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Using Thematic Information in Statistical Headline Generation

Stephen Wan Mark Dras Cécile Paris Robert Dale

Center for Language Center for Language CSIRO Mathematical Center for Language
Technology Technology and Information Technology
Macquarie University Macquarie University Sciences Macquarie University
Sydney, Australia Sydney, Australia Locked Bag 17 Sydney, Australia North Ryde 1670
Sydney, Australia

important sentence, we generate a new sentence

Abstract from scratch. The resulting sentence summary
We explore the problem of single may not occur verbatim in the source document
sentence summarisation. In the news but may instead be a paraphrase combining key
domain, such a summary might words and phrases from the text.
resemble a headline. The headline As a precursor to single sentence summarisation,
generation system we present uses we first explore the particular case of headline
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to generation in the news domain, specifically
guide the generation of a headline English news. Although headlines are often
towards the theme that best represents constructed to be sensationalist, we regard
the document to be summarised. In headline generation as an approximation to
doing so, the intuition is that the single sentence summarisation, given that a
generated summary will more accurately corpus of single sentence summaries does not
reflect the content of the source exist.
document. This paper presents SVD as
an alternative method to determine if a Our system re-uses words from the news article
word is a suitable candidate for to generate a single sentence summary that
inclusion in the headline. The results of resembles a headline. This is done by selecting
a recall based evaluation comparing and then appending words from the source
three different strategies to word article. This approach has been explored by a
selection, indicate that thematic number of researchers (eg. see Witbrock and
information does help improve recall. Mittal, 1999; Jin and Hauptmann, 2002) and we
will describe their work further in the next
1 Introduction section. In existing approaches, a word is
selected on the basis of two criteria: how well it
Ours is an age where many documents are acts as a summary word, and how grammatical it
archived electronically and are available will be given the preceding summary words that
whenever needed. In the midst of this plethora of have already been chosen.
information, the successful completion of a
research task is affected by the ease with which The purpose of this paper is to present work
users can quickly identify the relevant electronic which investigates the use of Singular Value
documents that satisfy their information needs. Decomposition (SVD) as a means of
To do so, a researcher often relies on generated determining if a word is a good candidate for
summaries that reflect the contents of the inclusion in the headline.
original document. To introduce the notion of using SVD for single
We explore the problem of single sentence sentence summarisation in this paper, we
summarisation, the primary focus of this paper. examine the simplest summarisation scenario.
Instead of identifying and extracting the most Thus, presently we are only concerned with
single document summarisation. In addition, we Generated headline
limit the focus of our discussion to the “singapore stocks shares rebound””
generation of generic summaries.
In the remainder of this paper, we describe our Actual headline:
“Singapore shares fall, seen higher after
motivation for using SVD by describing
difficulties in generating headlines in Section 2.
In Section 3, as motivation for our approach, we
Original context of use of ‘rebound’:
illustrate how words can be used out of context,
resulting in factually incorrect statements. “Singapore shares closed down below the
2,200 level on Tuesday but were expected to
Section 4 provides an overview of related work.
rebound immediately after Chinese Lunar
In Section 5, we give a detailed description of
New Year and Muslim Eid Al-Fitr holidays,
how we generate the sentence summary
dealers said.”
statistically and how we use SVD to guide the
generation process. In Section 6, we present our Figure 1. An error in the generated headline due
experimental design in which we evaluated our to a word being re-used out of context.
approach, along with the results and Out-of-Context errors arise due to limitations in
corresponding discussion. Finally, in Section 7, the two criteria for selecting words mentioned in
we present our conclusions and future work. Section 1. While, for selection purposes, a word
is scored according to its goodness as candidate
2 The Veracity of Generated Summaries summary word, word order is determined by a
Berger and Mittal (2000) describe limitations to notion of grammaticality, modelled
the generation of headlines by recycling words probabilistically using ngrams of lexemes.
from the article. One such limitation is that the However, the semantic relationship implied by
proposition expressed by the generated summary probabilistically placing two words next to each
is not guaranteed to reflect the information in the other, for example an adjective and a noun,
source text. As an example, they present two might be suspect. As the name “Out-of-
sentences of differing meaning which uses the Context” suggests, this is especially true if the
same words. We present their example in words were originally used in non-contiguous
Example 1, which illustrates the case in which and unrelated contexts. This limitation in the
the subject and object are swapped. word selection criteria can be characterized as
being due to a lack of long distance relationship
The dog bit the postman information.
