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International Herald Tribune

Fashion Wednesday, September 14, 2005 13

Photographs by Gregg DeGuire/; Larry Birkhead/Splash News and Pictures; Lawrence Schwartzwald/Splash News and Pictures; Lester Cohen/
From left, the Winona Ryder T-shirt that started it all; Tori Spelling with her dog Mimi La Rue; Eva Longoria’s message for Brad Pitt; Naomi Campbell poking fun at herself; Britney Spears promoting herself and a new film, and Carmen Electra’s Jesus tee.

Telling the world what you think: the T-shirt as message

By Jessica Michault the hippest way to make a statement, she might serve time in prison for head with the arrival of the ‘‘Feed Lind- of the stars of ‘‘Desperate Housewives,’’ after it hit the market to promote Paris
express an emotion, or share a political shoplifting designer goods from a Saks say’’ tee — a reference to the dramatic has reportedly sent a personal note to Hilton’s first Hollywood film.
PARIS view with the masses. Fifth Avenue department store. (In the weight loss of the Hollywood starlet Jennifer Aniston apologizing for wear- Even celebrity designers are getting
elebrities and citizens alike The writing was on the wall, or end, she was placed on probation and Lindsay Lohan. It even carries an ac- ing an ‘‘I’ll Have Your Baby Brad’’ T- into the act. Sean Combs’s fledgling

C have stopped wearing their

hearts on their sleeves and de-
cided to take a more direct
route to communicate to the world.
Call it the mini me version of Internet
rather the T-shirt, three years ago when
Winona Ryder kick-started the trend
by wearing an underground ‘‘Free
Winona’’ tee on the cover of W
magazine. She was poking fun at her-
f ined.)
The overwhelming response to that
T-shirt (which is now considered ‘‘vin-
tage’’) has spawned similar ones, like
‘‘Free Martha’’ and ‘‘Free Katie.’’ Even
companying Web site (www.feedlind- where a petition urging the
star to stop losing weight can be
‘‘I think the whole T-shirt craze is a
shirt just days after the Hollywood
golden couple announced their separa-
tion. And after the latest revelations
made by Aniston in a Vanity Fair cover
story, maybe the T-shirt Brad Pitt wore
women’s line includes a T-shirt that is
used prominently in its advertising
campaign. The ‘‘Daddy’s Rich’’ T-shirt,
with words written in a golden scroll
across the chest of spokes model
blogging, the ‘‘message’’ T-shirt is now self and the very real possibility that this message has been turned on its way of communicating in our society with the word ‘‘Trash’’ written across Penelope Cruz, has already sold out at
that no one ever expected,’’ says David the front on the couple’s much photo- the Kitson store.
Wolfe, creative director of The graphed last vacation together be- For Wolfe the usurping of the mes-
Doneger Group, a New York-based comes a more significant message than sage T-shirt by companies hoping to
fashion trend consulting firm. ‘‘These it seemed at the time. cash in on the craze doesn’t mean the
T-shirts turn people into statements — Fraser Ross, owner of Kitson (www. demise of the underground T-shirt
be it a product, lifestyle, or celebrity.’’, the Hollywood movement. ‘‘Both can coexist. The key
To be sure, today’s T-shirts are clothing store favored by many celebri- to success is that the T-shirt be funny,’’
speaking volumes. They announce ev- ties, came up with his own way to let says Wolfe.
erything from religious affiliation (‘‘Je- the public express their opinion on the Ross agrees. ‘‘For us it is important
sus is My Homeboy’’) to favorite kids breakup of the Aniston/Pitt marriage: that the T-shirt be positive and funny.’’
cereals (‘‘Monstrously Delicious’’) or he made a T-shirt out of it. ‘‘Right now It was with this in mind that Ross de-
even make a public announcement the ‘Team Aniston’ and ‘Team Jolie’ cided to carry the ‘‘Team Selena’’ tee but
(‘‘Vote or Die’’). baseball T-shirts are very popular. to pass on the ‘‘I’ll Be Your Nanny’’ one,
For Chris Bick, co-owner of the hip ‘Team Aniston’ is selling 25 to 5 against because he thought it was in bad taste.
clothing Web site, the ‘Team Jolie’,’’ says Ross. There is nothing worse than a T-shirt
‘‘message’’ tees are popular ‘‘because Kitson is also finding it hard to keep that isn’t funny, especially if the butt of
they’re so funny and can really evoke the ‘‘Scientology School Drop Out’’ tee the joke isn’t laughing. Only last year
your mood at any given time. They are in stock, which is a direct comment on the ‘‘Save Mary Kate’’ tee was pulled
also really popular with celebrities. the ‘‘TomKat’’ romance between Tom from the market by the designer Randy
And if Jessica Simpson wears anything, Cruise and his soon to be third wife & Moss when the Olsen twins
it’s sure to be super popular!’’ Katie Holmes. threatened to sue. An offer to donate 20
There is no denying that the But the message T-shirt has also percent of the profits to the National
celebrity culture has helped the mes- gone corporate, with movie companies Eating Disorder Association by the
sage T-shirt gain popularity. And with creating tees linked to their latest re- company didn’t dissuade the twins.
its cost hovering around $30, it is easier leases. And who better to blur the lines But maybe the best offense is a good
for those who want to emulate their fa- of personal expression and corporate defense when it comes to a celebrity’s
vorite star to buy the same ‘‘My Dog commerce than Britney Spears. public trauma. Naomi Campbell took
Can Beat Up Paris Hilton’s Dog’’ T- The pop princess proudly wore a ‘‘I her cue from Ryder and, after recent re-
shirt that they saw Tori Spelling wear- have the golden ticket’’ T-shirt with an ports that she had gotten into a fight
ing than it would be to buy her designer arrow pointing to her pregnant belly to with another model, took to the streets
ha ndbag. the Hollywood premiere of the ‘‘Charlie wearing a T-shirt that read ‘‘Naomi hit
But beware these new disposable and the Chocolate Factory’’ movie. A me’’ on the front while on the back were
Ann Johansson for The New York Times fashion statements. In hindsight some- more subversive person perhaps thought the words ‘‘and I loved it.’’
Sheena Warmin, who writes Closet Therapy, is one of hundreds of young bloggers vying for the loyalty of readers. thing that seemed benign one week can up the ‘‘House of Wax’’ promotional T-
take on a whole new interpretation the shirt. Its limited edition ‘‘See Paris Die’’ Jessica Michault is on the staff of the
next. Case in point: Eva Longoria, one T-shirt sold out almost immediately International Herald Tribune.

