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Notice and Caveat:
I, _______________________ am who I say I am and specifically object to, and the
reby take exception to any and all presumptive process that alleges otherwise. A
ny process, CIVIL OR CRIMINAL that alleges my natural person to identify with an
y form or alteration of my given name _____________________ for the express purp
ose to acquire or gain personal jurisdiction by artifice and/or constructive fra
ud, is summarily challenged forthwith and thereby notes the burden of proof lies
with the party or parties seeking to compel subrogation or traverse to any and
all jurisdictions by __________________________ and by their nature, such civil
or criminal process under copyright law are limited to the procedural due proces
s of actual controversies of fictitious parties. Absent full and complete disclo
sure of the explicit purpose to acquire personal jurisdiction of the Master/auth
orized representative i.e __________________ in lieu of the named or fictitious/
represented party in fact, fraud will be presumed and dealt with accordingly.
See Memorandum in Support of:
THE DISCERNMENT OF NAMES/Names and PERSONS, natural and otherwise.
Nam: Nothing should be rashly changed {Nil temere novandum; Jenk. Cent. Cas. 16
3}; Names of things ought to be understood according to common usage, not accord
ing to the opinions of individuals {Non ex opinionibus singulorum, sed ex commun
i usi, nomina exaudiri debent}; Records are vestiges of antiquity and truth {Rec
orda sunt vestigia vetustatis et veritatis}; Cf. ORS40.135(r) (Rule 311) (A pers
on is the same person if the name is identical.); State v. Garrett, 281 Or 281,
574 P2d 639 But is not necessarily, representative of the natural person (1978)(L
iteral identity of names is necessary to trigger presumption of identity of pers
ons so as to present prima facie case, and mere similarity of names, without add
itional corroborating evidence, will not support finding of identity of persons.
); Monroe Cattle Co. v. Becker , 147 U.S. 47, 58, 37 L. ed. 72, 13 Sup. Ct. Rep.
217 (1893) (Defendant was impleaded by
the name of A. W. Becker. Initials are no legal part of a name, the authorities
holding the full Christian name to be essential. Wilson v. Shannon, 6 Ark. 196;
Norris v. Graves, 4 Strob. 32; Seely v. Boon, 1 N. J. Law, 138; Chappell v. Proc
tor, Harp. 49; Kinnersley v. Knott, 7 C. B. 980; Turner v. Fitt, 3 C. B. 701; Oa
kley v. Pegler, (Neb .) 46 N. W. Rep. 920; Knox v. Starks, 4 Minn. 20, (Gil. 7;)
Kenyon v. Semon, (Minn.) 45 N. W. Rep. 10; Beggs v. Wellman, 82 Ala. 391, 2 Sou
th. Rep. 877; Nash v. Collier, 5 Dowl. & L. 341; Fewlass v. Abbott, 28 Mich. 270


Designatio unius est exclusio alterius, et expressum facit cessare tacitum. The
appointment or designation of one is the exclusion of another; and that expresse
d makes that which is implied to cease. Coke, Litt. 210. Cf. Affirmatio unius ex
clusio est alterius;Alteration; Designation; Enumeratio unius est exclusio alter
ius; Expressio unius person est exclusio alterius; Expressum facit cessare tacitu
m; Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus;Inclusio unius est exclusio alterius; Misnom
er; Patent ambiguity; Spoliation; Variance; Burgin v. Forbes, 293 Ky. 456, 169 S
.W.2d, 321, 325 (The certain designation of one person is an absolute exclusion
of all others.);
Expressio unius person est exclusio alterius.
exclusion of another.

The mention of one person is the

Ex multitudine signorum, colligitur identitas vera. From a great number of signs
or marks, true identity is gathered or made up.
Identitas vera colligitur ex multitudine signorum. True identity is collected fr
om a multitude of signs.
Prsentia corporis tollit errorem nominis, et veritas nominis tollit errorem demon
strationis. The presence of the body cures the error in the name; the truth of t
he name cures an error in the description. Bacons Max. Reg. 25.
State of

) ss.

County of )
I, _________________, by statutory definition, being a Natural Person and duly s
worn, do hereby verify that the factual statements set forth above are true and
accurate, based upon my knowledge, information and belief and legal citation.
By: ___________________________________________________________
BE IT REMEMBERED, That on May 16, 2005, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Pub
lic in and for the state of Oregon, personally appeared the within named: , know
n to me to be the identical individual described in and who executed the within
instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntari
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal t
he day and year last above written.

Notary Public for (State):

My commission expires: __________________________

I hereby certify that the original of this instrument was properly mailed to: In
ternal Revenue Service, Et alii: d.b.a. Department of the Treasury Internal Reve
nue Service at FRESNO, CA 93888-0025 via U.S. Certified Mail No. _______________
_ postage prepaid and witnessed with one copy to the following:

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