The postman bit the dog.
Example 1. An example of different propositions 3 Our Approach to “Encouraging Truth”
presented in two sentences which use the same In response to this limitation, we explore the use
words. of a matrix operation, Singular Value
However, we believe that the veracity of the Decomposition (SVD) to guide the selection of
generated sentence, with respect to the original words. Although our approach still does not
document, is affected by a more basic problem guarantee factual correctness with respect to the
than variation in word order. Because words source document, it has the potential to alleviate
from any part of a source document can be the Out-of-Context problem by improving the
combined probabilistically, there is a possibility selection criteria of words for inclusion in the
that words can be used together out of context. generated sentence, by considering the original
We refer to this as Out-of-Context error. Figure contexts in which words were used. With this
1 presents an example of a generated headline in improved criteria, we hope to "encourage truth"
which the adverb wrongly reports stock price by incorporating long distance relationships
movement. It also presents the actual context in between words. Conceptually, SVD provides an
which that adverb was used. analysis of the data which describes the
relationship between the distribution of words
and sentences. This analysis includes a
grouping of sentences based on similar word and natural language processing. Hybrid
distributions, which correspond to what we will methods for abstract-like summarisation which
refer to here as the main themes of the combine statistical and symbolic approaches
document.1 By incorporating this information have also been explored; see, for example,
into the word selection criteria, the generated McKeown et al. (1999), Jing and McKeown
sentence will "gravitate" towards a single theme. (1999), and Hovy and Lin (1997).
That is, it will tend to use words from that
Statistical single sentence summarisation has
theme, reducing the chance that words are
been explored by a number of researchers (see
placed together out of context.
for example, Witbrock and Mittal, 1999; Zajic et
By reflecting the content of the main theme, the al., 2002). We build on the approach employed
summary may be informative (Borko, 1975). by Witbrock and Mittal (1999) which we will
That is, the primary piece of information within describe in more detail in Section 3.
the source document might be included within
Interestingly, in the work of Witbrock and Mittal
the summary. However, it would remiss of us to
(1999), the selection of words for inclusion in
claim that this quality of the summary is
the headline is decided solely on the basis of
guaranteed. In general, the generated summaries
corpus statistics and does not use statistical
are at least useful to gauge what the source text
information about the distribution of words in
is about, a characteristic described by Borko as
the document itself. Our work differs in that we
being indicative.
utilise an SVD analysis to provide information
Figure 2 presents the generated summary using about the document to be summarized,
SVD for the same test article presented in Figure specifically its main theme.
1. In this case, the summary is informative as
Discourse segmentation for sentence extraction
not only are we told that the article is about a
summarisation has been studied in work such as
stock market, but the movement in price in this
Boguraev and Neff (2000) and Gong and Liu
example is correctly determined.
(2001). The motivation behind discovering
Generated headline using SVD: segments in a text is that a sentence extraction
“singapore shares fall” summary should choose the most representative
Figure 2. The headline generated using an SVD- sentence for each segment, resulting in a
based word selection criterion. The movement comprehensive summary. In the view of Gong
in share price is correct. and Liu (2001), segments form the main themes
of a document. They present a theme
4 Related Work interpretation of the SVD analysis, as it is used
As the focus of this paper is on statistical single- for discourse segmentation, upon which our use
sentence summarisation we will not focus on of the technique is based. However, Gong and
preceding work which generates summaries Liu use SVD for creating sentence extraction
greater in length than a sentence. We direct the summaries, not for generating a single sentence
reader to Paice (1990) for an overview of summary by re-using words.
summarisation based on sentence extraction. In subsequent work to Witbrock and Mittal
Examples of recent systems include Kupiec et (1999), Banko et al. (2000) describe the use of
al. (1995) and Brandow et al. (1995). For information about the position of words within
examples of work in producing abstract-like four quarters of the source document. The
summaries, see Radev and McKeown (1998), headline candidacy score of a word is weighted
which combines work in information extraction by its position in one of quarters. We interpret
this use of position information as a means of
1Theme is a term that is used in many ways by many guiding the generation of a headline towards the
researchers, and generally without any kind of formal central theme of the document, which for news
definition. Our use of the term here is akin to the articles typically occurs in the first quarter.