Fashion’s sassy bloggers

By Ruth La Ferla that fashion blogs are probably going to Splendora, a fashion shopping Web site
have the same kind of influence that we with its own blog.
NEW YORK see in widely read blogs about gadgets Despite her disclaimer, Pell’s site lib-
ebecca Fok recently fired a and high tech toys like BoingBoing,’’ erally mingles celebrity photos and

R blast at Jessica Simpson. Fok,

19, who was reared in Hong
Kong and lives in London,
writes under the name Harrods Girl on
the blog I am Fashion, heaping praise
said Bob Wyman, the chief technology
officer and a founder of PubSub, a
search engine that offers a weekly rat-
ing of a blog’s popularity based in part
on the number of links that appear in
gossip with fashion news.
Her strategy has met with some suc-
cess. Within a month of its introduction
in May, the San Francisco-based
Splendora blog was getting more than 1.3
and, by turns, tirades on the haughty the content and also the number of million hits in a single week, Pell said,
world of style. postings. Heading the list recently, Wy- more than all three of the company’s
Along with her partner, Vincci Nie, man said, were sites including Beauty shopping Web sites in various cities.
18, who lives in Chicago and is known Dish, with a rating of 709, in which the Bloggers’ inclusiveness and pointed
as Barneys Girl, Fok was unimpressed writer chronicles her adventures as an irreverence certainly are selling
that Simpson had signed a $15 million Avon sales representative; and Shoe- points. Still, most of the conversation is
licensing agreement to expand her wawa, which dissects the world of de- shopping advice, liberally laced with
fashion and accessories brand. ‘‘Like signer footwear. (‘‘If I wore these on a consumer recommendations, observed
EWW!! As if there were not enough Jes- night out,’’ the writer carped about a Doug Rushkoff, the author of ‘‘Media
sica Simpson around,’’ the two sneered. pair of Christian Louboutin platform Virus’’ and other books about the im-
‘‘And why does she have to overstep her shoes, ‘‘my friends would make me pact of technology on society. ‘‘That, of
celebrity boundary and enter the de- walk a few meters behind them.’’) Its course, is making businesses happy.’’
signer world, when she obviously has rating was 975. ‘‘In a population of 15 It may explain why, in recent
no such talents.’’ million blogs, those rankings are months, the most popular style blogs
In the same week a blogger who signs pretty impressive,’’ Wyman said. have attracted retailers and fashion
herself Annie Town on Blogdorf Good- Blogs like I am Fashion, which aver- brands as advertisers. The blogs now
man, a Web log that showcases boots ages 1,000 to 1,200 readers a day, its au- feature banner ads for Internet shop-
from Prada and dresses from Chanel, thors said, resonate with a hyper-com- ping sites and smaller text ads along
was just as unsparing of Marc Jacobs, a municative but precociously jaded their margins, which are generated by
designer usually impervious to critics’ generation disdainful of mainstream advertiser clearing houses like Google
slings, panning his resort collection as magazines and the corporate world. AdSense. The services places advert-
the uncontested ‘‘worst of the season.’’ ‘‘This is a generation used to getting isers on Web pages with related con-
Beginning last week, as Jacobs and and giving feedback that doesn’t feel tent. When a reader clicks on a link, the
his peers prepared to parade their corporate or mass,’’ said Jane Bucking- blogger gets a small commission.
clothes for spring 2006 in New York, ham, the president of Youth Intelli- Some smaller vendors have been
Fok and Town added their voices to a gence, a trend-forecasting company. known to ask bloggers for free men-
swelling chorus of fellow fashion blog- ‘‘For them the establishment media tions within their text. And at least one
gers tossing verbal grenades — and the is just another resource, with no spe- industry giant has sought to capitalize
occasional nosegay — in the direction cial authority. In their minds, the indi- on the popularity of style blogs with a
of the catwalks. If past performance is vidual is the authority.’’ stealth campaign of product place-
any indication, a few of their targets are Fashion bloggers court their readers ment, never mind the blogs’ reputation
