students also had an informal
talk with Prof. Neil Turok on
16 February 2015.

Prof. Cheryl de la Rey, Prof. Grae Worster, Prof. Stephane Ouvry,

Prof. Aggrey Ambali, Director, African Science, Technology and
Innovation Indicators (ASTII), NEPAD, Prof. Daya Reddy,
Prof. Frederik Scholtz (representing Prof. Hendrik Geyer),
Prof. Neil Turok (Chair), Prof. Balazs Szendroi, Dr Dorothy Nyambi
AIMS-NEI Executive Vice President and Prof. Barry Green (exofficio). Prof. Graham Richards joined the meeting via Skype.

Public Lectures
On Tuesday 24 February, the
AIMS Public Lecture series
presented a talk titled:

Causality in the real world by

Professor George Ellis, Mathematics Department, UCT.

Staff News
AIMS South Africa welcomed
the following new staff

Ms Ntombomzi
Magqazolo (Finance

Ms Caroline Chiwah

The AIMSSEC February 2014
newsletter can be viewed at

members from February 2015:

Ms Joan Africa-Brown
(Research and Admin

Network News
Various meetings organised by
the AIMS-NEI Global Secretariat
took place from 6-13 February
The meetings included a new
staff orientation, a gender
training workshop, a
programme implementation
planning workshop and a

meeting on the AIMS Industry

Attendees included staff from
the secretariat and the AIMS
centres in Senegal, Cameroon,
Ghana, Tanzania and South
Continued on page 4.


Participants at the progamme implementation planning workshop

3rd International Workshop on Nonlinear and Modern Mathematical Physics 9-11 April 2015, Cape Town, South Africa
This workshop is being held in Muizenberg, Cape Town, South Africa
from 9 to 11 April 2015, and co-organized by AIMS South Africa, the
University of South Florida and North West University. The workshop
aims to survey recent advances on a wide range of topics of current
interest in nonlinear and modern mathematical physics including: integrable
and near-integrable equations, physical and engineering applications such
as nonlinear optics, Bose-Einstein condensates and fluid dynamics, and
numerical aspects of nonlinear phenomena. The workshop will provide a
forum for scientists and researchers worldwide to present their latest
results and a means to discuss their recent research with each other.
Please click here for the workshop website.

African Workshop and Symposium on Genome-Wide

Association Studies (ASGWS) for complex disease
Workshop information
Date: 19-22 April 2015
Venue: African Institute for Mathematical Sciences South Africa,
Muizenburg, South Africa.

2015-16 AIMS Scholarship for Masters' in Mathematical
Sciences are Now Open
Student applications have opened for the August 2015 intake. For more
information and how to apply, visit You will
notice that the application system provides for both French and English
versions.For any queries please send an e-mail to
The closing date for applications is 23 March 2015.
Call for course proposals
The AIMS structured Master's in Mathematical Sciences programme
commences in August each year at all centres. AIMS South Africa has a
second intake for South African students commencing in January. August
2015 at all centres and January 2016 at AIMS South Africa. For more
information and to apply:
Postdoctoral Fellowships
AIMS South Africa is seeking applicants for Postdoctoral Fellowships in
the area of mathematical finance and computational algebra. Fellowships
are tenable for two years, contingent on satisfactory progess, and could
be extended for a third year. Fellowships are immediately available and
the value of the award ranges between R200 R240k per annum,
taxfree, subject to qualification and experience. Preference will be given
to African applicants and those from SADC member states are particularly encouraged. Please click on the links below for project descriptions
for the two positions: Financial Mathematics; Computational Algebra;
Mathematical Biology
For more information please visit
Send completed applications to
Send subject related questions to

Symposium information
The symposium will include a variety of keynotes, paper presentations, and posters describing dynamic research in complex diseases to identify the most promising avenues of future research
to effectively associate phenotypes and phenotypes for African
Date: 23-24 April 2015
Venue: Muizenburg, South Africa.
Please click here to view the conference flyer.
For information on exhibiting at the symposium please click here.
Algebraic Representation Theory and Applications
This research school will be hosted at AIMS South Africa and the aim
of the school is to give a broad perspective of areas of modern
representation theory and to highlight some recent advances.
Date: July 19 - 31, 2015
Venue: AIMS, Muizenberg, Cape Town
For more information please visit

Call for Applications for the second AIMS ARETE Junior

Research Chair
Are you an excellent young researcher from Africa, an AIMS alumni or
graduate from another institution in or outside of Africa with a mathematical science background? Do you intend to get established in an academic institution in an African country? This might be your opportunity
to get your scientific career in Africa started!
Please click here for more information.

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