notion that underlies work on text segmentation, SVD potentially offers a more general
where sentences naturally cluster in terms of their mechanism for handling the discovery of the
central themes and their positions within the 5.1 Searching for a Probable Headline
document. We re-implemented the work described in
Jin et al. (2002) have also examined a statistical Witbrock and Mittal (1999) to provide a single
model for headlines in the context of an sentence summarisation mechanism. For full
information retrieval application. Jin and details of their approach, we direct the reader to
Hauptmann (2001) provide a comparison of a their paper (Witbrock and Mittal, 1999). A brief
variety of learning approaches used by overview of our implementation of their
researchers for modelling the content of algorithm is presented here.
headlines including the Iterative Expectation- Conceptually, the task is twofold. First, the
Maximisation approach, the K-Nearest system must select n words from a news article
neighbours approach, a term vector approach that best reflect its content. Second, the best
and the approach of Witbrock and Mittal (1999). (grammatical) word ordering of these n words
In this comparison, the approach of Witbrock must be determined. Witbrock and Mittal
and Mittal (1999) fares favourably, ranking (1999) label these two tasks as Content Selection
second after the term vector approach to title and Realisation. Each of these criteria are
word retrieval (see Jin and Hauptmann, 2001, scored probabilistically, whereby the probability
for details). However, while it performs well, is estimated by prior collection of corpus
the term vector approach Jin et al. (2002) statistics.
advocate doesn't explicitly try to model the way
a headline will usually discuss the main theme To estimate Content Selection probability for
and may thus be subject to the Out-of-Context each word, we use the Maximum Likelihood
problem. Estimate (MLE). In an offline training stage, the
system counts the number of times a word is
Finally, for completeness, we mention the work used in a headline, with the condition that it
of Knight and Marcu (2000), who examine occurs in the corresponding news article. To
single sentence compression. Like Witbrock form the probability, this frequency data is
and Mittal (1999), they couch summarisation as normalised by the number of times the word is
a noisy channel problem. Under this framework, used in articles across the whole corpus. This
the summary is a noise-less source of particular strategy of content selection, we refer
information and the full text is the noisy result. to this as the Conditional probability.
However, in contrast to our approach, Knight
and Marcu (2000) handle parse trees instead of The Realisation criterion is determined simply
the raw text. Their system learns how to by the use of bigram statistics, which are again
simplify parse trees of sentences extracted from collected over a training corpus during the
the document to be summarized, to uncover the training stage. The MLE of the probability of
original noise-less forms. word sequences is calculated using these bigram
statistics. Bigrams model the grammaticality of
5 Generating a Single Sentence Summary a word given the preceding word that has
already been chosen.
In this section, we describe our approach to
single sentence summarisation. As mentioned It should be noted that both the Content
earlier, our approach is based on that of Selection and Realisation criteria influence
Witbrock and Mittal (1999). It differs in the whether a word is selected for inclusion in the
way we score words for inclusion in the headline. For example, a preposition might
headline. Section 5.1 presents our re- poorly reflect the content of a news article and
implementation of Witbrock and Mittal’s (1999) score a low Content Selection probability.
framework and introduces the Content Selection However, given the context of the preceding
strategy they employ. Section 5.2 describes our word, it may be the only likely choice.
extension using SVD resulting in two alternative
In both the training stage and the headline
Content Selection strategies.
generation stage, the system employs the same
preprocessing. The preprocessing, which
mirrors that used by Witbrock and Mittal (1999), terms, where synonymy is defined by similarity
replaces XML markup tags and punctuation of word co-occurrences. By discovering
(except apostrophes) with whitespace. In patterns in word co-occurrences, SVD also
addition, the remaining text is transformed into provides information that can be used to cluster
lower case to make string matching case documents based on similarity of themes.
insensitive. The system performs tokenisation
In the context of single document
by using whitespace as a word delimiter.
summarisation, we require SVD to cluster
In Witbrock and Mittal’s approach (1999), the sentences based on similarities of themes. The
headline generation problem reduces to finding SVD analysis provides a number of related
the most probable path through a bag of words pieces of information relating to how words and
provided by the source document, essentially a sentences relate to these themes. One such piece
search problem. They use the beam search of information is a matrix of scores, indicating
variety of the Viterbi algorithm (Forney, 1973) how representative the sentence is of each
to efficiently search for the headline. In our theme. Thus, for a sentence extraction
implementation, we provided the path length as summary, Gong and Liu (2001) would pick the
a parameter to this search mechanism. In top n themes, and for each of these themes, use
addition, we used a beam size of 20. this matrix to choose the sentence that best
represents it.