well advised to duck and run for cover. with a down-to-earth, conversational for independence.
As little as a year ago the number of tone, offering a saucy mix of product en- Jockey, the underwear maker, ap-
these aspiring online Anna Wintours dorsements, pop culture and fashion proached I am Fashion, which has no ob-
could be counted in the dozens. Today commentary. Many glean their informa- vious ads, and asked to be mentioned in
there are hundreds vying for the loy- tion from visits to showrooms and the text, Fok said. ‘‘We liked the product
alty of readers who range in age from stores, or random on-the-street surveys. and didn’t see any harm in writing about
their teens through their mid-30s, an Others supplement first-hand obser- it,’’ said Fok, an accounting student,
audience for whom no scrap of vations with tidbits and images shame- adding that it had never occurred to her
celebrity gossip or runway news seems lessly pilfered from sources like Star that Jockey, which offered no payment,
too insignificant. magazine and, giving the stood to profit from her plug.
With names like Fashionologie, Kiss news a perversely satirical spin. In order to compete, online retailers
Me, Stace, Shoewawa and Now Smell The most popular sites generate at- like BlueFly have introduced blogs of
This, the more popular fashion blogs tention by taking aim at the stylistic their own. Flypaper, Bluefly’s blog, of-
are compelling enough that ‘‘to ignore foibles of Hollywood stars in a tone fers fashion and celebrity commentary
them is to run the risk of seeming out of that is often more salty, savage and pos- along with tips on little-promoted
touch,’’ said Brandon Holley, the new sibly actionable than that of the fashion sales. ‘‘If you have really valid informa-
editor in chief of Jane, the young wom- police features in celebrity magazines. tion and news that’s sort of quotable,
en’s style magazine. Readers identify Lera, another first-name-only blog- that’s a good way to reach a lot of
with bloggers’ idiosyncratic, rebellious ger who offers her random musings on people ,’’ said Melissa Payner, chief ex-
voices, said Holley, who has added two Fashion Addict Diary, chips away at ecutive of Bluefly. The company does
online diarists to her stable of contrib- overexposed celebrities and trends not discuss Flypaper’s traffic, but
utors. The blogs, which are updated with a venom worthy of gossip sites like Payner did disclose that ‘‘people who
weekly, daily and sometimes hourly, Gawker. Her ‘‘Must Die’’ roster, a fre- spend time on the blog spend more
are a platform uniquely well suited to quently updated in-and-out list, was time over all on our site.’’ According to
fashion news, she added. topped last month by tiered gypsy the company, the average order on
‘‘Fashion moves so fast,’’ Holley said, skirts, cowboy boots, hippy belts and Bluefly is 25 percent greater from
‘‘that readers find the blogs keep up glitzy silver and gold purses. Turning people who spend time on Flypaper.
better than even the tabloids like Us her eye to back-to-school fashions, she Some bloggers, however, strive to
Week ly.’’ nailed top trends like a seasoned trend- maintain at least a semblance of editor-
Writing with a candor not often spotter, listing best sellers including ial integrity.
glimpsed in the pages of that celebrity Edwardian blouses, pleated skirts, em- Sheena Warmin, who writes Closet
weekly, or in W, InStyle or Harpers pire waist dresses and T-strap shoes. Therapy, a fashion blog that features
Bazaar, bloggers form an opinionated, Some of these writers claim to be de- crochet bags by Ferragamo and beauty
informed and spirited community. mocratizing fashion commentary, aim- products from Kiehl, Laura Mercier,
They may be a long way from displa- ing at readers less likely to wear Gucci and Mario Badescu, offers links to mar-
cing Vogue as a fashion authority, but than Gap. ‘‘To our readers, it’s more in- keters’ Web sites, but does not accept
they are steadily gaining clout with teresting to find out what real people commissions. ‘‘That might compro-
consumers and marketers. are wearing, not just Jennifer Lopez,’’ mise what I have to say,’’ she said.
‘‘In coming months we can expect said Gina Pell, the chief executive of The New York Times

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