To use the Viterbi algorithm to search for a path,
the probability of adding a new word to an For single sentence summarisation, we assume
existing path is computed by combining the that the theme of the generated headline will
Content selection probability, the Realisation match the most important theme of the article.
probability and the probability of the existing The SVD analysis orders its presentation of
path, which is recursively defined. Combining themes starting with the one that accounts for
each component probability is done by finding the greatest variation between sentences. The
the logs of the probabilities and adding them SVD analysis provides another matrix which
together. The Viterbi algorithm sorts the paths scores how well each word relates to each
according to the path probabilities, directing the theme. Given a theme, scores for each word,
search towards the more probable word contained in a column vector of the matrix, can
sequences first. The use of repeated words in then normalised to form a probability. The
the path is not permitted. remainder of this section provides a more
5.2 Using Singular Value Decomposition for
technical description of how this is done.
Content Selection To begin with, we segment a text into sentences.
As an alternative to the Conditional probability, Our sentence segmentation preprocessing is
we examine the use of SVD in determining the quite simple and based on the heuristics found in
Content Selection probability. Before we Manning and Schütze (2000). After removing
outline the procedure for basing this probability stopwords, we then form a terms by sentences
on SVD, we will first outline our interpretation matrix, A. Each column of A represents a
of the SVD analysis, based on that of Gong and sentence. Each row represents the usage of a
Liu (2001). Our description is not intended to word in various sentences. Thus the frequency
be a comprehensive explanation of SVD, and we of word t in sentence s is stored in the cell Ats.
direct the reader to Manning and Schütze (2000) This gives us an t ∗ s matrix, where t ≥ s. That
for a description of how SVD is used in is, we expect the lexicon size of a particular
information retrieval. news article to exceed the number of sentences.
For such a matrix, the SVD of A is a process
Conceptually, when used to analyse documents, that provides the right hand side of the following
SVD can discover relationships between word equation:
co-occurrences in a collection of text. For
example, in the context of information retrieval, A = U.Σ. Vtranspose
this provides one way to retrieve additional
documents that contain synonyms of query
where U is a t ∗ r matrix, Σ is an r ∗ r matrix, indicated by a score. Thus, following Gong and
and V is an s ∗ r matrix. The dimension size r is Liu (2001), a plausible candidate for the most
the rank of A, and is less than or equal to the important sentence is found by taking the first
number of columns of A, in this case, s. The column vector of V (which has s elements), and
matrix Σ is a diagonal matrix with interesting finding the element with the highest value. This
properties, the most important of which is that sentence will be the one which is most
the diagonal is sorted by size. The diagonal representative of the theme. The index of that
values indicate the variation across sentences for element is the index of the sentence to extract.
a particular theme, where each theme is However, our aim is not to extract a sentence but
represented by a separate diagonal element. The to utilise the theme information. The U matrix
matrix V indicates how representative a sentence of the analysis provides information about how
is of a score. Similarly the matrix U indicates well words correspond to a particular theme.
how related to the themes each word is. A We examine the first column of the U matrix,
diagram of this is presented in Figure 3. sum the elements and then normalize each
Before describing how we use each of these element by the sum to form a probability. This
matrices, it is useful to outline what SVD is probability, which we refer to as the SVD
doing geometrically. Each sentence, a column probability, is then used as the Content Selection
in the matrix A, can be thought of as an object in probability in the Viterbi search algorithm.
t dimensional space. SVD uncovers the As an alternative to using the SVD probability
relations between dimensions. For example, in and the Conditional Probability in isolation, a
the case of text analysis, it would discover Combined Probability is calculated using the
relationships between words such as synonyms. harmonic mean of the two. The harmonic mean
In a trivial extreme of this case where two was used in case the two component
sentences differ only by a synonym, SVD would probabilities differed consistently in their
ideally discover that the two synonyms have respective orders of magnitude. Intuitively,
very similar word co-occurrences. In the when calculating a combined probability, this
analysis matrices of U, Σ and V, the redundant evens the importance of each component
dimensions corresponding to these highly probability.
similar words might be removed, resulting in a
reduced number of dimensions, r, required to To summarize, we end up with three alternative
represent the sentences. strategies in estimating the Content Selection
Probability: the Conditional Probability, the
SVD Probability and the Combined Probability.

6 Experiments
6.1 Data
In our experiments, we attempted to match the
experimental conditions of Witbrock and Mittal
(1999). We used news articles from the first six
months of the Reuters 1997 corpus (Jan 1997 to
June 1997). Specifically, we only examined
news articles from the general Reuters category
(GCAT) which covers primarily politics, sport
and economics. This category was chosen not
Figure 3. A diagram of our interpretation of the because of any particular domain coverage but
SVD matrices as it relates to single sentence because other categories exhibited frequent use
summarisation. of tabular presentation. The GCAT category
contains in excess of 65,000 articles. Following
Of the resulting matrices, V is an indication of
Witbrock and Mittal (1999), we randomly
how each sentence relates to each theme,
selected 25,000 articles for training and a further
1000 articles for testing, ensuring that there was In addition to the recall tests, we conducted an
no overlap between the two data sets. During analysis to determine the extent to which the
the training stage, we collected bigrams from the SVD strategy and the Conditional probability
headline data, and the frequency of words strategy were in agreement about which words
occurring in headlines. to select for inclusion in the generated headline.
6.2 Experiment Design
For this analysis, we ignored the bigram
probability of the Realisation component and
We conducted an evaluation experiment to just measured the agreement between the top n
compare the performance of the three Content ranking words selected by each content selection
Selection strategies that we identified in Section strategy. Over the test set, we counted how
5: the Conditional probability, the SVD many words were selected by both strategies,
probability, and the Combined probability. We just one strategy, and no strategies. By
measure performance in terms of recall, i.e. how normalising scores by the number of test cases,
many of the words in the actual headline match we determine the average agreement across the
words in the generated headline.2 The recall test set. We ran this experiment for a range of
metric is normalised to form a percentage by different values of N, ranging from 1 to 13, the
dividing the word overlap by the number of length of the longest headline in the test set.
words in the actual headline.
6.3 Results
For each test article, we generated headlines
6.3.1 Recall Comparison
using each of the three strategies. For each
The results for the comparison of recall scores
strategy, we generated headlines of varying are presented in Table 1 and Table 2. Table 1
lengths, ranging from length 1 to 13, where the
shows results of the WMPSR test when
latter is the length of the longest headline found
comparing the SVD strategy with the
in the test set. We then compared the different Conditional strategy.3 Since the Conditional
strategies for generated headlines of equal
strategy was found to perform better, we then
length. compared this with the Combined strategy, as
To determine if differences in recall scores were shown in Table 2. From Table 1, it is clear that,
significant, we used the Wilcoxon Matched Pairs for all sentence lengths, there is a significant
Signed Ranks (WMPSR) test (Seigel and difference between the SVD strategy and the
Castellan, 1988). In our case, for a particular Conditional strategy, and so we reject the null
pair of Content Selection strategies, the alternate hypothesis. Similarly, Table 2 shows that there
hypothesis was that the choice of Content is a significant difference between the
Selection strategy affects recall performance. Conditional strategy and the Combined strategy,
The null hypothesis held that there was no and again we reject the null hypothesis. We
difference between the two content selection conclude that SVD probability alone is
strategies. Our use of the non-parametric test outperformed by the Conditional probability;
was motivated by the observation that recall however, using both probabilities together leads
scores were not normally distributed. In fact, to a better performance.
our results showed a positive skew for recall
scores. To begin with, we compared the recall
scores of the SVD strategy and the Conditional
strategy in one evaluation. The strategy that was
found to perform better was then compared with
the Combined strategy.

2 Word overlap, whilst the easiest way to evaluate the The performance of our Conditional strategy is
summaries quantitatively, is an imprecise measure roughly comparable to the results obtained by Banko,
and must be interpreted with the knowledge that non- Mittal and Witbrock (2000), in which they report
recall words in the generated headline might still recall scores between 20% to 25%, depending on the
indicate clearly what the source document is about. length of the generated headline.
Average Average Sentence Selected Selected by Selected Total
Sentence Recall : Recall : Reject Length by neither only 1 by both Recall
Length SVD Cond. Probability H0 method method methods
1 03.68% 03.98% p ≤ 0.0 yes 1 91.6% 8.0% 0.3% 8.3%
2 07.02% 06.97% p ≤ 0.5 yes 2 84.7% 14.1% 1.0% 15.1%
3 10.05% 11.44% p ≤ 0.0 yes 3 79.9% 17.5% 2.5% 20.0%
4 12.39% 13.90% p ≤ 0.0 yes 4 76.6% 19.3% 3.9% 23.2%
5 14.21% 15.73% p ≤0.0 yes 5 73.8% 21.0% 5.1% 26.1%
6 15.57% 17.84% p ≤1.1e-05 yes 6 71.4% 22.1% 6.4% 28.5%
7 69.6% 22.4% 7.8% 30.2%
7 16.59% 19.14% p ≤ 1.8e-07 yes
8 67.9% 22.9% 9.1% 32.0%
8 17.74% 20.30% p ≤ 1.3e-07 yes
9 66.4% 23.2% 12.3% 35.5%
9 18.74% 21.33% p ≤ 1.3e-06 yes
10 65.0% 23.5% 11.3% 34.8%
10 19.73% 22.44% p ≤ 1.0e-06 yes 11 63.9% 23.6% 12.3% 35.9%
11 20.19% 23.50% p ≤ 2.2e-10 yes 12 63.0% 23.6% 13.2% 36.8%
12 20.85% 24.54% p ≤ 4.4e-13 yes 13 62.1% 23.5% 14.3% 37.8%
13 21.13% 25.13% p ≤ 1.4e-12 yes
Table 3. Agreement of words chosen between
Table 1. A comparison of recall scores for the the SVD strategy and the Conditional
SVD strategy and the Conditional strategy. probability strategy to content selection
Average Average
Sentence Recall : Recall : Reject 6.4 Discussion
Length Cond Combined Probability H0
1 03.98% 04.05% p ≤ 0.1305 yes
The SVD strategy ultimately did not perform as
2 06.97% 08.60% p ≤ 2.8e-13 yes well ass we might have hoped. There are a
3 11.44% 12.34% p ≤ 0.0007 yes number of possible reasons for this.
4 13.90% 15.44% p ≤ 8.5e-09 yes
5 15.73% 17.33% p ≤ 1.9e-09 yes 1. Whilst using the Combined probability did
6 17.84% 18.72% p ≤ 0.0003 yes lead to a significantly improved result, this
7 19.14% 20.34% p ≤ 1.3e-05 yes increase in recall was only small. Indeed,
8 20.30% 21.48% p ≤ 2.9e-06 yes
9 21.33% 22.60% p ≤ 4.0e-06 yes
the analysis of the agreement between the
10 22.44% 23.82% p ≤ 1.2e-06 yes Conditional strategy and the SVD strategy
11 23.50% 24.56% p ≤ 0.0003 yes indicates that the current method of
12 24.54% 25.44% p ≤ 0.0008 yes combining the two probabilities is not
13 25.13% 26.37% p ≤ 8.6e-06 yes
optimal and that there is still considerable
Table 2. A comparison of recall scores for the margin for improvement.
Conditional strategy and the Combined strategy.
2. Even though the recall of the SVD strategy
6.3.2 Agreement between Strategies
was poorer by a only a few percent, the lack
The agreement between strategies is presented in
of improvement in recall is perplexing,
Table 3. Interestingly, of the words recalled, the
given that we expected the thematic
majority have only been selected by one content
information to ensure words were used in
selection strategy. That is, the set of words
correct contexts. There are several possible
recalled by one content selection strategy do not
explanations, each warranting further
necessarily subsume the set recalled by the
investigation. It may be the case that the
other. This supports the results obtained in the
themes identified by the SVD analysis were
recall comparison in which a combined strategy
quite narrow, each encompassing only small
leads to higher recall. Interestingly, the last
number of sentences. If this is the case,
column in the table shows that the potential
certain words occurring in sentences outside
combined recall is greater than the recall
the theme would be given a lower
achieved by the combined strategy; we will
probability even if they were good headline
return to this point in Section 6.4.
word candidates. Further investigation is
necessary to determine if this is a short-
coming of our SVD strategy or an artefact of
the domain. For example, it might be the
case that the sentences of news articles are
already thematically quite dissimilar.
3. One might also question our experimental References
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brought about when using the SVD Headline generation based on statistical translation.
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that an evaluation involving a panel of Boguraev B., and Neff M. (2000) Discourse
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